DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY SMITH DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY SIDNEY LEE VOL. LIIL SMITH STANGER LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1898 [All rights reserved} LIST OF WEITEES IN THE FIFTY-THIBD VOLUME. G. A. A. . J. G. A. . J. A-N. . . W. A. J. A. G. F. B. B. , M. B B. B T. B. . . . E. L. B. . , J. 8. B.. . . G. C. B. . , T. G. B. . , G. 8. B. . , A. B. B. . , G. W. C. . E. L C.. . , W. C-B. . , E. C-B. . . , E. M. a . A. M. C. . G. A. J. C. T. C. ... W. P. C. . L. C. . . . J. A B. . B. D. . . . C. L. F. . G. A. ATTXEN. J. G. ALGEB. THE Bzv. JOHN ANDEBSON. W. A. J. ABCHBOLD. G. F. BUSSELL BABKEB. Miss BATESON. THE BEV. BONALD BAYNE. , THOMAS BAYNE. THE BEV. CANON LEIGH BENNETT. J. SUTHEBLAND BLACK. THE LATE G. C. BOASE. THE BEV. PBOFESSOB F.B.S. G. S. BOULGEB. THE BEV. A. B. BUCKLAND. G. W. CAMPBELL. E. IBVING CABLYLE. WILLIAM CABB. EENEST CLABEE, F.S.A. Miss CLBEKE. Miss A. H. CLEEKE. PBOFESSOB G. A. J. COLE. THOMPSON COOPEB, F.SA. W. P. COUBTNEY. . LIONEL GUST, F.S.A. J. A. DOYLE. , BOBEET DUNLOP. C. LITTON FALKINEB. C. H. F. T. F. . . w. a. . B. G. . . A. G. . . B. E. G. J. C. H. J. W. H. J. A. H. C. A. H. P. J. H. T. F. H. F. C. H. W. H. . , C. K. . . C. L. K J. E. J. K. L. G. S. L. L S. L. . E. L. . . S. L. . . B. H. L, ( E. M. L. . J. H. L. . . G. H. FlBTH. . . THE BEV. THOMAS FOWLBB, D.D M PBESIDENT OF COBPUS CHBISTI COLLEGE, OXFORD. . . THE LATE WILLIAM GALLOWAY. . . BICHABD GABNETT, LL.D., C.B. . . THE BEV. ALESANDEB GOBBON. . . B. E. GBAVES. . . J. CCTHBEBT HADDBN. . . PBOFESSOB J. W. . . J. A. HAMILTON. . . C. ALEXANDEB . . P. J. HABTOG. . . T. F. HENDEBSOS. B. THE BEV. PBEBENDAEY HINGES- TON-BAKDOLPH. . . THE BEV. WILLIAM HTJNT. . . CHABLES KENT. . . C. L. KlNGSFOEJ>. . , JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. . . PBOFESSOB J. K. LATJGHTON. . . G. S. LAYABD. . . L S. TjTCA31A\f. . . Miss ELIZABETH LEE. . . SIDNEY LEE. . . B. H. LEGGE. . . COLONEL E. M. LLOYD, B.E. . . THE BEV. J. H. LUPTON, D.D. List of Writers. E. C. M. . H. E. M, . L. M. SL . A. BL M. . C. M. . . , 0, W. M., S. M. . . . J. B. il. . B. N, , . . A. N. . . . , GKLF.G.N., D. J. OTX F. M. O'B. , J, H. 0. . . A. F, P. , B. P, . . . D'lL P E. L. B. . . W. E. B. . , J. If. B. . . H. K . . . , . E. C. TEE EIGHT Hos. SIB HEBBEET M.P. . MlSS MlDDLETGS. A. H. MiLLAB. . COSMO MON-KHOCSE. G. W. Moos. . NOEMAS MOOBE, M.D. JT. BASS MULLISGEB. MES. NEWMAECH. AUBUBT NICHOLSON. G. LE GBIS D. J. F. M. O'BONOGHTJE, F.S.A. THIE EST. CASOH OTEBTON. A. F. POLLAEB. HlSS BlBTHA POBTEB. D'Ascr POWEB, F.B.C.S. Mss. EAI*FOEB. W. K. EHOBSS. J. M. Biso. ir: Eac. E. F. E. . . THE REV. E. F. RUSSELL. F. S THE REV. FBANCIS SANDEBS, T. S THOMAS SECCOMBE. W. A. S. . . W. A. SHAW C. F. S. . . Miss C. FELL SMITH. L, T. S. . . Miss LUCY TOULMIN SMITH. T. W. S. . . His HONOUB JUDGE SNAGGE. L. S LESLIE STEPHEN. G-. S-H. . , . GEOBGE STBONACH. C. W. S. . . C. W. SUTTON. J. T-T. . . . JAMES TAIT. H. R. T. . . H. R. TEDDEB, F.S.A. . H. V. . . COLONEL R. H. VETCH, R.! OB. ', F. W. . W. F. WALLIS. A. W. W. . A. W. WABD, LL.D. W. W. W. . SUBGEON - CAPTAIN W. W WEBB. C. W-H. . . CHABLES WELCH, F.S.A. W. E. W. . W. R. WILLIAMS. B. B. W. . . B. B. WOODWABD. W. W. . . WABWICK WEOTH, F.S.A. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Smith ; SMITH. [See also SMYTH and SKYTHE.] SMITH, AARON (d. 1697 ?), solicitor to the treasury, of obscure origin, was men- tioned as a seditious person in a procla- mation of 1 June 1677. A frequenter of the Rose tavern, he associated with such dangerous men as Titus Gates and Hugh Speke. He also got to know Sir John Trenchard, and sought the acquaintance of the knot of mtriguing politicians who re- ceived pay from the Prince of Orange. His success may he deduced from the fact that he was number forty-five in Dangerfield's list of the forty-eight members of the Green Ribbon Club in the summer of 1679 (DAHeEB- EDBLB, Discovery of the Designs of the Papists, 1681). On 30 Jan. 1682 he ap- peared at the king's bench bar on a charge of providing Stephen College [q. vj with seditiouspapers for the purposes of nis de- fence. He was tried for this offence in the following July, and found guilty of deliver- ing libellous papers to College and using disloyal words. He managed to escape into hiding before sentence was pronounced, and spent the year in active plotting. He had by this tune obtained the confidence of the leaders of the disaffected party, and the council, consisting of Monmouth, Russell, Essex, Sidney, and Hampden, des- patched him in January 1683 to confer with their friends in the north. When the government got wind of the Rye House plot, they found means of laying hands upon Smith, who was arrested in Axe Yard on 4 July and committed to the Tower. He was thought to be deeply implicated in the plot, but so little could be proved against hi that he was on 27 Oct. sen- tenced for his previous offence to a fine of VOL. un. : Smith 5001. 9 two hours in the pillory, and to re- main in prison pending security for good behaviour. He seems to have thought himself lucky in getting off so easily (LiTT- TBELL, i. 285). Though mentioned in Nathan Wade's list of the members of the c King's Head Club ' in October 1685 (HarL MS. 6845), it is not improbable that Smith spent the next four years in or within the rules of the king's bench prison, from which he was released in March 1688 (LTTTTRELL). William was no sooner on the throne than Smith preferred his claims to sub- stantial reward. Carefully hidden as his influence had been, he had been the * Mephi- stopheles * of whig intrigue since 1678 ; and on 9 April 1689, with a cynical disregard for propriety, William made this fanatical partisan solicitor to the treasury, a post of rapidly increasing consequence, to which were added the functions of public prosecutor (cf. R. HOHTH, Autobwgr*} Large sums were entrusted to him for the purpose of prosecu- tions, and there is little doubt that Smith would have been content to pose as the Fouqtder-Tinville of the English revolution. Happily, about ninety per cent, of his charges were thrown out by the grand juries, while he was greatly restrained in his activity by the jealousy of the attorney-general, Sir George Treby [q. v.] In November 1692 he was summoned before the House of Lords to explain the procedure which had been followed upon the arrest of Lords Marlborough and Huntingdon. With such contemptuous roughness was he cross-ex- amined, *y* ye modest man takes it soe much to heart, y* an affidavit wase this day made in y* House that he wase not in a condition to appeare' CHatton Corresp. iL 186). Smith But upon his old friend Sir John Tren- ehard ~q. v.] becoming secretary of state (for the northern department) in 1693, Smith's activity against suspects and Jacobites was redoubled. On preliminarv evidence of the slenderest kind lie travelled down to Lanca- shire with two informers, Taafe and Lnnt (for whom he had appeared as bail on a charge of bigamy), two men of execrable character. A few compromising letters and some arms behind a false fireplace were discovered, and five Lancashire gentlemen were arrested ; but Ferguson and other pamphleteers alluded to the plot as a ridiculous sham; Taafe changed sides at the last moment, and at the trial at Manchester in October 1694 the prisoners were acquitted. Smith was charged by the hostile party with having { fashioned all the depositions ' of the witnesses for the prosecution, and by his own side with having thoroughly mismanaged the affair. Large sums of money passed through his hands, and he was widely suspected of malversa- tion, ^ In February 1696 he was closely questioned by the House of Commons as to fiis accounts. Failing to deliver his ac- counts to the commissioners appointed to examine them by 18 Feb., he was ordered to be taken into custody, and on 25 July 1696 lie was dismissed from his employments. Four months kter he attended at the bar of the house and ^leaded illness. He was given an extension of date until 16 Jan. lfi&7. But he failed to put in an appear- ance, fuad thenceforth drops into obscurity, or more probably died, early in 1697. [LtLttrelTs Brief Eist. Relation, vo ls. i, ii in, *na iv. passim ; Burnet's Hist, of Ms own Tims, ii. 474 ; Koger North's Autiobiogr. ed. Jesscpp; Kingston's True Hist., of several De- signs sad Conspiracies, 1698 ; Jacobite Trials in Manchester, 1694, ed, Beainont (Chatham Soe ) PP *k 94 sq. ; ld Eeaycm's Papers (Hist moa. Lomna. 4th Rep. App. IT. passim, 14th Hep. App. vi 8-7) ; JCsanilaVi Hist, of Eag- Isjid; JUake's Hist, of Eagkid, vi. 529; Sit inUft First Whig, pp. 49, 84, 155, 197, 200. Tti* indexes to LsUreil and to the three works Itsfc motioned Make the earioas mistake of COE- fimiw the disreputable aud insolvent Aaron Smith with John Smith (1655-1723) [q. v.l who became chancellor O f the exchequer in 1699 j first speaker of the British ^ g 5 Smith The alleged facts were proved by competent witnesses ; Smith's defence was that he was an unwilling agent. The story which he re- lated in court was that, having been for about two years in the West Indies, he shipped as first mate on board the Zephyr brig, which sailed from Kingston for England in the end of June 1822. The master, an ignorant and obstinate man, had been warned against the leeward passage, which, however, he preferred as the shortest. The warning was justified, and the brig was taken possession of by a schooner manned by Spaniards and half- breeds, who plundered her of whatever seemed valuable, forced the master by threats of torture to deliver up what money he had on board, and then let them go, detaining Smith to act as navigator and interpreter, in which capacity he was compelled, by threats and actual torture, to act at the plundering of the Victoria, the Industry, and other vessels. After several months' detention he succeeded in escaping, but at Havana was recognised as one of the pirates, arrested, and thrown into prison ; and as he refused _ __ 11 , -I . i I-* , - SMITH, AARON (jf. 1823), seaman, was Kirkcaldy in 1746. He was ac- quainted with Henry Home, lord Kames q. T.", and, at Kames's suggestion, gave a course of lectures upon English literature in 1748-9. These were afterwards burnt by his own direction ; but tiey had been seen by Hugh Blair "q. v,], who acknowledges in his , own lectures that he had taken * some ideas ' from them, and was thought to have taken them too freely. Smith, as appears from various allusions in his writings, held the ordinary opinions of the leading critics of his time. He preferred Bacine to Shake- speare, and specially admired Swiffc, Dryden, , Pope, and Gray. He told a contributor to the ' Bee ? that he had never been able to make a rhyme, but could compose blank verse 4 as fast as he could speak.' He naturally shared Johnson's contempt for blank verse, When Boswell reported this coincidence, Johnson replied, i Had I known that he loved rhyme so much ... I should have hugged him/ Smith probably edited the edition of the poems ^of William Hamilton (1704- 1754) Tq. v.j of Bangour, published at this time (KAE t pp. 49-51). Smith repeated his literary lectures for three winters, and gave also some lectures upon economic topics. These are known only from a quotation by Bugald Stewart, which shows that he was strongly opposed to government inter- ference with f the natural course of things.' Smith appears to have made 1001, by a course of lectures (BuETOtf, Hume, ii. 46), and his reputation presumably led to his unanimous election to the chair of logic at Glasgow on 9 Jan. 1751. He began his official lectures in October. They were ehiefiy ^ devoted to rhetoric and belles- lettres.' He also acted as substitute for Cimigie, the professor of moral philosophy, W!M> was sent to Lisbon for his health, and died in the following November. Upon Craigie's death, Smith was transferred to tfee dbair of moral philosophy (29 April 5S* **? * supported by his Mend Waiim Cullea [q. v,], also professor at Glasgow, and both of them desired that B&yid Hume might succeed to the chair of 30fic ; but Smith admits that this would be Jf^sst public opinion. Smith's new pro- fessorship seems to have been superior in pant of money to the old one. There was 3i endowment of about 7 appeared in 1805; em by D. Biieaanan, in 4 vols. 8vo, appeared . 10 Smith (18^8), weal tbrough four editions, and was ig^Hisiea k 1 vol. in 1863; one (by E. G. Wakefekl) appeared, in 4 vols., in 1835-9, one by Tteold Rogers, in 2 vols., in 1869, says Rulo^hkal Subjects ' (with Bugald StewartVLife' prefixed), 1795, published % his executes. The first three are upon * the principles which lead and direct pu3&iiQf&ieal inquiries/ as illustrated by the history of ' Astronomy/ of * Ancient Physics/ and of ' Ancient Logic and Meta- physics.' The others are upon the ' Nature of that Imitation which takes place in what are called the Imitative Arts;' upon the ' Affinity between Music, Dancing, and Poetry;' upon the 'Affinity between certain English and Italian verses/ and ' Of the Ex- ternal Senses/ 5. l Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arms . . . by Adam Smith . . . reported by a Student in 1793/ edited by Edwin Cannan, 1896. The < Col- lected Works ' were published in 1812-11, 5 vols. 8vo. [The Life of Adam Smith, by Mr. John Kae, 1895, is an admirable and exhaustive account of all the known facts. Mr. Rae has examined the i records and papers belonging to the universities I of Glasgow and Edinburgh and the Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh. He has also examined manuscript sources of information in various places, and has collected all references in print. The chief original authority is the Life by Du- , gald Stewart, read to the Royal Society of Edin- burgh in 1793, prefixed to various editions of Smith's Works and in Stewart's Works, vol. x. ; the Life in W. Smellie's Literary and Cha- racteristical Lives (1800, pp. 211-97) is trifling; a later Life (by W. Playfair), prefixed to an edition of the Wealth of Nations in 1806, adds little; later Lives, by J. R. M'Culloch and ! Thorold Rogers, are prefixed to their editions of the same. See also Brougham's Philosophers of the Time of G-eorge III, pp. 166-289 ; Rogers's Historical Gleanings, 1869, pp. 95-137 ; McCosh's Scottish Philosophy, 1875, pp. 162-73 ; and Life by Mr. R. B. Haldane in Great Writers Series, 1887. Burton's Life of Hume gives much interesting information. Various anec- dotes and references are in A. Carlyle's Auto- biography, pp. 297-81 ; Tytler's Life of Kames, i. 233, 266-71 ; Dalzel's University of Edin- burgh, 1862, i. 21, 42, 63, 84 ; Sir John Sinclair's Life (i. 36-43), and Correspondence (i. 387-90) ; Caldwell Papers (Maitland Club, 1854), n. i. 131, 190; Duncan's Notes and Documents (Maitland Club), pp. 16, 25, 132; Strang's Glasgow and its Clubs, 1857, pp. 17, 21, 28; Clayden's Early Life of Samuel Rogers, pp. 92, 110, 167; Windham's Diary, pp. 59, 63; Arch- deacon Sinclair's Old Times and Distant Places, pp. 9,&c.; Walter Scott's MisceU. Works, 1834, xix. 339-42 (review of John Home) ; Thomson's Life of Cullen, 1859, i. 71, 273 ; Paujas St. Fond's Voyage ... en Ecosse . . .,* 1797, ii. 277, &e.; MoreUet's Memoires, 1821, i. 136-8; Notes and Queries, 9th ser. i. 322 ; J. A. Farrer's Adam Smi th (1881), in the English Philosopher Series, is an account of the Moral Sentiments.] L. S. SMITH, ALBEET RICHARD (1816- I860), author and lecturer, son of Richard Smith, surgeon, who died on 12 Feb. 1857, aged 78, was born at Chertsey, Surrey, on Smith Smith 24 May 1816, and was educated at Mer- chant Taylors' school from November 1826 to 1831. At an early age he studied at the Middlesex Hospital, and in 1838 he became a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries and a member of the College of Surgeons. Late in 1838 he joined his father in practice at Chertsey. On 4 Jan. 1840 he commenced contributing to the 'Medical Times' 'The Confessions of Jasper Buddie, a Dissecting Boom Porter/ a series of articles signed 'Rocket.' In 1841 he settled at 14 Percy Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, with a view to medical practice, from which, however, he was soon diverted by his literary preoccu- pations. As an author he showed excep- tional versatility in turning to account his powers of humorous observation. In March 1841 he published in Bentley*s * Miscellany ' (pp. 357-81) 'A Rencontre with the Brigands/ To i Punch' he was an early contributor, send- ing articles entitled ' Physiology of the Lon- don Medical Student 1 (2 Oct. 1841) and the 'Physiology of London Evening Parties 7 (1 Jan. 1842). His first drama, 'Blanche Heriot/ was produced at the Surrey Theatre on 26 Sept. 1842, He soon after commenced in ' Bentley ' (1842, xii. 217 et seq.) the best of his novels, * The Adventures of Mr. Led- bury.' Between 1844 and 1846 he wrote, in conjunction with others, several extrava- ganzas for the Lyceum Theatre, the series including < Aladdin/ August 1844; 'Valen- tine and Orson,' Christmas 1844; ' Whitting- ton and his Cat/ Easter 1845; all of which, owing mainly to the acting of Mr. and Mrs. Keeley, were very successful {Era Almanack, 1875, p. 6), He also adapted for the same house * The Cricket on the Hearth/ December 1845, and the 'Battle of Life/ 21 Dec. 1846. For the Adelphi he wrote ' Esmeralda/ a bur- lesque, 3 June 1850, and for the Princess's * The Alhambra/ an extravaganza, 21 April 1851. During the same period he acted as dramatic critic of the 'Illustrated London News/ edited 'Puck' (1844), wrote many popular songs for John Orlando Parry, and brought out ' Christopher Tadpole * as a monthly shilling serial (1848). In 1847 he proposed to David Bogue, the publisher, to write a series of social natural histories, to be published at a shilling each, after the style of the Paris Physiologies. The series was started with ' The Natural History of the Gent/ and the success of this brochure was very great, the edition of two thousand being sold in one day. In 1847, in conjunction with Angus Be- thune Reach [q. v.J, Smith brought out a six- penny monthly called ' The Man in the Moon/ with which he was connected until 1849. In the same year he edited ' Gavami in Lon- don ' (republished as * Sketches of London. Life and Character/ 1859). In 1850 he edited from April to August five numbers of the ' Town and Country Miscellany,' and from July to December 1851, 'The Month/ with Leech's illustrations. Meanwhile Smith had found a new voca- tion. In 1849 he went on a tour to Constan- tinople and the East. On his return in 1850 he published * A Month at Constantinople.* Shortly afterwards he made his first appear- ance before the public at Willis's Rooms, on 28 May 1850, in an entertainment written by himself, called'The Overland Mail' (Illus- trated London News, 1850, xvi. 413). On 12 Aug. 1851 he made an ascent of Mont Blanc, and on 15 March 1852 (ib. 1852, xx. 243-4, 291-2, xxi. 565) produced at the Egyp- tian Hall in Piccadilly an entertainment descriptive of the ascent and of Anglo-con- tinental life, which became the most popular exhibition of the kind ever known (Black- wood's Mag. 1852, Ixxi. 35-55, 603). From that time until 6 July 1858 he continued at the Egyptian Hall his career of success as a public entertainer, giving various new sketches of character and illustrations by William Bever- ley, but always keeping Mont Blanc as the central point of attraction. On 24 Aug. 1854 he gave his performance before the queen and the prince consort at Osborne House. In Juty 1858 he started for Hong Kong, and on his return published * To China and Back/ 1859. On 22 Dec. 1858 he commenced a new entertainment under the title of ' China,' which was also very popular. His last appearance at the Egyptian Hall was on Saturday, 19 May ; he died of bronchitis at North End Lodge, Fulham, on 23 May 1860, and was buried in Brompton cemetery on 26 May. He married, on 1 Aug. 1859, Mary Lucy, who had been an actress, and was elder daughter of Eobert Keeley, the come- dian. She died on 19 March 1870. A lithograph of Smith at Chamonix, by C. Bougmet, belongs to Mr. Ashby-Sterry. Smith's novels are still popular. They are: 1, *The "Wassail Bowl/ 1843, 2 vols. 2. * The Adventures of Mr, Ledbury and MB Friend Jack Johnson/ 1844, S vols. 3. ' The Adventures of Jack Holy day, with something about his Sister/ 1844. 4. < The Fortunes of the Scattergood Family/ 1845, 3 vols. 5. 4 The Marchioness of Brinvilliers/ 1846. 6. f The Struggles and Adventures of Chris- topher Tadpole at Home and Abroad/ 1848. 7. * The Pottleton Legacy : a Story of Town and Country Life/ 1849. 8. * Wild Oats and Bead Leaves/ 1860, Smith 12 Smith's satiric essays, -which "were illus- trated by John Leech ? Crowquill, Kenny Meadows, Gayarni, and H. K. Browne, were published In successive volumes bearing the titles : * Beauty and the Beast/ 1843 ; ' The Pliysblogv of "Evening Parties/ 1843; < The Natural History of the Gent/ 1847; 'The Natural History of the Ballet Girl/ 1847; * The Natural History of Stuck-up People/ 1647 : ' The Natural" History of the Idler upon Town/ 1S43 ; i The Natural History of the Flirt/ 1648 ; < A Bowl of Punch/ 1848 ; * Comic Sketches,' 1848 ; i A Pottle of Straw- berries,* 1545; i The Miscellany, a Book for the Field and Fireside/ 1850 ; *< Comic Tales and Sketches/ 1852 ;' Picture of Life at Home and Abroad/ 1852; 'The English Hotel Nuisance/ 1855 j f Sketches of the Bay/ 1856, two series, consisting of pirated reprints of < The Flirt/ &c.; 'The London Medical Student, 1861, edited by Arthur Smith. He also wrote: 4 A Handbook of Mr, Albert Smith's Ascent of Mont Blanc/ 1852, four editions, and edited 'The Mont Blanc Gazette/ 1858. ABTKI^B W. "W. SMITH (1825-1861), brother of the above, was born at Chertsey in 1825, and educated for the medical pro- fession. With talents which, might have qualified him for attaining high honours in science and literature, he devoted himself to the interests of his brother. Besides having the entire management of the entertainments at the Egyptian Hall from 1852 to 1860, he had confided to Mm by Charles Dickens the direction and arrangement of his readings in 1858; he also planned the second series of readings in 1861, but lived to attend only the first six in St. James's Hall. Dickens said of him, * Arthur Smith was always every- where, but his successor is onlv somewhere 9 (FoESTEK, C. Dickens, 1874, iii. 145, 548). He was one of the committee of the Thames Fisheries Protection Society, and in 1861 wrote for it a brochure calle"d * The Thames Angler/ He edited the t London Medical Student J in 1861, and contemplated issuing a collected edition of his brother's writings. He died at 24 Wilton Street, Belgrave Square, London, on 1 Oct. 1861, and was buried in cemetery (Era, 6 Oct. 1861, p 9* >, Zjfe, 1891, pp. 73, 261). ' ^[Host H&ae, I860, with a Memoir by E. Yates, pp. rU-xixvi ; Illustrated Times, 8 Dec! 1855, pp. 437-8, with portrait; Illustrated Lmido& Kews, 1844 XT. 889 with portrait, 1853 xnL 498 with portrait, 1860 sxxri. 516, 34 with portrait ; Illustrated News of the World 1S3, ToL j, portrait xti.; Era, 27 May 1860 HS 9, 10, 10 Jane p. 10 j Lancet, I860, 1. 535 \ BrawiBg-room Bortr^it Gallery, 1st ser. 1859 i Smith [ portrait xxxv. ; Lennox's Celebrities 1 have \ kno-wn, 2nd ser. 1877, ii. 5-20; Hodder's Me- ' moriesof my Time, 1870, pp. 87-97; Yates's 1 Recollections, 1885, pp. 151-68; Reynolds's Miscellany, 1853, x. 276-7, with portrait; i Blancbard's Life, 1891, pp. 31, 728; Slater's 1 Hare Editions, 1894, pp. 260-8; Goodman's The | Keeleys, 1895, pp. 193, 224-34, 342-5, withpor- j traits of A. R. Smith and his wife ; Spielmann's | History of Punch, 1895, pp. 49, 591; Fort- ! nightly Review, May 1886, pp. 636-42; Lon- | don Sketch Book, January 1874, pp, 3-6, with I view of the Egyptian Hall, and Cuthbert Bede's | Twelfth Night characters there at Christmas, I 1855 ; see also Mr. Hardup's Ascent of the Mont j dePiete, by Albert Snuff, in Yates and Brough's Our Miscellany, 1857, pp. 157-68.] G-. C. B. SMITH, ALEXANDER (Jl. 1714-1726), , biographer of highwaymen, called himself I ' Captain Smith,' but is known exclusively i for the compilations executed for the book- sellers during the reign of George I, which | suggest that he was better known as a fre- quenter of police-courts and taverns than in military circles. It is not improbable that his industry was stimulated by the success obtained by Theophilus Lucas [q. vj from his 'Lives of the Gamesters/ published in 1714. The works issued in Captain Alex- ander Smith's name were : 1. < A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the most notorious Highwaymen, Footpads, Shoplifts, and Cheats of both Sexes in and about London and Westminster 7 (2nd edit. London, 1714, 12mo, supplementary volume, 1720, 12mo j another edit., 2 vols. 1719, 12mo ; 1719-20, 3 vols. 12mo) ; this curious work, which commands a high price, commences with a humorous account of Sir John Falstaff, and gives details, frequently no less mythical, about the Golden Farmer, Nevison, Duval, Moll Cutpurse, and a score of other notorious persons. The supplement of 1720 includes a i Thieves' Grammar/ 2. < Secret History of the Lives of the most celebrated Beauties, Ladies of Quality, and Jilts, from Fair Rosa- mond down to this Time, ' London, 1715, 2 vols. 12mo. 3. ' Court of Venus, or Cupid restored to Sight/ London, 1716, 2 vols. 12mo. 4. < Thieves' New Canting Dictionary of the Words, Proverbs, Terms, and Phrases used in the Language of Thieves,' London. 1719, 12mo. 5. * The Comical and Tragical History of the Lives and Adventures of the most noted Bayliffs in and about London and Westminster. . .discovering their strata- gems and tricks, wherein the whole Art and Mistery of Bumming is fully exposed/ Lon- don, 1723, 8vo j 3rd edit. 1723. This shilling brochure bad a great sale, mainly on account of the extreme coarseness of the drolleries, Smith Smith which reaches its climax in the account of the indignities inflicted upon a bailiff caught within the liberties of the Mint (this is effectively utilised in the opening chapters of Ainsworth's t Jack Sheppard'). 7. ' Memoirs of the Life and Times of "the famous Jonathan Wild, together with the Lives of modern Rogues. . .that have been executed since his death/ London, 1726, 12mo (with cuts). 8. i Court Intrigue, or an Account of the Secret Memoirs of the British Nobility and others/ London, 1730, 12mo. [Smith's "Works in British Museum Library; Lowndes's BibL Man. (Bohn), p. 2417; Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica; Alliboue j sl)ict.of Engl. Lit,] T. S. SMITH, ALEXANDER, D.D. (1684- 1766), Roman catholic prelate, bornatFoeha- bers, Morayshire,in 1684, was admitted into the Scots College at Paris in 1698. He re- turned to Scotland in deacon's orders in 1709, but was not ordained priest till 1712. From 1718 to 1730 he was procurator of the Scots ] College at Paris. In 1735 he was consecrated | bishop of Mosinopolis m partibus infidelium, \ and appointed coadjutor to Bishop James i Gordon, vicar-apostolic of the Lowland dis- j trict, on whose death in 1746 he succeeded j to the vicariate. He died at Edinburgh on , 21 Aug. 1766. He published two catechisms for the use of the catholics of Scotland. These received the formal approbation of the holy office on j 20 March 1749-50. [London and Dublin "Weekly Orthodox Journal, 1837, iv. '84; Stothert's Catholic Mission in Scotland, p. 9 ; Brady's Episcopal Succession, iii. 459.] T. 0. SMITH, ALEXANDER (1760P-1829), seaman, mutineer, and settler. [See ADAMS, JOHN.] SMITH, ALEXANDER (1830-1867), Scottish poet, was the son of Peter Smith, a lace-pattern designer in Kilmarnoek, where he was born on 31 Bee. 1830 (Notes and Queries j 8th ser. xii. 311). His mother, whose name was Helen Murray, was of good highland lineage. In his childhood the family removed to Paisley, and thence to Glasgow. After a good general education, and some hesitation as to whether he should not study for the church, Smith learned pattern-design- ing, at which he worked both in Glasgow and Paisley. His literary tastes quickly developed ; his mind was usually busy with verse, and he proved apparently an indifferent designer of lace patterns. Some of his most intelligent Glasgow friends reckoned "him also but a sorry poet, in spite of the distinction he gained in the local debating club, the Addisonian Society; and it was only after he had submitted some of his work to George Gilfillan [q. v.] that his characteristic indi- viduality came to be recognised. Through Gilfillan's instrumentality specimens of his verse appeared in 1851-2 in the * Critic' and the ' Eclectic Review.' From the first his work was the subject of keen controversy, and the appearance of his * Life Drama J in 1853 provoked a literary warfare. Re- ceiving 100Z. for his book, Smith deserted pattern-designing, and visited London with his friend John Nichol, afterwards professor of English literature at Glasgow. Passing south they saw Miss Martineau at Ambleside, and Mr. P. J. Bailey at Nottingham. In Lon- don they made the acquaintance of Arthur Helps, G. H. Lewes (who strenuously up- held Smith's work in the 'Leader'), and other persons of note. Returning, Smith was for a week the guest of the Duke of Argyll at Inverary. Here he met Lord Dufferin, whom he subsequently visited in Ireland. After editing for a short time the Glasgow Miscellany ' and doing other journalistic and literary work in Glasgow, he was appointed in 1854 secretary to Edinburgh University. Smith's official work occupied him daily from ten to four, and he gave his evenings to literature and society. He was perhaps the founder he was at least a member of the Raleigh Club, at which on occasional evenings men of letters and artists smoked together. His salary of 150Z. as university secretary was increased to 200?. on his under- taking the additional duties of registrar and secretary to the university council. la the winter of 1854 he made the acquaintance of Sydney Dobell, then soj ourning in Edinburgh, and they collaborated in a series of sonnets on the Crimean war. This co-operation em- phasised the attitude of both writers, whose style as spasmodic J poets had just been cari- catured in * Blackwood's Magazine J for May 1854. After his marriage in 1857 Smith fassed his summer holidays in Skye,his wife's ome. Skye influenced the literary produc- tion of his best days. Meanwhile his official and literary work went on, and as family de- mands increased he found prose more readily profitable than verse, and contributed to newspapers, magazines, and encyclopaedias. Incessant labour overtaxed his strength. He became seriously 11 in the late autumn of 1866, and he died on 5 Jan. 1867 at Wardie, near Granton, Midlothian ; he was buried in Warriston cemetery, Edinburgh. His friends erected over his grave an lona cross, having in the centre a bronze medallion with profile by the sculptor Brodie, Smith Smith Smith married, in 1857, Flora Macdonald, of the same lineage as her famous namesake, and daughter of Mr. Macdonald of Ord in Skye. His wife, with a family, survived him. His eldest daughter, gracefully introduced into his Skye lyric , * Blaavin/diecl two months after him, The * Life Drama and other Poems/ pub- lished in 1853, reached a second edition that year, and passed into a third in 1854, and Into a fourth in 1855. Marked hy youthful inexperience, and extravagant in fbrm and imagery, the poems (especially the title-piece ) abound in strong gnomic lines and ciisplav fine imaginative power. In April 1853 John Forster elaborately reviewed the book in the & Examiner/ prompting Mat- thew Arnold's opinion that Smith t has cer- tainly an extraordinary faculty, although I think that he is a phenomenon of a very dubious character J (AE5OLD, Letters, i. 29). * The latest disciple of the school of Keats/ Clough called Kim hi the * North American Beview 1 for July 1853. < The poems/ said the critic, * hare something substantive and life- like, immediate and first-hand about them ' (C&ocvH, JVtfSfil&maMWjp.SoS). The lead- ing periodicals of the time were agreed as to the striking character of the poems, but they differed regarding their absolute merits. In May 1854 an ostensible review of a forth- coming volume to be entitled 'FirmiEan' aroused attention and curiosity in * Black- wood/ and in the course of tlie year there was published * Firmilian, or the Student of Badajoz: a Spasmodic Tragedy, by T. Percy Jones.* It was so good that Mr. Jones was at first accepted as a new bard, but it presently appeared that the work was an elaborate jest by Professor Aytoun, who satirised in * Fir- milian ? the extravagances of Mr, P. J. Bailey, Detail, and Alexander Smith. * Spasmodic ' was so happily descriptive of the peculiarities ridiculed that it instantly attained standard value (Sra THEOBOEB MAETIN. Memoir of A$fam, p. 146). * Somnets on the Crimean War,' by Smith *ad Detail, appeared in 1855. They are forgotten. As a sonneteer, while he was tfeugktfEl aifed readable, Smith lacks fluency and tewjny of movement. la 1857 he issued * C% Poems,' in which he touches a tigfe Im* with * Glasgow, 7 * The Boy's Poem/ and eepeekly * Squire Maurice, 1 probably his most compact and impressive achievement in .r 1857), found evidence im the ' City Poems' of 'mutilated property of the bards/ and torn arose a sharp discussion over charges of iarifim freely laid against Smith. Even Bi (probably by the han4 of Shirley Brooks) was stirred to active interference, and entered for the defence. The charge was at once as valid and as futile as a similar accu- sation would be against Milton, for example, . and Gray, and Burns. The question is dis- I cussed with adequate fulness in an appendix s to t Last Leaves/ a posthumous volume of Smith's miscellanies, edited with memoir by his friend, P. P. Alexander. In l Edwin of Deira ' (Cambridge and London, 1861, 8vo), Smith writes an attractive and spirited poem, exhibiting commendable self-restraint and a ! chastened method. Unfortunately, the poem ' challenged attention almost simultaneously with Tennyson's ' Idylls of the King/ and it is surprising that, under such a disadvantage, it reached a second edition in a few months. Still, Smith did not escape the old charge of plagiarism and imitation. He was even blamed for utilising Tennyson's latest work, though his poem was mainly, if not en- tirely, written before the ' Idylls ' appeared (ALEXASDEB, Memoir, p. Ixxxii). Envious comparisons thus instituted were inevitably detrimental, and a fine poem has probably never received its due. Smith wrote the life of Cowper for the eighth edition of the ' Encyclopaedia Britan- nica/ 1854, To a volume of * Edinburgh Essays/ 1857, he contributed a sympathetic and discriminating article on * Scottish Bal- lads J (republished in * Last Leaves 7 ). This essay Thomas Spencer Baynes characterised at the time as * beautiful/ adding, * His prose is quite peculiar for its condensed poetic strength 7 (Table Talk of Shirley, p. 53). Although Aytoun enjoyed the fun of ridi- culing the excesses of the ' Spasmodic School/ ( he had (like Blackie and the other univer- j sity professors) a real admiration for Smith, whose work he introduced to 'Blackwood/ 1 Other outlets were also found * Macmillan J the^ Museum/ Chambers's 'Encyclopaedia'' various newspapers and in 1863 appeared * Dreamthorp: a Book of Essays written in the Country/ Occasionally florid in style, nor wholly destitute of trivial conceits, these essays embody some excellent descriptive and literary work. In 1865 he published ' A Summer in Skye/ a delightful holiday book, vivacious in narrative, bright and picturesque in description, and overflowing with individuality. For Messrs. MacmS fan's * Golden Treasury Series' he edited, m two volumes, in 1865, the < Poetical Works of Burns/ prefixing a memoir which is second only to Lockhart's in grasp and appreciative delineation. A graphic but somewhat unequal story of Scottish life, largely autobiographical, and entitled 'Alfred Hagart'sEoosehold/ with sequel/ Miss Dona Smith Smith IM'Quarrie/ was republished from 'Good Words/ in two volumes, 12mo, 1866, and Svo, 1867. In 1866 he edited Howe's * Golden Leaves from the American Poets/ In 1868 appeared f Last Leaves,' edited by Patrick Proctor Alexander. [Brisbane's Early Years of Alexander Smith, 1869; Alexander's Memoir in Last Leaves; Memorial notice in Scotsman of 8 Jan. 1867 ; James Hannay's Reminiscences in CasselTs Mag. 1867; Sheriff Nieolson's Memoir in Good Words, 1867; Gilfillan's G-allery of Literary Portraits, 3rd ser. ; Life and Letters of Sydney Dobell ; Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. Kenyon, 1897, vol. ii.; Macmillan's Mag., February 1867.] T. B. SMITH, SIB ANDBEW (1797-1872), director-general army medical department, the son of T. P, Smith of Heron Hall, Eoz- burghshire, was born in 1797. He commenced the study of medicine with Mr. Graham, a surgeon in the county, with whom he served an apprenticeship of three years. He after- wards studied medicine at the university of Edinburgh, attending the Charles House Square Infirmary, the Royal Infirmary, and Lying-in Hospital. He graduated M J). on 1 Aug. 1819, taking as the subject of his thesis ' Be variolis secundariis.' He entered the army as a hospital mate on 15 Aug. 1815. FTia intelligence and energy soon brought him into notice, and his rise was rapid. Becoming temporary hospital mate on 15 Aug. 1815 and hospital assistant on 14 March 1816, he went to the Cape in 1821 and re- mained there sixteen years, being promoted assistant surgeon 98th foot on 27 Oct. 1825, staff assistant surgeon on 23 Feb. 1826, and staff surgeon on 7 July 1837. In 1828, at the request of the government and com- mander-in-ehief of the Cape, he reported on the bushmen, and in 1831 on the Airtazooloo and on Port Natal. In 1834 he superintended an expedition for exploring Central Africa from the Cape, fitted out by the Cape of Good Hope Association (expedition 1834-6), and was directed to negotiate treaties with the native chiefe beyond the northern boundary of the colony. For several years he per- formed the duties of director of the govern- ment civil museum at Cape Town without salary. He received the thanks of the home government for these services. His scientific researches in southern Africa he embodied in many able papers on the origin and history of Bushmen, and in his t Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa/ 1838-47, 4to, 5 vols. Some copious and valuable notes regarding the aborigines of South Africa and the diffe- Tent Kaffir tribes have not been fully pub- lished. On all questions relating to South Africa he was regarded as an authority, and it was due to his representation and counsel that Natal became a colony of the British crown. After returning to England in 1837 Smith acted as principal medical ofiicer at Fort Pitt, Chatham. On 19 Dec. 1845 he was made deputy inspector-general, and in 1846, at the instance of Sir James McGrrigor, the director- general of the army medical department, he was transferred to London as * professional assistant.' He was promoted inspector-gene- ral on 7 Feb. 1851, and on 20 Feb. following, when Sir James retired, Smith was appointed by the Duke of Wellington his successor as inspector-general and superintendent of the army medical department. On 25 Feb. 1853 he was nominated director-general of the army and ordnance medical departments. During the Crimean campaign he was accused of dereliction of duty in the press and else- where, and grave imputations were cast upon his department. The evidence and docu- ments laid before the Sebastopol and other committees did much to vindicate his reputa- tion as an administrator. He resigned his post as director-general, owing to impaired health, on 22 June 1858, and was on 9 July ; following created K.C.B. > Smith was elected a fellow of theWernerian j Society in 1819, an honorary fellow of the 1 Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of (rlas- I gpw in 1855, of the College of Surgeons of | Edinburgh in 1856, of the Medico-ChSnirgical ; Society of Aberdeen in 1855, and a doctor of I medicine fionoris causa, of Trinity College, ; Dublin, in 1856. Acuteness of mind and varied axxsomplishments left their impress on every enterprise he embarked upon. He died on 12 Aug. 1872 at his residence in Alexander Square, Bronipton. His portrait in oils now hangs in the ante-room of the officers* mess, Netley, Hampshire. [Lancet, 1872 ; British Medical Journal, 1872; Medical Times and Gazette, 1872; Cstelogne Brit, Mns. Library; Boyal Society's Cat. of Scientific Papers ; Army Lists ; Kecord of ser- vices preserved at the War Office ; Men of the Eeign ; AHihone's Diet, of Engt Lit.] W. W. W. SMITH, ANXEB (1759-1819), en- graver, was born in 1759 in Cheapside, London, where his father was a silk mer- chant. He is said to have owed his curious Christian name to the fact that he was re- garded as the * anchor 7 or sole hope of his parents. He was educated at Merchant Taylors' school, and at first articled to an uncle named Hoole, a solicitor ; but, show- ing singular skill in making pen-and-ink copies of engravings, he was transferred to James Taylor, an engraver, with whom he re- Smith maimed until 1782. Subsequently he became an assistant to James Heath (1757-1834) [q. Y. ] In 1787 Smith obtained his first inde- pendent employment from John Bell (1745- 1881} [q. T. ', for whose series of 'British Poets ' jbe engraved many of the illustra- tions. He became one of the ablest of Eng- lish line engravers, his small plates being^ specially distinguished for correctness of drawing and beauty of nish. Through his relative John Boole ~q. v.", the translator, he became known to Alderman Boydell, who commissioned Mm to engrave oSTorth- cote's picture of the i Death of Wat Tyler; ' the print was published in 1796, and earned for Mm Ms election as an associate of the Koyal Academy in the following year. In 1798 he executed a large plate from Leo- nardo da Vinci's cartoon of the Holy Family in the possession of the academy. During the remainder of his life Smith was ex- tensively employed upon the illustrations to fine editions of standard works, such as MacHin's Bible, 1800; BoydelTs Shake- speare* (the smaller series), 1802; Kears- leyV Shakespeare/ 1806; Bowyer's edition of Hume's e History of England/ 1806 ; and Sharpens * British Classics/ He engraved many of B, Smirke's designs for the 'Arabian Nights/ 1802; . SMITH, AQUILLA, M.D. (1806-1890), Irish antiquary, born at Nenagh, co. Tip- perary, on 28 April 1806, was the youngest child of William Smith of that town, and of Catherine Doolan, his wife. He received < his education first at private schools in Dublin, and afterwards at Trinity College. He embraced the medical profession, in which his career was distinguished. He received the degree of M.D. Tionoris causa from his university in 1839, was king's pro- i fessor of materia medica and pharmacy in the , school of physic from 1864 to 1881, and from 1851 to 1890 represented the Irish CoUege of Physicians on the council of medical edu- cation. Smith was an active member of the Eoyal Irish Academy from 1835 until his death in 1890, and was reckoned in his lifetime the best authority on Irish coins, of which he was- a large collector. At his death his collection of Irish corns and tokens was acquired by the academy for 350/. The Numismatic Society i acknowledged his services by conferring its I medal upon him in 1884. Smith was a copious j writer on antiquarian subjects, mainly numis- i matics. Hia more important contributions to the department of archaeology were published in the 'Transactions and Proceedings of the Koyal Irish Academy/ 1839-53; 'Trans- n^J-C^^n ^Jf xl, ~ TTMn-- A .-1 ^1 T n 1863-83, and by the Irish Archaeological Society. Of his papers on medical topics, the most valuable is his account of the * Origin and Early History of the College of Physicians in Ireland/ published in the 'Journal of Medical Science' (vol. six.) JMemoir by J. W. M., privately published ; private information.] C. L. F. ,^ ARCHIBALD (1813-1872), mathematician, born on 10 Aug. 1813 at Greenhead, Glasgow, was the only son of James Smith (1782-1867) [q. v.], merchant, of Glasgow, by his wife Mary, daughter of Alexander Wilson, professor of astronomy Smith Smith in Glasgow University. Archibald entered GtegowJJniversity in 1823, and distinguished Himself in classics, mathematics, and physics. He proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, whence he graduated* B.A. in 1836 and M.A. in 1839. In 1836 he was senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman, and was elected a fellow of Trinity College, He entered the society of Lincoln's Inn, and was called to the bar in Hilary term 1841. He practised for many years as an equity draughtsman in Stone Buildings, Lincoln s Inn, and became an eminent real-property lawyer. While still an undergraduate Smith communicated to the Cambridge Philoso- phical Society a paper on Fresnel's wave- surfacej in which he deduced its algebraical equations by the symmetrical method, one of the first instances of its employment in analytical geometry in England. In No- vember 1837, in conjunction with Duncan Farquharson Gregory [tj. v.j, he founded the Cambridge 'Mathematical Journal.' Be- tween 1842 and 1847 Smith, at the request of General Sir Edward Sabine [q. v.l, deduced from Poisson's general equation practical for- mulae for the correction of observations made on board ship, which Sabine published in the * Transactions 'of the Ptoyal Society. In 1851 he deduced convenient tabular forms from the formulae, and in 1859 he edited the i Journal of a Voyage to Australia/ by William Scoresby the younger [q. v. ], giving in the introduction an exact formula for the effect of the iron of a ship on the compass. In 1862, in conjunc- tion with Sir Frederick John Owen Evans [q. v.], he published an * Admiralty Manual for ascertaining and applying the Devia- tions of the Compass caused by the Iron in a Ship * ^London, 8vo). This work was trans- lated into French, German, Russian, and Spanish. In recognition of his services Smith received the honorary degree of LL.D. from the university of Glasgow in 1864, and in the following year was awarded a gold medal by the Royal Society, of which he had been elected a fellow on 5 June 1856, In 1872 he received a grant of 2 5 000/. from government. In addition he was elected a corresponding member of the scientific com- mittee of the imperial Russian navy. Smith died in London on 26 Dec. 1872. In 1853 he married Susan Emma, daughter of Sir James Parker of Rothley Temple, Leicester- shire. By her he had six sons and two daugh- ters. His eldest son, James Parker Smith, is M.P. for the Partick division of Lanarkshire. A portrait is prefixed to the Russian edition of the i Manual on the Deviation of the Com- pass, Besides the works mentioned, Smith was VOL. LUI. the author of : 1. Supplement to the Rules for ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass caused by the Ship's Iron,' London, 1855, | 8vo. 2. f A Graphic Method of correcting the Deviations of a Ship's Compass/ London, 1855, 8vo. [Proceedings of the Boyal Society, vol. xxii, -^PP* PP- i-xziv ; biographical sketch prefixed to the Russian edition of Smith's Manual on the Deviation of the Compass, St. Petersburg, 1865; Ward's Men of the Eeign; Irving's Book of Scotsmen; Law Times, 11 Jan. 1873; Gent. Mag. 1867, i. 393 ; Burke's Landed Gentry, 8th edit. ; Imard's Ghrad. Cantabr.] E. I. C. SffiTH, AUGUSTUS JOHN (1804- 1872), lessee of the Scilly Islands, was son of James Smith (b. 1768, d. at Ashlyn Hall, Hertfordshire, on 16 Feb. 1843)," by his second wife, Mary Isabella (b. 1784, d. Paris, 14 Feb. 1823), eldest daughter of ! Augustus Peehell of Great Berkhamstead. i He was born in Harley Street, London, on ] 15 Sept. 1804, entered at Harrow school j about 1814, and matriculated from Christ's ; Church, Oxford, on 23 April 1822, graduat- : ing B.A. on 23 Feb. 1826. By inheritance j he was the owner of considerable property I in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamslure, and he obtained a lease under the crown for ninety-nine years, contingent on three lives, from 10 Oct. 1834, of the Scilly Islands. For this lease he paid a fine of 20,000/., and undertook the payment of an annual rent of 4QZ. and of some stipends. Very early in life Smith interested him- self in the working of the poor laws, and advocated a system of national education on a broad basis. After the passing of the Ee- fonn Bill in 1832, when three members were assigned to Hertfordshire, he was asked to stand for that constituency, but de- clined the request. He published in 1836 an * Apology for Parochial Education on Comprehensive Principles * as illustrated in the school of industry at Great Berkham- stead, in -which he anticipated the adoption of a conscience clause, and in 1841, after having actively promoted for four years a suit in chancery, he obtained the reopening of the free grammar school at Great Berk- hamstead. "When the second Earl Browulow enclosed with strong iron fences about a third of the common land of that parish which was in front of the earl's seat, Ashridge Park T Smith engaged a band of navvies from Lon- don who pulled the fences down. This inci- dent attracted much attention at the time, and was the subject of a poem (' A Lay of Modern England ') in l Punch J for 24 March 1866. He vindicated his opposition to the enclosure in Berkhamstead Common : State- Smith Smith ment by Augustus Smith/ 1866. In 1870 " History of the Family of Smith ' from Not- he obtained an injunction against any future tinghamshire, which was printed in 1861. enclosure of the common. From 1868 to He explained his views on parliamentary 1872 he was engaged in controversy with *- -'-- ' " ---- ^^-^-- ^ the board of trade and Trinity House on lightships and pilotage. Smith's action at Stilly, though despotic attended by beneficent in character, was results. The church at St. Mary's, the reform in ' Constitutional Reflections on the present Aspects of Parliamentary Govern- ment/ 1866. [Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cormibl ii. 660- 661, 671, iii. 92, 1004, 1337; Boase's Col- leetanea Cornub. pp. 905, 1463; Parochial Hist. principal island, was completed at his ex- O f Cornwall, iv. 342-8 ; Illustrated London pense, and when that at St. Martin's was News, Ixii. 318 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Free- nearly destroyed by lightning in 1866, it mason, v. 477, 489-90.] W. P. C. was rebuilt mainlv at his cost. He built a pier at Hugh Town in St. Mary's, and con- SMITH, BENJAMIN (d. 1833), en- structed for his own habitation the house of graver, was a pupil of Francesco Bartoloezi Tresco Abbey, with its grounds and fish- [q. v.], and practised wholly in the dot or ponds. His *red geranium beds' are de- stipple manner. For some years he was " * ' n "" n " '" largely employed by the Boydells, for whom all his important plates were executed; scribed as * a fine blaze of colour a mile off at sea * (MoBinfEB COLLIXS, Princess Clarice, i. 97). He consolidated the farm-holdings and rebuilt the homesteads, but would not allow the admittance of a second family in any dwelling ; he weeded out the idle, and stringently enforced education. These im- provements cost 80,000?., and during the first twelve years of his term absorbed the whole of the revenue. They were set out by Mm in a tract entitled t Thirteen Years' Stewardship of the Isles of Stilly/ ^1848, and were described by J. A. Froude in his address at the Philosophical Institution at Edinburgh on 6 Nov. 1876 On the Uses of a Landed Gentry ' (Short Studies on Great Subjects, 3rd ser. p. 275). Smith contested in 1852, in the liberal interest, the borough of Truro in Cornwall, but was defeated by eight votes. In 1857 were these include five after Romney, T. Banks, and M. Browne, for the large l Shakespeare ' series ; Sigismunda after Hogarth, 1795 ; the portrait of Hogarth with his dog Trump, 1795; portrait of Lord Cornwaflis, after Copley, 1798; portrait of George III, after Beechey (frontispiece to BoydelTs * Shake- speare; 1 portrait of Napoleon, after Appiani ; f The Ceremony of administering the Oath to Alderman Newnham at the Guildhall/ after W. Miller, 1801 ; and several allegorical and biblical subjects after John Francis Rigaud q.v.] and Benjamin West [q.v.J Among smith's smaller plates, some of which he pub- lished himself, are portraits of Lord Charle- mont ; Barrymore and William Smith, the actors ; and Charles and Anne Dibdin. His | latest work, * Christ and his Disciples at he was returned without a contest, and he ! Emmaus/ after Guercino, is dated 1825. He represented the constituency until 1 865, by , died in very reduced circumstances in Judd which time his views had "been modified. ! Place, London, in 1833. Among his pupils He was president of the Royal Geological j were William Holl the elder [q. v.], Henry Society of Cornwall at Penzance from 1858 Meyer [q. v.], and Thomas Uwins [q.v.] A watercolour portrait of Smith is in the print- room of the British Museum. [Eedgrave's Diet, of Artists.] F. M. O'D. to 1864, and he held the presidency of the Royal Institution of Cornwall at Truro from November 1863 to November 1865. His ad- dresses and papers for these societies are specified in the * BibHotheca Cornubiensis.' As provincial grandmaster for the freemasons SMITH, formerly SCHMIDT, BERNARD - , (1630 ?-1708), called 4 Father Smith/ organ- of Cornwall from July 1863, he promoted builder, born about 1630 in Germany, pro- ihe establishment of a county fund for aged bably learnt his art from Christian Former of mad infirm freemasons. After a severe illness j Wettin, near Halle (RDOATTLT). Accompan- lie died at the Duke of Cornwall hotel, Ply- ' ied by his nephews, Smith settled in England month, on 31 July 1872, and was buried in in response to the encouragement held out to the c&urtjhyard of St. Buryan, Cornwall, on foreigners to revive organ-building in this 6 Aug. His will and seven codicils were country. Upon his arrival, about 1660, Smith proved in March 1873, and the lesseeship proceeded to erect an organ for the then ban- tu the Scilly Isles was left to his nephew, queting-room of Whitehall. The specification Tliomas Algernon Smith-Bomen-Smith. A of this, his earliest work, is given in Grove's statue of him stands on the hill above Tresco * Dictionary ' (ii, 591). His appointment as G&rdans. organ-maker in ordinary to Charles II would compiled a *True and Faithful date from this period, together with a grant Smith i of rooms formerly called f The Organ-builder's ; Workhouse,' in Whitehall Palace itself. The opening of Smith's new organ for Westminster Abbey in 1660 was recorded by Pepys: 1 30 December (Lord's Day) . . . I to the Abbey, and walked there, seeing the great confusion of people that come there to hear the organs ' (PEPYS). The commission for Wells Cathedral organ in 1664 changed for a short time only the scene of Smith's .activity, for he returned to supply organs to St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 1667, St. Giles's- ; in-the-Fields, 1671 (the last payment in 1699 being made to Christian Smith), and St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, 1675. Smith accepted in 1676, and held until his death, the post of organist to this church. Before 1671 he -completed the organ for the new Sheldonian theatre at Oxford at a cost of 120/. (WooB, Life, and Timeg, ed. Clark, ii. 523), The date of Smith's work at St. Mary's, Ox- ford, and the theatre, is uncertain, but the organ for Christ Church was erected in 1630. St.Peter's, CornMQ,and St. Mary Woolnoth were in 1681 supplied with Smith's organs ; that for Durham Cathedral, begun in 1683, was practically finished by 1685, but quar- ter-tones and other improvements were added (cf. Dr. Armes's note in G-BOVE'S Diet. ii. 593), and the final pavment, bringing the total to 800/., was received in 1691 (specifi- cation in History of the Organ}. The erection of this magnificent instru- ment almost coincided in point of time with the famous competition in organ-building carried on at the Temple Church, when the rivalry between Smith and Eenatus Harris [q. v. J became a matter of public interest. The order for the Temple organ was given to Smith in September 1682. Harris, bring- ing influence to bear upon certain benchers, obtained leave to build and submit his instru- ment to the judgment of the committee. By virtue of the stress in competition, both organs were supplied with the newest stops: the cromorne, the vox humana, and the double courtel, while Smith (and possibly Harris) divided certain keys into quarter- notes, communicating with different sets of pipes, so that G sharp and A flat, and D sharp and E flat were not synonymous sounds (BtrBKEY ; McCBOBY). On 2 June 1685 the Middle Temple made choice of Smith's organ, a choice confirmed by the decision of the joint committee. The deed of sale by which Smith received 1,000 bore the date*21 June 1688 (specification in History of the Organ, and GBOVE, Diet.) The superiority of Smith's work was now so far established that after their meeting of 19 Oct. 1694 the committee for thebuHd- ) Smith ing of the organ in St. Paul's Cathedral treated immediately with Smith. Xo doubt a claim was put in by Harris prior to his crabbed queries during the construction of Smith's instrument, and Ms later appeals (sounding the patriotic note) to be allowed to erect a supplementary organ. Assailed from without, Smith was not secure from opposition within. Wren, after fruitlessly disputing the position of the organ, refused to enlarge the case, his own design, with a view to the reception of the full number of stops. At length, on 2 Dec. 1697, the organ was formally opened at a service in thanks- giving for the peace of Ey swick (specification in SIMPSON'S Documents; GBOVH, Diet.) The setting up of an organ for Trinity College chapel, Cambridge, was attended with the inevitable dissensions. While the master and fellows were disputing, Smith died in 1708, leaving his organ to receive the last touches from Sehrider. Smith's appoint- ment as organ-maker to the crown was con- tinued in the reign of Anne, and ceased only with his death, which took place before 17 March 1707-8. On this date his will was proved by Elizabeth Smith, alias Houghton, his wife. He left one shilling apiece to his brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces. A portrait of Smith is in the Oxford music school, and is printed by Hawkins. About forty to fifty organs are known to have been Smith's. They ajre, besides those already described: St. Mary's, Cambridge (University), 1697 ; Ripon Cathedral; St. David's, 1704; St. Mary at Hill, 1693 ; St. Clement Danes ; St. George's Chapel, Wind- sor; Eton College chapel ; Southwell colle- giate church ; Chapel Bioy al, Hampton Court ; Manchester Cathedral choir organ; St. James's, GarlickMthe ; St. Dunstan's, Tower Street (removed to St. Albans Abbey) ; High Church, Hull; All Saints', Derby; St. Margaret's, Leicester; West Walton, Norfolk; All Saints', Isleworth ; Pembroke, Emmanuel, and Christ's College chapels, Cambridge ; St. Katharine Cree, Leadenhall Street; Chester Cathedral; St. Olave's, Southwark; St. Martin's, Ludgate Hill; Danish Church, Wellclose Square; Sedge- field parish church, co. Durham ; Whalley, Lancashire; Hadleigh, Suffolk; Chelsea old church ; and St. Nicholas, Deptford. Smith undertook nis works with extreme conscientiousness and a fastidious choice of material, and a pure and even quality of tone was maintained through the series of stops (cf. BtnasrEY). He used for the Temple organ a composition of tin and lead in the proportions of 16 to 6, or rather less than three-fourths tin (RZCBAITLT) ; but no metal 02 Smith 20 Smith pipes were made for Roger North's organ at Ilougham (Burney in REES'S Cyclopc&dia,&?t. 4 North'). Smith's daughter married Clnistopher Schrider, one of his workmen, who after- wards built organs for the Royal Chapel of St. James, 1710; St. Mary Abbott's. Kensing- ton, 1716 ; St. Mary, Whiteehapel, 1715 f MAL- COLH) ; St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 1726 ; St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey ; Whitehurch, Shropshire, and Westminster Abbey, 1730. The repairing of organs was an employ- ment chiefly pursued by Smith's nephews, whose work was known all over the country. In 1702 one of them, Gerard Smith, put in order and superintended the removal of an organ in Lincoln Cathedral (MAUDISON). He built church organs for Bedford parish, 1715 ; All Hallows, Bread Street, 1717 ; Finedon, Northamptonshire, 1717; Little Stanmore ; and St. G-eorge's, Hanover Square, Of Christian Smith, organ-builder, of Hart Street, Bloomsbury, it may be assumed that he was brother to the great organ-maker, as one of his instruments (at Norwich) is dated 1643. He built for Tiverton church, Devon- shire, 1696; and Boston church, Lincoln- shire, 1717, [Hopkins and Bimbault's History of the Organ, 1877, pp. 102-38; Hawkins's History of Music, with portrait, p. 691 ; Burney's Hist. of Music, iii, 436 et seq.; Grove's Diet, of Music, iii. 539, and for pitch and specifications, ii. 590 ; Dr. Sparrow Simpson's Documents rela- ting to St. Paul's Cathedral, pp. bd, 161-4, 167; Pepys's Diary (Braybrooke), vol.i. ; Walcott's St. Margaret's, pp. 67, 77; North's Hemoires of Musieke, pp. xv 20 ; Mrs. Delany's Correspon- dence (containing some notes on Smith's method of construction, vhieh are ascribed to Handel), iii. 405, 568, iv. 568; Chamberlayne's Anglic Notitia, 1 700 ; Jones and Freeman's Hist, of St. David's, pp. 95, 369 ; Warren's Tonometer, p. 8 ; Harding's Hist, of Tiverton, i. 90, iv. 10 ; .Register of Wills, P.G.C., ' Barrett,' p. 72 ; Malcolm's Lon- droram Redivivnm, iv. 447 ; Webb's Collection of Epitaphs, ii. 76 ; McCrory's A. few Notes on tlus Temple Organ.] L. M. M. SMITH, CHAKLES (1715 P-1762), Irish county historian, born about 1715, was a native of Waterford, and followed the calling of an apothecary at Dungarvan in tliat county. In 1744 he published, in conjunction with Waltar Harris [q. v.], the editor of Ware's *Worfe/&MstoryofthecountyDown. This was the first Irish county history on a large scale ever written. The preface to this book contains the outline of a plan for a series of Irish county histories, which appears to have led in 1744 to Ms foundation at Dublin of the Ffeysim-Historieal Society for the purpose of fttfvMIng topographical materials for such a series. With the imprimatur of this body were published successively Smith's important his- tories of Waterford and Cork. The history of Kerry was published independently after this society had broken up. Although en- cumbered with much irrelevant matter, these volumes form a valuable contribution to- Irish topography, of which Smith may be- regarded as the pioneer. Smith's statements- of fact are generally to be trusted, though it was said of him in the counties of which he- was the historian that his descriptions were regulated by the reception he was given in the houses he visited while making his investigations. His books are warmly com- mended by Maeaulay, who frequently refers- to them in his * History' (1855, iii. 136 n.) In 1756 Smith, with a number of eminent physicians, founded at Dublin the Medico- Philosophical Society, a learned association which survived till 1784. Of this body Smith was the first secretary, and the author of a ' Discourse ' setting forth its objects. Its- memoirs or -minutes are preserved in part at the Hoyal Irish Academy, and in part at the- Irish College of Physicians. Smith died at Bristol in July 1762. His works are: 1. *The Antient and Present State of the County of Down/ 1744, in collaboration with Walter Harris. 2. 'The Antient and Present State of the County and City of Waterford/ 1746. 3. < The Antient and Present State of the County and City of Cork/ 1750. 4. < The Ancient and Present State of the County of Kerry/ 1756. [Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography; notice by M. J. Hurley in Waterford Society's Journal, No. 1 ; Dublin Mag. 1762; Minutes of the Physieo-Historical Soc. (unprinted), in B. L Academy; Memoirs of Medico-Philosophical Soc. (unprinted).] C. L. F. SMITH, CHAELES (1713-1777), writer on the corn trade, born at Stepney in 1713, was the son of Charles Smith, a mill-owner of Croydon, Surrey, by his wife Anne, daugh- ter of James Marrener of Fange, Essex, a naval captain in the service of the East India Company. Charles was educated at the grammar school of Katcliff, Middlesex, entered his father's business, realised a for- tune, married and settled at Stratford in Essex, and became a county magistrate. From an early period Smith devoted much attention to the subject of the corn trade and to the laws regulating it. The scarcity of 1757 turned public attention to the subject, and a strong feeling arose against the farmers and dealers of corn, whose avarice was con- sidered to have caused it. In consequence, in the following year, Smith published ( A Short Essay on the Corn-trade and Corn- Smith 21 Smith laws/ in winch, lie demonstrated that, in a f country largely dependent on home supplies, variations in price were the natural outcome of good or bad seasons. This treatise was ' followed in 1759 by ' Considerations on the Laws relating to the Import and Export of Com/ and by ; A Collection of Papers rela- tive to the Price, Exportation, and Importa- tion of Corn.' These papers, which were * republished with notes in 1804 by George Chalmers under the title of * Tracts on the j Corn Trade/ show an intimate acquaintance with the subject, and are written with much ! clearness and ability. They earned the praise ! of Adam Smith, and are valuable from the j light they throw on the English com trade ' in the eighteenth century. Smith was killed by a fall from his horse on 8 Feb. 1777. \ fie married, in 1748, Judith, eldest daughter of Isaac Lefevre, son of a Huguenot refugee. ' By her he had two children : Charles Smith of , Buttons, near Ongar in Essex, M.P, for West- 1 bury in Wiltshire in 1802, and a daughter. < [Memoir by George Chalmers, prefixed to , Tracts on the Corn Trade ; Chalmers's Biogr. : Diet. 1818; Georgian Era, iv. 463; M'Culloch's Literature of Political Economv, p. 68 ; Smith's ; Wealth of Nations, 1839, p. 224.] E. I. C. i SMITH, CHARLES (1 749 f-1824), ' painter, born about 1749, was a native of; the Orkneys and a nephew of Caleb White- j foord [q. v.] After studying at the Koyal \ Academy, where he was befriended by Sir Joshua Reynolds, he attempted to establish himself as a portrait-painter in London, but lost his patrons in consequence of his extreme and violently expressed political opinions. About 1783 he went to India, where he re- j xnained some years, and after his return j styled himself * painter to the Great Mogul/ 1 From 1789 to 1797 Smith resided chiefly in j London, and was an exhibitor at the Boyal Academy, sending mythological and fancy -compositions as well as portraits. In Octo- ber 1798 a musical entertainment entitled *A 1 Day at Rome/ written by Smith, was unsuc- ; cessf ally performed at CoventGardenTheatre, | and he subsequently printed it. In 18G2 he j published t A Trip to Bengal, a musical en- j tertainment.' He died at Leith on 19 Dec. 1824. A portrait of Smith, in oriental dress, painted by himself, was mezzotinted by S. W. Reynolds, and a small plate, also by Reynolds from the same picture, is pre- tfxed to his * Trip to Bengal.' [Miller's Biogr. Sketches ; Eedgrave's Diet, of j Artists ; Royal Academy Cat] E. M. O'D. SMITH, CFAELES (1786-1856), singer, j l)orn in London in 1786, was grandson of ! Edward Smith, page to the Princess Amelia, | greatgrandfather. and son of Felton Smith, a chorister at Christ Church, Oxford. At the age of lire, owing to his precocity, he became a pupil ot Costellow for singing. Later, in 1 79t>, on the advice of Dr. Arnold, he became a chorister at the Chapel Royal under Ayrton, and sang the principal solo in the anthem on the mar- riage of Charlotte Augusta Matilda, the prin- cess royal, to the Prince of Wiirtembertr on 18 May 1797 [see CHABLOTTE, 1766-lfete], In 1798 he was articled to John Ashley, and in the following year was engaged to sing at Ranelagh, the Oratorio, and other concerts. In 1803 he went on tour in Scotland, but, his voice having broken, he renounced singing temporarily, and devoted himself to teaching and organ-playing, in which he was suffi- ciently proficient to act as deputy for Knyvett and John Stafford Smith at the Chapel Koyal and for Bart leman at Croy don. On the latt er's retirement, Smith was appointed organist there ; but shortly afterwards he went to Ire- land with a theatrical party as tenor singer, and on his return, a year later, he became organist of the Welbeck chapel in succession to Charles Wesley. In conjunction with Isaac Pocoek [q, v. j, he next turned his atten- tion to writing for the theatres, and pro- duced in rapid succession the music to the farces ' Yes or No ? (produced at the Hay- market on 31 Aug. 1808 and published next year) ; * Hit or Miss ' (produced at the Lyceum on 26 Feb. 1810) ; * Anything New* (pro- duced on 1 July 1811); and * The Tourist's Friend,' a melodrama; but withdrew from theatrical matters when Pocoek left Drury Lane. In 1813 he was singing bass parts at the Oratorio concerts ; in 1815 he married Miss Booth of Norwich ; and in 1816 went to fill a lucrative post at Liverpool. He ulti- mately retired to Crediton in Devon, where he diexl on 22 Nov. 1856. He was an excel- lent organist and a fine singer. Many of his compositions enjoyed a considerable vogue, the most popular being a setting of Camp- bell's * Battle of Hohenlinden,' 'a work of rare and extraordinary merit/ [Quarterly Mns. Mag. and Eev. ii. 214; Georgian Era, iv. 304-5 ; Diet, of Musicians, 1824.] E. H. L. SMITH, SIB CHAELES FEUX (1786- 1858), lieutenant-general, and colonel com- mandant of royal engineers, second son of George Smith of Burn Hall, Durham, by his wife Juliet, daughter and sole heiress of Ki- chard Mott of Carlton, Suffolk, was born on 9 July 1786 at Piercefield, Monmouthshire. Elizabeth Smith [q. vj was his sister, and George Smith (1693-1756} [q. v.] was his He joined the Royal Smith 22 Military Academy at Woolwich oa 15 June 1801, and received a commission as second lieutenant in the royal engineers on 1 Oct. 1802. On the 9th of the same month he was promoted to be first lieutenant. He was sen- to the south-eastern military district, anc was employed on the defences of the south coast of Kent. On 16 Bee. 1804 he embarked for the West Indies, where he served under Sir Charles Shipley [q. v.l, the commanding roy a' engineer. He was promoted to be seconc captain on 18 Xov. 1807. In December 1807 he accompanied the expedition under Genera] Bowyer from Barbados against the Danish West India Islands, and took part under Shipley in the operations which resulted in the capture of St. Thomas, St. John, and Santa Cruz. In January 1809 he accom- panied the expedition under Sir George Beck- with to attack Martinique, and took part under Shipley in the attack on, and capture of, Pigeon Island on 4 Feb., and in the siege and capture of Fort Bourbon, which led to the capitulation of the whole island on 23 Feb. He was severely wounded on this occasion, and on Ms return to England on SI March 1810 he received a pension of 100 per annum for his wounds. On 25 Oct. of the same year Smith em- barked for the Peninsula, and joined the force of Sir Thomas Graham at Cadiz, then blockaded by the French. In the spring of 1811 an attempt to raise the siege was made by sending a force by water to Tarifa to march on the flank of the enemy, while at the ^sa-me time a sortie was made by the garrison of Cadiz and La Isla across the river San Pedro. Smith was left in Cadiz as senior engineer officer in charge of it, as well as of La Isla and the adjacent country, during the operations which comprised the battle of Barossa (5 March 1811). In spite of this victory the siege was not raised, and tlie British retired within the lines of La Isla. Smith's health suffered a good deal at Cadiz, and he was sent to Tanfe, near Gi- braltar, where he was commanding royal engineer during the siege by the French, eagat thousand strong, under General Laval Colonel Skerrett commanded the garrison, wtoh was made up of drafts from regiments at Gibnutar and Spanish details, numbering pme 2,300 men. The outposts were driven m on 19 Dec., and in ten days the French batteries opened fire. During this time Smith wa^busymakiiigsiiehpreparationsashecould for tiie defence of a very weak place. When &>wever ? a gaping breach was made by the French after a few hours' firing, Skerrett called a council of war, proposed to abandon Smith the defence, to embark the garrison on boaro! the transports lying in the roadstead, and to sail for Gibraltar. Smith vehemently opposed the proposal, and prepared to make the most desperate resistance. Intimation of the state- of affairs was sent to the governor of Gi- braltar, who promptly removed the transports- and so compelled Skerrett to hold out. He- also arranged to send assistance from Gi- braltar. On 31 Dec. 1811 the French made, an unsuccessful assault. Bad weather and' a continuous downpour of rain greatly damaged the French batteries and trenches, and supply became difficult owing to the- state of the roads. On the night of 4 Jan.. 1812 it became .known to the garrison that the French were preparing to raise the siege,- and on the morning of the 5th the allies as- sumed the offensive, drove the French from their batteries and trenches, and compelled them to make a hurried retreat, leaving everything in the hands of the garrison. By general consent the chief merit of the defence has been given to Smith. Napier, in his ' History of the War in the Peninsula r (iv, 59, 60), points out that though* Skerrett eventually yielded to Smith's energy, he did it with reluctance, and constantly during the siege impeded the works by calling off* the labourers to prepare posts of retreat.. 'To the British engineer, therefore, belongs the praise of this splendid action.' Smith was promoted for his services at Tarifa to be brevet major, to date from 31 Dec. 1811. He was promoted to be first captain in the royal engineers on 12 April 1812, and^ returned to Cadiz, where he was commanding royal engineer until the siege was raised in July of that year. In the following year he took part in the action of Osma (18 June 1813), the battle of Vittoria (21 June), and the engagements at Villa Franca and Tolosa (24 and 26 June), when le had a horse shot under him. He accom- panied Sir Thomas Graham on 1 July to :ake part in the siege of San Sebastian. On ihe visit of the Duke of "Wellington on the* 5th, he attended him round the positions as senior officer (for the time being) of royal en- gineers, and his proposed plans of operation, net with Wellington's approval. The place :ell on 9 Sept., and, having been mentioned in Graham's despatch, Smith was promoted o be brevet lieutenant-colonel on 21 Sept. 1813 'for conduct before the enemy at San. Sebastian. 7 Smith arrived in Belgium and Holland from the south of France in July 1814 and reached England in August. He was knighted by the prince regent on 10 Nov., andonthesame datehe received permission to Smith Smith accept and wear the crosses of the royal orders of Carlos m and San Fernando of Spain, given to form by the king for his services in the Peninsula, particularly at the defence of Tarifa. On 28 April 1815 he was appointed commanding royal engineer of the Sussex military district. On 4 June he was made a companion of the order of the Bath, military division. He received the gold medal with clasp for Yittoria and San Sebastian. The previous pension of 100/. for his wounds at Martinique was increased to 300Z. a year on 18 June 1815, as he had partially lost the sight of an eye in the Peninsula. On 19 June 1815 Smith joined the British army in Belgium as commanding royal en- gineer of the second corps, marched with it to Paris, and took part in the entry into that city on 7 July. He was one of the officers selected by the Duke of Wellington to take over the French fortresses to be occu- pied by the British. He remained with the army of occupation and commanded the engineers at Yineennes. He was one of the officers who introduced stage-coaches-and- fbur into Paris. The coaches used to meet opposite DemidofFs house, afterwards the Caf6 de Paris. He was also a great sup- porter of the turf, and was the first to im- port English thoroughbred horses for racing. His trainer was Tom Hurst, afterwards of Chantilly. He organised races at Yincennes, and the racing there was considerably su- perior to that under royal patronage in the Champ de Mars. Smith was a noted duellist, and was equally at home with rapier, sabre, and pistol. Although never seeking a quarrel, he never permitted an insult, and he killed three Frenchmen in duels during his stay in Paris. He was also an expert boxer. He returned to England on 8 Nov. 1818. Smith was employed in the south ol Eng- land as commanding royal engineer until 1 Jan. 1823, when he was appointed com- manding royal engineer in the West Indies, with headquarters at Barbados. With eleven different island colonies occupied by troops, he had only five officers of royal engineers under him, and was obliged to supplement his staff by TTmlrmg eleven officers of the line assistant engineers. A commission sent from England in 1823 to report on requirements in the West Indies recommended the addi- tion of fourteen military engineers to the establishment, to enable the work to be properly carried out. Smith was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel in the royal en- gineers on 29 July 1825, and to be colonel in the army on 22 July 1S30. During the fourteen consecutive years which he passed in the West Indies he was acting governor of Trinidad in 182S, in 1S30, and during the whole of 1831. In 1833 he was acting go- \ vernor of Demerara and Berbice, and in 1834 i of St. Lucia. He commanded the forces in the West Indies from June 1836 to Fe- ] bruary 1837. He was promoted to be colonel ! in the royal engineers on 10 Jan. 1837. He 1 received the thanks of Lord Hill, the general commanding-in-chief, for his exercise of military command in the West Indies. I On 8 May 1837 Smith was appointed commanding royal engineer at Gibraltar, where in 1838 he was acting governor and commanded the forces. He returned to Eng- land in the summer of 1840 to go on par- ticular service to Syria, for which duty he had been specially selected. He embarked in the Pique frigate on 9 Aug. 1840, arriv- j ing at Beyrout on 1 Sept. A landing was i effected on the 10th, but Smith was too ill | to take active command. He was invested, by imperial firman dated 30 Sept. 1840, with ; the command of the Sultan's army in Syria, and on 9 Oct. following was given by the British government the local rank of major- \ general in Syria in command of the allied \ land forces. "After a bombardment Beyrout surrendered on 11 Oct. On 3 Nov. Smith ; took part in the attack on ? and capture of, t St. Jean d'Acre, where he was severely 1 wounded. Upon him devolved the duty of repairing the injuries done to the fortifica- ! tions by the British fire and of putting the i place in a state of defence again, in addition i to the adoption of measures for the tempo- | rary administration of the pashalic of Acre. Smith returned to his command at Gi- braltar in March 1841. For his services in Syria he received the thanks of both houses of parliament and also of the government, through Lord Palmerstpn; the sultan pre- sented him with the Mshan Ichtatha and diamond medal and sword. He was granted one year's pay for his wound at St. Jean d'Acre. He was promoted to be major- general in the army on 23 Nov. 1841, re- turned home rom Gibraltar on 15 May 1842, and was made a knight commander of theBath (military division) on 27 Sept. 1843. On 1 June 1847 Smith was granted the silver medal, then bestowed upon surviving officers of the wars from 1806 to 1814 for their services. He had also a clasp for Mar- tinique, and received the naval medal for Syria. He was employed on special ser- vice as a major-general on the staff in Ireland during the disturbances of 1848. He was promoted to be lieutenant-general on 11 Nov. 1851, and colonel-commandant of the corps of royal engineers on 6 March 1856. He died at Worthing, Sussex, on 11 Aug. 1858. Smith ; Smith married, first, in 1821, a daughter of Thomas Bell, esq., of Bristol (she died at their residence in Onslow Square, London, on 18 June 1649): and, secondly, in 1852, the eldest daughter of Thomas Croft, esq. There was no issue of either marriage. [War Office Hecords ; Despatches ; Eoyal En- gineers' Records ; London G-azette ; Xapier's H;st, of the War in the Peninsula; Jones's Sieges in Spain ; Porter's Hist, of the Corps of Boyal Engineers; Conolly's Hist, of the Eoyal Sappers and Misers ; Wrottesley's Life and Correspondence of Field Marshal John Bur- goyne ; Letters of Colonel Sir Augustus Simon ' Frazcr diirkg the Peninsular and "Waterloo Campaigns ; Sperling's Letters of an Officer of the Corp* of Koyal Engineers from the British Army in Holland, Belgium, and France, to his Father from 1813 to 1816; Gent Mag. 1812, 1815, 1858 ; ABE. Epg. 1858; Proc. Eoyal United Service Institution, 1835; Reminiscences of Capt Grooow, formerly of the Grenadier Guards, &c~ related by Himself, 1862.] E. H. V. 1869), soldier and writer on natural history, a descendant of a Flemish protestant family of good position called Smet, was born at Vrommen-hofen in East Flanders (then an Austrian proTince) on 26 Dec. 1776. At an early age he was sent to school at Richmond, Surrey, but on the outbreak of revolution ia the Low Countries in 1787, returned to Flanders, and pursued Ms studies in the Aus- trian academy for artillery and engineers at MalinesandatLouvain. After having served, under tie patronage of Lord Moira, in the British forces as a volunteer in the 8th light dragoons, and as a comet in Hompesch's hussars, he joined in December 1797 the 60th regiment of the British forces in the West Indies, and was for ten years brigade-major uiiderlTajor-general CannichaeL In 1809 he was on recruiting service at Coventry, and stxm afterwards was engaged as deputy quar- temaster-general in the Walcheren expedi- te He served with distinction in Holland ' '- 1 ^capturing thefortress of Tholen, ^Tom, with a handful of ^ .-*****v f In January 1 81 1 lie was piB si Coventry, and was then captain in tto QOi regiment, but was called away from tJmpcwtiQn to active service, and the preface to iisi work on ancient costume is dated from * km ma&stfB ship Horatio, in tie Ham-Pot m tlw coasfc of ZedauL ft Dec. 1813/ T - 4 Smith never again actively employed. He received the brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel in 1830, and was also a knight of Hanover. On settling into private Bfe he fixed his home at Plymouth, and devoted the rest of his life to studious labours. He began sketching before he was fifteen years old, and from that time was unwearied, whether lie was voyaging down the coast of Africa or ex- ploring the West Indies, in making drawings and in accumulating scientific data. History, zoology, and archaeology were his favourite subjects of research. He left behind bim twenty thick volumes of manuscript notes and thousands of his own watercolour draw- ings, which were always at the free disposal of a student. Many of his manuscripts, chiefly consisting of unpublished lectures and papers, are in the library of the Ply- mouth Institution. His library overflowed into every room of his house. Some account of his collections is given in the l Transac- tions of the Plymouth Institution ' (i. 255-88). l A club of west-country artists and lovers of art was originated by Smith at Plymouth, . and called 'The Artists and Amateurs' | (Bsimusr, Miscellany, Ixii. 197-8, 301). He frequently lectured at the Plymouth Athe- naeum, and he designed in 1837 the modern t seal for the borough of Plymouth (WoETH Hist, of Plymouth, 1890, p. 197). ' 1 Smith was a pall-bearer at the funeral of the elder Charles Mathews, often gave infor- mation to Macready and the Eeans on the proper costumes for the pieces they were about to bring on the stage, and supplied Sir Charles Barry with designs for the heraldic decorations of the houses of parliament. He used to be constantly with the Cuviers in Paris, and Sir Bichard Owen was an mti- matefriend(^o/O^ew,i.l82-4). Landor, durmg his visits to Charles Armitage Brown at Plymouth, became acquainted with Smith, whose daughters fell in love with the poet CFoKSTHB, Life of Landor, ii. 387-8; cf. Bath Chronicle, 30 Jan. 1890, p. 6). A very pleasant picture of Smith's family life is given iv 4- li\ jf C? .____ TT t /-** I-*"-., *"* Smith Smith contributed to the * Transactions of the Linnean Society,' 1822, pp. 28-40, an article on the ' Animals of America allied to the Antelope," and a paper by Mm i On the Ori- ginal Population of America ' appeared in the 'Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal for 1645,' pp.1-20. He issued in 1840 a i Model of a proposed Statistical Survey of Devon and Cornwall, arranged in Tables ; ' the scheme included a bibliography of the counties. [Worth's Plymouth (1890 edit.), pp. 471-2 ; Proc. of Linnean Soe. 24 May 1860 pp. xxx-xsxi ; Proe. of Royal Soc. vol. x. pp. xxiv-ri ; Trans. Devon. Assoe. xxiii- 379-80 ; Kyland's Memoir of John Kitto, pp. 563-6 ; information from Sidney T. Whitefordj esq., his grandson, A Memoir of Lieutenant-colonel Smith, written in French, was published at Ghent abont 1860 ; it contains a good lithographed portrait,] W. P. C. SMITH, CHARLES HARRIOT (1792- 1864), architect, bom in London on 1 Feb. 1792, was the son of Joseph Smith, monu- mental sculptor, of Portland Road, Maryle- bone. Leaving school at the age of twelve, he entered his father's business, employing himself in drawing and modelling after work- ing hours. In 1813 he became a life mem- ber of the Society of Arts, and in the fol- lowing year entered the Royal Academy, where he passed through all the classes, and in 1817 obtained the academy gold medal for bis * Design for a Royal Academy.' Acquiring a knowledge of geology, minera- logy, and chemistry, he became an autho- rity on building stones, and was in 1836 ap- pointed one of the four commissioners for the selection of a suitable stone for the new houses of parliament. Smith executed the ornamental stone-carving of the Royal Ex- change, of the National Gallery, and of Dor- chester and Bridgewater houses. In 1855 he was elected a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He died in London on 21 Oct. 1864, leaving one son, Percy Gordon Smith, architect for many years to the local government board. Smith contributed numerous sessional pa- pers to the Royal Institute of British Archi- tectSjOf which the most important was entitled *Iitholpgy, or Observations on Stone used for Buildings,* 1842. He also wrote an essay on linear and aerial perspective for Arnold's * Library of the Fine Arts/ He frequently exhibited in the Roval Academy designs in architecture, portrait-busts, and monumental compositions. [Diet, of Arch. 1887,7x1.93; Builder, 5 Nov. 1864; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Journal of Society of Arts, 16 Dec. 1864 ; Gent. Mag. 1864, ii. 805; Papers read at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1864-5, p. 8.] B. L 0. Smith Smith SMITH, CHARLES JOES (1803-1838), engraver, was born in 1803 at Chelsea, where Ms father, James Smith, practised as a surgeon. He was a pupil of Charles Pye ^q, v. j? and became a good engraver of book illustrations of a topographical and anti- over some reclaimed land adjoining his pro- perty, and won the case. At a very early date in his life Smith felt the passion of collecting Roman and British remains, and, with the encouragement of LuuaaraiiyijLB UA a i\jy\jgi:a>]jiinjcu. amm. UU.UA- Alfred John Kempe [q. v.J, his i antiquarian quarian character. He executed a few of the godfather/ his desires grew apace. For later plates in Charles Stothard's * Monu- twenty years during the excavations of the ~^ *'* ' rt soil of London or the operations of dredging the Thames, he was on the alert for later plates in unaries aioinara s --u-onu- mental Etfigies/ the views of houses and monuments in E, Cartwright's 'Rape of 1X1.UJJ.UXU. 1 : 11 to JLU. J-l. V^OilU *Y J.igiiJ O J.VU^r^ VJL Bramber/ 1830., and several of the plates from illuminated manuscripts for Dibdin's i Tour in the Northern Counties of England/ 1838. In 1S29 Smith published a series of * Autographs of Royal, Noble, and Illus- trious Persons/ with memoirs by John Gough Nichols [q.v.land later undertook another serial work, i Historical and Literary Curiosities/ which he did not live to com- plete. He was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1837, and died of para- lysis in Albany Street, London, on 23 Nov. 1838. quities, and his energies were amply re- warded. The knowledge of his acquisitions [Gent. Mag. 1839, i. 101 ; Redgrave's Diet. of Artists.] F. H. O'D. SMITH, CHARLES ROACH (1807- 1890), antiquary, born at Landguard Manor- house, near Shanklin, Isle of Wight, on 20 Aug. 1807, was the youngest child of ten children of John Smith, a farmer, who married Ann, daughter of Henry Roach of Arreton Manor in the same island. The father died when the child was very young, and his maternal grandfather's house at Arre- ton became his second home. The mother died about 1824. The lad went to the school of a Mr. Crouch at Swathling, and when the master migrated to St. Cross, near Winches- ter, Charles followed him. About 1820 he went to the larger establishment of Mr. Withers at Lymington. In 1821 Smith was placed in the office of Francis Worsley, a solicitor at Newport, Me of Wight, but soon tired of this occu- pation. The army was then suggested for to, but in February 1822 he was appren- ticed to a Jb. Follett,* chemist at Chichester After remaining there for about six years he TO* to the firm of Wilson, Ashmore, & Co., e&mists at Snow Hill, London, and then set up for himself at the comer of Founders' Umrt, Lothbury. His premises were taken jw by the city at a great loss to him, and he removed to 5 Liverpool Street, Finsbury Urcus, yfeare fe e dwelt from 1840 ^ l ^ The business had now dwindled, and he pur- chwed, ttt place of retirement, the small pro- m action and chapter of Rochester .. V".V.vyW.. JL.-4A.W 1 \ I, 1 W J.^I\AQ O VAIL JJ.J.O ClUU UUCJ. tlUJUS spread far and wide when he published in 1854 a l Catalogue of the Museum of London Antiquities/ which he had obtained. His fellow-antiquaries urged that the collection should be secured by the nation, but his offer of it to the British Museum in March 1855 at the price of 8,OOOJ. was declined. A cheque for that sum was sent to him by Lord Londesboro ugh, but, as the antiquities would not be kept intact, the cheque was returned. In the next year they were trans- ferred to the British Museum for 2,000, and they formed the nucleus of the national col- lection of Romano-British antiquities. Smith was by this time accepted as the leadino- authority on Roman London. _ The gar den at Temple Place was in later life his chief recreation, and his energies found full vent in the cultivation of its grounds. He especially applied himself to pomology and to the culture of the vine in the open ground/ making considerable quantities of wine from the grapes which he reared. His pamphlet * On the Scarcity of Home-grown Fruits in Great Britain/ which first appeared in the i Pro- ceedings of the Historical Society of Lanca- shire and Cheshire ' in 1863, passed into a second edition, and fully a thousand copies were distributed in France and Germany. in this tract he advocated the planting of the waste ground on the sides of railwavs with dwarf apple trees and with other kinds of fruit, and this suggestion was adopted to a considerable extent abroad and to a limited degree in England. Smith belonged to many learned societies at home and abroad. He was elected F.S. A. on 22 Dec. 1836, and much of his earliest work was contributed to the ' Arch&ologia ' (cf Literary Gazette, 6 Nov. 1852, pp. 828-9). For more than fifty years Smith took a keen interest in the work of the London Numis- maticSocietyj from 1841 to 1844 he was one ot its honorary secretaries, and from 1852 he was^an honorary member. To the 'Numis- matic Chronicle' he made a variety of con- tnbutions, and he received in 1883 the first medal of the society, in especial recognition ot nis services in promoting the knowledge Smith Smith of Romano-British coins. In conjunction with Thomas "Wright he founded the British Archaeological Association in 1843, and he frequently wrote in its journal. After his retirement to Strood he actively assisted in the work of the Kent Archseological Associa- tion, and contributed many papers to the * Archseologia Cantiana. 7 For many years he compiled the monthly article of f Anti- quarian Notes 'in the l Gentleman's Magazine.' He was a writer in the e Athenaeum/ in the ' ^Eliana' of the Newcastle Society (of which he was a member), and in the * Transactions ' of several other antiquarian bodies. "When, through the medium of his friend, the Abbe Cochet, he intervened successfully with Na- poleon III for the preservation of the Roman walls of Dax, a medal was struck in France in his honour to commemorate the event (1858). Smith, was unmarried, and a sister kept house for him. She died in 1874, and was buried in Frindsbury churchyard. After a confinement to his bed for sis days, he died at Temple Place on 2 Aug. 1890, and was buried in the same churchyard on 7 Aug. At a meeting, early in 1890 ? of the Society of Antiquaries, it had been proposed to strike a xnedal in his honour, and to present Mm with the balance of any fund that might be collected. The medal, in silver, was presented to hiiri on SO July (only three days before his death), and there remained for "him the sum of one hundred guineas. A marble medallion by G. Fontana belongs to the Society of Antiquaries. Smith's "works comprised : 1. e List of Bo- man Coins found near~Strood/ 1839. 2. * Col- lectanea Antiqua : etchings and notices of ancient remains/ 1848-80, 7 vols. The articles are chiefly on Koman remains, coins, ornaments, and monuments, in England, France, and Italy. The c notes on the an- tiquities of Treves, Mayenee, Wiesbaden, Bonn, and Cologne ' in the second volume, the details in volume iii. of the * Faussett Collection of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities/ and the account in the next volume of the public dinner to Smith at Newport, Isle of Wight, on 28 Aug. 1855, were issued separately in 1851 , 1854, and 1855 respectively, 3. * An- tiquities of Eichborough^ Beculver, Lymne in Kent/ 1850. A supplement on Lymne (in which he was assisted by James Elliott, jun.) came out in 1852, and one on Pevensey, with the aid of Mark Anthony Lower, was issued in 1858. 4. *Inventorium Sepul- chrale :* the antiquities dug up in Kent, 1757- 1773, by Bev.BryanFaussett,1856. 5. 'Illus- trations of Roman London/ 1859. 6. ' The Importance of Public Museums for Historical Collections/ 1860. 7. < Remarks on Shake- speare, his Birthplace/ 1868; 2nd edit. 1677. 8. i Rural Life of Shakespeare/ 1870 ; 2nd edit. 1874 ; a third edition was afterwards in preparation. 9. * South Kensington Mu- seum Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon and other Antiquities discovered at Faversham by William Gibbs/ 1871. 10. 'Address to Strood Institute Elocution Class/ 1879. 11. * Retrospections, Social and Archaeo- logical/ 1883, 1886, and 1891, 3 vols. Pre- fixed to volume i. is the medallion bust of him { from the marble by Signor Fontana.' His portrait is the frontispiece of volume iii., which was edited from page 186 by Mr. John Green Waller. A list of * Isle of Wight Words, Super- stitions, Sports/ &e., by Roach Smith and his brother. Major Henry Smith, R.M., was pub- lished by the English Dialect Society as part xxiii. (series C. original glossaries). [Hen of the Time, 12th ed. ; Athenaeum, 9 Aug. 1890, p. 202 ; Isle of Wight County Press, 2 Aug. 1S90 ; Times, 14 Aug. 1890, p. 9 ; Proc. Soc. of Antiquaries, 1889-91, pp. 310-12; Por- traits of Men of Eminence, vol. v. ed. Walford, pp. 13-15; Proc. of Numismatic Soc. in Nu- mismatic Chronicle, s. 39, xi. 18-21 ; Jonm. Brit, ArchseoL Assoc. xlvi. preface, pp. 237-43, 31S- 330.] W. P. C. SMITH, CHARLOTTE (1749-1S06> poetess and novelist, the eldest daughter of Nicholas Turner of Stoke House, Surrey, and Bignor Park, Sussex, by his wife, Anna Towers, was born in London on 4 May 1 749 at King Street, St. James's. When Char- lotte was little more than three years old her mother died, and the child was brought up by an aunt, who sent her at the early age of six to a school at Chichester, and afterwards to another at Kensington. The education thus received was exceedingly superficial, and ceased entirely at the age of twelve, when Charlotte entered society. Two years later she received an offer of marriage, which was refused by her father on the score of her youth. In 1764 the father married a second wife, a woman of fortune. Charlotte's aunt at that time had an aversion to stepmothers, and hurriedly arranged a marriage for her niece with Benjamin Smith, second son of Bichard Smith, a West India merchant, and director of the East India Company. The wedding took place on 23 Feb. 1765, The youthful couple (the husband was only twenty-one) lived over the elder Smith's house of business in the city of London, and Charlotte was in enforced attendance on an invalid mother-in-law of exacting disposi- tion. The marriage was not one of affection ; both parties had been talked into it by oifi- Smith Smith cious relatives, and it is not surprising that pole, Mrs. Siddons, and the two Wartons. Charlotte found life dreary. Her father-in- There were altogether eleven editions of the law,' on the death of his wife, married Char- t poems, the last dated in 1851. lotte's aunt. But the circumstances of Mrs. Smith's Charlotte was now free to indulge her family scarcely improved. They lived for a desire of living in the country. Her father- j while in a dilapidated chateau near Dieppe in in-lawj however, entertained a high opinion j France, and there Mrs. Smith translated Pre- of her 'abilities, and offered her a consider- | vest's 'ManonLescaut 3 (1785), and wrote the able allowance if she would live in London | * Eomance of Real Life/ an English version and assist him in his business. He had on one occasion when he was libelled employed of some of the most remarkable trials from ' Les Causes Celebres ; ' it appeared in 1786, her to write a vindication of Ms character, j About this time the family returned to Eng- a task that she fulfilled admirably. But land and settled at Woolbeding House, near a town life had never pleased her, and in Midhurst in Sussex. Mrs. Smith soon de- 177-ij with her husband and seven children, cided that a separation from her husband she went to live at Lys Farm, Hampshire. ' would be best for all concerned. The only Her husband was at one time high sheriff of i reason assigned was incompatibility of Hampshire (cf. UEsmiLsreffi, Life of M. E, j temper, and the children remained with the Mitford, iii. 148 ; letters ofM. R, Mitford, \ mother. The husband and wife occasionally ed. Chorlev, 2nd ser. L 29). But his ex- met and constantly corresponded ,* Mrs. travaganee'and his attempts to realise wild i Smith continued to give her husband pecu- and ruinous projects, propensities somewhat niary assistance, but firmly refused to live kept in check while he was living in his with him again. He died in March 1806. father's house, began to cause his wife un- In 1788 Charlotte Smith published her easiness. She once expressed to a Mend a first novel, ' Emmeline, or the Orphan of desire that her husband should find rational ! the Castle,' in 4 vols., and it was so success- employment. The friend suggested that his ful that her publisher, Cadell, supplemented enthusiasm might be directed towards reli- ' the sum originally paid. It was admired by gion. * Oh!' replied Charlotte, ' for heaven's , Sir Egerton Brydges and Sir Walter Scott, sake do not put it into his head to take to j The latter indulgently declared the ' tale religion, for if he does he will instantly begin i of love and passion 7 to be i told in a most by building a cathedral* (NICHOLS, Illustra- j interesting manner,' praised the mingling of toj,viiL 35). In 1776 the elder Smith died, ! humour and satire with pathos, and considered leaving a complicated will. The ensuing liti- ! that the ( characters both of sentiment and gation increased the pecuniary difficulties of of manners were sketched with a firmness Charlotte and her husband ; the Hampshire | of pencil and liveliness of colouring which estate was sold, and in 1782 Smith was im- j belong to the highest branch of fictitious prisoned for debt. His wife shared his con- ' * * """ " finement, which lasted for seven months. For some years Charlotte Smith had been in the habit of writing sonnets, and it oc- curred to her that her compositions might narrative.' Hayley was even more extra- vagant in his praises (cf. NICHOLS, Lit. lllustr. vii. 708). Miss Seward, on the other hand, found it a servile imitation of Miss Blarney's Cecilia ; J and stated that the cha- afford a means of livelihood. She showed ! racters of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford were drawn fourteen or fifteen of them to Dodsley, and [ from Mrs. Smith and her husband (Letters, afterwards to Billy, but neither would pub- ii. 213). A second novel, ' Celestina/ in lish them. She then appealed to Hayley kmowm to her by reputation, and a neigh- bour of iier family in Sussex who permitted Im to dedicate to him a thin quarto volume of sonnets (* Elegiac Sonnets and other Es- says *). It -was printed at Chichester at her own expense, and published by Dodsley at Hayle/s perswiom in 1784. The poems iotidfavtmr Witt the public; a second edition was called for tlie same year, and a fifth in 1789. They were reissued with a second 4 vols., came out in 1792, and was charac- terised as ( a work of no common merit ' (cf. NICHOLS, Lit. lllustr, vii. 715), and a third, ' Desmond,' in 3 vols., in 1792. The character of Mrs. Manby in the last is said to repre- sent Hannah More (SEWARD, letters, iii. 329). In 1792 Mrs. Smith visited Hayley at Eartham, and met there Cowper, and probably Romney (HAYLEY, Memoirs, i, 432). 'The Old Manor House,' in 4 vols., , % ,~ . , - - -~ - - - , considered by Scott her best piece of work, volume and plates by Stothard, under the appeared in 1793. fi w T ^^ f d ^ p ems > { Failil ^ kealtl1 was now added to the ever in i/w. ABQOHJT tke subscribers to that I present jecxrniary and fanuly troubles. But r^ i T ** rttfatetonv, | Mrs. Smith's cheerful temperament enabled Umrles James Fox, Horace Wai- , her to abstract herself from her cares, and eilfcioii were the Smith 5 publish a novel each year till 1799. Cald- well, writing to Bishop Percy in 1801, says : * Charlotte Smith is writing more volumes of "The Solitary W r anderer "for immediate subsistence. . . . She is a woman full of sorrows. One of her daughters made an imprudent marriage, and the man, after be- having extremely ill and tormenting the family, died. The widow has come to her mother not worth a shilling, and with three young children ' (XiCHOLS, Lit. Illustr. viii. 38). In 1804 appeared her l Conversations introducing Poetry,' a book treating chiefly of subjects connected with natural history for the use of children. It contains her versions of the well-known, poems *The Ladybird 1 and 'The Snail/ During the latter years of her life Mrs, Smith made many changes of residence, living at London, Brighthelmstone, and Bath, In 1805 she re- moved to Tilford, near Farnham in Surrey, where she died on 28 Oct. 1806. She was buried in Stoke church, near Guildf ord ; a monument by Bacon marks her resting- place. Of her twelve children, eight survived her. Her youngest son, George Augustus, a lieutenant in the 16th foot, died at Surinam on 16 Sept., five weeks before his mother ; another son, Lionel [q. v.], was a distin- guished soldier. If there is nothing great in Mrs. Smith's poems, they are * natural and touching * (cf. LEIGH HTJ^T, 3en, Women, and Books, ii. 139). Miss Mitford told Miss Barrett that she never took a spring walk without feeling Charlotte Smith's love of external nature and her power of describing it (cf. L ? ESTEA.NGE, Life of M> H. Mitford, iii. 148), and in a letter to Mrs. Hofl and declared that ' she had, with all her faults, the eye and the mind of a landscape poet' (Letters of M. JR. Mitford, ed. Chorley, 2nd ser. i. 29), As a novelist she shows skill in portraying 1 character, but the deficiencies of the plots render her novels tedious. Her English style is good, and it is said that whenever Erskine had a great speech to make, he used to read Charlotte Smith's works hi order to catch their grace of composition (L'EsrBA.HSE, Life of M. JS. Mitford, iii. 299). Her portrait was painted by Opie. A draw- ing from the picture by G. Glint, A.R.A., was engraved by A. Duncan and by Freeman. There is an engraving by Ridley and Holt of what seems to be another picture, and an unsigned engraving in which Mrs. Smith is represented in a curious dress. Her head in outline appears in * Public Characters* (1800-1). Other works by Charlotte Smith are : 1. 'Ethelinde, or the Recluse of the Lake/ 9 Smith 5 vols. 1790 ; 2nd edit. 1814. 2. 'The Ban- ished Man/ 4 vols. 1794. 3. { Moatalbert/ 1795. 4. ' Marchmont. 7 5. ' Rural Walks/ 6. l Rambles Farther/ 1796. 7. - Minor Morals interspersed with Sketches,' 2 vols. 1798; other editions 1799, 1800 y 1816, 1825. 8. e The Young Philosopher/ a novel, 1798. 9. < The Solitary Wanderer/ 1799. 10. * Beachy Head/ a poem, 1807. [Scott's biography, the iacts for Trhich were eomnranieated to him by Mrs. Dorset, a sister of Charlotte Smith, in Miscellaneous Prose Works, i. 349-59, is the chief authority ; see also Elwood's Literary Ladies, i. 284-309; 3Inthias r s Pursuits of Lit. pp. 56 t 58,] JE. L. SMITH, COLVIN (1795-1875), portrait- painter and royal Scottish academician, born at Brechin in Scotland in 1795, was son of John Smith, merchant, manufacturer, and magistrate of Brechin, a descendant of the i family of Lindsay, alias Smith, heritable 1 armourers to the "" bishop of Brechin. His I mother was Cecilia, daughter of Richard | Gillies of Little Keithock, Forfarshire, and sister of Adam, lord Gillies fq. v.", and John Gillies (1747-1836) [q. v.j *" When young, Smith went to London and became a student in the schools of the Royal Academy , and also studied, under Joseph ^Tollekens [q. v.] He then travelled abroad, and studied the works of the old masters; making friends at Home with Sir David WilMe [q. v.], whose portrait he painted. On Ms return he settled about j 1826 in Edinburgh, where he purchased the j studio and gallery in York Place which had been erected by Sir Henry Raebum [ Burgess. Selections from the authoress's i didactic writings are in 'The Ladv's I Monitor/ 1828, Svo. i [A somewhat confused Life by Henrietta, Maria Bowdler [q. v.], a personal friend from 1789; Jones's Christian Biography, 1829, pp. 385 sq. ; De Quinee/s "Works, ed. Hasson, iu 404 ; Notes and Queries, 25 Jan, 1868, p. 76.] A. a. SMITH, ERASMUS (1811-1691), edu- cational benefactor, son of Sir Roger Smith, alias Heriz or Harris (d. 1655, aged 84), of Husbands Bosworth and Edmondthorpe, Leicester, by his second wife, Anna (d. 1652, aged 66), daughter of Thomas Goodman of London, was born in 1611 (baptised 8 April) at Husbands Bosworth ( Reg, ) Henry Smith * silver-tongued 7 Smith [q. v.] was his. uncle. Erasmus was a Turkey merchant,* and a member of the Grocers' Company of London. A petition in the state papers, without date, calendared * 1662 May ? ' sets forth that the petitioner, Erasmus Smith r had been for twenty-two years ( a servant in ordinarie' to the long's 'royal father,' had ' also served His Majesty's Royal Father in the warres, for which there were great arrears due to him/ and asks for the place of carver in ordinary to the queen. His service was probably of a purely business character. In 1650 he appears in the state papers as an army contractor, supplying large quantities of oatmeal, wheat, and cheese for the troops in Ireland and in Scotland. Under the confiscating acts of 1642 he was an adven- turer of 300/. towards prosecuting the war against the Irish insurgents of 1641; for this, at the CromweHian settlement of 1652, B Smith 34 Smith he received 666 acres of land in co. Tipperary. He subsequently largely increased his hold- ings, tOl they reached in 1684 a total of 46,449 acres in nine counties. ^ He early pro- iected a scheme for the education of children on Ms estates ' in the fear of God, and good literature, and to speak the English tongue.' His petition of 22 June 1655 contemplates the establishment of five free schools. On 28 April 1657 he was elected alderman of Billingsgate ward, and sworn on 5 May; but on 26 May he obtained his discharge on paying a fine of 420/. By indenture of 1 Dec. 16o7 he founded five grammar schools, having bursaries at Trinity College, Dublin, and five elementary schools. Of eighteen trustees, the first in order was Henry Jones, D.D. [q. vj, followed by five nonconformist divines, offi- ciating in Dublin as independents, and in- cluding Thomas Harrison (/. 1658) [q. v.] and Samuel Mather [q.v.]; the children were to be taught the assembly's catechism. The trustees, reduced to seven, stiH headed by Jones, now bishop of Meath, obtained royal letters patent (3 Nov. 1667) directing them to pay 1QOJ. a year to Christ's Hospital, London, adding an apprenticeship scheme, reducing the grammar schools to three, and dropping the assembly's catechism. On Smith's petition a royal charter (26 March 1669) incorporated a bodv of thirty-two go- vernors, including as official governors the two primates, the lord chancellor of Ireland, the two chief justices, the chief baron of the exchequer, and the provost of Trinity Col- lege. Further powers were given by an act of the Irish parliament (1723) and by a royal charter of 27 July 1833. In 1794 the Fagel library was purchased by the governors for 8,000/., and presented to Trinity College. The estates now administered by the go- vernors contain over 12,400 acres, yielding a Tental (1892) of over 9,100Z., with funded property amounting to 14,679J. Besides the -payment to Christ's Hospital, payments are made in aid of lectureships, fellowships, and -exhibitions at Trinity College; grammar schools are maintained at Drogheda, Galway, and Tipperary, a high school and a com- mercial school at Dublin, where also twenty boys are maintained at the Blue Coat Hos- pital ; and thirty-eight elementary schools for boys, with four for girls, are kept up. The scheme of a new constitution was pre- pared in 1892 by the educational endow- ments (Ireland) commission, but has not advanced beyond the draft stage. Smith's London residence was at Clerken- well Green. He bought from Sir William Scroggs (1652 P-1695) [see under ScRoess, *Sir v\ ILTJTAM] Weald Hall in the parish of South Weald, Essex. He died between 25 Aug. and 9 Oct. 1691. His will directs his burial beside his wife, at Hamerton, Huntingdonshire (the burial register is defec- tive). He married Mary, daughter of Hugh Hare, first Lord Coleraine [q. v.], and had six sons and three daughters. His fourth son, Hugh Smith (1672-1745), of Weald Hall, married Dorothy, daughter of Dacre- Barret Lennard of Belhouse, and had issue two daughters ; Lucy, the younger (d. 5 Feb. 1759), married (17 March 1747) James Stanley lord Strange (1717-1771), who took (1749) the name of Smith-Stanley, which is retained by the earls of Derby, his descendants [see under STANLEY, EDWAED SMITH, thirteenth earl]. His portrait is at Christ's Hospital and has been engraved by Q-eorge White, who en- graved also the portrait of his wife, ' Madam truth,' from a painting by Kneller, 1680. [Webb's Compendium of Irish Biog., 1878, pp. 484 sq.; Granger's Biog. Hist, of Eng., 1779, iii. 404 sq., iv. 183; Burke' s Extinct Baronetcies, 1841, p. 492; Debrett's Peerage, 1829, i. 98 sq.; Burke's Peerage, 1895, p. 413 ; Morant's Essex, 1768, i. 119 ; London Direct, of 1677 (1878 repr.); Endowed Schools (Ireland) Eep,, 1858 ; Social Science Congress Eep., 1861 ; Educational Endow- ments (Ireland) Comm., Erasmus Smith Endow- ments, Draft Scheme, No. 144 (14 May 1892); Cal. of State Papers (Dom.), 1650, 1662, 1665; Smith's will at Somerset House ;priv. inf.] A. GK ' SMITH, FRANCIS (Jl. 1770), painter, was born in Italy, presumably of English parents. He became associated with the notorious Frederick Calvert, seventh lord Baltimore [q. v.], whom he accompanied on a visit to the east in 1763, and for whom he made some interesting drawings of the ceremonies of the court of Constantinople and of various oriental costumes. A set of plates from these, engraved by E. Franker, Vitalba, and others, was published in Lon- don in 1769. Smith exhibited a view of Vesuvius with the Incorporated Society of Artists in 1768, and in 1770, 1772, and 1773 was a contributor to the Eoyal Academy, sending a panoramic view of Constantinople and its environs, and views of Naples and London. He died in London before 1780. [Edwards's Anecd. of Painting; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Exhib. Cats.] F. M. O'D. SMITH, SIB FRANCIS PETTIT (1808- 1874), inventor of the screw-propeller for steamships, only son of Charles Smith,post- master of Hythe, by Sarah, daughter of Fran- cis Pettit of Hythe, was born on 9 Feb. 1808, it is said at Copperhurst Farm, close to Aldington Knoll, about six miles from Hythe. Vain search has been made for Ms baptism Smith 35 Smith entry in local parish registers. He was edu- cated at a private school at Ashford in Kent, &nd began life as a grazing farmer in Bomney Marsh, afterwards removing to Hendon, Mid- dlesex. In boyhood Smith acquired great skill in the construction of model boats, and displayed much Ingenuity in contriving me- thods of propulsion for them. Continuing to devote much of his spare time to the subject, he in 1 835 constructed a model which was propelled by a screw, actuated by a spring, and which proved so successful that he became convinced that this form of pro- peller vfould be preferable to the paddle- wheels at that time exclusively employed. The scheme of using some form of screw ss a propeller had been advocated by Robert Hooke [q. v.] as early as 1681, and by Daniel Bernouilli and others in the eighteenth cen- tury. On 9 May 1795 Joseph Bramah [q. v.] took out a patent for a screw propeller, but did not apparently construct one. But be- tween 1791 and 1807 John Cos Stevens, an American mechanician, made practical ex- periments with a steam-boat propelled by a screw at Hoboken, New Jersey. Moreover, simultaneously with Smith's first efforts, Captain John Ericsson, a Swede, was actively working in the same direction. i Smith was wholly ignorant of these en- I deavours. Impressed with the importance of the appliance, of which he believed himself j the sole discoverer, he practically abandoned j his farming, and devoted himself with whole- j hearted enthusiasm to the development and perfecting of his idea. By the following year (1836) he had con- structed a superior model, which was exhi- bited in operation to friends upon a pond on j his farm at Hendon, and afterwards to the \ public at the Adelaide Gallery, London. On j 31 May in the same year he took out a i patent, based upon this model, for * propelling ! vessels by means of a screw revolving beneath the water at' the stern. Six weeks later, on 13 July it is curious to note Captain Erics- j son took out, also in London, a similar patent. Smith quickly perfected his invention. With the pecuniary assistance of Mr. Wright, a banker, and the technical assistance of Mr. Thomas Pilgrim, a practical engineer whose services Smith engaged, he soon constructed a small boat of ten tons burden and fitted her with a wooden screw of two turns, driven by an engine of about six horse- power. This was exhibited to the public in operation in November 1836. An acci- dent to the propeller led him to the conclu- sion that a shortened screw would give more satisfactory results, and in 1837 a screw of a single turn was fitted. With a view to proving the efficiency of this method of pro- ; pulsion under all circumstances, the little ; vessel was taken to Ramsgate, thence to , Dover and Hythe, returning in boisterous j and stormy weather. The propeller proved I itself efficient to an unexpected degree in i both smooth and rough water. I ^ The attention of the admiralty was now | invited to the new invention, to which at the ! outset the sentiment of the engineering world I was almost universally opposed. The admi- i ralty considered it to" be desirable that ex- j periments should be made with a larger vessel | before recommending the adoption of the screw i in the navy. Accordingly a small companv j was formed, and the construction of a new ' screw steam er, the Archimedes, resolved upon. This was a vessel of 237 tons, fitted with a ' screw of one convolution, propelled by engines of eighty horse-power, the understanding with i the admiralty; being that her performance ; would be considered satisfactory if a speed of ; five knots an hour were maintained. Double this speed was actually achieved, and the ! vessel, after various trials on the Thames i and at Sheerness, proceeded to Portsmouth ' where she was tried against the Vulcan, one I of the fastest paddle steamers in her ma- ; jest/s service, with the most gratifying result. 1 This was in October 1839, and in the following year the admiralty experts deputed to conduct a series of experiments with her reported that they considered the success of the new pro- peller completely demonstrated. The admi- ralty would not even then, however, defi- nitely commit themselves, and it was not until a year later in 1841 that orders were given for the Rattler, the first war screw steamer in the British navy, to be laid down at Sheerness. In the meantime the Archi- medes was taken to the principal ports in Great Britain, to Amsterdam, and across the Bay of Biscay to Oporto, everywhere ex- citing interest, and leaving the impression that the value of the screw had been fully proved. When at Bristol Isambard Kingdom Brunei [q. v.] was invited to visit the vessel, and he was so satisfied with the new propeller that the Great Britain, the first large iron ocean-going steamer, which was originally in- tended to be fitted with paddles, was altered to adapt her for the reception of a screw. The Rattler was launched in 1843, and on 18 March 1841 Smith's four-bladed screw was tested in her with complete success. Orders were soon given for twenty war vessels to be fitted with it under Smith's superintendence. The hitherto accepted theory that the screw could not economi- cally compete with the paddle because of the loss of power arising from the obliquity Smith 3< of its motion was also completely refuted, and its universal adoption for ships of war and ocean steamers became a mere question of time. Smith acted as adviser to the admiralty until 1850, but derived from^ his work for the government and from his commercial operations very inadequate remuneration. ^In 1856 his patent upon which an extension of time had been granted expired, and he retired to Guernsey to devote himself once more to agriculture, But he was in!860com- pelled, by lack of pecuniary means, to accept the post of curator of the patent office mu- seum, South Kensington. This office he held until his death. Some recognition of his services was made by Lord Palmerston in 1855 ? when a pension of 200/. was conferred upon him, and in 1857 he was the recipient at St. James's Hall of a national testimonial, comprising a service of plate and a purse of nearly 3,000, which were subscribed for by the whole of the shipbuilding and engineer- ing world* Later, in 1871, the honour of knighthood was conferred on him. He was an associate of the Institution of Civil En- gineers, member of the Institute of Naval Architects, and of the Royal Society of Arts for Scotland ; also corresponding member of the American Institute. He died at South Kensington on 12 Feb. 1874. He was twice married: first, in 1830, to Ann, daughter of William Buck of Folkestone, by whom he had two sons ; and secondly, in 1866, to Susannah, daughter of John Wallis of Boxley, Kent. His widow and two sons survived him. [On the Introduction and Progress of the Screw Propeller, 1856 (consisting of biographical notices of Smith published in various journals ic 1855) ; WoodcrorVs Origin and Progress of Steam Navigation, 1848; 1>eatise on the Screw Propeller by Bourne ; Smiles's Industrial Biogr. ; Men of the Reign; Illustrated London News; Times, 17 Feb. 1874.] W. F. W. SMITH, GABRIEL (d. 1783), engraver, was bom ha London, and there obtained his earliest instruction. About 1760 he accom- panied William Wynne Ryland [q. v.] to Paris, where he learnt the method of en- graving hi imitation of chalk drawings, and on his return to England executed a series of plates in this style from designs by Watteau, Boucher, Le Bran, Bouchardon, and others, which were published by J. Bowles with the title, * The School of Art, or most complete Drawing-book extant/ 1765. In and about 1767 Smith engraved in the line manner, for BoydeU, *Tobit and the Angel * after Salvator Rosa, * The Blind leading the Blind' alter Tintoretto, 'The 5 Smith Queen of Sheba's Visit to Solomon'' aft E. Le Sueur, and 'Boar Hunting' afh Snyders. He also engraved a portrait of tl Rev. John Glen King, F.R.S., after Falcone and etched, from his own drawings, y he was placed with bis uncle, a cooper, but, preferring art, became a pupil of his brother William, whom he accompanied to Glouces- ter ; there and in other places he spent some years, painting chiefly portraits, and then returned to his native 'city, where, under the patronage of the Duke" of Richmond, he settled as a landscape-painter. He depicted the rural and pastoral scenery of Sussex and other parts of England in a pleasing but ar- tificial manner, "based on the study of Claude and Poussin, which appealed to the taste of the day, and he was throughout his life a much-admired artist. His reputation ex- tended to the continent, where he was known as the ' British Gessner.' In 1760 Smith gained from the Society of Arts their first premium for a landscape, and repeated his success in 1761 and 1763. He exhibited with the Incorporated Society of Artists in 1760, but in 1761 joined the Free Society, of which he was one of the chief supporters until 1774 : in that year only he was a con- tributor to the Royal Academy. Smith's works, which are now chiefly met with at Goodwood and other country houses of Sus- sex and Hampshire, were largely engraved by WooUetfc, Elliott, Peake, Vivares, and other able artists ; a series of twenty-seven plates from his pictures, with the title ' Pic- turesque Scenery of England and "Wales/ was published between 1757 and 1769. A set of fifty-three etchings and engravings by him and his brother John, from their own works and those of other masters, was pub- lished in 1770. George Smith was a good performer on the violoncello and also wrote poetry; in 1770 he printed a volume of * Pastorals, 7 of which a second edition, accom- panied by a memoir of him, was issued by his daughters in 1811 . He died at Chichegter on 7 Sept. 1776. JOHN SHITH (1717-1764),younger brother of George, was his pupil, and painted land- scapes of a similar character; the two fre- quently worked on the same canvas. John exhibited with the Incorporated Society of Artists in 1760 and with the Free Society from 1761 to 1764. In 1760, again in 1761, he was awarded the second premium of the Society of Arts, and in 1762, when his brother George was not a candidate, the first; Ms 'premium* landscape of 1760 was engraved by "Woollett, He died at Chichester on 29 July 1764. WILLIAM SMITH (1707-1764), the eldest of the brothers, born at Gmldford in 1707, was placed by the Duke of Richmond with Smith 2 a portrait-painter in London, and for a time practised portraiture, first in London and then for eight or nine years at Gloucester. On his return to the metropolis he ^ painted fruit and flowers with success until his health gave way, when he retired to Shopwyke, near Chichester. There he died on 4 Oct. 1764. The three brothers all lie in the church- yard of St. Paneras, Chichester. A portrait group of them, painted by William Pethier, was engraved in mezzotint by him in 1765. [G. Smith's Pastorals, 2nd ed. 1811; Daily's Chienester Guide, 1831, p. 96; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Graves's Diet, of Artists, 1760-1893 ; Seguier's Diet, of Painters ; Nagler's Kiinstler- Lexikou.j P. M. O'D. SMITH, GEORGE (1797 P-1850), captain in the navy, born about 1797, entered the j navy in September 1808 on board the Princess i Caroline of 74 guns, and, remaining in her for j upwards of four years, served in the North Sea, Baltic, and Channel. In February 1813 he was moved into the Undaunted with Cap- tain Thomas Ussher [q. v.], whom he accom- panied to the Duncan of 74 guns in August 1814, On 20 Sept. 1815 he was promoted to be lieutenant. He afterwards served in the Mediterranean and on the coast of South America till his promotion, on 8 Sept. 1829, to the rank of commander. In 1830 he was appointed to superintend the instruction of officers and seamen in gunnery on board the Excellent at Portsmouth, and was advanced to jK>st rank on 13 April 1832. His con- nection with the gunnery school at Ports- mouth led him to invent a new method of sighting ships' guns, a lever target, and the paddle-box lifeboats, which were widely adopted upon paddle-wheel steamers. In June 1849 he was appointed superintendent of packets at Southampton, where he died, unmarried, on 6 April 1850. He was the author of 4 An Account of the Siege of Ant- werp ' 1833) and some minor pamphlets on professional subjects. [O^Byrae's Kav. Biogr.Dict. ; G-entMag. 1850, J.I. L. SMTES, GEORGE (1800-1868), historian and theologian, born at Condurrow, near Camborne, Cornwall, on 31 Aug. 1800, was the son of William Smith, a carpenter and small former at Condurrow (d. 1852), by Ms wife, PMlippa Moneypenny (d. 1834). He was educated at the British and Foreign schools at Fttbnouth and Plymouth, to which town his father retired in 1808, when the lease of his^small farm expired. In 1812 he returned with his parents to Cornwall, and was employed for several years in farm work \ Smith and carpentering. Having accumulated small sum of money, he became a builder 1824, and still further increased his sources. He married at Camborne chun on 31 Oct. 1826, Elizabeth Burrall, youngi daughter of "William Bickford and Sus Burrall. Bickford was a manufacturer, w afterwards invented t the miners' safety fus and Smith became a partner in his enfr prises, taking out separately or in conjunctii with his fellow-adventurers several paten for improvements in that article. Throng his business he amassed a considerable fo tune. Smith's energy largely contributed to tl completion of the Cornwall railway, whk ran from Plymouth to Truro and Falmout and he was the chairman of the compar to January 1864. All his life he was diligent student, and he was famed througl out Cornwall for has powers in speakin and lecturing. In 1823 he became a Iocs preacher among the Wesleyan methodistf and for many years before his death wa one of the leading laymen in that societj He was a member of the Eoyal Asiatic So ciety, of the Society of Antiquaries (23 Dec 1841), of the Eoyal Society of Literature and of the Irish Archaeological Society. L 1859 he was created LL.D. of New York. Smith died at his house, Trevu, Camborne on 30 Aug. 1868, and was buried in th< 1 "Wesleyan Centenary Chapel cemetery 01 ; 4 Sept. His widow died at Trevu or \ 4 March 1886, aged 81, and was buried ir ; the same cemetery on 9 March. They ha<3 four children, the eldest of whom, William Bickford-Smith, represented in parliament i the Truro division of Cornwall from 1885 to i 1892. The writings of Smith included : 1. ' An Attempt to ascertain the True Chronology of the Book of Genesis/ 1842. 2, < A Disser- i tation on the very Early Origin of Alphabeti- ; cal Characters,' 1842, 3. ' EeHgion of Ancient | Britain to the Norman Conquest/ 1844 ; 2nd edit. 1846; 3rd edit, revised and edited by his eldest son, 1865. 4. ' Perilous Times, or the Aggressions of Antichristian Error, 1845^ an attack on tractarianism. 5. ' The Cornish Banner : a Eeligious, Literary, and Histori- cal Register/ 1846-7; published in monthly numbers, July 1846 to October 1847, both inclusive, at the cost of Smith. 6. ' Sacred Annals : ? vol. i. 'The Patriarchal Age/ 1847 (2nd edit, revised, 1859) ; voL ii. 'The He-* brew People/ 1850; vol. iii. 'The Gentile Nations/ 1853. The three volumes were re- issued at New York in 1 850-4. 7. * Wesleyan Ministers and their Slanderers/ 1849 ; 2nd edit, 1849, referring to the charges of the- Smith 39 Smith *Fly Sheets' and the action of the expelled Relations with China; London, 1557, 8 ministers, Dunn, Everett, and Griffiths 5. Ten Weeks in Japan/ London, 1861,8 (Bibl. Cormtb. iii. 1163). 8. ' Doctrine of -- - - the Cherubim/ 1850. 9. i Polity of Wesley an Methodism exhibited and defended/ 1851. 10. 'Doctrine of the Pastorate/ 1851; 2nd edit. 1851. 11. ' Wesleyan Local Preachers' Manual,' 1855. 12. k Harmony of the Divine 8vo. . &VQ. [Times, 16 Dec. 1871 ; Men of the Time, 7th edit.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 17 15-1 SS6; Crock- ford's Clerical Directory.] E. I. C, SMITH, GEORGE (1840-1876), Assyrio- logist, was born at Chelsea of parents" in a 1857 ; voL ii. * The Middle Age/ 1858; vol. to learn "bank-note engraving. Hisimagina- iii. f Modern Methodism/ 1861, a work of tion had been fired from an early age by the permanent value ; the second and revised accounts which he had read of the oriental edition came out in 1859-62, and the fourth explorations of LayardandRawlinson,andhe edition appeared in 1865. 14. * The Oas- frequently spent the greater portion of his siteridesj or the Commercial Operations of dinner hour at the British Museum, while Ms the Phoenicians in Western Europe, with spare earnings were devoted to the purchase particular reference to the British tin trade/ ; of books on Assyrian subjects. Sir Henry 1863. 15. i Book of Prophecy : a Proof of Uawlinson was struck by his intelligence the Plenary Inspiration of Holy Scripture/ ! and enthusiasm, and in 1866 gave him per- 1865. "" ---- - -> 16."* Life and Eeign of David,* 1868. A companion work on Daniel was left in- complete. [Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. ii. 662-4 (where particulars are given of his sermons and patents and of several publications relating to him); Boase's Collectanea Coronb. pp. 906-7; the tribute paid City Eoad Mag. iii. 338-42 ; West Briton, 3 ! Shalmaneser mission to study the paper casts in his work- room at the museum. Concentrating Ms attention at first upon the arma-la of Tiglath Pileser, Smith achieved his first success by the discovery of a new and confirmatory text which enabled him to assign a precise date to A short account of this dis- and 10 Sept. 1868 ; Cornish Telegraph, 27 Jan. 1864, pp. 2-3.] W. P. C, SMITH, GEORGE (1815-1871), bishop covery was published by Smith in the f Athe- naeum 7 (1866, ii.410); and, being encouraged by Kawlinson. and Dr. Birch, he next set to- work upon the cylinders containing the Ms- of Victoria, born in 1815, was the only son j toryof Assurbanipal(Sardanapalus),andwas of George Smith of Wellington, Somerset, j gradually enabled to introduce some order He matriculated from Magolalen Hall, Ox- I into the confusion which had reigned among- ford, on 17 Dec. 1831, graduating B.A. in I those documents. His remarkable success led 1837 and M.A. in 1843. He was ordained j Rawlinson to propose to the museum trusteea deacon in 1839 and priest in the following j that Smith should be associated with himself year. In 1841 he became incumbent of Goole, j in preparing a new volume of the *Cunei- Yorkshire, and in 1844 he undertook a mis- j form Inscriptions of Western Asia/ The sion of exploration in China for the Church suggestion was adopted, and in January 1867 Missionary Society. On his return he pub- Smith entered upon his official life at the lished the results of Ms expedition under the ; museum, and definitely devoted himself to title f A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit | the study of the Assyrian monuments. The to each of the Consular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan/ London, 1847, 8vo. He was consecrated bishop of Victoria in Hong Kong on 29 March 1849, resigned the see in 1865, and died on 14 Dec. 1871, at his residence at Black- heath, Kent. He married a daughter of Andrew Brandram, rector of Beckenham, first fruits of his labours were the discovery of two inscriptions one fixing a date of the total eclipse of the sun in the month Sivan in B.C. 763, and the other the date of an invasion of Babylonia by the Elamites in B.C. 2280; while, in a series of articles in the * Zeitschriffc fiir agyptische Sprache/ he threw a flood of light upon later Assyrian history and the J.JULLVJkJ.V IT J_J.tUJ. \JJ-ti-iJ-Lj itA-t-VJ. \Jt. -l-tol,-.Jl-ir:.ll.HflillI, JJ. J.J.giit( U.JLFUU. jLOnUCJ. ^3kO*3 J 0. J.CUJL .ULLOltUJ. T diiVA VU.rtanee, relating to the Creation, > Smith the Fall, the Tower of Babel, and simil myths held in common by the Chaldeans ai the people of the Pentateuch. The results i these labours were embodied in his ' Chaldea Account of Genesis' (London, 1876 [1875 8vo; again ed. Sayce, 1880, 8vo; Germa version, Leipzig, 1876, 8vo). The value of these discoveries induced th trustees of the British Museum to send Smit. on yet another expedition to excavate th remainder of Assur-bani-pal's library a Kouyunjik, and so complete the collectioi of tablets in the museum. He aceordinglj started for Constantinople in October 1875 and, after much trouble, succeeded in getting the necessary firman. In March 1876 he left for Mosul and Nineveh, in company with Dr, Eneberg, a Finnish Assyriologisfc. "While detained at Aleppo on account of the plague, he explored the banks of the Euphrates from the Balis northwards, and at Jerabolus dis- covered the ancient Hittite capital Carche- mish. After visiting Deri (or Thapsacus) and other places, he made his way to Bagdad, where he procured between two thousand and three thousand tablets, discovered by some Arabs in an ancient Babylonian library near Hill ah. From Bagdad he went to Kouyunjik, and found, to his intense disap- pointment, that it was impossible to excavate on account of the troubled state of the country. Meanwhile Eneberg had died, and Smith, worn out by fatigue and anxiety, broke down at Ikisji, a small village sixty miles north-west of Aleppo. He was brought to Aleppo through the agency of the British consul, James Henry Skene, from whose wife hereceivedeverypossibleattention,butaftera short rally he died at the consulate on the even- ing of 19 Aug. He left a widow and family, for whose benefit a public subscription was set on foot by Professor Sayce, and in October. 1876 a civil list pension of 150Z. was settled upon Mrs. Smith, in consideration of her hus- band's eminent services to biblical research. In addition to the works mentioned, Smith published : 1. 'The Phonetic Values of Cunei- form Characters, 7 1871, 8vo. 2. < History of Assurbanipal/ 1871, 8vo. 3. ' Notes on the Early History of Assyria and Babylonia/ 1872, 8vo. 4. ' Ancient History from the Monuments : Assyria/ 1875. 5. < The Assy- rian Eponym Canon,' London, 1875, 8vo; an invaluable pioneer work on Assyrian chro- nology. 6. 'Ancient History from the Monu- ments: Babylonia' (posthumous), London, 1877, 8vo ; 2nd edit., revised by Sayce, 1895. 7. 'The History of Sennacherib 7 (for the ; benefit of Mrs. Smith), 1878, 4to. [Memoir by Professor Sayce in Nature, 1 4 Sept. 1876; Smith's Assyrian Discoveries; Trans- Smith Smith actions of the Soc. of Biblical Archaeology, vols. i.-v. ; Tiir^s, 4 Dec. 1S75. 5, 7, 10 and 13 Sept. !S78 ; Daily Telegraph, 11 Sept. 1876: Levant Herald, 4 Sept. 1S75; 3IecaLt*s Bibliotheque du Palais de Mnive, IS SO, p. 1 7 ; Kasrozin's Chaldea, pp. 42 seq. ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] ~ T. S. SMITH, GEORGE (1831-1895), of Coai- viile, philanthropist, "bom at Clayhills, Tun- stall, Staffordshire, on 16 Feb. 1831, was the son of William Smith (1607-1872), brick- maker, by his wife, Hannah Hoilins ( GKO- SABT, Hanani, or Memories of William Smith, 1874, with portrait). At nine years of age George commenced working at* his father's trade, carrying about forty pounds weight of clay or bricks on his head. The labour lasted thirteen hours daily, and to it was some- times added night-work at the kilns. He managed to obtain s,ome education, and saved his earnings to buy books. In this manner, while still a young man, he raised himself above the level of his associates. While manager of large brick and tile works at Humberstone in Staffordshire in 1855, he visited Coalville in Leicestershire in 1857, where he discovered several valuable seams of clay. His imprudence in revealing his discovery prematurely prevented his reaping the full benefit of it ; but in the capacity of manager he succeeded in forming a large business there. During this time he persistently advocated the necessity of legislation on behalf of the brickmakers. He lectured on the degrada- tion, immorality, and ignorance of the work- men, and on the cruelties to which the children were subjected. In one instance a boy weighing fifty-three pounds had to carry a load of forty-four pounds of clay upon his head. In 1863 he obtained the support of Robert Baker, C.B., an inspector of factories, and from that time his efforts were unceasing. He created a powerful impression at several of the social science congresses, particularly those of 1870 and 1872. In 1871 he pub- listed The Cry of the Children J (London, 8vo, 6th edit. 1879), which roused the interest of Anthony Ashley Cooper, seventh earl of Shaftesbury [q. v.j, and of Anthony John Mondella. In the same year an act (34 & 35 Viet. cap. 104) was passed, providing for the inspection of briclsyards and the regu- lation of juvenile and female labour therein. In recognition of his services Smith received a purse of sovereigns, accompanied by an address at a meeting presided over by Lord Shaftesbury. He had, however, roused con- siderable ill will within the trade, and to- wards the close of 1875 he lost his position of manager at Coalville. In 1873 Smith turned Ms attention to the conditions of life of the one hundred thou- sand men, women, and children iivinar oa canals and navigable rivers. He found drunkenness and immorality alarminglv rife among them. In 1874 Mr." John Morley ad- mitted an article by him on the subject to the ' Fortnightly Review,' and in the^foTbwing year he published { Our Canal Population": a Cry from the Boat Cabins/ London, Svo. In 1876 he failed to dissuade Lord Sandon, in his first Education Bill, from applying the two-mile limit to children living in canal boats, but in the following year, in conse- quence of his representations, George Sclater- Booth (afterwards lord Basing) "q. v.l intro- duced the Canal Boats Bill, which came into force on 1 Jan. 1878. This act enforced the registration of all canal boats under the name of a place where there was a school for the children to attend, as provided by the ele- mentary education acts. It also regulated the sanitary conditions of life on board. The act, however, left too much to the discretion of local authorities to insure any great ame- lioration of the condition of the canal popu- lation. In 1881 a bill to amend its provi- sions and render it more workable was blocked by Sir Edward Watkin and others, but it was passed in 1884. By its provisions the local authorities were required to make annual reports to the local government board, and the board to parliament. The local autho- rities were instructed to enforce the attend- ance of the children at the schools ? and an inspector of canal boats was appointed. For several years Smith had sought to draw- attention to the condition of the gipsy chil- dren, and after the passing of the Canal Boats : Amendment Act he gave all his time to that subject. In 1880 he published ' Gipsy Life : i being an Account of our Gipsies and their Children,' London, Svo, a work containing much information on the history of the race in England. A Moveable Dwellings Bill, framed in accordance with Smith's views, was several times introduced into parliament by Messrs. Charles Isaac Elton, Thomas Burt, ; and Matthew Fowler. It provided for the | registration of travelling vans and for the [ regulation of the sanitary condition of the ' dwellers. The education of the children pre- sented such difficulties that it was left for further consideration. Despite Smith's en- thusiastic energy, the opposition the "bill encountered was too determined to permit its passage. ! After his dismissal from his post at Coal- ville in 1872, Smith passed thirteen years in ; great poverty. In 1885 he received & grant from the royal bounty fund, with which he i purchased a house at Crick^ near Eugby. Smith < In 1886 he formed the * George Smith of Coalville Society 'at Rugby, the members of which were to assist in furthering his phi- lanthropic works. Smith died at Crick on 21 June 1895. He was twice married, first to Mary Mayfield, by whom he had three children , and, secondly, to Mary Ann Lehman. Besides the works mentioned, Smith's most important publications were : 1. l Canal Ad- ventures by Moonlight/ London, 1881, 8vo. 2. ' I've been a Gipsying, or Rambles among our Gipsies and their Children,' London, 1883, 8vo. 3. ' Gypsy Children j or a Stroll in Gypsydom,' London, 1889, 8vo ; new edit, 1891. 4. 'An Open Letter to my Friends ; or Sorrows and Joys at Bosvil, Leek,' 1892, 8vo, [Hodder's G-eorge Smith of Coalville, the Story of an Enthusiast, 1896, -with portrait ; George Smith of Coalville: a Chapter in Phi- | lanthropy, 1880, with portrait; Times, 24 June ! 1895 ; Graphic, 1879 p. 508 with portrait, 1895 p. 778 with portrait ; Illustrated London Kews, 1895, p. 798, with portrait; Biograph, Hay 1879, pp. 316-38 ; Fortnightly Review, February 1875, pp. 233-42.] E. I. C. SMITH, GEORGE CHAELES (1782- 1863), known as t Boatswain Smith,' was born in Castle Street, Leicester Square, London (now Charing Cross Road), on 19 March 1782, and was apprenticed to a bookseller in Tooley Street from 1794 to 1796. In the latter year he was apprenticed to the master of an American brig, but when at Surinam, Guiana, was pressed into the English naval service. According to his own account, he was soon appointed a mid- shipman ^in the Scipio, and in 1797 a mid- shipman in the Agamemrion, serving in the jSorth Sea fleet, fie then became master's mate, was present in the battle of Copen- hagen in 1801, and in 1803 left the navy From 1803 to 1807 he was a student under the Rev. Isaiah Birt at Devonport, and a preacher to sailors and fishermen at Ply- mouth, Dartmouth, and Brixham. In 1807 b*s was chosen pastor of the Octagon baptist chapel at Penzance, where he served until ' 1S25, and again from 1843 to 1863. In 1822 ! he converted the chapel into the Jordan ' baptist chapel. Between 1812 and 1816 he built six chapels in villages around Penzance, and educated men to supply them. But his energies were chiefly devoted to providing soldiers, and especiaUy sailors, with behalf philanthropic institutions. On m sions connected with these objects he often u* fc .1, at p en2ance4 ^ Qm March Smith wards he brought to England two French ministers, through whom he introduced the Lancasterian system of education into France. He commenced open-airpreaching inDevon and Somerset in 1816, encountering much opposition, but his efforts led to the forma- tion of the Home Missionary Society in 1819. In 1817 he began prayer meetings and preach- ing on board ship among sailors on the Thames, when the Bethel flag was first used as a signal for divine service on board a vessel. He opened the first floating chapel for the sailors on the Thames in 1819, and soon after established similar ship-chapels in Liverpool, Bristol, and Hull. In 1822 he commenced open-air preaching hi Tavistock Square, London, and, carrying out similar services all over the provinces, set an ex- ample which has since been widely fol- lowed. He formed the Thames Watermen's Friend Society for giving religious instruc- tion to watermen, bargemen, and coal-whip- pers in 1822, and a society for river and canal men at Paddington, where he also opened a chapel. In 1823 he originated the Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum for Boys, which is now a flourishing institution at Snaresbrook. In 1824 he formed the Shipwrecked and Distressed Sailors' Family Fund, which is now continued as the Ship- wrecked Mariners' and Fishermen's Society In 1824 Smith formed the London City Mission Society, and in the same year opened the Danish Church, Wellclose Square, Lon- don Docks (which had been closed for twenty years), as the Mariners' Church. In 1827 ^ unary cap- m with the English army in Spain. After- * u ~~- *******>-* o V.U.UJ.I^.LL. JLJU JLOjS/ he established the London Domestic City Mission for holding Sunday services and visiting the poor in their houses. He claimed to have established in 1828 the first tempe- rance society in England, and in 1829 he commenced the Maritime Penitent Female Refuge, now carried on at Bethnal Green. On the site of the Brunswick theatre, Wellclose Square, of the falling down of which on 28 Feb. 1828 he printed an account, Smith erected the Sailors' Home, the first establishment of the kind, it is believed in the world. In. 1830 he established the bailors' Orphan Homes for Boys and Girls. To pay the expenses of these establishments he made open-air preaching tours through Great Britain, having with him twelve orphan boys, six dressed as sailors and six as soldiers, who were trained to sing hymns and patriotic songs. At this time he fantas- tically entitled himself < George Charles Smith, B.B.U.' (i.e. Burning Bush Uncon- sumed) In 1861, at the age of eighty, he visited America on the invitation of the Mariners Church and the superintendent of Smith 43 Smith the Sailors" Home, New York. He preached there and at Boston, Philadelphia, and Salem. He died in poverty at Jordan House, Pen- zance, on 10 Jan. 1863 ; the coastguard, the naval reserve, and two thousand people attended his funeral on 16 Jan. lie married, in June 1806,Theodosia (d. 1866), daughter of John Skipwith. By her he had a nume- rous family. His name is found on upwards of eighty publications, chiefly small books and tracts. An almost complete bibliography is given in Boase and Courtney's i Bibliotheca Cornu- biensis 7 (pp. 664-9, 1337). Some of his most popular works were: 1. * The Boatswain's Mate/ a dialogue, 1812, many editions. 2. ' The Prose and Poetical Works of the Rev. G. C. Smith/ 1819, a collected edition of twenty- four pieces. 3. ' Intemperance, or a General View of the Abundance, the Influence, and the horrible Consequences of Ardent Spirits/ 1829. He also edited *The Sailor's Maga- zine/ 1820-7, and 'The New Sailor's Maga- zine and Naval Chronicle/ 1827, which, under various changes of name, he conducted to 1861. TnEOPHiLrs AHIJAH SMITH (1809-1879), philanthropist, eldest son of the above, was born in Chapel Street, Penzance, on 2 July 1809. In June 1824 he was apprenticed to Thomas Vigurs, a printer. From 1831 to 1837 he was employed under his father in the Sailors' Society, and during that time he assisted informing the English and American Sailors 7 Society at Havre. In conjunction with Messrs. Giles and Grosjean, he in 1835 inaugurated the first temperance society in London, and in 1839 formed the Church of England Temperance Society. From 1840 to 1847 he was assistant secretary to the Protestant Association, and from 1847 to 1861 secretary of the Female Aid Society. In 1860 he originated the midnight meeting movement, and was the secretary from 1861 to 1864. Finally he was the secretary of the Protestant Association from. 1865 to 1868. He was permanently crippled by a railway accident in 1868, and died at Cardi- gan Road, Richmond, Surrey on 13 Jan. 1879. He married, first, in June 1836, Annie, daughter of James Summerland ; secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Cronk. He published an account of his father in 1874 under the title of The Great Moral Refor- mation of Sailors.* [Gent. Mag. 1863, i. 260, 890-1 ; Congre- gational Year Book, 1862, p. 223; Cornish Telegraph, 14 Jan. 1863, p. 3, 21 Jan. p. 2 ; Baptist Mag. 1848, xl. 293, 563, 690; Boase's Collect. Corrmb. 1890, p. 907; The Cornishman, 29 Bee. 1881, p. 8.] G-. C. B. SMITH, GERARD EDWARD (1804- 1881), botanist and divine, born at Camber- well, Surrey, in 1804, was sixth son of Henry Smith. He'entered Merchant Taylors' school in January 1814, and St. John's College, Oxford, as Andrew's exhibitioner, in 1822 ; he graduated B.A. in 1829. Before being ordained he published his principal botanical work, * A Catalogue of rare or remarkable , Phanogamous Plants collected in South ; Kent/ London, 18*29, which is dated from ! Sandgate. The ' Catalogue,' which occupies i only seventy-six pages, is arranged on the ; Linnsean system, deals critically with several ; groups, and has five coloured plates drawn i by the author. Smith was vicar of St. i Peter-the-Less, Chichester, from 1835 to I 1836, rector of North Marden, Sussex, from i 1836 to 1843 ? vicar of Cantley, near Don- ! caster, Yorkshire, from 1844 to 1846, per- I petual curate of Ashton Hayes, Cheshire, from 1849 to 1853, and vicar*of Osmaston- ! by-Ashbourne, Derbyshire, from 1854 to I 1871. He died at Ockbrook, Derby, on I 21 Dec. 1881. | Smith was the first to recognise several . British plants, describing Statice occidentalis I under the name 8. binercosa in the ' Supple- 1 ment to English Botany ' (1831, p. 63), and | Pilaff o apiculata in the * Phytologist ' for i 1846 (p. 575). His herbarium, which does i not bear witness to any great care, is pre- I served at University College, Nottingham. j Smith contributed ( Remarks on Qphrys ' to London's * Magazine of Natural History T } in 1828 (i. 398) ; * On the Claims of Alynum ' calycinum to a place in the British Flora ' to the 'Phytologist' for 1845 (ii. 232); a pre- face to W. E. Howe's i Ferns of Derbyshire * in 1861, enlarged in the edition of 1877; I and * Notes on the Flora of Derbyshire * to i the 'Journal of Botany' for 1881. Besides j the South Kent Catalogue and two sermons he published separately : 1. * Stonehenge, a j poem,' Oxford, 1823, 8vo, signed 4 Sir Oracle, ! Ox. Coll./ and intended to be humorous, ! 2. 'Are the Teachings of Modern Science I antagonistic to the Doctrine of an Infallible : Bible ? 7 London, 1863, 8vo. 3. * The Holy I Scriptures the original Great Exhibition for i all Nations/ an allegory, London, 1865, 8vo. , 4. c What a Pretty Garden ! or Cause and Effect in Floriculture/ Ashbourne, 1865, 16xno. [Robinson's Reg. of Merchant Taylors' School, ii. 197 ; Foster's Alumni Ozon. 1715-1886; Jtrar- ; nal of Botany, 1882, p. 63.] Gv S. B. SMITH, SIB HARRY GEORGE WAKELYN,baronet (1787-1860), the victor at AHwal and governor of the Cape of Good Smith 44 Smith Hope, fifth of thirteen children, was born on 28 June 1 787 at Whittlesea in the Isle of Ely, where his father, John Smith, was a surgeon in fair practice. His mother, Eleanor, was daughter of George Moore, minor canon of Peterborough. A sister, Mrs. Jane Alice Sar- gant, who kept a school at Hackney, and died 23 Feb. 1869, was the author of 'Ringstead Abbey,' a novel (1830); of a drama ' Joan of Arc ; ' and many religious and political tracts. A younger brother, Thomas Lawrence Smith (if 92-1877), joined the 95th regiment on 3 March 1 808; served with much distinction throughout the Peninsular war ; took part in the battle of "Waterloo; and, riding in front of his battalion, was the first British officer to enter Paris on 7 July 1815. From 1824 to 1855 he was barrack-master under the board of ordnance until 1838 in Ireland and then at Chatham. From 1 855 he was principal bar- rack-master at Aldershot, but in 1868, when he was made C.B., he retired from the army. Of his seven sons, six entered the army and one the navy. Another of Sir Harry's bro- thers, Charles Smith (1795-1854), served at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, where he was wounded, but retired early from the army. Harry received a commission as ensign in the 95th foot, afterwards the rifle brigade, on 17 May 1805, and, being promoted to be lieutenant on 15 Aug. the same year, was quartered at Shorncliffe. In June 1806 he embarked for service under Sir Samuel Auch- muty [q. v.l in South America, In January 1807 a landing was effected at Maldonado, near the mouth of the La Plata river, after some fighting, and the suburbs of Monte Video were occupied. On the 20th the enemy made a sortie with six thousand men, when the riflemen suffered severely. The attack, after a breach had been made on 3 Feb., was led by the riflemen and the place captured. Smith also took part on o July in the disas- trous attack onBuenos Ayres, and he returned with his regiment to England, arriving at Hytne in December 1807. In the autumn of 1808 'Smith embarked with some companies of the second battalion &r the Peninsula, and landed at Coruna on 26 Oct. In December he was brigaded with the 43rd and 52nd foot under Brigadier- general Robert Craufurd [q. v.], and served throughout the retreat to and the battle of Coruna on 16 Jan. 1809. Embarking the same night, he arrived at Portsmouth on tfee 21st, and, after spending two months at wmttlesea, proceeded to Hythe. In May 1809 Smith sailed with the 1st feafct&kon under Lieutenant-colonel Beck- wjt&lor Lisbon, where they landed on 2 July, ana joined Brigadier-general Bobert Crau- furd's brigade, Smith was seriously wounded at the action of the Coa, near Almeida on 24 July 1810. In March 1811 he commanded a company in the pursuit of Massna from the lines of Lisbon, and was engaged in the ac- tions of Redinha on the 12th, of Condeixa on the 13th, and of Foz d'Aronce on 15 March. He was appointed to the staff as brigade- major to the 2nd light brigade of the light division in March 1811. In this capacity he was engaged in the action of Sabugal on 3 April, the battle of Fuentes d'Onoro on 5 May, and at the siege and at the storm of CiudadRodrigo onl9Jan.!812. After being promoted to be captain on 28 Feb. 1812, he was at the siege and at the storm of Badajos on 6 April, The day after the assault two handsome Spanish ladies, one the wife of a Spanish officer serving in a distant part of Spain, and the other her sister, a girl of fourteen years of age Juana Maria de los Dolores de Leon claimed the protection of Smith and a brother officer, representing that they had fled to the camp from Bada- jos, where they had suffered violence from the infuriated soldiery, having had their ear- rings brutally torn from their ears. They were conveyed by Smith and his friend to a place of safety, and the younger became Smith's wife. She accompanied him to the end of the war. She was well known after- wards in English society. Smith took part in the battle of Salamanca on 22 July 1812, the battle of Vittoria 21 June 1813, the passage of the Bidassoa 7 Oct., the attack on the heights of Vera and in the battle of Sarre, the attack upon the position of St. Jean de Luz and the heights of Arcangues in November, the battle of Orthez on 27 Feb. 1814, the combat at Tarbes on 20 March, and the battle of Toulouse on 10 April 1814. On the termination of hostilities with France, Smith was appointed in May assis- tant adjutant-general to the force sent under Major-general Ross to carry on the war with America, He sailed from Bordeaux on board the fleet of Rear-admiral Pulteney Malcolm [q. v.], which carried the expedition, on 2 June. After calling at St. Michael's and at Bermuda, where additional troops joined them, they arrived in Chesapeake Bay early in August, landed at St. Benedict in the Patuxent river on the 19th, and marched on Washington. On the 24th Smith took part in the battle of Bladensburg and in the capture and burning of Washington. Before Ross was killed in a skirmish near Balti- more on 12 Sept. [see Ross, ROBEBT], Smith was sent Jbioine with despatches in recog- nition of his services, and was promoted to be Smith 45 Smith brevet major on 29 Sept. 1514. He left England ag-ain at once, with reinforcements under Sir Edward Michael Pakenhain ~q. v.~, and joined the British land and sea forces before New Orleans on 25 Dec. Pakenham. took the command ashore, and Smith resumed his duties as assistant adjutant-general. In the unsuccessful attack on Xew Orleans on 8 Jan. 1815 Pakenham was killed. Sir John Lambert assumed the command, appointed Smith his military secretary, and employed him to negotiate with the enemy. During the , night a trace for two days was with difficulty ; effected by Smith, who* passed and repassed I frequently between the opposing forces. j Smith sailed in the fleet with the eipedi- ; tion, on 27 Jan., to attempt the capture of; Mobile, one hundred miles to the eastward j of New Orleans. Troops were landed toj attack Fort Bowyer and on He Dauphine, on ' the opposite side of the entrance. On the j completion of the siege approaches to Fort ! Bowyer, Smith was sent in with a summons i to surrender. The commandant, having: elicited from Smith that the place would I certainly be taken if stormed, capitulated on 11 Feb. On the 14th hostilities ceased, news having arrived that preliminaries of peace between England and the United! States had been settled at Ghent on 24 Dec. 1814. When intelligence of the ratification ; of the treaty arrived on 5 March, the force J embarked, and Smith reached England ini time to proceed to the Netherlands as assist- ant quartermaster-general to the sixth divi- sion of the army of the Duke of Welling- ton. Smith was at Waterloo, and accom- panied the allied army to Paris. He was made O.B., military division, and promoted i brevet lieutenant-colonel from 18 June 1815. < He received the Waterloo medal, and the ! war medal with twelve clasps for the Penin- sula. Subsequently he filled the post of major de place at Cambray, where the Duke ! of Wellington fixed his headquarters during I the occupation of France by the allied troops. | *He returned to England in 1818, and served ! with the 2nd battalion of the rifle brigade in Ireland. On 19 Dec. 1826 he became un- ! attached. On 23 Xov. 1826 Smith was appointed de- puty quartermaster-general of the forces in Jamaica. On 24 July 1828 he was transferred, in the same capacity, to the Cane of Good Hope, under his old commander in the Pen- insula, Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole [a. v.], at that tune governor and commanding the forces in the Cape Colony. On the outbreak of the Kaffir war, at the end of 1834, Sir Benjamin D'Urban [ but that no more should be sent, j Kaffirs, marched on Forts Cox and White, On the arrival of the Neptune on 20 Sept. I defeating the enemy in a spirited engagement TQ4f* 4.1^ *~n: _* l.,.~ __J j.t__ i- T> .i P. , > J . * . RTP v-itii. 1849, the tolling of bells and the sounding of the fire-alarm gong announced the un- welcome news. Shops were closed and business suspended. A committee was formed to prevent the landing of the convicts, and was supported by the community. It was resolved not to furnish the Neptune, nor indeed any one connected with government, with supplies. Smith acted with great for- bearance. He frankly told the people that neither he nor the troops would so hungry so long as they had arms in their hands, but he did his best to induce the home govern- ment to send away the Neptune, and in the meantime he would not allow the convicts to be landed. His representations resulted in the arrival of orders in February 1850 to send the convicts in the Neptune to Tasmania. On 31 May 1850 Smith inspected the 1st battalion of the rifle brigade prior to its Reinforcements began to arrive in May, and Smith organised columns to scour the country and attack some of the strongholds of the enemy in the mountains; but on 7 April 1852 Smith was superseded by Lieutenant- general the Hon. George Cathcart,the home government being dissatisfied with the slow progress made in crushing the rising. This action of the secretary of state for the co- lonies did not add to his popularity. On 18 Nov. Smith was a pall-bearer at the funeral of the Duke of Wellington at St. Paul's. On 21 Jan. 1853 he was appointed to the command of the western military district, and made lieutenant-governor of Plymouth. He was promoted to be lieu- tenant-general on 20 June 1854, and on 29 Sept, of the same year was transferred to the command of the northern military dis- trict, with headquarters at Manchester, whick Smith he held until 30 June 1859. He died without issue on 12 Oct. 1860, at his residence in Eaton Place West, London. B^s widow died on 10 Oct. 1872. Both he and his wife were "buried in the cemetery at Whittlesea, his native place. By way of memorial to him the chancel aisle of St. Mary's, Whittlesea, was restored in 1862, and a marble monu- ment with his bust was placed there. The aisle is known as i Sir Harry's Chapel ' (cf. SWEETING, Churches of Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire). The sabre Smith wore from 1835 to 1857 is now the property of Queen Vic- toria. The South Airican towns Harrismith (Orange Free State), Ladysmith (Natal), Whittle,sey, and Aliwal commemorate Smith's connection with Cape Colony. Smith was not devoid of the self-assertion characteristic of men who fight their own way in the world and owe their successes solely to their own energy and ability ; but he was popular with his colleagues and sub- ordinates, who were fascinated by his daring energy and originality, and admired his rough and ready wit. A crayon portrait by Isabey belongs to the Baroness Burdett-Coutts; another, in oils, belongs to Mrs. Waddelow of Whittlesea. Smith is a prominent figure in W. Taylor's picture "The Triumphal Reception of the Seikh Guns/ engraved by F, C. Lewis and C. G. Lewis. A photograph of Smith was engraved. [War Office Records ; Obituary Notices in the Annual Register and Gent. Mag. I860; Des- patches; Alison's Hist of Europe; Cope's Hist, of the Rifle Brigade ; Napier's Hist, of the War in the Peninsula; Siborne's Hist, of the Waterloo Campaign; Alexander's Excursions in Western Afnca and Narrative of a Campaign in Kaffir- land in 1835-6; Hough's Political and Military Events in India ; Trotter's Hist, of India, 1844- 1862; TheaTs Compendium of the Hist and Geography of South Africa; King's Campaign- ing in Kaffirland, 1851-2; Ward's Five YeL in Kaffirland, with Sketches of the late War 1848.] B. H. V. ' HENRY (1550 ?~1591), puritan known as < silver-tonged Smith ' eldest son and heir of Erasmus Smith of Husbands Bosworth, Leiees- ^J^ ^ "Kkwrf one Wye aughte of one Balard, was born about at Withcote Leicestershire, the seat of an^ather } JolinSmith(^154e). Eras- S t!l & T - ] Was to "W- He wS admitted a fellow-commoner of Queens' Col- %e, Cambridge, on 17 July 1573, but does ^ ammr to have matrickted/ and so?n *s Smith iL 103). He continued his studies with Richard Greenham [q. v.], rector of Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire, who imbued him 7SS IF 1 ^ Triples. On 15 March lo/o-b newas matriculated at Oxford as a member of Lincoln College, and graduated B.A. on 16 Feb. 1578-9 (FOSTEB Mumf Oxon. 1500-1714, IT. 1372). He caimot be identified with either of two students of tha same names of Hart Hall, who proceeded M.A. in 1579 and 1583 respectively. The puritan divine terms himself 'theologus* (never M.A.), and is so described by others. Although he was heir-apparent to a We" patrimony, he resolved to enter the ministry but, owing to conscientious scruples with regard to subscription, he determined not to undertake a pastoral charge and to content himself with a lectureship. Thomas Kash relates that Smith, before entering into the * wonderful ways ' of theology, ' refined, pre- pared, and purified his wings with sweet poetry' (Pierce Pennilesse, ed. Collier, p. 40), none of which, however, is now known' For some time he officiated in the church of Husbands Bosworth, but it is uncertain whether he obtained the rectory, which was. in his father's patronage. In 1582 he brought to his senses one Robert Dickins of Mans- field, a visionary, who pretended to be the prophet Elias; and on this occasion he preached a sermon, afterwards published under the title of 'The lost Sheep is found/ Subsequently he preached in London and its vicinity with great success, and in 1587 he was elected lecturer of St. Clement Danes, without Temple Bar, by the rector and con- gregation. Smith's father had married, as his second wife, Lord Burghley's sister Mar- garet, widow of Roger Cave, esq., and Burghley, who resided in the parish of St. Clement Danes, aided his candidature. He- soon obtained unbounded popularity, and came to be regarded as the ' prime preacher of the^nation.' "Wood says he was ' esteemed the miracle and wonder of his age, for his pro- digious memory, and for his fluent, eloquent,, and practical way of preaching' (Athene Oxon. -i. 603) ; and Fuller states that he was commonly called f the silver-tongued Smith, being but one metal in price and purity beneath St. Chrysostom himself*' (Church Hist, bk ix. cent. xvi. p. 142). Fuller remarks that 'persons of quality brought their own pues with them I mean their legs to stand there upon in the allies. 1 In 1588 Aylmer, bishop of London, was- informed that Smith had spoken in deroga- tion of the Book of Common Prayer, and had not subscribed the articles. Nor did he hold a license from Aylmer, his diocesan. The> Smith 49 Smith b"r!i r ;p accordingly suspended him from g. Smith addressed a brief vindica- tion to Lord Biirghley, in which he stated that the bishop Lad himself called upon him to preach at St. Paul's Cross, and denied that he had spoken against the prayer-book. He said be yielded Els full consent to aE the articles *of faith and doctrine/ but he avoided reference to matters of discipline. The parishioners sent a testimonial and sup- ^ttearion on his behalf. Lord Burghley ac- tively interposed in his favour, and he was restored to his ministry (SiBTPB, Life of Aylmer, ed. 1701 pp. 152-6, 1821 pp. 100-3 ; LamdQwne MS. 81, art. 26 ; MABSDE^, Early Puritans, p. 181). During the last illness of William Har- wardj rector of St. Clement Danes, and again on his death, strenuous efforts were made by the parishioners to obtain for Smith that benefice* which was in the patronage t>f Lord BmgHey; but Kichard Webster, B.D., was instituted on 22 May 1589, pro- bably after Smith had declined the prefer- ment, Owing to ill-health he resigned his lectureship about the end of 1590, and re- tired to Husbands Bosworth. During his sickness he occupied himself in preparing his works for the press, and in revising his ser- ! mans, some of which had been * taken by characterie * and printed, without his consent, from these imperfect shorthand notes (Notes and Queries, 8th ser. x. 189). His collected sermons he dedicated to Lord Burghley, but he died before the collection was published. Smith was buried at Husbands Bosworth on 4 July 1591 (Parish Register). His lather survived him many years. Although puritanically inclined, Smith was in sympathy with the church of Eng- kad, and regarded the followers of Brown and Barrow as enemies of the church. His sermons are noble examples of "RnglTgh prose and pulpit eloquence. They are free, in an astonishing degree, from the besetting vices of his age Yiileparity and quaintness i and affected learning (MABSBEST). The bibBographr of Smith's works is be- wildering, The i Collected Sermons ' passed through the following editions: London, 1592, Svo, 1593, 159$ 1595, 1599, 1604, ; 1607 ? 1609, 1612, 1613, 1614, 1617-19, 1020-3, and 1631-2. Another edition of the * Sermons/ including the * Prayers ? and other works with a very meagre life of the author by Thomas Fuller, B.D., appeared at London in 1657, and again in 1675, 4to. Both edi- tions are very scarce, especially the former; the latest edition was printed at London in vols. STO in 1866. Among bis other works are: 1. 'A prepa- im, rative to marriage: The stunzne whereof was spoken at a contract and enlarged after. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of the Lords Supper, and another of usurie,' London, 1591 , 16mo; Edinburgh, 1505, Svo. 2. 'Juris- pmdentise, Medicinse et Theologies Dialogue doleis,' London, 1592, STO. In Latin hexa- meters and pentameters. Published by his kinsman, Brian Cave, who dedicated" the work to Ms uncle, Thomas Cave, esq., of Baggrave, Leicestershire. 3. Titse Suppli- cium: sive de misera Hominis conditione querela/ London, 1592, Bvo : in Latin sapphics. This is annexed to the l Dialogus/ Azi English translation appeared under the title of * Micro-Cosmo-Graphia ; The Little- "Worlds Description : or, the !Map of Man (From Latin Saphiks of that Famous, late,. Preacher in London, Mr. Hen. Smith) trans- lated [into English verse] by losvah Sylves- ter,' printed with 'The Parliament of Ver- tues Boyal/ London [1614], 8yo ? and re- printed in *Du Bartas his Diuine TVeekes and Workes/ London, 1621, fol. 4. fi G-oda Arrow against Atheists/ London, 1593, 4to, with Ms sermons ; London, 1614,1621,1632,, 4to, and 1872, Svo; translated into Latin,, Oppenheim, 1594, Svo. His portrait has been engraved by T.Cros% James Basire, and by an unknown engraver. [Life, by Thomas Fuller ; Addit. MS. 24490, p. 392; Ames's Typogr. Antiq., ed. Herbert; Bailey's Life of Fuller, pp. 201, 609, 752; Brook's Pttritacs, ii. 108 ; Burton's Iieicester- shire, p. 313 ; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of England ; Harington's Epigrams, iii. 16; Hohnes's B^caip- tive Cat. of Books ; Hunter's Bhtstr. of Shake- speare, ii. 49, 21 1 ; Lansdowne MS. 982, art. Ill; Nichols's Leicestershire, ii. 185, 389-91, 468, 889, plate tczi; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. iii. 222, yi. 129, 231, vii. 223, 2nd ser. vizi 152, 254, 330, 501, is. 55, 285; Eetrospectiye Eeview, 2nd ser. ii. 11 ; Tanner's BibL Brit.] T. C. SMITH,HENBY (1620-1668?), regicide, born in 1620, was the only son of Henry Smith of Withcote in Leicestershire, descended from the family of Smith, alias Heriz or Harris, in Nottinghamshire, to which belonged Erasmus Smith [chv.] and Henry Smith (1550P-1591) fq.vri His mother was daugh- ter of Henry SHpwith of Gotes, Leicester- shire. Henry- the elder dying in 1623, the future regicide became a ward of the king. He matriculated at Oxford from Magdalen Hall (now Hertford College) on 26 Jan. 1637-8,, and graduated B.A. from St. Mary H^l an 9 June 1640. In the same year he became a student of Lincoln's Inn. He represented the comity of Leicester in the parliament of 1640 as a* recruiter;* he was probably elected in the place of Henry, lord Grey de Kmthin. Smith 5 fq. Y.I who was called to the upper house as Earl of Kent in November 1643, Attaching himself to the cause of the parliament, Smith received a place in the six clerks' office, and was added to the committee for compound- ing on 18 Dec. 1648. He joined in a protest against the votes for a treaty with the king in the Isle of Wight on 20 Dec. 1648. Smith was one of the judges at the trial of Charles I, attended all the sittings (10-29 Jan, 1648-9), both in the Painted Chamber and in West- minster Hall, and signed the death-warrant. He sat as a recruiter in the restored Rump of 1659. At the Restoration he was excepted from the general act of oblivion (9 June 1660), but surrendered himself in pursuance of the king's declaration (6 June), and was put into the charge of the serjeant-at-arms on 19 June. He was excepted from the In- demnity Bill of August 1660, with the sav- ing clause of suspension of execution till a fortlier act should have passed. He was arraigned at the Sessions House, Old Bailey, on 10 Oct. 1660, when he pleaded not guilty, and appeared to defend himself on 16 Oct. He pleaded youth and ignorance, and asserted that he had no recollection of having signed the death-warrant. When confronted with his signature, he was unable to say whether the writing was his own or not, but confessed that it resembled it. He handed in a petition for life, in which the part he had taken in the proceedings against the Mng were attri- buted to * ye threatenings of those that then ruled ye army with noe less than loss of life and estate, and incessant importunity offsuch as had relacon to him and power over him. 7 He was included in the act of attainder of December 1660, as one of those condemned but under respite. On 25 Nov. 1661 a bill for the execution of the attainted persons was read in the commons, and Smith (with others) was called to the bar of the house. He threw himself on the mercy of the mem- bers, begged for their mediation with the Mng, and for the benefit of the Mug's procla- mation, upon which he had surrendered him- self, liaving been advised that by so doing fee would secure his life. On 7 Feb. 1661-1 be was brought to the bar of the House of Lords, when he agpain pleaded compelling oreumsfcances and Ms surrender. Smith was not executed, and is usually stated to have ctied in tlie Tower of London; but he had probably Mb the Tower before November 1666, as his name is not included in a list of thirty-eight pristmers confined there at the time (Cal State Papers, 1666-7, p. 235). He appears to have been in the Old Castle at Jersey in February 1667-8. His wife, a Smith daughter of Cornelius Holland [q. v.l tke regicide, died of the plague in rooms attacked to the six clerks 7 office in August 1664 Smith is believed to have left an only daughter. J Smith seems to have been weak and cowardly. His entry at Lincoln's Inu would point to some legal education ; but in Ms speech of 16 Oct. 1660 he disclaimed all knowledge of the law. Heath (Chrvnkk, p. 200) speaks of him as ' Henry Smith, a lawyer, but a mean one.' [Nichols's Leicestershire, ii. 391, 889, iii. 626; Nichols's Topographer and Genealogist, iii. 255^ 260 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Official Lists of Members of Parliament, i. 490 ; Walker's Hist, of Independency, ii. 49 ; Masson's Hilton, iii. 533-4 ; Cal. of Comm. for Compounding, p, 135; Commons' Journals, iii. 594, viii. 61, 68, 139, 319 ; Lords' Journals, xi. 380 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th .Rep. pp. 155-6, llth Eep. ii. 4; Cal State Papers, 1660-1 p. 558, 1667-8 p. 229; Noble's Lives of the Eegicides; Nalson's Trial of Charles I, passim ; Exact and Impartial Ac- compt of the Trials of Twenty-nine Eegicides, pp. 28, 254.] B. P. SMITH, HENRY JOHN STEPHEN (1826-1883), mathematician, born in Dublin on 2 Nov. 1826, was the youngest of the four children (two sons and two daughters) of John Smith (1792-1828), an Irish barrister, who married, in 1818 Mary, one of fourteei children of John Murphy, a country gentle- man living near Bantry Bay. The mathe- matician was named after his father's law tutor, Henry John Stephen [q. v.J After the elder Smith's death, in 1828, his widow removed to the Isle of Man in 1829, and settled at Ryde in the Isle of Wight in 1831. Henry Smith, who was a delicate child, taught himself some Greek at the age of four, and at seven became absorbed in Prideaux's 6 Connection/ His education was entirely conducted by his mother, a highly accom- plished woman, until 1838, when he was placed under Ms first tutor, Mr. R. Wheler Bush, who was astonished by his classical proficiency. In 1840 Mrs. Smith came to reside at Oxford, where Henry became the pupil of Henry Highton [q.v.] Next year he went to Rugby, where Highton had been ap- pointed a master; but in 1843, after the death of his brother Charles of rapid consumption, he spent the winter at Nice, and the following summer by the Lake of Lucerne, Never- theless he won the Balliol scholarship easily on 30 Nov. 1844, and at the examination made the acquaintance of Benjamin Jowett, then tutor, who became his lifelong friend. * He was,' wrote Jowett, * possessed of greater natural abilities than any one else whom I Smith Smith have inown at Oxford. He had the clearest and mot lucid mind, and a natural expe- rience of the world and of human character Lsrdly ever to be found in one so young/ Smith passed the years 1845-6 on the continent. At Rome" where he suffered a severe illness, he acquired a sound knowledge of Hainan antiquities and inscriptions, and & satisfactory command of Italian, German, and French" While still convalescent he attended lectures in Paris, at the Sorbonne and the College de France, and was the de- lighted auditor of Arago and Milne-Edwards. He resumed his Oxford career at Easter 1847. It proved of almost unexampled brilliancy. He gained the Ireland University scholarship in 1845 ; he took a double first-class, and was elected a fellow of BaUiol in 1849 (B. A. 18oO, M.A. 1855). In 1850 lie accepted a mathe- matical lectureship at Bailiol College, and ob- tained the senior mathematical scholarship in 1851. Up to this date he was undecided whether to pursue classics or mathematics, and showed as much aptitude for the one as for the other. 4 1 do not know,' John Con- ington [q. v.] once said, ' what Henry Smith may be "at th,e subjects of which he professes to know something ; but I never go to him about a matter of scholarship, in a line where he professes to know nothing, without learn- ing more from him than I can get from any one else/ He continued to lecture on mathe- matics at Bailiol till 1873, when he resigned his fellowship and lectureship on receiving a sinecure fellowship at Corpus Christi Col- lege. He was elected an honorary fellow of BalKo! in 1882. In 1853 there seemed a danger of his being diverted to chemistry. Bemg called upon to lecture on the subject, he studied under Professor Story-Maskelyne, with whom he formed an enduring friendship, and reached the conviction that the pro- perties of the elements are so connected by mathematical relations as to be discoverable by reasoning in anticipation of experience. Smith was elected in 1860 to the Savilian chair of geometry, and became both F.R.S. and F.K. A,S. in 1861, He acted as president of the mathematical section of the British Association at Bradford in 1873, and of the Mathematical Society of London in 1874-6. In 1877 he became the first chairman of the meteorological council in London ; and at- tended, as its representative, the interna- tional meteorological congress at Rome in 1879. On the death of his mother, in 1857, he had been joined at Oxford by his sister, Eleanor Elizabeth Smith (1822-1896), a woman of exceptional ability and judgment, whose main energies were devoted to philanthropic and educational objects, and their house was the scene of much genial hospitality. During the vacations Smith travelled in Italy, Greece. Spain, Sweden, and Norway, and attended the meetings of the British Association. In 1874 he was appointed keeper of the uni- versity museum. The office i gave hirr? a pleasant house, a small stipend, and not very uncongenial duties. 1 But much of his time was still taken up with educational business, He was for many years a member of the Heb- domadal Council, as well as of innumerable boards and delegacies. From 1870 he sat on the royal commission on scientific education, and in great measure drafted its report. In the same year he accepted the post of mathe- matical examiner at the university of Lon- don, and was in 1871 appointed by the Royal Society a member of the governing body of Kugby school. In commenting on his nomi- nation in 1877 as one of the Oxford Univer- sity commissioners, Sir !M. E. Grant Duff spoke of him in the House of Commons as * a man of very extraordinary attainments/ even apart from the special qualifications im- plied by his position in the first rank of European mathematicians, while 'his con- ciliatory character made him, perhaps the only man in Oxford who was without an enemy.' He received the honorary degrees of LL.D. from the universities of Cambridge and Dublin. In 1878 Smith unsuccessfully contested the parliamentary representation of the uni- versity of Oxford in the liberal interest. He was a ready and telling speaker, but his candidature was urged on academic rather than on political grounds. Smith's health had strengthened as he grew up ; but in 1881 it began to be impaired by overwork. He died unmarried on 9 Feb. 1883, aged 56, and was buried at St. Se- pulchre's cemetery, Oxford, His death evoked a chorus of eulogies. * Among the world's celebrities/ in Lord Bowen's opinion, * it would be difficult to find one who in gifts and nature was his superior.' He im- pressed Professor Huxley *as one of the ablest men I ever met with ; and the effect of his great powers was almost whimsically exaggerated by his extreme gentleness of manner, and the playful way in which Ms epigrams were scattered about. I think that he would have been one of the greatest men of our time if he had added to his wonder- fully keen intellect and strangely varied and extensive knowledge the power of caring yery strongly about the attainment of any object/ Smith was, in fact, devoid of ambition and Smith Smith initiative. His strong sense of public duty obvious injustice _ at the sitting of the a almost compelled him to accede to the in- demy on 16 April 1883 (Comptes Bend numerable demands upon his time ; and the xcyj. 1096). work for which he was supremely fitted was constantly pushed on one side by tasks within the range of ordinary capacity. Many of his intimate friends scarcely knew that he was a great mathematician. Some of his witticisms are worth preserving. Thus, to Smith had a remarkable power of verbah position in abstruse mathematical subjects, great number of his researches, never writt out for publication, were thus laid before ti British Association and the Mathematic Society. Only their titles have been pn the remark, * What a wonderful man Buskin served (for a list of them, see Dr. Glaisher is, but he has a bee in his bonnet/ he replied 'Introduction 7 to SMITH'S Mathematics 'Yes, a whole hive of them; but how pleasant Papers, p. 76). He was less concerned t it is to hear the humming ! ' In appearance record than to obtain new results. * Mos Smith was tall and good-looking, with an air of his mathematical work he did in his he& ------ - 'by sheer mental effort. . . . The fact that h< manner to all classes was singularly urbane. A bust by Sir Edgar Boehm is in the Na- tional Portrait Gallery^ and an engraved portrait is prefixed to his ( Collected Mathe- matical Papers/ As a mathematician, Smith was thegreatest disciple of Gauss. He resembled him, in the finish of his style, in the rigour of his de- monstrations, above all in the special bent of his genius. *The Theory of Numbers' of his mathematical production.' f More- over, the high standard of completeness which he exacted from himself in his pub- lished writings added considerably to the effort with which his finished work was pro- duced ' (ib. p. 87). Unfinished results ac- cumulated, and, towards the end, inspired him with uneasiness about their fate. Smith left forty mathematical notebooks, more than a dozen of which were filled with predominantly attracted him ; his magnum records of original theorems, suggestions or opus was to have been a treatise on the sub- divinations ; but in too disjointed a eondi- ject, his preliminary studies for which were j tionto be rescued from oblivion by print. His embodied in his masterly 'Keport on the "" V1 *~ T -~ J -^ ^ *~ ^ Theory of Numbers/ presented to the British Association in six parts, during 1859-1865. This is an account of the progress and state of knowledge in that branch, with critical commentary and original developments. Two final sections remained unwritten. The most important advance in the higher arithmetic since Gauss's time was made in Smith's papers, *0n Systems of Linear Indeterminate Equations and Congruences' (Phil. Trans. cli. 293, 1861), and <0n the Orders and Genera of Quadratic Forms ' (fb. clvii. 255, 1807), with a supplementary communica- tion, in which he extended and generalised the results already enounced. Through an unaccountable oversight, the problem which lie had thus completely solved, was proposed by the French Academy as the subject of their ' Grand Prix des Sciences Mathe"- malkpes' lor 1882. Smith was induced to eoimfete by the assurance that full jus- tice slioald be done to Ms earlier investiga- tkna ; bat the promise was f brgotten, Two mouths alter his death two prizes were awarded oue to & memoir in which Smith had given the demonstrations of his former theorems, tibe other to the woart of a com- $M3titor who might itave followed tke indica- tkms which Smith h&d previously published M. Bert rand offered a partial apology for this published writings were, however, brought logether under the editorship of Dr. Glaisher, and issued from the Clarendon Press in 1894, with the title, e The Collected Mathematical Papers of Henry John Stephen Smith, M.A., F.K.S.' (2 vols. 4to); and biographical sketches and recollections by Dr. Charles Henry Pearson fa. v.], Professor Jowett, Lord Bowen, and Mr. Strachan-Davidson, besides a mathematical introduction by the editor, were prefixed. The contents of the volumes fall under three headings : (1) geo- metry; (2) the theory of numbers; (3)elliptic functions. The memoirs are models of form. The reasonings wrought out in them are of invincible strength, and the clear-cut sym- metrical manner of their presentation attests both labour and genius. Their author fol- lowed Gauss's maxim, Pauca sed matura. Smith contributed to the 'Oxford Essays * in 1855 a brilliant paper on the * Plurality of Worlds ; ' wrote a memoir of Professor Conington, prefixed to his 'Miscellaneous Writings' (London, 1872); and an introduc- tion to the * Mathematical Papers of Wil- liam Kingdon Clifford * (London, 1882). [Authorities cited; Times, 10 Feb. 1883, sad (for Miss Smith) 18 Bepfc, 1896; Fortnightly Beview, rraaH. 663 (6-Msher); Monthly Notices Royal Astronmaieal Society, xliv. 138 ; Hsfcore, 16 Feb. 18&3 (Spottiswoode), and 27 Sept 1894 Smith S3 Smith ); Athenaeum, 17 Feb. 1SSS ; Aca- demy, 17 Feb. ISS3; Comptes Kendus, scvi. 1055 (Jordan); B&cse Ball's Short History of Mathematics, p. 424 ; Fester's Alumni Oxon. ; Knc^y School Beaister. i. 224; Proceedings London Math, Society, adv. 322.] A. M, C. SMITH, HORATIO, always known as HQEACE < 1779-1649), poet and author, born in 1779, was second son of Robert Smith j d. 1 332;, and younger brother of James Smith 1 1775-1839) "q. v." A sister was the mot her of 3Iaria Abdy "q.v, J The father, Robert Smith, was born at Bridgwater, Somerset, where his father, Samuel, was a custom-house officer, on 22 Nov. 1747; he entered a solicitors office in London in 1765, and married in 1773 Mary, daughter of James Bogle French, a wealthy London merchant. She died, aged 55, at her husband's residence in Basinghall Street, on 3 NOT. 1804. Robert Smith was for many years solicitor to the board of ord- nance, a post he resigned in 1812, and he was elected F.B.S. on 24 Xov. 1796, and a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He was eighty-five when he died, on 27 Sept. 1832, afSt Anne's Hill, Wandsworth (Gent. Mag. 1832,ii.573; cf. ib. 1804, ii, 1078 and 1050, containing a poem by H[orace] Sjrnith] upon his mother's death). Like his brother, Horace was educated at a school at Chigwell, kept by the Rev. Mr. Burford, but, unlike James, was placed in a merchant's counting-house. Less attentive to business than to the drama and the amuse- ments of the town, he produced a poem lament- ing the decay of public taste as evinced in the neglect of the plays of Richard Cum- berland, who, highly flattered, hunted him out of his counting-house and introduced him to literary society. He published two novels, ' The Runaway * in 1800, and *Trevanion, or Matrimonial Ventures,' in 1802. A third, * Horatio, or Memoirs of the Davenport Family/ followed in 1807. Mean- while, in 1802, Smith joined with Cumber- land, Ms brother James, Sir James Bland Burges, and others in writing for * The Pic Nic/ a magazine which was edited by the notorious William Combe [q. v.], but had only a brief existence. At Cumberland's request, Horace and James wrote several prefaces for plays in * Bell's British Theatre, 7 edited by him ; and their acquaintance with Thomas Hill led both, but especially James, to ( contribute for four years to his ( Monthly Mirror.' They acquired a character as wits, ancl as gay, though not dissipated, yonng men about town, but were little known to tie public, when they suddenly found them- selves raised to the pinnacle of contem- porary amputation by the utterly unforeseen success of their ; Rejected Addresses M 9! 2 . These were parodies of the most popular ' poets of the day in the guise of izBaelniiry addresses from their pens which purp jrted to have been prepared in competition for a prize that had been offered by the managers on occasion of the reopening* of Drury Lane Theatre after its destruction by fire (10 Get, ; 1512). Horace Smith himself had been a serious competitor, and the commission had ; been entrusted to one of the poets parodied, Byron. The idea had been suggested to the Smiths by the secretary to the theatre, Mr. ! Ward, Sheridan's brother-in-law, who, having seen the addresses submitted bona jide, had been struck by their prevailing silliness, no less than sixty-nine competitors having invoked the aid of the Pbcenix, The brothers had great difficulty in finding a publisher, until at last John Miller, of Bow Street, agreed to print at Ms own expense, and give , them half the profits, * if any.' The volume I appeared on the day of the* opening of the : theatre, with the title i Eejected Addresses, i or the Xew Theatrum Poetarum T ( 18th edit. ; 1833, with new preface by Horace Smith). ! Success was instantaneous, and in truth there has been nothing better of the kind in the language, excepting only Hogg's inimi- table parody of Wordsworth, * The Flying Tailor.' In the 'Rejected Addresses' the best parodies were those of Cobbett and Crabbe, and were the work of James Smith, who also wrote the hardly less successful parodies of Words worth and Southey. Horace Smith's best are those of Byron and Scott, and the delectable nonsense of *A Loyal Effusion' by William Thomas Fitzgerald [q. v.] Horace inserted his genuine rejected poem under the title of * An Address with- out a Phoenix/ Neither brother did any- thing half so good again, though each, has bequeathed a considerable amount of comic verse, never destitute of merit, but always courting comparison with tiie similar pro- ductions of Thomas Hood, and hopelessly distanced by them. Their only subsequent joint production, entitled * Horace in Lon- don, by the authors of Eejected Addresses,* appeared in 1813. After his apprenticeship in tlie counting^ house was over, Horace Smith went on the stock exchange. He was probably a good man of business, for lie throve so fast as to be able to retire in 1820, and was blamed for throwing away the prospect of a fortune. But when the panic of 1825 came, he em~ gratulated himself on his good sense* Before retiring he had gained tie friendship 0f ^oets and performed numberless generous actions. His good sense and conciliatory disposition Smith 54 Smith are admirably shown in his letter to Sir Timothy Shelley on the temporary stoppage of Shelley's income. He was Shelley's guest at Marlow in 1817, and he was probably the first to communicate Keats's death to the poet in March 1821. Shelley wrote of him IB his epistle to Maria Gisborne : Wit and sense, Virtue and human knowledge, all that might Make this dull world a business of delight, Are all combined in Horace Smith. To Leigh Hunt he was equally friendly and equally serviceable, joining with Shelley in the Yam effort to rescue Mm from his em- barrassments. His endeavours, however, to follow in the footsteps of these poets were not always fortunate. Nevertheless, 'Ama- rynthus the Nympholept,' a pastoral drama in imitation of Fletcher (1821), is full of pleasant fancy. Not much can be said in favour of his other serious poems (first col- lected as * Poetical Works,' London, 1846, 2 vols. 8vo), except the fine lines on occa- sion of the funeral of Campbell in West- minster Abbey, when, late in life, the deep feeling aroused by the recollection of a long friendship supplies the deficiencies of poetic art. There is, however, a class of poems in which Smith really excels, those halfway between the serious and the humorous. One of these, * An Address to a Mummy/ has deservedly gained great popularity, and is an admirable example of the mutual interpene- tration of wit and feeling. On his retirement from business, Smith set out to join Shelley in Italy, but on hear- ing of his death stopped short at Paris and lived for three years at Versailles; on his return he settled at Brighton. He now added Cobden to the list of his friends, and became a warm advocate of free trade. He aided Camjjbell in the tating Lockhart and Croly in Zillah, a Tale of the Holy City * (London, 12mo). Both this work and *Tor HOI' were translated into French by Defaueonpret, the translator of Scott and of Mrs. Eadcliffe. A severe attack on 'Zillah' in the < Quarterly* gained him the friendship of Southey, after he had done penance for 'some impertinences re- garding Wordsworth.' His later novels rarely historical in subject, obtained little' success; they include i The New Forest ? (1829), 'Walter Colyton ' (1830), 'Gale Middleton' (1833), 'The Involuntary Pro- phet' (1835), 'Jane Lomax' (1838), 'The Moneyed Man' (1841), 'Adam Brown* (1843), and ' Love and Mesmerism ' (1845). A posthumous fragment from his pen, pro- fessedly but not really autobiographic, ap- peared in vols. Ixxxvi. and Ixxxvii. of the 'New Monthly Magazine. 7 His other writings include ' First Impressions,' an unsuccessful comedy (1813); 'Festivals, Games, and Amusements, Ancient and Modern' (1831), a useful compilation ; and ' The Tin Trumpet, (1836), a medley of remarks, ethical, political, and philosophical. It was published under the name of Jefferson Saunders, but Smith's name appeared on it in 1869 when it was issued as No. 8 in Bradbury and Evans's * Handy Vol. Series.' Keats, in a letter written in February 1818, mentions having seen in manuscript a satire by Smith entitled ' Nehemiah Muggs, an Exposure of the Metho- dists/ but it does not appear to have been published. He died at Tunbridge Wells on 12 July 1849. He left three daughters, of whom the youngest Laura (d. 1864) married John Bound of West Bergholt, Essex. All contemporary testimony respecting Horace Smith is unanimous as regards the beauty of his character, which was associated not only with wit, but with strong common- sense and justness of perception. His is a remarkable instance of a reputation rescued from undue neglect by the perhaps excessive applause bestowed upon a single lucky hit. Thackeray wrote warmly of Smith's truth and loyalty as a friend, and, after his death, he frequently visited his daughters at Brigh- ton ; after the youngest of them he named his Laura in ' Pendennis.' A portrait of Horatio and James Smith in early life by Harlow is in the possession of Mr. John Murray. A portrait of Horace by Masquerier and a miniature are now the property of Ms eldest daughter. [Memoir by Epes Sargent, prefixed to Eejected Addresses, New York, 1871; Fitzgerald's edition of Eejected Addresses, 1890 ; New Monthly Magazine, vol. xlix.; G-ent. Mag. 1849, ii. 320; Athenaeum andLiterary Gazette, July 1849 ; S, C. Hall's Memoirs, 1 877 ; Dowden's Life of Shelley ; Marzials and Merivale's Life of Thackeray, p. 228 ; Walter Hamilton's Parodies.] E, G-. Smith 55 Smith SMITH, HUGH t d. 1 790). medical writer, son of a aursreon and apothecary, was born at Heinel Heznpstead in Hertfordshire. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University, and obtained the degree of M.6. on 22 April 1753. He at first "practised in Essex, but : came to London in 1759, and fixed his resi- ! deuce in Mincing Lane. la 1760 he com- menced a course" of lectures on the theory and practice of physic, which ^ere nume- rously attended. These, together with the ? publication of * Essays on Circulation of the _ Blood, with Reflections on Blood-letting/ , 1761, gave Mm a wide reputation. In 178:2 he was admitted a licentiate of the College of Physicians. In 1765 he was elected phy- sician to Middlesex Hospital, and in 1770 was chosen alderman of the Tower ward, a dignity which his professional duties com- pelled'him to resign in 1772. About this time he removed to Blaekfriars and devoted himself chiefly to consulting practice at home. He was accustomed to give two days of the week to the poor, from whom he would take no fee. He also assisted some of his patients pecuniarily. In 1780 he purchased a country residence at Streatham in Surrev. He died at Stratford in Essex on 26 Dec. 1790, and was buried in the church of West Ham. Besides the work mentioned above, he ' wrote i Formulae Medicamentorum,' London, I 1772, 12mo. He must be distinguished from i Hr&H SMITH (1736?-! 789), possibly his son. The latter graduated M.D. at Leyden on 11 Nov. 1755 7 and practised at Hatton : G-arden, London. He married the daughter \ of Archibald Maclean, a lady of fortune, who S inherited Trevor Park, East Barnet. He j died, aged 53, on 6 June 1789, and was '. buried in East Barnet church. He was J author of: 1. k The Family Physician/ Lon- j don, 1760, 4to; 5th edit. 1770. 2. 'Letters to Married Women/ 3rd edit. London, 1774, j 12mo ; republished in France, Germany, and \ America. 3. * A Treatise on the Use and Abuse of Mineral Waters,' London, 1776, 8vo ; 4th edit., 1780. 4. * Philosophical In- quiries into the Laws of Animal Life/ London, 1780, 4to. 5. 'An Essay on the Nerves/ London, 1780, 8vo. * i [For the elder Hugh Smith, see Life prefixed i to Formula Medieazaentonim, ed. 1791 ; Euro- ! peanMag. 1791, i.21; Gent Mag. 1 790, ii. 1154, 1213. For the younger Hugh Smith, see Gent. Mag. 1789, 3. 578; Clntterbtick's Hertfordshire, i. 156; Lysons's Environs, IT. 23, 259. They j are confused together in Hunk's ColL of Phys. ii. 241 aadin Georgian Era, ii. 566.] K. I. C. SMITH, HUMPHREY (A 1668), quaker, was bom probably at Little Cowarne, Here- fords-hire, "where Ms father was a prosperous farmer. He was brought up strictly in the i church of England, and well educated, , although he can hardly be the Humphrey \ Smith, son of John, of the parish of Edvin Ralphe (seven miles from Cowarne), who j matriculated at Jesus College, Oxford, on \ 8 Sept, 1834, aged seventeen, and graduated B.A. on 3 July 1636 (FOSTER, Alumni Qxon. early ser. p. 1372). lie soon occupied a farm worth SO/, a year, and married. He early began preach- ing, perhaps as an independent ; George Fox says i he had been a priest/ His addresses were l admired* by hundreds, and he preached daily in the pulpits. After a time f his mouth was stopped * owing to doubts of his own sincerity, and he held his last meeting at Stoke Bliss, a village near Cowarne. About 1654 he fell in with the quavers, and before long gave up his occupation to be ready for the 'call to go hither and tMther preaching. On 14 Aug. 1655 he was arrested at a meeting in Bengeworth, close byEvesham, and contined for some weeks in a noisome cellar, the only aperture in which was four inches high. He seems to have specially annoyed the magistrates before whom he was brought for examination by the figurative statements that he * came from Egypt ' and * walked not the earth. 1 G-eorge Fox visited "him in prison (Journal, 1891, i. 253). On 9 Feb. 1658 Smith was charged with misdemeanour for being at a meeting at Andover, where he was the first quaker to preach. He was committed by Ju<%e Wind- ham to Winchester gaol until he would give security for his good behaviour(C&/. State Papers, Bom. 1658-9, p. 158). He remained there until after March 1659, composing seve- ral of his books in prison. During 1660 ne was at liberty. In May he wrote down a re- markable ' "Vision* (published London, 1660, 4to), which he had of the great fire of 1666, and of the famine and fear which followed the appearance of the Ihitch fleet in the Medway (Notes and Queries, 1st ser. viL 80, 182 ; Cotttctitia, 1824, TO. 174-6). On 14 Oct. 1661, whne proceeding west to visit his only son Humphrey (afterwards of Saffron Walden, Essex), he was arrested at a meeting at Alton, Hampshire T and again, lodged in Winchester gaol. Here he re- mained 'from sessions to sizes, and from sizes to sessions/ until in April 1663 he was attacked with, gaol fever, and died in prison on 4 May 1663, A last letter to his son, dated 23 April, was printed as a broadside in 1663, and is in Ms works, pub- lished by the latter, London 1683, 4to. A fellow prisoner, Nicholas Complin, contri- Smith = bated a short narrative of his imprisonment, written 21 June 1663. To some pages of verse Smith appended an apology for writ- ing in i siefeter, it being apt to beget light- ness in the reader' "of. art. PEEEOT, JOHN . The following were separately published : 1. * Something* in Reply to Edmund SHpp's "The World's Wonder,"or the Quaker's Blaz- ing Star." &C.' London^ 1655, 4to. Skipp was a preacher at Bodenham, Herefordshire. -> ' The Sufferings ... of the Saints at Evesham T r !656" , 4to. 3. * An Alarum sound- ing forth/ 1658, 4to. 4. * Divine Love t spreading' forth over all Nations/ London, i n.d., 4to. 5. < The True and Everlasting i Kule,'1658,4to. 6. l Hidden Things made j manifest by the Light/ 1658, 4to, reprinted ' 1664. 7. < To all Parents of Children/ 1660, STO; 2nd edit., 1667, 8. 'For the Honour of the King/ 1661, 4to. 9. l Sound Things asserted/ 1662, 4to. 10. < Forty-four Queries propounded to all the Clergymen of the Liturgy, by One whom they trained up/ 1682, 4ta. [Complin's Faithfulnessedfthe Upright, 1663 ; Smith's Collected "Writings, 1683 ; Bevel's Hist, of the Bise, &c. i 175, ii, 73 ; Basse's Sufferings, i. 150, 166, 167, 206, 229 T 233, 234, ii. 50-8 ; Tnke's Biogr. Notices, ii. 181; Collectitiae or Pieces adapted to the Society of Friends, 48, 54; Smith's Cat, of Friends' Books, ii. 586-94.] 0. F. SL SMEEH, JAMES (1605-1667), divine and poet, born at Marston-Morteyne, Bed- fordshire, in 1605, was son of Thomas Smith, rector of Marston. He matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford, on 7 March 1625-3, aged 18, but soon migrated to Lincoln Col- lege, After graduating, he took holy orders and accompanied Henry Kich, earl of Hol- land, as chaplain, when the earl was sent with a fleet and army to reinforce Bucking- ham at the Isle of Ehe". He subsequently acted as chaplain to Thomas Wentworth, earl of Cleveland, who was also engaged in the expedition to France. Smith was appa- rently a genial companion, and from an early period attempted the lighter forms of poetry. He corresponded in verse with Sir John If eanies [q. v. j He came to know Philip MassJmger, who, in versesaddressedto Smith, caBed aim Ms son. On the execution of Joim Felton (1695 M628) fa. v.l he penned an epitaph in verse (Ashmole MS. 36, f. SI ; cf. Mnsarum Deticia). Smith proceeded B J). in 1883, and next year became rector of Wamfleet All Saints, Lincolnshire. In 1639 he removed to Kmgfta NymptOB, Devonshire, amd in the game year resumed Tfvis former posfe of chap- Iain to the Bar! of Holland when the 5 Smith latter went north in command of the cavalry engaged in the first war with the Scots. During the civil wars and under the Com- monwealth Smith managed to remain at King's Nympton unmolested. But Ms sym- pathies were always with the royalists, and at the Restoration he was not forgotten. He was made archdeacon of Bamstapie in 1660 and canon of Exeter in 1661, proceed- ing D.D. at Oxford in the same year. In 1662 he was also appointed precentor of Exeter Cathedral, and turned his literary capacity to account by writing words for anthems, which others set to music. Before the year ended he resigned all other prefer- ments on being instituted to the rectory of Alphington. In 1664 he also became rector of Exminster. He died at Alphington on 22 June 1667, and was buried in the chancel of King's Kympton. Smith's verse, the sportive tone of which contrasted oddly with his profession, was widely circulated in manuscript. Many specimens of it were incorporated, apparently without his permission, in a series of antho- logies of contemporary poetry. These vo- lumes owed their vogue to the licentious pieces included by the publishers; but although in some cases it was stated that most of their contents came from the pen of Smith and Mennes, very few of the poems are signed, and there is no evidence that Smith was responsible for the more blatantly coarse contributions. The earliest of these publications, in which work by Smith and Mennes appeared, was * Wits* Recreations, selected from the finest Fancies of Moderne Muses,* 1640 ; other editions, with slightly different title-pages, bear the dates 1641, 1654, and 1663. There followed a second an- thology, entitled i Musarum Deliciss, or the Muses's Recreation ; containing several pieces of Sportive Wit by S r J. M. and Ja. S. J (28 Aug. 1655 ; new edit. 1656), The pub- lisher, Henry Herring-man, informed the reader in a prefatory advertisement that, in order to regale * the curious palates of these times/ he had collected on his own respon- sibility * Sir John Mennis and Dr. Smithes drolish intercourses.' A third anthology, of like character, was t Wit Restored, or several select Poems not formerly pnblisht/ London, 1658. This opens with a series of poetical letters avowedly addressed by Smith to his friend Mennes, * then p of Calliopolis in parf&w* After Ms coBseeratioai he went to his vicariate, arriving cm 2 Aug. at York, where he was received with great ceremony by the secular and ipjptkr clergy, who sang the Te Deuin pub- licly. IB one of his visitations Smith was ' deprived of his large crozier by Thomas Os- borne, earl of Danby and first duke of Leeds "q. v.", who deposited it in York Minster. This "beautiful work of art was exhibited 1 before the Society of Antiquaries on "2B Feb. IcsSS (Proc. Soc. Antiq. '2nd ser. xii. 105). On the flight of the Mug, Smith left York and sought refuge in the house of Francis Tunstalf, esq. of "WyeliiFe, who afforded him hospitality and protection till the time of his death. In 1700 it was contemplated that he should be promoted to the carcfinaiate and to the office of Protector of England, which had been vacant since the death of Cardinal i Howard: the Duke of Berwick and Dr, George Witham were commissioned irom St. Ger- mains to solicit this appointment irom Cle- ment XI. Smith died at WyeliiFe on IS May 1711. Dodd characterises* him as 4 a fine gentleman, a good scholar, and a zealous prelate.' His name is subscribed t o f A Pastoral Letter from the four Catholic Bishops to the Lay Catholics of England/ on the re-establishment of Catholic episcopal authority in England, London, 1688 and 1747, 8vo. *His portrait, engraved from the original picture in the chapel-house at York, appeared in the * Laity's | Directory' for 1819. j [Brady's Episcopal Succession ; Catholic Mis- cellany, 1827, vii. 243 ; Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 468; Notes and Queries, 1st ser.vii. 243, 3rd ser. xii. 278 ; Palmer's Life of Cardinal Howard, pp. 2G3-6; Panzani's Memoirs, pp. 365, 373, 399.] T. C. SMITH, JAMES (1775-1839), author and humourist, born in London on 10 Feb. 1775, was elder brother of Horatio Smith [q.v.] Like his brother, he received his education at Chigwellj but y instead of being- sent to business, entered his father^ office and succeeded him as solicitor to the board of ordnance in 1812. Like Horatio, James greatly preferred theatrical and literary amusement to the dry details of business, but, like him too gave business an attention particularly exemplary under the circum- stances, and eventually attained considerable eminence in his profession. His first pro- duction was a hoax, being a series of letters descriptive of alleged natural phenomena which imposed upon the * Gentleman's Maga- zine.' He was closely connected with nis brother in his literary undertakings, writing in particular the larger and better portion of the metrical imitations of Horace, which appeared in Thomas Hill's * Monthly Mirror/ and were subsequently collected and ptifch- Hshed under the title of ' Horace in London* (1813). To the i Bejected Addresses' (1812) he contributed Nos. 2, 5, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, Smith Smith 18 Tsee under SMITH, HOEATIO". James Smiths contributions to these famous pa- rodies were perhaps the best, though not the most numerous, but he appeared con- tented with the celebrity they had brought Mm, and never again produced anything considerable. Universally known, and every- where socially acceptable, ' he wanted/ says his brother, '"all motive for further and more serious exertion/ He produced, however, the text for Charles Mathews's comic enter- tainments, * The Country Cousins,' 'The Trip to France/ 'The Trip to America' (1820-2), and the two latter brought frim in 1,000 * James Smith/ said Mathews, * is the only man who can write clever nonsense.' He also produced much comic verse and prose for periodicals, not generally of a very high order, but occasionally including an epigram turned with point and neatness. His reputation rather rested upon his character as a wit and diner-out ; most of the excellent things attri- buted to him, however, were, in the opinion of his biographer in the ' Law Magazine/ impromptus fcdts a lomr. He was less genial than Ms brother, * circumscribed in the extent of his information, and, as a na- tural consequence, more concentrated in him- self * Oot?a o -wrri ** \t\ fTia * ^Tinur "XCnrstTilir a writer in the *Xew Monthly Magazine. 1 When in his office * he looked as serious as the parchments surrounding him, 7 Keats, after dining with both the Smiths and their Mends, left with a con- viction of the superiority of humour to wit. James Smith, nevertheless, was a general favourite, and tempered his powers of sarcasm with much good nature. He died, unmarried, at his house in Craven Street, Strand, on 24 Dec, 1839, and was buried in the vaults of St. MartinVin-the-Fields. His * Comic Miscellanies' were edited in 1840, with a memoir, by his brother (London, 2 vols. 12mo). A ^portrait by Lonsdale was bequeathed by him to the Torrholme family. Smith also figures in the * Maclise Portrait Gallery ? (ed. Bates, p. 277). [Memoir by Horace Smith, 1841 ; Law Mag. vol. satin. February 1840 ; New Monthly Mag. voL term, 1849 ; Kejected Addresses, edited by Petty Fitzgerald, 1890.] E. <3L SMITH, JAMES (1789-1850), of Beans- ton, agricultural engineer, bora in Glas- gow on 3 Jan, 1789, was son of a merchant of that city, a native of Galloway by birth, W&Q died two months after James's birth. He was brought up by his maternal uncle, Archibald Buchanan, a pupil of Arkwright, and managing: partner of the cotton works at Deanston, Perthshire, till his removal to the factory of Catrine in Ayrshire. After I studying- at the Glasgow University, Smith ' was, at the age of eighteen, put in charge of , the Deanston works. He quickly improved and reorganised the factory, which had be- come dilapidated since the departure of his , uncle. He was also at this time planning a j reaping-machine, and in 1811 he had a work- ing model made. Xext year he competed v unsuccessfully for a premium of 500/. offered j by the Dalkeith Farmers' Club for an effec- j tive one-horse machine. Smith's reaper ; differed in principle from the type in use at | present. It was not pulled but pushed from j behind, and the corn was cut by means of a j cylinder revolving horizontally (see illustra- tive plate, frontispiece, Farmers Magazine, xvii. 1816). In 1813 Smith made a second attempt with a two-horse machine. Again the judges refused to award him the pre- mium; but the ingenuity of his invention was acknowledged, and it attracted much attention from agricultural societies at home and abroad, including the Highland Society of Scotland and the Imperial Agricultural Society^ of St. Petersburg. Considerable discussion took place as to its merits and the priority of invention, which was also claimed by Archibald Kerr, a mathematical instru- ment maker in Edinburgh. Smith had devoted his attention at a very early period to land draining. "When, in 1823, he came into possession of the farm at Deanston, he at once set to work to experi- ment upon it with a system of deep and thorough drainage, He drained the farm throughout the whole of its extent by means of parallel trenches placed from sixteen to twenty-one feet apart, and thirty inches deep, which were filled up with broken stones to a depth of one foot. A coating of thin turf was then laid over the stones, and the re- maining eighteen inches were filled in with earth to permit of the working of the plough. The partial failure of this system led Smith to his second and supplementary inven- tion of the subsoil plough, by means of which the barren lower strata of the land were broken up and fertilised without being intermixed with the richer surface soil. By these methods the unproductive Deanston farm, formerly overgrown with rushes, furze, and broom, was in a few years brought into a state of garden cultivation. The word * Deanstonis- ing * passed into common use to signify deep ploughing and thorough draining. The farm was visited by a large number of agricul- turists from all parts of the kingdom, as well as from the continent of Europe and America. Especially was this the case after 1831, when Smith published a paper on, * Thorough Brain- Smith 59 Smith ing and Deep Working. 7 In 1834 lie was examined before a committee of the House of Commons on agricultural depression, on the subject of his system of cultivation, which in the opinion of Mr. Shaw Lefevre, chairman of the C3ininittee, was * the only thins 1 likely to promote the general improve- ment of agriculture/ Another high autho- rity, John Claudius London "q. v.~, referred to "it in the ' Gardener's Magazine' as ''the most extraordinary agricultural improve- ment of modern times.' In addition to the subsoil plough, Smith invented a turn-wrest plough and the web- chain harrow. He also experimented in manures, and devoted much attention to engineering operations, mechanism, and ma- nufactures. He constructed the water-wheel at the Shawswater cotton mill, Greenock, and the "bridge at Gargunnoek on the Carse of Stirling. He also invented and patented an improved self-acting mule. But it was in connection with the factory of Deanston that his talent for invention and organisation found greatest scope. He increased the water-power at the command of the factory by constructing a weir on the river Teith. This weir was of such height as to prevent the passage of the salmon up the river. Smith removed the difficulty "by the inven- tion and construction of the * salmon ladder/ which deserves a prominent place among his inventions (see JEdmd. Rev* 1873, cxxxvii. 172). The factory itself he enlarged, and built a model village for the accommodation of his workpeople. Suddenly, in 1842, he abandoned his em- ployment at Deanston, and, coming to Lon- don, established himself there as an * agricul- tural engineer' (Quarterly Itev. 1844, Ixxiii. 490 sq.) Soon afterwards he was appointed one of the commissioners for the inquiry into the sanitary condition, of large towns. He was an advocate of the use of sewage water for agricultural purposes, and his paper on this subject was published in the appendix to the s Keport * of the health of towns com- mission. After two years of investigation and experiment to determine the practica- bility of his scheme for the utilisation of London sewage, parliament was approached on the subject, but nothing was done. Smith was about this time largely em- ployed, especially during the railway mania of 1844, in the examination and valuation of land intended to be used in the construction of railroads. He died unmarried, on 10 June 1850, when on a visit to his cousin, Archibald Buchanan, at Kmgencleuch in Ayrshire. He had many inventions in view at the time, and was , taking out a patent for a sheep dip of a new | composition intended to supersede the sys- | tem of tarring. 7 He had also extensive \ plans for improvements in farmsteadings, for ( the better housing of cattle, and for watering ; the fields in time of drought. ; _ There is a small full-length portrait of , him by Ansdeli in the possession of the ! Royal Agricultural Society of England, and a fife-$ize half-length portrait now in the ; South Kensington 31useum. The latter is reproduced in the * Farmer's Magazine ' for : September 1846 (facing page 191). ', [Farmers ]*Iagazine Ediabargh, 1812 xiii. 441, 1813 xiv. 397, 1814 xv. 10, xvii. 1, 94, 160, 261, 318, 450; London, (1846) (2nd ser.), xiv. 191, (1850) xsii. 66 ; Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, xvii. 457; Mark Lane Express, 17 June 1850.] E. C-E. SMITH, JA3IES, known as Smith of Jordanhiil ' (1782-1867), geologist and man ', of letters, was born at Glasgow 15 Aug. ; 1782. He was the eldest son" of Archibald Smith (d. 1821), West India merchant, and Isobel Ewing (d. 1855, aged 100), He was | educated at the grammar school, Edinburgh, | and the university of Glasgow, and became ; a sleeping partner in the linn of Leitch & Smith, West India merchants. Science, lite- rature, and the fine arts were, however, the business of his life, and he was a collector of rare books, particularly those relating to early voyages and travels. He was also an enthusiastic yachtsman, one of the earliest members of both the Royal and the Royal Northern Yacht clubs ; his first cruise in his own vessel being made in. 1806, and his last in 1866. He was for a time an officer in the Renfrewshire militia, and happened to be on duty at the Tower of London during the imprisonment of Sir Francis Burdett [q, v.l Smith's fondness for the sea and practical knowledge of navigation were indirectly help- ful in his scientific and literary work. His earliest published paper was on l A Whirl- wind at Roseneattr (Edinb. PML Journ. 1822, p. 331); his next on 'A Vitrified Port' (Trans. Soy. Soc. EdM. x. 79), dis- covered accidentally on landing from his yacht in the Kyles of Bute. The raised beaches and other indications of compara- tively recent changes in the relative level of sea and land, so conspicuous on the west coast of Scotland, next attracted his atten- tion, and he perceived that the molluscs which occur in them differ in certain respects from those now living on the same coast. An explanation of this fact was sought in cruises for dredging in the northern seas, when he ascertained that species now extinct in Scottish waters were still living in more Smith Smith arctic regions. This led him to maintain, j in a paper read to tht: Geological Society of ; London in IfcStJ, that in Britain, at a time comparatively recent, the temperature had J be^n much lower than at present. Jordanhill, near Gk?gow, was Smith's ; residence, but from 1639~to 1848 regard for | the health of some members of his family ; caused him to spend much, timeout of Britain, [ and he wintered successively at Madeira, j Gibraltar, Lisbon, and Malta. He seized the ! opportunities of studying the geology of these j places, and communicated the results to the ' : Geological Society of London, in the journal ; of which lie also published a paper (iii. 534) on j changes of land and sea in the Mediterranean, J especially as indicated by the well-known j Temple of Serapis near fozzuoli. Glacial ' questions were resumed in a paper to the same j society in 1845, and the subject was continued * in 1847 and 1848. Here, while admitting the former existence of glaciers in Britain, he eombatted the extreme Yiews as to the ex- tension of land-ice which then were being advocated by Agassiz, and he preferred to attribute much of the boulder clay to the action of coast-ice during a period of sub- J mergence. Altogether he appears to have j written sixteen separate papers on scientific | subjects, most of them published in the j journal of the above-named society. In j 186:2 he republished the majority of them, alter some revision, in a small volume en- titled * Studies in Xewer Pliocene and Post- Tertiary Geology/ which indicates the impor- tance of his contributions to this branch of j the science, But Smith's most important book was historical rather than geological, viz. his * Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul,' pub- lished in 1848 (4th edit. 1880). His prac- tical knowledge of seamanship fitted Kirn to discuss this question, and his treatise is one of the highest value, in regard not only to the place of the shipwreck, but also to some wider questions. He maintained that in- ternal evidence proved the account to have feeen written by an eye- witness and a lands- man,, iBpadiating the idea that the island was Helida in the Adriatic, and identifying the koOity of the wreck with St. Paul's Bay, Malta, to which it had been tradi- tionally assigned. Smith read the proof- fihotfto ol CoMvbeare and Howson's e life of St. Paid/ which embodies his conclusions respecting ibe wreck. Smith's treatise was tr&aslated into German, and is generally recognised as a standard authority on ancient shipbuilding aad navigation. Incidentally Smxfeii was led into a oiBeussacm relating to tihe authors of the synoptic gospels, and in a later treatise (* Dissertation on the Origin and Connection of the Gospels,' 1853) "he worked out the question by a minute com- parison of the parallel passages in the three authors, maintaining that St. Luke, in writing his gospel, made use of the other two, viz. that by St. Matthew, and a Hebrew original (probably written by St, Peter) afterwards translated by St. Mark. He was elected F.G.S. in 1836 and F.Pt.S. in 1S30. HewasalsoF.B.S.E.andF.Pt.G.S,, fellow and for a time president of the Geo- logical Society of Glasgow, and for many years president of the Andersonian Uni- versity, of which he was an active supporter, presenting its museum with valuable collec- tions. He enjoyed excellent health till the spring of 1866, when he had a slight paralytic stroke; he recovered from this, but another at the end of the vear proved fatal on 17 Jan. 1867. In 1809 he married Mary (d, 1847), daughter of Alexander Wilson and granddaughter of Professor Alexander Wilson of Glasgow. Archibald Smith [q. v.] was their son* A photographic portrait was prefixed to Smith's < Voyage of St. Paul 7 (2nd edit. 1880). [Obituary Notices, Glasgow G-eol. Soc. Trans, ii. 228 ; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. ; Proc. p. advi; Proc. Roy. Soc. 1868, p. xlii ; Boy. Soc. Cat. of Papers.] T. G-. B. SMITH, JAMES (1805-1872), merchant, son of Joshua Smith, was born in Liver- pool on 26 March 1805. He entered a mer- chant's office at an. early age, and, after re- maining there seventeen years, commenced business on his own account, retiring in 1855. He studied geometry and mathematics for practical purposes, and made some mechani- cal experiments with a view to facilitating mining operations. His attention being called to the problem of squaring the circle, in 1859 he published a work entitled * The Problem of squaring the Circle solved' (London, 8vo), which was followed in. 1861 by 'The Quadrature of the Circle: Corre- spondence between an Eminent Mathema- tician and J. Smith, Esq./ London, 8vo. This was ridiculed in the * Athenaeum ' (1861, i. 627,664,674), and Smith replied in aletter which was inserted as an advertisement (ib. L 679). From this time the establishment of his theory became the central interest of his life, and he bombarded the Royal Society and most of the mathematicians of the day with interminable letters and pamphlets on the subject. De Morgan was selected as his peculiar Yietim on account of certain reflec- tions he had cast GIL Tntm in the * Athenaeum.* Smith Smith Smith was not content to claim that he was able graphically to construct a square equal in area to a given circle, but boldly laid down the proposition that the diameter of a circle was to the circumference in the exact proportion of 1 to 3*1:?5. In ordinary busi- ness matters, however, he was shrewd and capable. He was nominated by the board of trade to a seat on the Liverpool local marine ^joaxd, and was a member of the Mersey docks and harbour board. He died at his residence, Barkeiey House, Seaforth, near Liverpool, in March f $72. Besides those mentioned, his principal works were: 1. *A Nut to Crack for the Headers of Professor De Morgan's u Budget ofParadoxes," 'Liverpool, 1863 ? 8vo. 2. < The Quadrature of the Circle, or the True Batio between the Diameter and Circumference geometrically and mathematically demon- strated, 7 Liverpool, 1865, 8vo. 3. { Euclid at Fault/ Liverpool, 1868, 8vo. 4. < The Geometry of the Circle a Mockery, Delusion, and a Snare/ Liverpool , 1869, 8vo." 5. s Curio- sities of Mathematics/ Liverpool, 1870, 8vo ; 2nd edit. 1870. _ 6. f The Batio between Diameter and Circumference demonstrated by Angles/ Liverpool, 1870, 8vo. [Smith's Works; Men of the Time, 7th edit. p. 741 ; Be Morgan's Budget of Paradoxes, passim ; AUibone's Diet, of English Literature.] E. L C. SMITH, SIB JAMES EDWAJKD (1759- 1828), botanist, was born, at Norwich on 2 Dec. 1759. He was the eldest child of James Smith, a wealthy nonconformist -wool the whole of the library, manuscripts, her- barium, and natural history collections made "by him and by his father were offered to Banks for a thousand guineas. Banks de- clined the offer, but on his recommendation ; Smith purchased it, with his father's consent. : Subsequent offers from John Sibtiiorp "q. v." and from the Empress of Russia were re^ ceived by the executors. In September 1784 Smith took apartments in Paradise Row, Chelsea, where the Liniuean collections ar- rived in the following month. The total i cost, including freight, was 1,0882. It is stated (Memoir and Correspondence of Sir J. E. Smith, edited by Lady Smith, i. 126) that Grustavus III of Sweden^ who had been absent in France, hearing of the despatch of . the collections, vainly sent a belated vessel to the Sound to intercept the ship which carried them. This probably apocryphal story is perpetuated on the portrait of Smith published in Thornton's f Temple of Plora.' * With no premeditated design of relin- quishing physic as a profession* (op. cit. p. 128), Smith now became entirely devoted to natural history, and mainly to botany. During the following winter Banks and Dryander went through the collections with fitn at Chelsea, and Pitchford urged him to prepare 1 & Flora Britanniea, the most correct that can appear in the Liinsean dress* (op. tit p. 130). Elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1785, he made his first appearance as an Smith was at first educated at home. He inherited a love of flowers from his mother, but did not begin, the study of botany as a science until he was eighteen, and then, curiously enough, on the very day of Linnets death (Transactions of the Liiwean Soc. vol. vii.) He was guided in his early studies by his friends, James Crowe of Laken- ham, Hugh Rose, John Pitchford, and Bev. Henry Bryant; and, though originally de- stined for a commercial career, was sent in 1781 to the university of Edinburgh to study medicine. Here Be studied ltany under Dr. John Hope, one of the earliest teachers of the Luuisean method, won a gold medal awarded by him, and established a natural history society. In September 1783 he came to London to study under John Hunter and Br. William Pitcairn, with an introduction fern Dr. Hope to Sir Joseph Banks [q. v.], t&em president of the Royal Society, On the the younger Linnaeus in^that year title of l Reflexions on the Study of Nature, 5 in 1785. In June 1786 he started on a con- tinental tour, and after obtaining a* medical degree at Leyden (23 June), with a thesis J 3>e Generatione/ he travelled through Holland, France, Italy, and Switzerland. He visited AHamand and Van Eoyen aft Lesyebn, the widow of Bouseeau (for whom, as a botanist of the Linnaean school, he had a great admi- ration), Broussonet at Monfepeilier, Gerard at Cottignae, the Marquis Durazzo at Genoa, Mascagni the anatomist at Sienna, Sir Wil- liam. Hamilton aaid the Duke of Gloucester at Naples, Bonnet, Be Saussure, and others at Geneva, La Chenal at Basle, and Herman at Strasburg, At the same time he care- fully examined the picture galleries, the her- baria, and botanical libraries eti route. His tour is folly described in the three-volume < Sketch ' which he first published in 1793. Before his departure Smith appears to have broached to Ms friends, Samuel GoodeEfJiigli [q. v.], afterwards bishop of Carlisle, and Thomas Harsham the idea of auperseding a somewhat somnolent natural histey so- Smith 6: ciety, of which they were members, by one j bearing the name of Linnseus. On his return [ to England in the autumn of 1787, he left f Chelsea, with a view to practising as a phy- sician in London, and in 1788 took a house in Great Mariborough Street, There the first , meeting of the Linnean Society was held en 8 April 1788. Smith was elected pre- ; sidentj and delivered an * Introductory Bis- I course on the Rise and Progress of Natural History/ Marsham became secretary, Good- enoufjli treasurer, and Dryander librarian. The society started with thirty-six fellows, sixteen associates, and about fifty foreign , members, mostly those naturalists whose j acquaintance Smith had made during his 5 tour. Banks joined the new society as an honorary member. From this period Smith gave lectures at his own house on botany and zoology, numbering among his pupils the Duchess of Portland, Viscountess Cre- morne, and Lady Amelia Hume, and about the same time he became lecturer on botany at Guy's Hospital. In 1789 he republished, under the title of * Reliquiae Rudbeckianse/ those wood-blocks of plants, jaregared by Olof Rudbeck for his * Campi Elysii/ which had escaped the great fire at Upsal in 1702, and during the four following years he issued parts of several illustrated botanical works, which, owing to want of patronage, he failed ! to complete. In 1790, however, he began the ; publication of what has proved his most en- j during work, though as Ms name did not ap- j pear on the first three volumes, it is still often \ known as Sowerby's * English Botany/ from \ the name of its illustrator, James S - owerby ! [q.v.] It formed thirty-six octavo volumes, , with 2,592 plates, comprising all known Bri- . tish plants, with the exception of the fungi ; i its publication was not completed until 1814. i In 1791 Smith was chosen, oy the interest of ' Goodenough and Lady Cremorne, to arrange the queen's herbarium, and to teach her and her daughters botany and zoology at Frog- more; but some passages in his 'Tour,' praising Rousseau, and speaking of Marie- Antoinette as Messalina, although they were removed from the second edition, gave offence at court. Soon after his marriage, which took place in 1796, Smith retired to nis native [ city, only coming to London for two or three months in each year to deliver an annual ecrarse of lectures at the Royal Institution, which he continued down to 1825, He was, however, annually re-elected president of the Linnean Society until his death. After he had completed his important * Flora Bri- t&nniea/ in three octavo volumes, 1800-4, Sniitawas chosen by the executors to edit tfc * Flora Grs&ea* of his friend, John Sib- s Smith thorp [q. v.] He published the * Prodromus* in two octavo volumes in 1806 and 1813, and completed six volumes of the ' Flora' itself before his death. In 1807 appeared the first edition of his most successful work, 'The Introduction to Physiological and Systematic Botany/ which passed through six editions during the author's lifetime. In 1808, on the retirement through illness, which termi- nated fatally, of the Rev. William Wood, who had contributed the botanical articles to Rees's Cyclopaedia' down to 'Cyperus/ the editor applied for assistance to" Smith. He wrote 3,348 botanical articles, among which were fifty-seven biographies of emi- nent botanists, including Adanson, Clusius, Peter Collinson, and William Curtis. All were signed ( S. 7 as he disliked anonymous writing. In 1814, when the prince regent accepted the position of patron of the Linnean Society, Smith received the honour of knight- hood. In 1818 his friend, Thomas Martyn (1735-1825) [q.v.], professor of botany at Cambridge, who was then over eighty years of age, invited him to lecture for fri ; but the university authorities objected, on the ground that Smith was a Unitarian. The incident led him to write two somewhat acrimonious pamphlets. What has been described as his *last and best work/ 'The English Flora/ occupied Smith during the last seven years of his life, the first two volumes appearing in 1824, the third in 1825, and the fourth in March 1828, on the very day when he was seized with his fatal illness. The * Compendium/ in one volume, appeared posthumously in 1829, and the fifth volume, containing the mosses by Sir W. J. Hooker, and the fungi by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, in 1833-6, Smith died in Surrey Street, Norwich, on 17 March 1828, and was buried at Lowestoffc, in the vault of the Reeve family. He married, in 1796, Pleasance, only daughter of Robert Reeve of Lowestoffc; she is separately noticed [see SMITH, PLEASA^CE, LADY]. Sprengel's eulogy of Smith as peyo. KV&QS RpirawStv is extravagant, but his easy, fluent style, happy illustration, extensive knowledge, and elegant scholarship, both in his lectures and in his writings, did much to popularise botany. His possession of the Linnsean collections invested him, in his own opinion, with the magician's wand, and he set a value on his judgment in all botanical questions which his own attain- ments did not wholly warrant (B. D. JACXSOISV Gmdeto the Literature of Botany, p. xxxvii). But his ownership of the Linnsean treasures secured him a great influence abroad, and he was elected a member of the Academy Smith Smith of Sciences at Paris, the Imperial Academy * Naturae Curiosornm/ and the academies of Stockholm, Upsal, Turin, Lisbon, Philadel- phia, and New York. His name was comme- morated by Dryander and Salisbury in Alton's * Hortus Kewensis ' by the genus Smithia^ a ; small group of sensitive leguminous plants. ' His library and collections, including those of Linnaeus, were offered by his executors to the Linnean Society for 4,0007., and ulti- mately bought by private subscription for , S,000/,, and presented to the society. There is a bust of Smith by Chantrey at the Linnean Society's apartments, an engraving from which forms the frontispiece of the * Me- ; moir ; * another engraving, by Audinet, ap- , peared in the * Gentleman's Magazine * for \ 1828, and was reissued with the date 1S31 In Nichols's * Literary Illustrations/ voL yi, and there is a folio engraving in Thornton's 4 Temple of Flora.' 1 Smith was the author of several hymns in j the collection used in the Octagon ^Chapel, ( Norwich, of which he was a deacon at the : time of his death. He contributed a paper *On the Irritability of Vegetables' (to the 4 Philosophical Transactions '} ; ' De Filicum ] generibus' (to the * Memoirs of the Turin Academy/ 1790-1, pp. -401-22) ; fifty-two papers to the 'Transactions of the Linnean Society/ vols. i.-xiii., and a slight memoir of John. Bay [q. v.] to Derham's * Memorials* j of Bay in 1846. The following are his ! independent works: 1. 'Reflections on the ; Study of Nature/ translated from Linnasus's | preface to his * Museum Begis Adolphi Fre- derici/ London, 1785, 8vo ; Dublin, 1786. j 2. * Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants, from the Latin of Linnseus/ London, 1786, 8vo ; Dublin, 1786. 3. f Dissertatio qusedam de Generatione complectens/ Leyden, 1786. 4, * Disquisitio de Seru Plantarum cum annot. J. E. Smith et P. M. A. Broussonet/ from Linux's * Amoemtates Academicae/ voL x., London, 1787, 8vo. 5. * Introductory Dis- course on the Bise and Progress of Natural History/ from the 'Transactions of the Lin- nean Society/ i. 1-56, London, 1791, 4to, translated into Italian by G. Fontana,Pavia, 1792, 8vo, and into Greek, with notes, by Bemetrios Poulos, 1807, 8vo. 6. * Beliquise Budbeckianse/ London, 1789, fol. 7. * Plan- tarum Icones hactenus ineditse/ three fasci- * r $h<5pbe;"d Smith the "Culv&rsalist : the Story , of aJiiiid. By i his nephew) W. Anderson Smith, 1SCO, whiah is based on his correspondence with his family and with :he late Lady Lytton, whose mother. Mrs. "Wheeler, had been'one of his first pairons upon his e- mias to London.] E. G, SMITH or SMYTH, SIB JEREMIAH (d. Iti75|, admiral* grandson of John Smyth of Much Warlingfield, Suffolk, and third son - of Jeremiah Smyth of Canterbury, was pre- sumably settled at Hull as a merchant and shipowner, living at Birkin, where Ms wife, Frances, died in her fortieth year, on 3 Sept. ; 1656. 'Whether he served in the parlia- ' mentary army during the civil war is un- certain ; in connection with the sea service his name first appears as one of the signa- tories to the declaration of confidence in Cromwell made by the admirals and cap- tains of the fieet on 22 April 1653. He had then been recently appointed captain of the Advice, a ship of 42 guns, which he com- manded during the summer and in the battles of "2 and 3 June, and of 29 and 31 July. In December he was appointed to the Essex, a ! new ship, and during the next three years , seems to have had the command of a small j squadron for the police of the North Sea. j In 1664 Smyth was appointed to the i command of the Mary, from which, on the ; imminence of the Dutch war in the spring j of 1665, he was moved to the Sovereign, and j sent to the Mediterranean as commander-in- ! chief of a small squadron. He is said by Chamock to have been ordered to hoist the j union nag at the main when clear of the i Channel, but this seems very doubtful. On i his return he was appointed admiral of the } Hue squadron in the grand fieet, and, re- j plaining with the duke of Albemarle when j the fleet was divided, took part in the i Four ( Bays' Fight/ 1-4 June. The same month he J was knighted (cf. PEPYS, Diary t iv. 439). j He was still admiral of the blue squadron j in the battle of 2r5 July, where, by with- J drawing from the line, he tempted Tromp to follow biin with a very superior force, thus weakening the Butch line of battle. It was doubted at the time, and may be doubted still, whether this was done of set purpose in consequence of some accident or of shoal water, or from being beaten out of Ms station. Sir Robert Holmes [q. v.], who jubd got separated from the red squadron and joined the blue, fiercely maintained that it was cowardice, of which a court-martial fully acquitted Smyth. The quarrel, however, eon- taued with bitterness, and extended through V0I* UZJU ; Smith all ranks of the fleet, Albemarle taking part with Smyth, and Prince Rupert with Holmes. It is said that between the two there was a duel, which in itself is not improbable, though there is no evidence of the fact. In 1667 Smyth commanded a small squadron in the North Sea to prey on the enemy's commerce, while the Thames and Medway were left open to the enemy's fleet, and in 16*38 was vice-admiral of the fleet under Sir Thomas Allin ~q. v.] in the Channel. In the follow- ing year he "was appointed one of the com- missioners of the navy as comptroller of the victualling, and this office he held till Ma death at Clapham in October or November 1675. His body was brought from Clapham toHemingbrough, where> in the church, is a monument to his memory. His will, dated 13 Oct., was proved on 13 Nov. In 1662 he- bought Prior House in Hemingbrough, near Selby ; he afterwards bonght various pieces of land in Hemingbrough and the neighbour- hood., and in 1668 he bought the manor of Osgodby. He married, for a second wife, Anne, daughter of John Pockley of Thorp TVilloughby, and by her had three sons. [Charnoek's Biogr. Xav. i. 1S6 ; Calendars of State Papers, Bom. ; Burton's Hist, of Heming- brough, edited by Eaine, pp. 322-4.] J. K. It SMITH, JEREMIAH (& 1723), divine, was minister of a congregation at Andover,. Hampshire^ and in 1 708 became co-pastor with Samuel Rosewell [q. v.] of the Silver Street Presbyterian Chapel, London. He took a prominent part in the debates at Salters'HaH in 1719 concerning the Trinity, and was one of four London ministers who wrote * The Doctrine of the Ever Blessed Trinity stated and defended,' He was author of the por- tion relating to the l Epistles to Titus and Philemon' in the continuation of Matthew- Henry's * Exposition,* and published, with other discourses, funeral sermons on Sir Thomas Abney (1722) and Samuel Rosewell (1723). He died on 20 Aug. 1723, aged nearly seventy. Matthew Clarke preached and published a funeral sermon, [Wilson's Dissenting Churches in London* 1810, in. 58; Williams's Memoir of Matthew- Henry, 1827, pp. 232, 233, 80S.] C. W. S. SMITH, JEREMIAH (1771-1854), master of Manchester grammar school, son of Jeremiah and Ann Smith, was born at Bre- wood, Staffordshire, on 22 July 1771, and educated under Dr. George Croft at Brewood school. He entered Hertford College, Ox- ford, in 1790, and graduated B.A. in 17&4, M.A. in 1797,B.D. in lS10,and B.B. in 1811. He was ordained in 1794 to the curacy of Smith 66 Smith Edgbaston, Binningliam, which, he soon ex- changed for that of St. Mary's, Moseley. He was also assistant, and then second master, in King Edward's School, Birmingham ; and on 6 May 1807 was appointed high master of the Manchester grammar school, a position he retained for thirty years. An enduring memorial of the success which distinguished his career as a schoolmaster exists in the third volume of the i Admission Register of the "Manchester School,' which was edited "by his eldest son. While at Manchester he held suc- cessively the curacies of St. Mark's, Cheetham Hill, St. Greorge's, Carrington, and Sacred Trinity, Salford, and the incumbency of St. Peter's, Manchester (1813-25), and the rectory of St. Ann's in the same town (1822- 1837). He also held the small vicarage of Great Wilbraham, near Cambridge, from 1832 to 1847, and was from 1824 one of the four 'king's preachers' for Lancashire, a sinecure office which was abolished in 1845. His sole publication was a sermon preached before the North Worcester volunteers in 1805. He died at Brewood on 21 Dec. 1854. There is a portrait of him, from a miniature by G. Hargreaves, in the * History of the Inundations in Manchester' (vol. ii. 1831), and in the * Manchester School Register' (vol. iiL) Another portrait, by Colman, is in the possession of the iamily. He married, at King's Norton, Worcester- shire, on 27 July 1811, Felicia, daughter of William Anderton of Moseley Wake Green, by whom he had eight children. His eldest son, JEBBMIAH FINCH SIQTH (1815-1895), was rector of Aldridge, Staf- fordshire, from 1849, rural dean of Walsall from 1862,and prebendary of Lickfield Cathe- dral. He published, besides many sermons and tracts, the valuable and admirably edited * Admission Register of the Manchester School/ 3 vols., 1860-1874, and Notes on the Parish of Aldridge, Staffordshire,' 1884-9, 2 pfs. (Manchester Guardian, 17 Sept. 1895). The third son, JAMES HICKS SMITH (1822- 1881),bamster-at~law,wasauthorof : 1. 'Bre- wood, a BSsumS, Historical and Topographi- cayi867. 2. * Reminiscences of Thirty Years, by &a Hereditary High Churchman/ 1868. 3. * Brewood Church, the Tombs of the Gif- ferds/ 1870. 4. f TheParishin History, and in Church and State/ 1871. 5. 'Collegiate and other Ancient Manchester/ 1877 (Man- Chester 6var&m45m.l8&%*, CkurckMevie, 6 Jan. 1882). Isaac Gregory Smith (&. 1827), prebendary of Hereford Cathedral, and John George Smith ($. 1829), bamster-at4aw, were re- spectively fourth and fifth sons, [Manchester School Register (Chetham Soe.) vol. in.; Simms's Bibliotheca Staffordiensis 1894.] C. W, S. ' SMITH or SMYTEDE, Sra JOHK(1534?- 1607), diplomatist and military writer, born about 1534, was eldest son of Sir Clement Smith or Smythe, who resided at Little Baddow, near Chelmsford, Essex; owned the manor of Rivenhall and other property in the same county; was knighted in 1547; was 1 chidden ' by Edward VI for hearing mass in 1550 ; and died at Little Baddow on 26 Aug. 1552 (MORAKT, Essex-, NICHOLS, Lit. Remains of Edward F7,pp, cccvi, 310). Sir Clement married Dorothy, youngest daughter of Sir John Seymour of WoIfHall, Wiltshire, and sister of Edward Seymour* duke of Somerset [q. v.], and of Jane Sey- mour, Henry VHPs C[ueen [see JAJTE], John was thus first cousin of Edward VI, but he fully cherished the Roman catholic senti- ments with which his father imbued him. Wood states that he was educated at Oxford, f but in what House 'tis difficult to find, because both his names are very common. 1 The ascertained facts of Sir John Smith's career render it impossible to identify him with any of the three Oxford graduates named John Smith who matriculated be- tween 1537 and 1551. It is certain that he took no degree. Dissatisfied with the pro- testant policy that was favoured by his royal cousin and by his mother's family, he probably left England at an early age to seek hisfortune abroad. According to his own account, he served as a volunteer or soldier of fortune in France while Edward VI was still king ( Dis- courses, p. 23). For nearly twenty years fol- lowing he maintained like relations with foreign armies and saw active service not only in France, but in the Low Countries, where he enlisted under the Spanish flag, and in the east of Europe. In 1566 he fought against the Turks in Hungary, and came under the notice of the Emperor Maximilian II. A man of much general intelligence, he became an expert linguist, especially in Spanish, and lost no opportunity of studying the art of war as practised by the chief generals of the continent. Despite his catholic predilections, he remained devotedly attachea to the inte- rests of his own country,and often disavowed sympathy with catholic priests. In 1572 the queen granted him the manor of Little Baddow, with, the advowson of the church there (MoBAOT, ii. 21) ; and in 1574 he received, through Sir Henry Lee, while still abroad, an invitation from the English government to return home and enter the government service. * Refusing very great ' entertainments that lie was offered by certain Smith Smith gr-at and foreign princes/ he at once accepted tb? offer. At iirst lie tad no ground to complain of the trust reposed in him. He went to France In April 1576 to watch events. In his despatches home he gave dis- paraging accounts of the beauty of the ladies of the French court when compared with that of Queen Elizabeth. He was knighted in the same year, apparently on revisiting London < METCAWE, Knights^ p. 130). In the spring of 1577 he was entrusted with a diplomatic mission of high importance to Madrid. He was directed to explain to Philip EE Eliza- beth's conduct in the Netherlands, to renew her offer of mediation between Spain and the revolted provinces of the Netherlands, and to demand for English traders off the coast of .Spain and elsewhere protection from the as- saults of Spanish ships (FBOTDE, History , x. 389-91 ). Philip and Alva received him com- placently, but Quiroga, archbishop of Toledo, the inquisitor-general, haughtily scorned his advances. At the end often months, however, Smith ret urned home with friendly assurances from Philip, and the diplomatic relations be- tween the two countries seemed to be placed on a permanently amicable footing (cf. Leyces- ter Correspondence, p. 93). Smith's * Collec- tions and Observations relating to the con- dition of Spain during his residence there in 1577,' chiefly in Spanish, are preserved in manuscript at Lambeth (No. 271). Thenceforth Smith's life was a long series of disappointments. He sought further offi- ekl employment in vain. A querulous tem- per ana defective judgment doubtless ac- counted for the neglect. His importunate appeals to the queen and her ministers did not improve his prospects. He had borrowed money of the queen and was hopelessly in- volved in pecuniary difficulties. On 21 Sept. 1578 the queen released * unto him the mort- gage of his lands upon the debt which he oweth her ' on condition that he gave a bond for the payment of 2,OOQf. at Michaelmas twelvemonth (NICOLAS, Life of J&atton, p. 93; cf. Oz State Papers, Dom. 1547-80. p. 646). ^ In view of the threatened armada, Smith, whose reputation as a soldier remained high, was directed to train the regiments of foot soldiers raised in his own county of Essex. He boasted that he admitted to his troops only men of proved respectability, but other- wise evinced little discretion. When in July 1568 he brought his detachment to the camp at Tilbury, he pointed out to Leicester, the omniander-in-chief, the defective training of the res* of the army. Leicester, though he privately held much the same view, resented 's seTere eiiticisBas, and Smith inoppor- tunely asked for leave of absence on the ground of ill-health, which necessitated a ; visit to 'the baths/ The request was refused, 1 and he continued to give voice to what Leices- ter denounced as 'foolish and vainglorious paradoxes.' After a review by Smith of the , Essex contingent, * he entered again (accord- ing to Leicester) into such strange cries for 1 ordering of men and for fight with the ! weapon as made me think he was not well * fttoTLm,VnttedSct&erfandg,u.4:&2-3). The armada was soon dispersed at sea, and Smith f s services were not put to further test. On 28 Jan. 1589-90 he wrote to Burghley from Baddow, sensibly warning him of the j danger of permitting the formation of regi- | ments for foreign service from men of * the * baser sort.' He complained of his longneglect 1 at the hands of the queen, and vainly begged permission to visit the spas and foreign coun- tries for a year or two, and to assign his lands so as to pay off his debts to the queen and others, and to maintain his wife and family ( Gal, Hat fold MSS. iv. 4, 5). To distract Ms mind from his grievances he composed be- tween 1589 and 1591 i four or five little books' treating of * matters of arms/ and in 1590 ' he published one of them, consisting of a series of discourses on the uses of military j weapons. He strongly favoured the eon- 1 tinned use of the bow in warfare, and drew from his foreign experience much interesting detail respecting the equipment of armies at home and abroad. The work was entitled 'Certain Discourses written by Sir John Smythe, knight, concerning the formes and } effects of diuers sorts of Weapons, and other j verie important matters Militarie greatlie mistaken by diuers of our men of warre in these dates, and chiefly of the Mosquet, the Galiuer, and the Long-bow ; as also of the great sufficieneie, exceBencie, and wonderful effects of Archers ; with many notable ex- amples and other particularities by him pre- sented to the Nobilitie of this Eealme, and published for the benefite of this his native Countrie of England/ 4to f London (by Richard Johnes), 1590. In the dedication, which he ad- dressed to the English nobility, and in other sections of the work Smith gave vent to his resentment at failing to obtain regular mili- tary employment, and charged Leicester and others of the queen's advisers with incompe- tence and corruption. These charges were brought to the queen's notice, and she di- rected that all copies of the book be l called in, both because they be printed without privilege, and that they may breed much question and quarrell* (Sir Thomas Heneage to Burghley, 14 May 1590). In a long letter to Burghley, 20 May 1590, Smith hotly pro- - Smith 68 Smith tested against this indignity, and rehearsed i not to go a mile from it without special license. Ms grievlmces anew. On 3 June he addressed I This condition was enforced till the end of himself in similar terms to the queen, and no the queen's reign (id. pp. -414-18 ; Letters of further restriction seems to have heen placed j Eminent Literary Men, Camden Soc, pp.88- on the book's circulation. Smith's views on i 97 ; Cal State Papers, Dom. 1595-7, pp. 235 the value of archery were attacked ahout- \ seq., 1598-1601, pp. 2, 17,408,417). He was 1591 by Humfrey Barwick in his * Breefe buried in the church of Little Baddow on discourse concerning the force and effect of all manuall weapons of fire.' In 1594 Smith published a second military treatise of a more practical character than its forerunner ; it was called l Instructions, Observations, and Orders Militarie, requisite for all Chieftaines, Captains, and higher and lower men of charge, and Officers, to under- stand, knowe, and observe. Composed by Sir John Smythe, knight e, 1591, and now first imprinted, 1594,' London, by Richard Jones, 4to. It had some sale, and was_ re- issued in the following year. The dedica- tion, inscribed to the * knights, esquires, and gentlemen of England that are honorablie delighted in the arte and science militarie,' displayed much knowledge of history. At length, on 2 March 1595-6, Smith obtained the permission he had long sought to sell Little Baddow, and Anthony Pen- 1 Sept. 1607 (Iteff.) [Authorities cited.] S. L. SMITH or SMYTH, JOBDN T (d. 1612), the Se-baptist and reputed father of the English general baptists, was, according to the prin- cipal authorities, matriculated as a sizar of Christ's College, Cambridge, on 26 Xov. 1571, graduated B.A. in 1575-6, was afterwards elected a fellow of his college, and commenced M.A. in 1579 (CoopEE, Athente Cantabr. iiL 38 ; DEXTEE, True Story of John Smyth, p. 1), Francis Johnson (1562-1618) [q. v.] is said to have been at one time his tutor (Yoirtfs, Ckron. of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1844, p. 450). But Johnson was not matriculated as a pen- sioner at Christ's College until April 1579, The suggestion that the Se-baptist was the John Smith of Christ's College who com- menced M.A. in 1593 does not seem well sup- nyng of Kettleberg, Suffolk, purchased it I ported (AEBEE, Story of the Pilgrim Father^ on 30 April (MoEA^n:). Smith continued to 1897, p. 131). Smyth was ordained a clergy- reside in the village. In June 1596 he was man by William Wickham, bishop of Lincoln at Colchester with Sir Thomas Lucas, who | between 1584 and 1595. In a sermon ad was training the county militia. In their clerum preached by him on Ash Wednes- company was Smith's kinsman, Thomas day 1585-6 Smyth advocated a judaical ob- Seymour, second son of Edward Seymour, j servance of the Sabbath. He was conse- earl of Hertford [q. v.], and brother of Ed- \ quently cited before the vice-chancellor of ward Seymour, lord Beauchamp, a claimant the university and heads of colleges, and^ in to the royal succession. On the morning of the end he undertook to interpret his opinion 13 June Smith rode into the field where the j of such things as had been by him doubt- pikemen were practising, and bade the sol- i fully and uncertainly delivered, more clearly, diers forsake their colonel and follow Sey- mour and himself. * The common people/ he added, l have been oppressed and used as in another sermon ad clerum, first submit- ting it to the vice-chancellor for his approval (CoopEE, Annals of Cambridge, ii. 415). The bondmen these thirty years; but if you will ! Se-baptist must not be identified, as has been go with me I will see a reformation, and you shall be used as freemen* (STETPE, Annals, iv. IS). The words were at once reported to Lord Burghley. Smith was arrested on alleged, with the clergyman named Smith who was confined for eleven months in the Marshalsea in 1597 ; the Christian name of that divine was William. The Se-baptist & charge of treason and sent to the Tower. ! was preacher or lecturer in the city of Lon- *" ' -* * **-- ^- -'----- ! coin from 1603 to 1605. During the latter year he separated from the established church after nine months of doubt and study. Ao- Whea examined in the Star-chamber on 14 June, he confessed the truth of the facts as reported, but pleaded that he had supped too generously for the state of his health the night before. On the 26th of the month he sent an abject apology to Burghley, offering to confine himself thenceforth to "his house at Little Baddow, and to publish a confession of his fault in the market-place at Colchester. No further steps were taken against him, but lie remained in the Tower till February 1598, when the queen directed that he might repair to his house ia Essex on giving good security cording to his own account, he held at Coven- try, with Masters Bod, Hildersham, and Barbon, a conference 'about withdrawing from true Churches, Ministers, and Worship corrupted/ In 1606 he established a con- gregation of separatists at Gainsborough. This church or congregation was not orga- nised on the lines of the l Holy Discipline/ but upon original principles. Its pastor held that Scripture knew of but one class of Smith Smith *r>]er=. In opposition to the * Holy Discipline 1 theory of the three separate ofSces of pastor, trader, End elder, Smyth was known to WzIIiazo. Brewster jj. vf, and the s gathered church* meeting at Brewster's residence, Scrooby Manor, Nottinghamshire., was formed on lines suggested by Smyth. In or about 1606 Smyth, -with his wife and children and his congregation, left Gains- borough and went to Amsterdam, where they joined Francis Johnson ~q. v.j and Henry Ainsworth ~q_. v.~, who had been his tutor. His arrival produced farther dissension in the already agitated English congregation at that place. * Smyth imbibed with avidity the doc- trines held "by the Dutch remonstrants, and, throwing off* the CaMnistic doctrines, em- braced Arminianism. At the same time his peculiar sentiments on baptism, with his practice, procured for him the appellation of the Se-baptist, because at a solemn religious service, held probably in October 1608, he performed the rite of baptism upon himself and afterwards baptised others, to the num- ber of about forty. His opinions, which frequently and rapidly changed, involved him in controversy with Joseph Hall (afterwards bishopX Henry Ainsworth, Richard Bernard, John Robinson, Richard Clifton, John Paget, and Francis Jessop. He was a fearless and an able, though by no means a courteous, disputant. He styled the ' ancient exiled church y at Amsterdam the i ancient brethren of the separation,' and his own community he called *the brethren of the separation of the second English church at Amster- dam.* A few months after he had baptised him- self, Smyth moved on to another plane of thought and action, first suspecting, and then affirming, that they had all been in error in holding the right to baptise and in his own phrase to church themselves. Further modification of his theological views accompanied and exaggerated this difficulty, which soon constrained the majority of tne new church to excommunicate Smyth and twenty or thirty who thought with him. Smyth and his excluded friends sought ad- mission into a church of the Mennonites, who, however, refused to receive them. Thereupon he and his little congregation took refuge in a room at the baci of the 'great cake-house* or bakery belonging to Jan Hunter. Meanwhile, some time after his arrival at Amsterdam he began to prac- tise physic. He died there of consumption in August 1612, and on 1 Sept. was buried in the Nienwekerke. On 20 Jan. 1815 what msmiaed of his company was admitted into one of the Mennonite churches. For a short j time a separate English service was held by : them in the cake-bouse, but they&^on 1;^- came absorbed among the Butch, leaving no 1 trace in history of separate existence. The somewhat shadowy claim popularly t advanced in Smith's behalf to be the father of the English general baptists appears to rest on his authorship of some of the earliest exposi- ; tions of general baptist principles that were ; printed in England. The titles of his pub- \ lished works are : 1. A True Description out of the Word of God of the Visible Church/ 1589; reprinted in Allison's * Confutation,' inLawne's 'Brownism turned the inside out- ward' (1603i, in Wall's 'More Work for the Dean' (1681), and separately 1641, 4to. 2. * The Bright Morning Star, or the Resolu- tion and Exposition of the Twenty-second Psalm ; preached publicly in four sermons at Lincoln," Cambridge ( John Legat) ; 1603, 8 vo. 3. * A Patterne of True Prayer. A learned and comfortable Exposition or Commentarie upon the Lords Prayer/ London, 1605 and 1624, Svo,4o2 palest Dedicated to Edmund Sheffield, lord Sheffield (afterwards Earl of Mulgrave). Apparently every copy of the , first edition has disappeared. 4. * The Diffe- rences of the Churches of the Separation : containing a Description of the Leitourgie ; Ministerie of the Visible Church,' 1608, 4to. , 5. * Parallels, Censures, Observations, apper- j taining to Three several Writings: (1) "A ! Letter to Mr. Richard Bernard, by John , Smyth ;" (2) " A Book entitnled The Sepa- ratists Schism, published by Mr. Bernard ; " (3) "An Answer to the Separatists Schism," by Mr. H. Ainsworth/ London, 1609, 4to. 6. * The Character of the Beast, or the False Constitution of the Church discovered in certain passages betwixt Mr. E. Clifton , and John Smyth concerning true Chris- 1 tian Baptism of New Creatures or New-born I Babes in Christ : and False Baptism of j Infants born after the Flesh. Referred to j two propositions : (1) That Infants are not | to be baptised; (2) That Antichristians j converted are to be admitted into the True ; Church by Baptism,' 1609, 4to. 7. A Beply to Mr. E. Cl yffcon's " Christian Plea/ 5 ' 1610. In the library of York Minster there is a tract without title or date, and believed to be unique, containing *The last book of John Smith, called the Retractation of his Errors and the Confirmation of the Truth ; J and ' The Life and Death of John Smith/ by Thomas Pigott; as well as John Smyth's * Confession 01 Faith,' in one hundred pro- positions. The last was replied to by John Bobinson of Leyden, in his * Survej of the " Confessions of Faith," * The whole tract Smith 7 was reprinted in Bobert Barclay's * Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Common- wealth/ London (1876, pp. 117 and 118). [Arber's Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1897, p. 630 ; Bodleian Catalogue, iii. 498 ; Brook's Puritans, ii. 195 ; Crosby's Hist of the English Baptists, i. 91-9, 265-71, Appendix, p. 67; Belter's Troe Story of J. Smyth, the Se-Baptist, Boston, 1881; Bernard on Euth, ed. Grosart; Bishop Hall's Works ; Pratt), vii. 171 ; Hanbury's Hist. Memorials of the Independents ; HoweLL's State Trials, xxii. 709 ; Hunter's Pounders of New Plymouth, pp. 32 seq. 1 60 ; Ivimey's Hist, of the English Baptists, i. 113-122, ii. 503-5; deal's Puritans, i. 302, 349, 422 ; Notes and Queries, 4th ser. vi. 529 ; Strype's Annals, iii. 341, iv. 134 foi; Taylor's Oeneral Baptists, i. 65 seq. ; Watt's Bibl. Brit, under 'Smith ;' Wil- son's Dissenting Churches, i. 21, 28 seq.] T. C. SMITH, JOHN (1563-1616), divine, born at or near Coventry, Warwickshire, in 1563, was educated at the Coventry grammar school recently founded by John Hales, and elected at the age of fourteen to a Coventry scholarship at St. John's College, Oxford. He proceeded MA. in 1585, and BD. in 1591. He was made a fellow of his college, and highly valued in the university * for his piety and parts.' He was chosen lecturer at St. Paurs Cathedral, in the place of Lancelot Andrewes fq. v.], and became minister of Clavering, Essex, in 1592. He died in No- vember 1616, leaving benefactions to St. John's College, to Clavering parish, and to ten faithful and good ministers who had been deprived on the question of ceremonies. He obtained a license to marry Frances, daughter of William Babbington of Chorley, Cheshire, on 21 Oct. 1594 (FOSTEE, London Marriage Licenses, p. 1244). He was authorof : 1. * 'Afl-oXoyta T7js*A-yyX ii,78,iii.9S; Wood's Athense Oxon. ii. 188, Fasti* i. 217; Morant's Essex, ii. 614 ; Colvile's "War- wickshire"Worthies,p. 698 ; Brit. Museum Library Cat. ; Bodleian Library Cat.] B. B, SMITH, JOHN (1580-1631), soldier and colonist, baptised in the parish church at "Willoughby in Lincolnshire, on 6 Jan. 1579- 1580, was son of George and Alice Smith of that place. His father was buried on 3 April 1596, shortly after which he went to seek his fortune in the French army. In 1598, how- ever, peace was made between France and Spain, and Smith then offered his services to- the insurgents in the Low Countries, with whom he remained for three or four years. About 1600 he returned to England and abode at home in Lincolnshire for a short time, studying the theory of war and prac- tising the exercise of a cavalry soldier. La 1600 Smith again sought foreign service, and went through, according to his own vivid testimony, a number of startling adventures* Mr. Palfrey, in his * History of New Eng- land ' (vol. i.), showed that Smith's stories- of his career in eastern Europe harmonise to some extent with what we know from independent chroniclers ; but this is denied by later investigators, and especially by Alex- ander Brown in his memoir of Smith (6?e~ nesis^ of United States of America). Ac- cording to Smith's own account, which may be credited with a substratum of fact at any rate, he first voyaged to Italy in company with a number of French pilgrims bound for Eome,and having been thrown overboard as a huguenot, was rescued by a pirate or pri- vateer, with whom he served for some time. Then, travelling through Italy and Dal- matia, he reached Styria, and took service- under the Archduke of Austria. He asserts- that he did specially good service when th& imperial army was endeavouring to raise the siege of f 01umpagh j (Limbaeh) by intro- ducing a system of signalling between them and the garrison, and afterwards helped by like means to bring about the fall of Stiihl- weissenburg. After this he killed three- Turkish champions in a series of single com- bats fought in sight of the two armies, and: for this he received a coat of arms from Sigismund Bathori, prince of Transylvania^ under whom he was then serving. At the* battle of Rothenthurm he was taken prisoner,, sold for a slave, and sent to Constant!- Smith Smith nople. Befriended by a Turkish lady of \ [q. v.l, an arrogant man of no special capacitv quality, he was removed to Varna in the | was deposed, a proceeding in which Smi : h Black ea. There, after much cruel treat- , took a leading part. Winrfeld was" sue- ment from his master, a pasha, Smith killed ceeded by John Eatcliffe. "He held office his tyrant and made Ms escape. After long | for one year, and Smith then (10 Sept. 100*) wanderings through Europe he reached Mo- ! became the titular head of the colonv, as he roecQ, and. there falling in with an English had been almost from the outset its guiding man-of-war, came home in 1605. } and animating spirit, With resolute disci- In the next year ^ he purposed to join an j pline Smith introduced something of order English settlement in Guiana, but the scheme : and industry among the thriftless and help- was frustrated by the death of Charles Lee, ; less settlers. They built houses and finished the intended leader of the colonists. Smith t the church, fortified the settlement at James- then entered on the best known portion of ' town, and took some steps towards support- his career, the conduct of the Virginian [ ing themselves by tillage and fishing, colony, and was among the 105 emigrants During the summer of 1608 he explored who, on 19 Bee. 1606, set out from Black- i the coasts of the Chesapeake as far as the waH to found Virginia. They sailed in three ! mouth of the Patapsco, and further explored ve^elsj the Susan Constant, under Chris- , the head of the Chesapeake. On these two topher Newport jj. v. J ; the Godspeed, under i voyages Smith computed that he sailed three Bartholomew Gosnold _q. v/ ; and the Dis- thousand miles. From his surveys he con- eovery, under John Katcliffe see under structed a map of the bay and its environs SICKMMOBE^ Smith is described in the list , (see No. 2 below). His dealings with the of passengers as a planter. By a most un- natives were marked by honesty and good happy arrangement the names of the council, ; judgment. of whom Smith was one, were sealed up in a , In August 1609 a fresh party of colonists box not to be opened till the settlers reached ( arrived, deprived unhappily of their leaders America, and the temporary control during j by a storm which separated the fleet r see thejoyage was vested in Captain Newport. SOMEES, SIB GEGB&E! Further dissensions hmith m some unrecorded fashion came into j arose, leading to cabals against Smith and to conflict with him, was put under arrest, and, j difficulties with the natives. In the following- although a member of the council (under the ( September Smith was badly hurt by the sealed orders, which were opened on arriving accidental explosion of a bag of gunpowder, in Chesapeake Bay on 26 April), was at first | and left the colony, never to revisit it not allowed to act. Nevertheless, from the j Henceforth he took no part in the proceed- outset he did good service. The settlers, ! ings of the Virginia Company, but devoted wno had come in search of an Eldorado, himself to encouraging in England colonisa- such as thatpictured in the popular play of tion and the establishment of fisheries in Eastward Ho ! (1605), had neither the in- what was afterwards known as New Enir- teliigence nor the industry to support them- land. Thither he sailed with two ships on elves by tillage, and they had to subsist on a voyage of exploration in 1614, On his fllti CTlT-.-1 l^lf-i OTlllI^'L. *-T,,*._ - ..tJ 1 1 __ J_ 1 t T" jn** -. *- return he presented to Prince Charles a map of the coast from the Penobscot to Cape Cod, in which the real contour of the New- England coast was for the first time indi- cated. In this the territory south of the Hudson was called New England, and among other English names adopted that of Ply- mouth was assigned to the mainland oppo- the supplies which they could buy, beg, or steal from the natives. In the various ex- peditions into the country in search of food Smith proved himself an energetic and effec- tive leader. In one of these, in December 1607, he was taken prisoner, and was re- leased, according to a statement made by himself many years later (see his publica- , . "3 f+\ i * * -" -~ i .M-ivfcujjj. ? u*j cwjaigiicri-t uv UJJLG IMfVI HI Mi 11.1.1 VIppO*" tions JN os. 5 and 7), through the intervention site Cape Cod, two names which by a happy of the Indian princess Pocahontas [see under i chance so well fitted in with the fedura KOMI, JOBS], The whole incident is matter of the later settlers as to be permanently of controversy. In all likelihood Ms rescue adopted. Smith now became ultimate with one of the chief patrons of New England explora- tion, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and in 1615 he made two attempts to visit New England, The first failed tnrougli a storm in which SmitVs ship was dismasted. At the next attempt he was taken by a French ship of war, and, after serving with his captors against the Spaniards, was set free. In 1617 by Pocahontas owes the general acceptance which it long enjoyed to the fact of its un- questioned adoption in 1747 by Stith, the irst historian of Virginia. Ilater writers have pointed out that it is at least wholly inconsistent with the story told by Smith in his earlier publications (cf. No. 1 and No. 2), Meanwhile, in September 1607, the first elected president, Edward Maria "Wingfield Smith 7 he made a last attempt, but the three vessels ! in which he and his company were embarked j were kept in port by bad weather, and the j expedition was abandoned. Henceforth ! Smith's exertions on behalf of Ajnerican ! colonisation were confined to the produc- | tion in London of maps and pamphlets. He j died in June 1631, and was buried in St. j Sepulchre's Church, London. His will, which j was proved on 1 July, is at Somerset House (P.C.C. St. John, 89). It is printed in Mr. Arber's edition of his works. Much controversy has arisen as to the truth of the stories published by Smith about his own adventures. But the modern historian, while recognising the extravagance of the details of many of the more picturesque of Smith's self-recorded exploits, is bound to give full weight to his record of his more prosaic achievements in laying the solid ' foundations of the prosperity of the new settlement of Virginia. Of his works those numbered 2 and 4 below contain numerous passages professedly written not by Smith nmnself, but by those who were associated with mm in Virginia. Smith T s published writings are : 1. * A true Relation of such Occurrences and Accidents of Kote as hath passed in Virginia since the first planting of that Colony/ 1608; ed. C. Deane, 1866. 2. < A Map of Virginia, with a Description of the Country,' Oxford, 1612 (cf. MADAK, Early Oxford Press, pp. 83-5). 3. * A Description of New England/ 1616; i other editions 1792, 1836, 1865 ; translated into German 1628. 4. i New England's j Trials/ 1620; 2nd edit. 1622 other editions 1836, 1867. o. 'The General History of Virginia, Summer Isles, and New England/ ' 1624; other editions 1626, 1627, 1632. ' 6. f An Accidence, or the Pathway to expe- rience necessary for all Young Seamen . . ./ 1626; republished in the next year, enlarged by another hand, under the title of ' The ' Seaman's Grammar;' other editions under the latter title 1653 and 1691. 7, ' The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captain John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa, f and America, from Anno Domini 1593 to ' 1629, together with a Continuation of his General History of Virginia/ &e., 1630: other editions 1732, 1744, and 1819 ; trans- lated into Butch 1678, 1707, and 1727. 8. * Advertisements for the Unexperienced Banters of New England,* 1631; edited for the Massachusetts Historical Society 1792, and translated into Dutch 1706 and 17.J7. A portrait of Smith was engraved by Simon Pass in 161$, 'at. 37/ and prefixed to Ms later works, Copes and reprodoc- , 2 Smith tions of this form the frontispiece to most of the modern ' Lives.' [A complete list and fall account of Smith's writings is in Mr. Arber's introduction to the re- print of them in the English Scholar's Library (1884). After Smith's own works, which consti- tute our sole authority for many of his exploits, the most valuable contemporary sources are Newport's Discoveries in Virginia (first pub- lished in 1860 in Arch, Americana, iv. 40-65} Wingfield's Discourse of America ($.'pp. 67-! 163), and Spelman's Relation of Virginia (Lon- don, 1872). Slightly later in origin are Eobert Johnson's New Life of Virginia (1612) and Whitaker's G-ood Newes from Virginia (161 a). These chronicles of eye-witnesses were followed in the eighteenth century by Keith's History of Virginia (1738) and by the important History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Vir- ginia, by William Stith, Williamsburg, 1747. A much less trustful view of Smith's statements is taken by Mr. Edward Duffield Neill in his Vir- t'nia Company in London (1869) and his valuable Qglish Colonisation of America (1871). Similar suspicion, with varying degrees of reservation, is expressed in Coit Tyler's History of American Literature (1879), in Mr. J. A, Doyle's English in America (1881-2), in Professor S. B. Gar- diner's History (vol. ii. 1883), in Winsor's His- tory of America (vol. iii. 1886), and in the later editions of Bancroft's History of the United States. An extremely pessimistic view of Smith's character and influence is taken by Alexander Brown in Genesis of the United States of America (voL ii. 1890). Puller, in his Worthies of England, was the first to give a biographical account of Smith, whose exploits formed the subject of numerous * marvellous ' biographies, especially in America, during the next two hundred years. A type of these is that by J. Bilknap, published atBoston in 1820, with startling coloured illustrations. More serious productions were the lives by George S. Hillard (in vol. ii. of Sparks's Library of Ame- rican Biogr. 1834), by Mrs. Edward Eobinson (London, 1845), by W. Gilmore Simms (New York, 1846), and by George C. Hill (New York, 1858). But the first critical investigation of Smith's career was that made by Charles Deane ia his Notes on Wingfield's Discourse of America, printed at Boston in 1859, and in his edition of Smith's Eolation, issued in 1866. The line of xewaieh thus indicated was followed up with much ingenuity by the Virginia Historical So- ciety, which published in 1888 its invaluable Abstract of the Proceedings of the Virginia Society in London, The new evidence adduced by these biographical investigations led to the rewriting of the early chapters of the history of Virginia by Neill and others (see above). It also bore fruit in the ultra-iconoclastic Life and Writings of John Smith, by Charles Dudley Waraer(1881). An attempt at strict impartiality is maintained in the Memoir by Charles Kilt- ridge True (New York, 1882) and in Appleton's Smith 73 Smith Cvalo; ablia ^ American Biography (vol. T. i !SS . But Smith lias found warm defenders of j the substantial truth of his story in Professor j Arter IE his Memoir of John Smith in the } Encyclopaedia BriUnnica (9th edit. 1887) and ' k his editics of Smith's Works ; in W. Wirt ; Henry {Address to Virginia Hist. Soc. February j 18S2'*: :c Mr, John Ash ton, who published a , riehdvf of Smith's Adventures and DiseoTirses ( in ISS3 ; and in J. Poindexter in Captain John i Smith and his Critics (1893). For a fuller ; account of the evidence as to the credibility i of the Pocahontas episode, see nnder ROLFS, JOHN.] J. A. D. SMITH or SMYTH, JOHN (1567- j 1640 1. genealogical antiquary, the son. of 1 Thomas^Smyth of Hoby, Leicestershire, and J grandson of William Smyth of Humberston ' in Lincolnshire, was born in 1567 and edu- ! eated at the iree school, Derby. His mother, Joan, was a daughter of a citizen of Derby named Eichard Alan. From Derby Smyth proceeded in 1584 to Callowden to attend upon, Thomas, son and heir of Henry, seven- ; teenth lord Berkeley. He studied under the same tutor, and went up with the young , lord to Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1589. In 1594 Smyth removed to the Middle } Temple, and two years later, having com- j pleted his studies there, returned to the j Berkeley family as household steward, a ; post which he exchanged in 1597 for the j more lucrative and dignified office of steward I of the hundred and liberty of Berkeley. About the same time he took up his resi- dence at Nibley in Gloucestershire, where, in process of time, he acquired two adjacent manor-houses, i adorned with gardens and groves and a large park well wooded/ So bountiful were tne Berkeleys to him that the family fool is said on one occasion to have tied Berkeley Castle to the church with twine 4 to prevent the former from going to Jfibley.' As steward of the manor, Smyth had charge of the muniment -room at the castle, and, devoting himself with assiduity to the rich treasures which centuries had accumulated there, he was led eventually to write a history of the lives of the first twenty- one lords of Berkeley, from the Norman conquest down to 1628. Smyth sat for HidQniist in the parliament of 1621, but he took no part in politics in the stormy times that were coming, and died at Nibley, on the eve of the troubles, in the autumn of 1&4Q. His first wife, Grace, a native of Kibley, died in 1609, without issue, and Smytt married as his second wife (9 Jan. 1809-10) Mary, daughter of John Browning of Cowley, By this marriage he had five sows and three daughters. His eldest so% John, was buried in Xibley church in aged 81. John Smith or Smyth (1602- 1717) [q.v.~, the playwright, is 'believed to have been a great-grandson. Smyth's style is quaint and somewhat rude, "and his orthography very irregular; but, irrespective of the allusions to the im- portant public events in which the Berkeley family participated, his * Lives' are very valuable for the light they reflect upon the social condition of the people in mediaeval times, the methods of cultivation adopted, the simplicity of manners, and the fluctua- tions of prices. As an antiquarv the author showed an accomplished knowledge of an* cient documents and public records. Bug- dale embodied a large portion of his work in his * Baronage of England/ 1675-6. After 1676 the documents were practically undis- turbed at Berkeley Castle until, in 1821, Thomas Dudley Fosbroke r q. v.] published his * Abstracts* and Extracts of Smyth's Lives of the Berkeleys/ London, 4to. * The first-rate archaeological character of the docu- ments was now established. In vol. v. of the * Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeo- logical Society's Transactions ' (1880-1), Mr. James Herbert Cooke published a valuable monograph on * The Berkeley MSS.and their Author/ and two years lateral 883-5) the same society published in extenso *The Berkelev MSS. ... by John Smyth of Nibley/ edited by Sir John Maclean, 3 vols. 4to. Smyth left a number of other works in manuscript, of which he made a schedule at the end of the * Lives of the Berkeleys/ Of these only three appear to be extant : 1 (at Berkeley Castle), * A Register of Tenures by Knight Service, mainly in the county of Gloucester ; * 2 (at Condover Hall, Shropshire), the first portion of 'Three Bpokes in folio, containing^ the names of each inhabitant in this countT of Gloucij how they; stood charged witk armor in a* 6 W Jacobi ; T and 3 (also at Con- dover), * Abstracts of all the Offices or In- quisitions post mortem and of ad Q^od damnum in the co. of Gloucester from 10 Henry m to 28 Henry VIII. 1 [Wood's Athena Oxoru ed. Bliss, iii. 1030 ; Foster's Alumni Oxoa. 1500-1714; Hyett acd Bazeley's Manual of Gloucestershire Lit. ii. 23 ; Atkyns's Gloucestershire, 1712, p. 303; Fos- broke's Gloucestershire, i. 468 ; Rudder's New History of Gloucestershire, 1779.] T. S. SMITH, SIB JOHN (iei6-1644),*oyalist, bora in 1616 at Skiltsin the parish of Stud- ley, "Warwickshire, was fourth son of Sir Francis Smith of Queeniborough, Leicester- shire, by his wife Anne, daughter of Thomas Markham of Kirkb j Beler and of Alkrton, Nottinghamshire* His eldest brother, Sir Smith 74 Smith Charles Smith, was elevated to the peerage In 1643 as Baron Carrington of Wootton Wawen in "Warwickshire and Viscount Car- rington of Barreford in Connaught (Gr. E. C[oKAT3Oi], Complete Peerage, ii. 167). He was brought up a Roman catholic, his earlier education being entrusted to a kins- man. At a later date he was sent abroad to Germany to complete his studies. He always had a strong disposition for a military life, and Tentured to return home without leave, to urge his relatives to permit him to follow his bent. His projects, however, were received with no favour, and he was sent to resume his studies in the Spanish Netherlands. He soon joined the Spanish army which was defend- ing Flanders against the French and Dutch. He distinguished himself by several deeds of daring; but hearing of the Scottish disturb- ances, he resolved to return to England and offer his services to Charles I. He received a lieutenant's commission, and was victorious in a skirmish with the Scots at Stapleford in the neighbourhood of the Tees, After the conclusion of the treaty of Bipon,on 28 Oct. 1640, he retired to his mother's house at Ashby Folville in Leicestershire, "When the English civil war broke out he joined the royalists and was made a captain-lieutenant under Lord John Stewart (d. 1644) [q.v.] On 9 Aug. 1642 he disarmed the people of Kilsby in Northamptonshire, who had declared for parliament, and on 23 Sept. he took part in the fight at Powick Bridge. At Edgehill his troop was in Lord Grandison's regiment, on the left wing. In the battle the royal standard-bearer, Sir Edmund Yerney [a. v.], was killed and the standard taken. Smith, with two others, recovered it. For this service he was knighted on the field, being, it is said, the last knight banneret created in England. He also received a troop of his own, and was appointed by Lord Grandison major of his regiment. Being sent into the south, he was taken prisoner on 13 Dec. by Waller in Winchester Castle, and did not obtain his liberty till the September follow- ing. On his release he proceeded to Oxford, and was made lieutenant-colonel of Lord Herbert of Raglan's regiment of horse [see SOUEBSBT, EBWAEB, second MABQFIS OF WQBCESTBB]. In 1644 he was despatched to the western army, as major-general of the horse trader Lord John Stewart. On 29 Marclt the royalists under Patrick Ruth- Ten, arl of Forth [q. vA engaged the parlia- mentarians under Waller at Cheriton in Hampshire, The rashness of Henry Bard (afterwards Viscount Bellamont) [q. v.] in- volved the royalist cavalry la a premature engagement. Smith was mortally wounded, and the dismay occasioned by his fall is said to have hastened his companions' retreat. He died the nest day, and was buried on the south side of the choir in Christ Church Oxford. An elegy on him appears in Sir Francis Wortley's 'Characters andEleoies* London, 1646, 4to. b ' [The fullest biography is in Edward Walsing- ham's BritannicEe Virtutis Imago, 1644, Oxford; but it is too eulogistic to be altogether trust- worthy, and it differs in many instances from other contemporary accounts. Other authorities are Ludlow's Memoirs, ed. 1 751 , Edinburgh, i. 42 95 ; Lloyd's Memoires, ed. 1668, p. 658 ; Claren- don's History of the Rebellion, vi. 85, viii. 15, 16 ; ftugent's Memoirs of Hampden, ii, 298-300; Gardiner's Great CM1 War, i. 49-50, 326; Colrile's Worthies of Warwickshire, p. 699 ; Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, i. 213.] E. I. C SMITH, JOHN (1618-1652), Cambridge Platonist, was born at Achurch, near Oundle in Northamptonshire, in 1618. Of his parents his biographer only states that they }iad 1 long been childless and were grown aged/ In 1636 he was entered as a pensioner at Emmanuel College, at that time the lead- ing puritan foundation in the university. He | proceeded B.A. in 1640, M.A. in 1644; and ' in the latter year (11 June) was transferred i by the Earl of Manchester, along with seven other members of his college, to Queens' College, 'they having bine examined and approved by the Assembly of Divines sitting in Westminster ... as fitt to be fellowes r (SEAELE, Hist, of Queens' College, p. 548). His college tutor at Emmanuel was Benjamin Whichcote [q. v.] (afterwardsprovost of King's I College), who not only directed hisstudies,but ! aided him, with his purse. At Queens' College i he lectured with marked success on f mathe- j matics/ although it is doubtful whether the term implied anything more than arithmetic. I His chief reputation, however, was acquired as one of the rising school of Cambridge Platonists. John Worthington [q. v.] assigns him the praise of being both Blicaios and ayatfos, i.e. of being not only just and up- right in his conversation, but also genuinely good at heart, and doubts whether more to admire his learning or his humility. Smith died of consumption on 7 Aug. 1652, and was buried in ids college chapel. Although only in his thirty-fifth year, he had already become known as a * living library,' his ac- quirements being chiefly in theology and the oriental languages. His papers were handed by his executor, Samuel Cradoek, fellow of Emmanuel, to Worthington, who published such of them as were * homogeneal and re- lated to the same discourse/ under the title of 4 Select Discourses ' (London, 1660), a volume Smith 75 Smith still read and admired for Its refinement of thought and literary ability. His funeral germoBwaspreachedbySimQnPatriek(162&- 1707) "q. T. , one of the younger fellows of Queens ancf Ills warm admirer. Smith, "be- queathed his library to the society. "Copy of Select Discourses in library of St. Join's * College, Cambridge, with manuscript B&tes by Thomas Baker ; Patrick's Autobiogr. pp. 17, 22, 247; Searle's Hist, of Qneens' Col- lege* PP- 550 '*>6S > Tulloch's Rational Theology ia England, vol. ii.J 3* B. M. SMITH, JOHN Mrfe,xiv. 695 ; HALT IAK, Constitutional Htst iii. 271-4). In May 1708 he was selected to settle the court of exchequer in Scotland, subsequently to the union with England, and for that purpose was made lord chief baron of the exchequer in Scotland, being still allowed (though an- other baron was appointed) to retain his Smith i< place in the English court, and receiving 500Z. a year in addition to his salary. He was re-sworn on the accession of George I as a baron of the English exchequer, although he performed none of the duties, and enjoyed both his "English and his Scottish office until his death on 24 June 1726, at the age of sixty-nine. Smith was much attached to his native village of Frolesworth, where^by his will, he founded and endowed a hospital for fourteen poor widows of the communion of the church of England, who were each to have 12L a year and a separate house, [Niehols'sLeieestershire; Eoss's Judges of Eng- land; Foster's Gray's Inn Registers.] W. E. W. SMITH, JOHN (1652 F-1742), mezzotint engraver, was born at Daventry, Northamp- tonshire, about 1652. He was articled to an obscure painter named Tillet in London, and studied mezzotint engraving under Isaac Beckett [q. v.] and Jan Vander Vaart [o^. v.] He became the ablest and most industrious worker in mezzotint of his time, and the favourite engraver of Sir Godfrey Kueller, whose paintings he extensively reproduced, and in whose house he is said to have resided for some time. Smith's plates, which are executed in a remarkably brilliant and effec- tive style, number about five hundred, and of these nearly three hundred are portraits of distinguished men and women of the period between the reigns of Charles II and George II, from pictures by Lely, Kneller, Wissmg, Dahl, Biley, Closterman, Gibson, Murray, and others. The remainder are sacred, mythological, and genre subjects after Titian, Correggio, Pannegiano, C. Maratti, G. Schalken, E. Heemskerk, M. Laroon, and others. Previous to 1700 his plates were mostly published by Edward Cooper [q. v.], but about that date he established himself as a printseller at the Lyon and Crown in Covent Garden ; he there published his own works and also reissued many of those by Beckett, Lens, Williams, and others, cleverly Tetotiching them and erasing the original en- gravers* names. Smith's latest print appears to have been the portrait of the youthful Duke of Cumberland, after Highmore, dated 17S9. On giving up business he retired to Ms native county, where he died on 17 Jan. 1742 at the age of ninety. He was buried in the churchyard of St. Peter's, Northamp- ton, where there is a tablet to his memory and that of his wife Sarah, who died in 1717. The bulk of his copperplates eventually came into the hands of Boydell, who reprinted tliem in large numbers. A portrait of John in which he appears holding his en- 5 Smith graving of Kneller, was painted and pre- sented to Mm by that artist in 1696, and he executed a print from it in 1716 ; it has also been engraved by S. Freeman for Walpole'a 'Anecdotes.' The original is now in tlie National Portrait Gallery. [Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting (Dallaway and Wornnm) ; Chaloner Smith's British Mezzo- tinto Portraits ; Dodd's manuscript Hist, of Engravers in Brit. Mils. (Addit. MS. 33405).] P. M. O'D. SMITH, JOHN (Jl. 1747), anthor of * Chronicon Busticum-Commerciale, or Memoirs of Wool,' was born about 1700, and educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He was admitted pensioner of the college on 18 Dec. 1718, fellow-commoner on 31 Jan. 1721-22, and his name was taken off the books on 18 Dec. 1724 (Register of Trimty Sail). In 1725 he graduated LL.B. He entered the church, but devoted himself very largely to the study of the development of the woollen industry, especially in England, The result of these researches was published in 1747, in two octavo volumes, as 4 Chroni- con Busticum-Commerciale, or Memoirs of WooU A second and more limited quarto edition was issued in 1757 (the library at Trinity College, Dublin, has a copy of the * second edition ' with the date 1765). Smith opposed the restrictions on the exportation ot wool, and it was chiefly on this point that his conclusions were attacked by William Temple of Trowbridge, a zealous whig who wrote under the pseudonym of I. B,, M.D. Smith replied to Temple's attack in a pam- phlet * The Case of the English Farmer and his Landlord. In answer to Mr. Temple's (pretended) Refutation of one of the princi- pal Arguments in "Memoirs of WooL"* This pamphlet was printed at Lincoln, and dedicated to the ' nobility, gentry, and clergy T of Lincolnshire. The dispute centres in the main round the question of the price of wool in England as compared with its value on the continent. Smith defends the statement in the Memoirs' (p. 516 of edit, of 1747) that * English wool in England is not sold to its intrinsic worth.* In Lincolnshire Smith, according to his own statement, spent a great part of his life ( f Lincolnshire where I am most conversant/ Semew of the Manufacturer l s Complamts against the Wool Grower, 1753, p. 7). He held, however, no living 1 in Lincolnshire, and the date of his death is uncertain, unless he can be identified with the Rev. John Smith, who died in 1774, possessed of several livings in the south of England. ^ -Smith's great work is a laborious compila- * tion from many sources of facts bearing Smith 79 the historv of the wool trade. He Smith upon rives a digest, with copious extracts of the literature especially the English literature on the subject from the early seventeenth ! century onward. The book has always been regarded as a standard work, and is referred to in terms of high praise by Arthur Young in his 'Annals of Agriculture' (vi. 506): * The history of wool, in England, has been admirably written by Smith, with so much accuracy 'that scarcely any measure relative to that commodity can be stated which has not been fully explained and considered on the most HberaTand enlightened principles ; not deduced from vague theories, but from the clear page of ample experience. 1 More re- j cently M'Culloch. has described it as one j of the most carefully compiled and valuable works' ever published with regard to the history of any branch of trade (M'CirL- LOCH, Literature of Political Economy, 1845). In addition to this work, and the * Aiiswer * to Temple's ( Refutation ? referred to above, Smith also wrote * A Review of the Manu- facturer's Complaint against the Wool- grower/ 1753, dealing with certain minutiae of his favourite subject, such as the effect of pitch and tar marks on the wool of sheep. [Register of Trinity Hall; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Smith's Works see especially the list of sub- scribers to the 1747 edition of Memoirs of Wool, from which several important facts may be gleaned. The identification of John Smith, LL.B. of Trinity Hall, with John Smith, LL.B., the author, is a conjectural one, though rendered practically certain by the facts that Professor F. DiekJns, LL.D. of Trinity Hall, the master (Dr. SSmpson), seven fellows, and the Library of Trinity Hall, are all entered as subscribers to the Memoirs, and that the degree of LL.B. of Cambridge was that specially in vogue among, and was practically limited to, Trinity Hall men at that period.] E. C-B. SMITH:, JOHN (1747-1807), antiquary and Gaelic scholar, was born in 1747 at Croft Braekleyin the parish of Glenorchy in Argyll- shire. He studied for the ministry at the university of St. Andrews, and was licensed by the presbytery of Kintyre on 28 April 1773, On 18 Oct. 1775 he was ordained as & minister at Tarbert, and in 1777 he was presented by John, duke of Argyll, to the parish of Eolbrandon, as assistant and suc- cessor to James Stewart. In 1781 he was translated to the highland church at Camp- beltown, and in 1787 received the honorary degree of B.D, from the university of Edin- l>nrgh. He died at Campbeltown on 26 June 1807. In 1783 he married Helen M'DougaU, who died on 6 May 1843. By her he had two SOBS, John and Donald, and three daughters, Smith was an accomplished Gaelic scholar, and took part in translating the scriptures into Gaelic, besides publishing Gaelic trans- lations of AUeine's * Alarm to the Uncon- verted/ Joseph Watts's Catechism, .and other small religious works. He also revised a metrical version of the Psalms in the same tongue, which was used in the southern high- lands. His other works include: 1. * Gaelic Antiquities/ Edinburgh, 1780, 4to ; this work contained an English translation of Gaelic poems, some of which purport to be by Ossian [q.v.] : French and Italian versions of Smith's translation were made in- 1810 and 1813 re- spectively. . 'View of the Last Judgement/ Edinburgh, 1783, Svo; 4th edit. London, 1847. 3. * Sean Dana, or Ancient Poems of Ossian, Orran, Ulann, iSre.' Edinburgh, 1787, 8vo. 4. * Summary View and Explanation of the Writings of the Prophets/ Edinburgh, 1787, 12mo ; ed. by Peter Hall, London, 1835, 12mo. 5. f Life of St. Columba, from the Latin of On mm in. and Adamnan/ Edin- burgh, 1798, 4to. 6. < General View of the Agriculture of the county of Argyll/ 1798, 8vo. ^8. ; An Affectionate Address to the Middling and Lower Classes on the present Alarming Crisis/ Edinburgh, 1798, 12mo. 9. * Lectures on the Nature and End of the Sabred Office/ Glasgow, 1808, 8vo. He also edited Robert Lowth's * Isaiah/ London, 1791, 12mo, and wrote the article on the parish of Campbeltown for Sinclair's * Statistical Account.* [Scott's Fasti Eecles. Scot ra. i 36, 69; Edinfcmrgh Graduates, p. 246 ; New Statistical Account, vn. ii. 93.] E. I. C. SMITH, JOHN (1790-1824), missionary, son of a soldier killed in battle in Egypt, was born on 27 June 1790 at Both well, near Ket tering in Northamptonshire. All his edu- cation ae derived from occasional attendance at a Sunday schooL At the age of fourteen he entered the service of a biscuit-maker in London named Blunden, His master dying in 1806, Davies, his successor, took him as an apprentice, and assisted hirn to improve his education. Under the influence of the Rev. John Stevens he became earnest in matters of religion and zealous for study. He was accepted by the London Missionary Society, and in December 1816 was ordained as successor to John Wray at Le Resouvenir, near Bemerara or Georgetown, in British Guiana. He arrived at Denierara on 23 Feb. 1817. and in his first interview with the governor, Major-general John Murray, the latter threatened that if he taught any negro- slave to read he should be banished. iSot- withstanding the undisguised hostility of Smith s the white population, he laboured among the negroes with considerable success. In August 1823 his health broke down, and he was recommended by his doctor to leave the colony. On 18 Aug., however, a rising of the negroes took place, and three days later Smith was arrested for refusing to take up arms against the negroes. He was tried by court-martial on the charge of having pro- moted discontent among them. On the worth- less evidence of terrorised slaves he was found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged. His exe- cution was postponed until the pleasure of the home government should be known. But he was confined in the meantime in an un- healthy dungeon, and died there on 24 Feb. 1824. His wife Jane, whom he married about the time of his ordination, died in 1828 at Rye in Sussex. They had no children. When the news of Smith's imprison- ment reached England, popular interest was aroused. The publication of the documents connected with the case by the London Mis- sionary Society intensified the excitement, and upwards of two hundred petitions on his behalf were presented to parliament in eleven days. On 1 June 1825 his trial was debated in the House of Commons. Lord Brougham brought forward a motion condemning the action of the Demerara government, and as- serted that ' in Smith's trial there had been more violation of justice, in form as well as in substance, than in any other inquiry in modern times that could be called a judicial proceeding.' After an adjournment, how- ever, the motion, which was opposed by go- vernment, was negatived by 193 to 146. fWallbridge's Memoirs of the Rev. John Smith; Gent. Mag. 1824, ii. 281 ; Speeches de- livered in the House of Commons regarding the proceedings at Demerara, Edinburgh, 1824; Minutes of Evidence on the Trial of John Smith, London, 1824 ,* Statement of the Proceedings of the Directors of the London Missionary Society in the ease of Ber. John Smith ; Missionary Chronicle, March 1824 ; The London Missionary Society's Report of the Proceedings against John Smith, London, 1824; The Missionary Smith, London, 1824 ; Hew Times, 11 April 1824; C. Boston's Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, pp, 138-40 ; Edinburgh "Review, iL 244 ; Eclectic Review, 1848, ii. 728 ; Black- pool's Hag, June 1824.] E. L C. SMITH, JOHSf (1749-1831), water- colour-painter, known as ' Warwick 1 Smith, was born at Irthington, Gumberland,in 1749, and educated at St. Bees. Becoming known as a skilful topographical draughtsman, he was employed njjon Middiman's ' Select Views in Great Britain,' and obtained the patronage of fche Earl of Warwick, with whom he o Smith visited Italy about 1783 ; hence he came to be styled l Warwick' and 'Italian* Smith, In his subsequent works, which were largely views in^ Italy, he gradually abandoned the simple tinting to which watercolour work had hitherto been limited for a more effective mode of colouring, the novelty and beauty of which created much admiration. Smith joined the Watercolour Society in 1805, and was a large contributor to its exhibitions from 1807 to 1823, when he resigned his membership; he was elected president in 1814, 1817, and 1818, secretary in 1816, and treasurer in 1819, 1821, and 1822. Of his engraved works, which are numerous, the most important are : ' Select Views in Italy ' 1793-6; 'Views of the Lakes of Cumber- land/ twenty aquatints by Merigot, 1791-5 j and illustrations to Byrne's i Britannia Depicta/ W. Sotheby's i Tour through Wales,' 1794, and * A Tour to Hafod,' 1810. Smith died in Middlesex Place, London, on 22 March 1831, and was interred in the St. George's burial-ground in the Uxbridge Eoad. Good examples of his work are in the British and South Kensington Museums. [Roget's Hist, of the 'Old Watercolour * Society ; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists.] P. M. OD. SMITH, SIR JOHN (1754-1837), general, colonel-commandant royal artillery, was born at Brighton, Sussex, on 22 Feb. 1754. He entered the Royal Military Academy at Wool- wich on 1 March 1768, and received a com- mission as second lieutenant in the royal artillery on 15 March 1771. In 1773 he went to Canada. He was at Fort St. John when the American generals Schuyler and 1 Montgomery attacked it in September 1775. The fort was garrisoned by some seven hun- dred men under Major Preston, who, after a gallant defence, surrendered it on 3 Nov. Smith, who had been twice wounded, became a prisoner of war. Smith was exchanged in January 1777, and joined the army under the command of Earl Percy at Bhode Island, and shortly after was transferred to the army at New York under the command of Sir William Howe. He took part in the operations to- draw Washington from his defensive posi- tion on the Rariton river. He accompanied Howe's force to the Delaware and Chesa- peake, and was present at the battle of Brandywine on 11 Sept. 1777, at the cap- ture of Philadelphia on 26 Sept., at the battle of Germanstown on the Delaware on 3 Oct., at the attack on Fort Island on 22 Oct., and at the siege of Mud Island and \ capture of it on 16 Nov. The last achieve* Smith Si Smith meat completed the removal of all obstacles to the free navigation of the Delaware by the royalists. In May 1778 Smith was en- gaged In the operations for the destruction of American men-of-war in the Delaware river, driving back the Americans at Bill's Island, and burning the Washington (32) and the Effingham (28), with fifty-four smaller Tessels. He took part in the battle of Mon- jnouth or Freehold, under Sir Henry Clinton, on 27 June, and marched with the army the following- day to X ovesink, near Sandy Hook, where it arrived on the 30th. Thence the fleet under Lord Howe convened Smith and Ms companions to New York in July. Smith was promoted to be first lieutenant on 1 July 1779. On 11 Feb. 1780 he arrived with Sir Henry Clinton's force from New York at the harbour of Edisto, on the coast of South Carolina. The islands of St. James and St. John, which stretch to the south of Charleston harbour, were seized at once; but it was not until 1 April that Clinton | broke ground, and Smith's duties as a gunner became heavy. On 11 ]tfay Charleston sur- rendered. In September Smith went with the army to Charlottesburg in North Caro- lina, and accompanied it in its retreat to South Carolina at the end of the following month. Early in 1781 he moved with Corn- wallis towards the borders of the Carolinas, and later into Virginia, where he took part in the battle of Guildford on 15 March, and in the other actions of the campaign, which ended in the British occupation of Yorktown. He was engaged in the defence of Yorktown in October, and on its capitulation on the 19th of the month again became a prisoner of war. He was, however, given his parole, and returned to England. Smith was promoted to be captain-lieu- tenant on 28 Feb. 1782. In 1785 he went to Gibraltar, and was stationed there for five years. He was promoted to be captain on 21 May 1790, and appointed to command the 6th company of the 1st battalion royal artillery at home. On 1 March 1794 he was promoted to be brevet major, and regi- mental major on 6 March 1795. In the latter year he joined the army under Lord Moira at Southampton as major in command of the royal artillery drivers, and as second in command of the artillery under Brigadier- general Stewart for foreign service. Towards the end of 1795 he went to the West Indies in 4he expedition under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby [q. v.] He took part in the attack on the island of St. Lucia and in the sieg^ of Morne FortunS (38 April to 24 May 1796), when the French capitulated, and in the attack and capture of the island of i TOL, no, St. Vincent on 8 and 9 June of the same j year. He commanded the royal artillery at I the capture of Trinidad from the Spaniards , (16 to 18 Feb. 1797), and at the unsuc- , cessful attack on Porto Rico in March. He then commanded the royal artillery in the West Indies, the strength being thirteen companies; he was promoted regimental lieu- 1 tenant-colonel on 27 Aug. 1797, when he returned to England in consequence of ill- t health. j In September and October 1799 Smith commanded the artillery of the reserve under I the Duke of York in the expedition to Hol- ! land. He took part in the battles of 2 and S 6 Oct. near Bergen, was mentioned in despatches, and received the thanks of the ! commander-in-chief for his services. The ; convention of Alkmaar terminated opera- i tions, and Smith returned to England on i 3 Nov. He was promoted to be regimental colonel on 20 July 1804, and the same year I was appointed to the command of the royal ! artillery in Gibraltar. There he remained i for ten years, and twice temporarily com- ! manded the fortress. He was promoted to j be brigadier-general on 6 May 1805, and j major-general on 25 July 1810. ! Smith returned home in 1814, was ap- | pointed colonel-commandant of a battalion of i royal artillery on 3 July 1815, and was pro- ; moted to be lieutenant-general on 12 Aug. I 1819. He was made a knight grand cross of j the military Guelphie order on 10 Aug. 1831, i for services in America, the West Indies, the Continent, and Gibraltar. On 27 Jan, 1838 he was transferred to the royal horse artillery as colonel-commandant, and was promoted to be general on 10 Jan. 1837. Smith was three times shipwrecked dur- ing the course of his service, losing on each occasion every article of baggage. He died at Charlton, Kent, on 2 July 1837. [Despatches ; Boys! Artillery Eecords ; Royal Military Calendar; Duncan's History of the Eoyal Artillery ; Stedman's Hisfc. of the Ameri- can War, 2 vols. 4to, 1794 ; Cast's Annals of the Wars of the Eighteenth Century; (rent. Hag. 1837, ii. 531 ; Proceedings of the Boyal Artillery Institution, vol. XT. pt. ii. ; "Kane's List of Officers of the Eoyal Artillery; Lndlow's War of American Independence.] It. BL V. SMH?H ? JOHN (1797-1861), musician, was born at Cambridge in 1797, and educated as a chorister in one of the chapel choirs. In 1815 he entered the choir of Christ Church, Dublin, and on 9 Feb. 1819 was ap- pointed a vicar choral of St. Patrick's Cathe- dral. He also held the offices of chief com- poser of state music, master of the king's band of state musicians in Ireland, and com- Smith 8: poser to the Chapel MQal ? BuMln. He pos- sessed a fine tenors refcuste veje, and con- siderable gifts as a oompeser of ehureh music. His most important wQrfe was as Qf fttOBO; ' The Revelation,' la If 37 he pushed a volume of cathedral m$s!e, comprising ser- vices and au&ew. a ' ^ea! Qrtater ' and a ' Magnificat ' and Nune Bisaittis ia B flat, which are well knewn & English cathe- drals. Of his seaute musie, the trio O Beata Yirgine' (1846?) and the quartet * Love wakes and weeps* attained consider- able popularity, Smith died in Dublin on 12 Nov. 1801, and was succeeded in his pro- fessorshio by Dr, (afterwatfls Sir Robert) Stewart [q.v,] [Grove's Dictionary of Music, iii. 540 ; Musical Timea, 1 Jan. 1862.] S-- N. SMITH, JpHN ABEL (1801-1871), banker and politician, born in 1801, was the eldest son of John Smith of Blendon Hall, Kent, a member of the banking family of which Robert Smith, first baron Carrington [q . v.~j, was the head. His mother was Mary, daughter of Lieutenant-colonel Tucker. He was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge (B.A. in 1824 and M.A. in 1827), and joined the fondly banking firm of Smith, Payne, & Smith, of which he became chief partner. He entered parliament as M.P. for Midhurst in 1830, but at the general election in the fol- lowing year he was returned for Chichester, for which he sat till 1859. He was again elected in 1863, and retained his seat till 1868, when the borough lost one of its repre- sentatives (Official Returns of Members of Parliament^ vol. ii. index). A staunch liberal, he took an active part in the first Reform Bill, and was one of the leaders of the party which advocated the admission of Jews into parliament. In 1869 he introduced a bill for a further limitation of the hours during Tvhich public-houses might be kept open. He died on 7 Jan. 1871 at Kippington, near .Sevenoaks. He was a magistrate for Mid- dlesex and Sussex. In 1827 he married Anne, daughter of Sir /Samuel Clarke-Jervoise, bart., and widow of Ralph William Grey of Backworth House in Northumberland, by whom he had two jsons, Jervoise, born in 1828, and Dudley Robert, born in 1830. [Ward's Hen of the Eeign, p. 872; Times, 11 Jam 1871; Bute's Landed Gentry, 4th E.LC. SMITH, JOHN CHALONER (1827- 1895), civil engineer and writer on British mezzotints, was born in Dublin on 19 Aug. 1827. His father was a proctor of the eccle- 2 Smith siastical courts, and married a granddaughter of Travers Hartley, M.P. for Dublin in the Irish parliament. Chaloner Smith was ad- mittect to Trinity College, Dublin, in 1848^ and in 1849 graduated B. A. He was articled to George Willoughby Hemans the engineer, and in 1857 was appointed engineer to the Waterford and Limerick railway. In 1668 he obtained a similar position from the Dub- lin, "Wicklow, and Wexford Railway, and held it till 1894. He carried out some im- portant extensions of the line, andwasmainl? responsible for the loop-line crossing the Liney, connecting the Great Northern and South-Eastern railways of Ireland. But beyond his reputation as an engineer Chaloner Smith will be remembered for his notable work on 'British Mezzotinto Por- traits . . . with Biographical Notes' (Lon- don, 1878-84, 4 pts.), which consists of a full catalogue of plates executed before 1820, with 125 autotypes from plates in Smith's possession. The latter were also issued separately. The print-room at the British Museum contains an interleaved copy with manuscript notes. Smith was an enthu- siastic collector of engravings, principally mezzotints, which were sold after the com- pletion of his book. Some of the best of the examples (especially those by Irish en- gravers) were purchased for the Dublin National Gallery through the liberality of Sir Edward Guinness (now Lord Iveagh), For many years Chaloner Smith took a deep interest in the question of the finan- cial relations between England and Ireland, and published two or three pamphlets on the subject. Just before Ms death he was examined before the royal commission which was appointed to consider the question. He died at Bray, co. Wicklow, on 13 March 1895. [Irish Times, 15 March 1895; information from Rev. Canon Travers Smith of Dublin.] D. J. O'D, SMITH, JOHN CHRISTOPHER (1712- 1795), musician, born at Anspaeh in 1712, was the son of John Christopher Schmidt, % wool merchant of that city. ^ The father, an enthusiastic amateur of music, threw u]j his 1 business in 1716 and followed his friend Handel to England in the capacity of . treasurer. Four years later he sent for the family he had left behind him in Germany, His eldest son, John Christopher, was seat to school at Clare's academy, Soho Square. He showed considerable aptitude for music, and at thirteen Handel offered to give him his first instruction in the art. He was, says F&tisj the only pupil Handel ever took Smith ! pUe JJnuersdU des Musicians, viii. Smith also studied theory under Dr. John Christopher Pepusch [q.v-] and Tho- mas Roseingrave [see under ROSEISTGBA.VE, PASTEL]. Very early in life he was esta- blished as a successful teacher. At eighteen his health suffered from excessive application to music, and the physician Dr. Arbuthnot invited him to spend the summer at his house in Highgate. The rest proved bene- ficial, and the symptoms of consumption were arrested. At Highgate Smith had the advantage of meeting Swift, Pope, Gray, and Congreve. In 1732 he composed an English opera, * Teraminta,' and the following year & second opera, < Ulysses.' Subsequently he spent several years on the continent. In 1751 Handel's sight became affected, and, at his desire, Smith returned to Eng- land to fill his place at the organ during the oratorio performances. He also acted as the composer's amanuensis, and Handel's latest compositions were dictated to him. In 1750 he was appointed first organist of the Found- ling Hospital. Smith was intimately ac- cpiainted with Garrick, who was instrumental in producing his opera, *The Fairies,' at Drury Lane in 1754. This musical drama, which was adapted from * Midsummer Night's Bream,' had an excellent reception. A similar work, arranged from the 'Tem- pest,* was less appreciated, though the song 'Full fathom five* became permanently popular. Handel bequeathed to his old pupil all his manuscript scores, his harpsichord, his por- trait by Itenner, and his bust by Roubiliac. When Handel announced a wish to alter the bequest, and present his manuscripts to Ox- ford University, Smith declined an offer of a legacy of 3,OOOZ. by way of compensation. Alter Handel's death in 1759 Smith, with the assistance of John Stanley, carried on the oratorio performances until 1774, when, the attendance having greatly fallen off, he gave up the conductorship and retired to his house in Upper Church Street, Bath. He com- posed several oratorios, ' Paradise Lost/ 'Re- becca/ * Judith/ 'Jehoshaphat,' and 'Re- demption/ as well as the Italian operas * Dario/ * H Ciro riconosciuto/ and * Issipile.' He taught the harpsichord to the Dowager Princess of Wales, one of his most generous patrons, whose death in 1772 he commemo- rated by a setting of the burial service. Out of gratitude for the many favours received from the roval family, Smith presented George HI with Handel's manuscript scores which are now at Buckingham Palace as well as Handel's harpsichord and the bwt by Roubiliac, which are now preserved 3 Smith at Windsor Castle. Smith died at Bath on 3 Oct. 1795. [Anecdotes of Smith and Handel by the Rev. William Coxe, containing a portrait of Smith engraved from an original picture by Zoffanv ; Mason's Gray, 1827, p. 415; Bnrney's History of Music ; Bockstro's Life of Handel ; Grove's Dictionary of Music.] B. N. SMITH, JOHN GHORDON (1792-1833), ?rofessor of medical jurisprudence, born in 792, was educated at Edinburgh and gra- j duated in the university in 1810 with the j highest honours in medicine. He entered the army as a surgeon, and was attached to the 12th lancers at the battle of Water- loo, when he received the thanks of Colonel Ponsonby, whose life he saved, for his ser- vices to the wounded. He retired from the army on half-pay when peace was con- | eluded in 1815, and settled in London. j Here he found it difficult to establish him- * self in practice, as he held a Scottish de- , gree only, and was therefore not entitled to | practise in England. He accepted the ap- : pointment of physician to the Duke of j Sutherland, and resided with Ttrm for four I years, occupying his leisure in composing a i work on forensic medicine. At the same i time he acted as surgeon to the Royal West- I minster Ophthalmic Hospital He also lec- | tured on medical jurisprudence at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1825 and again in 1826, and at the Mechanics' Insti- tute ; and in 1829 he was elected the first i professor of medical jtirisprudence at the London University (now University College) in Grower Street. None of the licensing bodies in London required any evidence of instruction in forensic medicine, and there was consequently no class. Smith lectured for two years, and then resigned his office. For a time he edited the 'London Medical Repository.' He died in a debtor's prison, after fifteen months' confinement, on 16 Sept. 1833. An ardent reformer in politics as well as medicine, Smith was an enthusiastic pioneer of the study of medical jurisprudence, which (Sir) Robert Christison [q.v.] was endea- vouring at the same time to set on a scien- tific basis. Smith fought hard, but again unsuccessfully, to place Scottish and Eng- lish degrees and licences in medicine upon an equal footing. He published, besides various contribu- tions to the f Edinburgh Medical and Sur- gical Journal ; T 1. * De Asthmati/ Edin- burgh, 1810, 2. * The Principles of Foreosle Medicine; 8vo, London, 1821; 2nd edit. 1824; 3rd edit, 1827. 3. 'An Analysis of Medical Evidence,' London, 8vo, 1825, Smith s 4 Smith 4. * The Claims of Forensic Medicine/ 8vo, 1829. 5. t Hints for the Examination of Medical Witnesses/ 12mo, 1829. [Obituary notice in the Lond. Med. and Surg. Journ. 1833, iv. 287; additional information kindly given by 3Ir. Henry Young, assistant- secretary to the Royal Institution of Great Britain.] B'A. P. SMITH, SIB JOHN MARK FREDE- EICK (1790-1874), general, colonel-com- mandant royal engineers, son of Major- general Sir John Frederick Sigismund Smith, K.C.H., of the royal artillery (d. 1884), and grand-nephew of Field-marshal Baron von Kalkreuth, commander-in-chief of the Prus- sian army, was horn at the Manor House, Paddington, Middlesex, on 11 Jan. 1790. After passing through the military school at Great Marlow and the Royal Military Aca- demy at Woolwich, Smith received a com- mission as second lieutenant in the royal en- gineers on 1 Dec, 1805, and in January 1806 joined his corps at Chatham. In 1807 Smith went to Sicily. He served in 1809 under Major-general Sir A, Bryce, the commanding royal engineer of the force of Sir John Stuart [(j. v. j, at the siege and capture of the castle of Ischia and at the cap- ture of Proeida in the Bay of Naples. He also took part, in the same year, in the capture of the islands of Zante and Kephalonia under Major-general Frederick Rennell Thackeray fq. v.], commanding royal engineer of the force of Sir John Oswald. Smith was deputy- assistant quartermaster-general and senior officer of the quartermaster-general's depart- ment under Sir Hudson Lowe [q. v.] in 1810, in the battle before Santa Maura. He re- signed his staff appointment from a sense of duty in order to serve as an engineer officer in the trenches during the siege of Santa Maura under Oswald, the only engineer officer in addition to Thackeray and himself, Captain Parker having been wounded. This deficiency of engineer officers threw upon. Smith all the executive work during the most arduous part of the^siege, and he had no relaxation from duty in the trenches until the place sur- rendered. Not only, however, did he receive no special recognition of his services, but the officer who toon his place upon the staff was given the brevet promotion which Smith would have received, had he not resigned the staff ap|K)intment to undertake a more diffi- cult and dangerous duty. He was mentioned in Sk John Oswald's despatches, and some years afterwards an effort was unsuccessfully made to get him a brevet majority for his ser- vices at Santa Maura, Smith was promoted to be second captain on 1 May 1811. He served in Albania and in Sicily, and in 1812 returned to England to take up the appointment of adjutant to the corps of the royal sappers and miners at their headquarters at Woolwich on 1 Dec, He held this appointment until 26 Feb. 1815. He was promoted to be first captain on 26 Aug. 1817, and in 1819, on the reduction of the corps of royal engineers, was placed on half- pay for seven months. During the next ten years Smith was em- ployed on various military duties in Eng- land. He was promoted to be regimental lieutenant-colonel on 16 March 1860, and was appointed commanding royal engineer of the London district. In 1831 he was made a knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic order by William IV, a knight bachelor on 13 Sept. of the same year, an extra gentleman usher of the privy chamber in 1833, and on 17 March 1834 one of the ordinary gentlemen ushers. The last post he held until his death. On 2 Dec. 1840 he was also appointed inspector-general of railways, in which capacity he examined and reported on the London and Birmingham and the other principal railways before they were opened to the public. In 1841 Smith, in conjunction with Professor Barlow, made a report to the treasury respecting railway communication between London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. Smith resigned the appoint- ment of inspector-general of railways at the end of 1841, and became director of the roval engineer establishment at Chatham on 1 Jan. 1842. On 5 July 1845 Smith and Professors Airy and Barlow were constituted a commission to inquire whether future parliamentary rail- way bills should provide for a uniform gauge, and whether it would be expedient or practicable to bring railways already con- structed or in course of construction into uniformity of gauge, or whether any other mode of obviating or mitigating the serious impediments to the internal traffic of the country could be adopted. On 30 March 1 846 he was appointed one of the five commis- sioners to investigate and report upon the various railway projects in which it was pro- posed to have a terminus in the metropolis or its vicinity. On 9 Nov. 1846 Smith was promoted to be colonel in the army, and on 1 May 1851 he was moved from Chatham to be commanding royal engineer of the southern district, with his headquarters at Portsmouth. In July 1852 Smith was returned to par- liament as member for Chatham in the con- servative interest, but in March 1853 he was unseated on petition. He was promoted to Smith t 5* major-general on 20 Jan. 1854. In 1855 ie was transferred from Portsmouth to the cmmand of the royal engineers at Alder- is!. He was appointed public examiner rnd inspector of the Military College of the Cast India Company at Addiscombe in 1856. [a March 1857 he was again returned to p&rli&ment as member for Chatham. He re- signed his command at Aldershot, finding Eiis time fully occupied with parliamentary isd kindred duties. He was a member of &e royal commission on harbours of refuge in 185s, and of the commission on promotion and retirement in the army. He was again returned as member for Chatham at the election of April 1859, and continued to sit for that borough until 1868. He was pro- moted to be lieutenant-general on 25 Oct. 1859, colonel-commandant of royal engineers on 6 July I860, and general on 3 Aug. 1863. Smith" died on 20 Nov. 1874 at his resi- dence, 62 Pembridge Villas, Netting Hill Gate, London, and was buried in Kensal Green cemetery. He was a fellow of the Royal Societv, an associate of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and a member of many learned bodies, A good engraved portrait appears in Yibart's l Addiscombe ' (p. 297). famith married at Buckland, near Dover, on 31 Jan. 1813, Harriet, daughter of Thomas Thorn, esq. of Buckland House. There was no issue. Smith was the author of 'The Military I Course of Engineering at Arras/ 8vo, Chat- ham, 1850, and he translated, with notes, Marshal Marmont's ' Present State of the Turkish Empire/ 8vo, London, 1839 ; 2nd ed. 1854. [Despatches ; London Gazette; Eoyal En- gineers* Eecords; War Office Eecords; Eoyal -Eagi&eers' Journal, 1874, obituary notice; 3Birates of Proceedings of the Institution of irll JBugiiieers, vol. xrxix., obituary notice; Porter's History of the Corps of Boyal En- gineers; Conolly's History of the Eoyal Sappers and Miners; Vibart*s Addiscombe, its Heroes -and Hen of Note ; Parliamentary Blue-books.! E. H. V. SMITH, JOHN OEKEN (1799-1843), Tfood engraver, was born at Colchester in 1799. About 1818 he came tip to London, and was for a short time in training as an architect. On coming of age in 1821 he in- herited some money, -with a portion of which be bought a part^roprietorship in a weekly iwsp&per, * The Sunday Monitor/ on which Douglas Jerrold fq. v.j worked as a com- positor. The rest he invested in the purchase Bosses, the title of which proved bad, "^ ^y the time he was twenty-four he found ! f penniless. ; Smith William Harvey [q. v.], the draughtsman on wood, came to Ms assistance, and in- structed him in the art of wood-engraving. Smith showed great aptitude and soon found employment, the only complaint being that some of the printers of that date declared that his * cuts ' were too fine to print. After much hack-work, he was employed by Leon Gunner of Paris to engrave a number of the blocks for his beautiful edition of f Paul et Virginie ' (1835). Wood-engraving had not revived at this time in France as it had under Bewick and his successors in England. In 1887 he prepared engravings for Seeley and Burnside's ' Solace of Song/ which marked a new departure in wood-engraving 1 . In it high finish, tone, and delicacy of graver work contrast with the crisp, somewhat hard, though admirable work of Clennell, Nesbit, and Thompson. "Where, however, there was gain in refinement, there was doubtless a loss in virility. There followed, besides much other work, in 1839, Herder's < Cid/ published at Stuttgart, and an English edition of ' Paul et Virginie ; 7 in 1840 Dr. "Wordsworth's * Greece;' in 1840-1 < Heads of the People,' by (Joseph) Kenny Meadows [q. v.] ; in 1839-43 Shake- speare's t Works/ with nearly 1,000 designs by Kenny Meadows. Of the last two works Smith was part proprietor with Henry Vize- telly and the artist. In 1842 he took into partnership the eminent wood-engraver Mr. W. J. Linton, with whom, under the style of * Smith &, Linton,' much good work was produced for the * Illustrated London News/ Among the books engraved by them was * Whist, its History and Practice/ illustrated by Meadows (1843). Smith died from a stroke of apoplexy on 15 Oct. 1843, at 11 Mabledon Place, Burton Crescent, London. In 1821 he married Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Barney [q. v.] His widow survived him with four children. The son, Mr. Harvey Edward Orrinsmith (the name is now so spelt), at one time prac- tised wood-engraving, but subsequently be- came a director of the fen of James Burn Co., bookbinders. A portrait of Orrin Smith was engraved for Gunner's * Paul et Virginie/ [Vizetell/s Glances Back; Bryan's Diet, of Painters and Engravers ; information from Mr. Harvey E, Qrrmsmith.] G. S. L, SMITH, JOHN PEINCE (1774F-1822), law reporter, only son of Edward Smith of Walthamstow, Essex, born about 1774, was admitted on 15 Nov. 1794 a student at Gfoa/s Inn, where he was called to the bar on 6 May 1801. He practised on the horns Smith 86 Smith circuit, and as a special pleader and equity draughtsman, and was one of Daniel Isaac Eaton's counsel on his trial for blasphemous Libel on 6 March 1812. He was appointed in 1817 second fiscal in Demerara and Esse- quibo, and died at Demerara in 1822, leaving a son (see below) and a daughter. Among Smith's works were : 1. 'Elements of the Science of Money founded on the Principles of the Law of Nature, 5 London, 1813, 8vo. 2. * Practical Summary and Re- view of the Statute 53 Geo. in, or Law for the Surrender of Effects, and for the Per- sonal Liberation of Prisoners for Debt, 7 Lon- don, 1814, 8vo. 3. Advice for the Peti- tioners against the Corn Bill,' London, 1815, 8vo, Smith edited: (1) 'The Law Journal/ London, 1804-6, 3 vole. 8vo; (2) 'An Abridgment of the Public General Statutes, 44-6 Geo. in,' London, 1804-7, 3 vols. 8vo ; (3) 'Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Court of King's Bench, 44-6 Geo. HI/ London, 1804-7, 3 vols. 8vo. JOH2T PEEKCE SMITH, the younger (1809- 1874), political economist, son of the pre- ceding, born at London on 20 Jan. 1809, accompanied his father to Demerara, and was placed at Eton in 1820. On his father's death he entered the employ of Messrs. Daniel, merchants, of 4 Mincing Lane, which he quitted in 1828. After two years of irre- gular occupation as banker's clerk, parlia- mentary reporter, and journalist, in London and Hamburg, he obtained on 5 April 1831 the place of English and French master in Cowle's Gymnasium at Elbing. Resigning this post in 1840, he remained at Elbing, and, resuming journalistic work, gained no little celebrity by his able advocacy of free- trade principles in the ' Elbinger Anzeigen/ Removing to Berlin in 1846, he married Auguste, daughter of the eminent banker, Sommerbrod, and was elected a member Df the Free Trade Union in the same year, and common councillor in 1848. He took an active part in the proceedings of the economic congresses at Gbtha (1858), Hano- ver (1862), and Brunswick (1866), was de- puty for Stettin in the Prussian House of Representatives (1862-6), and president of the Berlin Economic Society from 1862, and of the standing committee of the Liibeck Economic Congress from 1870 until shortly before Ms death. In 1870 he was returned to the Reichstag for Anhalk-Zerbst. He died at Berlin on 3 Feb. 1874. His 'Gesam- melte W erken / ed. Braun, Wiesbaden, and Michaelis, with ' Lebensskizze ' by Wolff, appeared at Berlin, 1877-80, 3 vols. 8vo. His only English work is ' System oi Poli- tical Economy by Charles Henry Eager LL.D. Translated from the German ' Lon- don, 1844, 8vo. * ['Lebensskizze' by Wolff, above mentioned- Gray's Inn. Eeg.; Law List, 1802; Eider's Bri- tish Merlin, 1818-22; G-ent. Mag. 1822 ii 646- EowelTs State Trials, xxxi. 953 ; Diet. Lmn* Authors, 1816; Brit. Mns. Cat. J. M E SMITH, JOHN PYE (1774-1851), non- confonnist divine, only son of John Smith bookseller, of Angel Street, Sheffield, by Martha, daughter of Joseph Sheard, and sister- in-law of Matthew Talbot of Leeds fee BATHES, EDWAUD, 1774-1848], was born in Sheffield on 25 May 1774. Without regular school education he picked up a considerable knowledge of the classics, and of English and French literature, by desultory reading in his father's shop. As he evinced no precocious piety, it was not until 21 Nov. 1792 that lie was admitted to membership in the con- gregational church to which his parents be- longed. Meanwhile (April 1790) he was apprenticed to his fathers business, and in 1796 he served his literary apprenticeship as editor of the * Iris ' newspaper during the imprisonment of his friend, James Mont- gomery [q. v.] He appears also to have had transient relations with Coleridge and "William Roscoe [q. v.] On the expiry of his indentures he gave up business, and, after studying for nearly four, years under Dr, Edward Williams at the Rotherham Aca- demy, was appointed in September 1800 resident tutor at Homerton College, where, besides the liters humaniores, he lectured on Hebrew, the Greek Testament, logic, rhe- toric, mathematics, and the more modern branches of science. Ordained on 11 April 1804, he was advanced in the summer of 1806 to the theological tutorship, which he held until shortly before his death, on 5 Feb. 1851. He was buried in Abney Park cemetery (15 Feb.) Pye Smith was D.D. of Yale College, LLJX of Marischal College Aberdeen, F.R.S. and F.G.S. Pye Smith married twice : first, at Tun- bridge, on 20 Aug. 1801, a daughter of ; Thomas Hodgson of Hackney, who died on j 23 Nov. 1832; secondly, at Islington, on 12 Jan. 1843, Catherine Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. William. Clayton. By his first wife he had four sons and two daughters; by his second wife no issue. Without brilliance or metaphysical depth, Pye Smith had no small learning, industry, and versatility. Though ignorant of German until he was past middle life, and though much of his time was frittered away m . * ephemeral controversies, he made in his . 'Scripture Testimony to the Messiah ' (Loa- Smith i to 1818-21, 2 vols. 8vo, subsequent edi- rioas, 1859, 1837, 1847, 3 vols.) a solid con- tribution to the defence of the Trinitarian dbetrme, and in his ' Rektion between the Holv Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science/ London, 1839, 8vo (oth edit, in Bohn's Scientific Library, 1852), he did more than any other British theologian of his day to bring the exegesis of Genesis into accord with geological fact. This work was warmly commended by Whewell, Herschel, Sedgwick, and Baden PowelL For nearly balf a century he was a frequent contributor to the * Eclectic Keview/ Among his minor works were: 1. 'Letters to the Bev. Thomas Belsham on some important subjects of Theological Discussion/ London, 18G4, 8vo. 2.' The Reasons of the Protestant Eeligion, 5 London, 1815, 8vo. 3. 'Four Discourses on the Sacrifice and Priesthood of Jesus Christ, and on Atonement and Re- demption,' London, 1828, 1842, 1847, 8vo. 4. * On the Principles^ of Interpretation as applied to the Prophecies of Holy Scripture/ London, 1829, 8vo. [Gent. Hag. 1801 ii. 764, 1843 i. 312, 1851 i 668 ; Congregational Yearbook, 1851, p. 233; Sketch prefixed to Bohn's edition of ' The Relation bet-ween Holy Scripture and some parts of Geological Science ; ' Medway's Memoirs of the life and Writings of John Pye Smith, 1858.] J, M. E. SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL (1752- 1812), portrait and miniature painter and mezzotint engraver, the youngest son of Thomas Smith (d. 1767) [q. v.j, known as * Smith of Derby/ landscape-painter, was bom at Derby in 1752. He oegan liie as an apprentice to alinendraper in his native town, but about 1767 he came to London, and, while still serving as a shopman, devoted his leisure to the practice of miniature-painting. He also attempted engraving, and his earliest plate, a portrait of Pascal Paoli, after Henry Bemhridge, is dated 1769. He made rapid progress in this art, and soon gained a high position. Many of his plates from the works of Beynolds, Bomney, and others, as well as from nis own designs, are among the master- pieces of mezzotint engraving. His portraits after Sir Joshua Beynolds include those of Lady Catharine Pelham-Clinton, Lady Ger- trude Fitzpatrick, the Hon. Mrs. Stanhope, Q&e y Palmer (the 'Girl with a MufT), Mrs. Carnae, Mrs. Montagu, Mrs. Musters, Mademoiselle Baeeelli, Madame Schindlerin, and Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante ; also PHlippe < Egalite/ duke of Orleans ; Henry Dumdas, viscount Melville ; William Mark- ham, archbishop of York ; Richard Bobinson, ftrdkbishop of Armagh; John Beane Bourke, ; i ' Smith archbishop of Tuam and earl of Mayo; Dr. Joseph Warton ; John Gawler and his sons; I Master Herbert as Bacchus ; and Master Crewe as Henry VUL Other portraits by Smith are: The Gower Family, f Nature J (Lady Hamilton), Mrs. Kobinson f * Per- dita'), and "The Clavering Children/ after George Romney ; ' The Fortune Teller/ after , the Bev. Matthew William Peters, B.A. ; George IV, when prince of Wales, after Gainsborough ; Sir Joseph Banks, after Ben- jamin "West, P.R.A., John, earl of Eldon, j Mrs. Siddons in the character of ' Zara/ and ' JohnPhilpot Curran, after Sir Thomas Law- rence; Napoleon I, after Andrea Appiani; 1 Sir Bichard Arfcwright and *The oynnot Children/ after Joseph Wright of Derby ; the Walton family ('The Fruit Barrow '), after Henry Walton ; James Heath, A.R.A., after ; Lemuel Abbott; and * The Watercress Girl/ after Johann ZofFany, R.A, Among the most important of his subject plates are: ril 1826 Smith was appointed . acting superintending engineer in the public works department for the northern division of the presidency, and on 2 May 1828 he was confirmed in the appointment. He there- upon began a series of investigations in re- ference to lighthouse-lanterns, devising a reciprocating light. Smith suggested to government the improvement of the light- house at Hope's Island, off Coringa, and at the end of 1833 his services were placed at the disposal of the marine board, with a view Smith 1 to the improvement of the lighthouse a* Madras On II Feb. 1834 ffl-Ldth^ pelled Smith to sail for England on leave of absence. Before his departure the governor in council informed him in very compli- j mentary terms that the marine board had I adopted his plans for remodelling the light- I houses both at Madras and at Hope's Island j He was promoted to be captain on 5 March i 1835. Smith remained in England until 28 July 1837, and in the same year he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. He was given an extension of furlough to superintend the manufacture of apparatus for the Madras lighthouse. He employed his leisure in the translation of J. L. Vicaf s valuable treatise on mortars and cements, to which he added the results of many original experiments, and saw the work through the press before leaving for India. It appeared as < A Practical and Scientific Treatise on Calcareous Mortars and Cements, Artificial and Natural, with Additions/ 8vo, London, 1837. On his return to Madras on 13 Dec. 1837 he was appointed to^ the command of the Madras sappers and miners, but remained at Madras on special duty. On 20 March 1838 he was appointed to the first division of the public works de- partment, comprising the districts of Gan- jam, Rajamandry, and Vizagapatam, and on 24^ April he took charge of the office of the chief engineer. He served on a committee to inspect and report upon the state of the Red-hill railroad and canal, and he surveyed the Ennore and Pulicat lakes, to ascertain the practicability and cost of keeping open the bar of the Kuam river by artificially closing that of the Ennore river ; thereby the^whole of the waters collected in the Pulicat lake would be turned into the Xuam, a measure which he considered would afford peculiar facilities for cleansing the Black Town, besides improving the water com- munication between Madras and Sulurpet. Meanwhile he superintended the erection of the Madras lighthouse, which was begun in 1838 and completed in 1839. On 5 April 1839 Smith was appointed to the sixth divi- sion of the public works department, and on 7 May to officiate as superintending engineer at Madras. On 24 Sept. 1839 Smith was relieved from all other duties to enable hi to inspect and report upon the machinery of the mint at Madras. On 7 Feb. 1840, the date of the re- establishment of the mint, Smith was ap- pointed mint-master, and by a thorough re- formation of the whole establishment soon brought the mint into a high state of effi- ciency. The satisfactory-results obtained by Smith < Smith's skilful adaptation to steam power of the old and simple mint machinery driven for flpifflftl power were referred to in a finan- eil despatch of 16 March 1841 to the court of directors as highly creditable. On 13 Jan, 1B48 he visited the Cape of Good Hope on leave of absence, returning to the mint on 28 Dec. 1847. An innovation which Smith introduced of adjusting the weights of the blinks by means of the diameters of the pieces, instead of by their thickness, resulted IB his design of a very ingenious and beauti- ful machine, by which twenty or a hundred blanks could be weighed to half a grain and deposited in a separate cell by a single person with two motions of the hand. After the pieces had been thus sorted they were passed through a set of circular cutters, which re- moved a certain weight according to the excess of each over the standard. By this means almost the whole of the blanks were obtained of the exact weight without further correction. This machine gained an award at the London International Exhibition of 1851. Smith was promoted to be major on 2 March 1852, and lieutenant-colonel on 1 Aug. 1854. About this time he made some ingenious inventions, which he pro- posed to apply to the demolition of Crpn- stadt; and he also invented a refracting sight for rifles. On 21 Sept. 1855 he was appointed mint-master at Calcutta. The fol- lowing year he went to England to arrange about copper machinery for the mint, and did not go lick, retiring on a pension, with the honorary rank of colonel, on 23 Oct. 1857. After his return to England he devoted him- self to currency problems, and favoured the introduction 01 a gold standard into India. He was deputed to attend the international monetary congress held in Paris in 1865, be- sides taking active part in the proceedings of many learned societies. Smith was for a longtime consulting engi- neer to the Madras Irrigation Company ; he was also a director of the Delhi bank and of the Madras Railway Company, of which he was for some years chairman. On 17 May 1866 he wasappointed a member of the consult- ing committee, military fond department, at the India office, which post he held until the committee was abolished on 1 April 1880. He died at his residence, 10 Gledhow Gar- dens, London, on 14 May 1882. Sir Arthur Cotton observes of "him : * He was one of the moet talented, laborious, clear-headed, and scmnd-judging men I have ever met with, or known of by other means.' He married, on 27 June 1837, Maria Sarah, daughter of E. Tyser, M JX, by whom he had five sons (for c Smith the eldest of whom see below) and eight daughters. A portrait is in possession of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Percy Smith. Smith, who was a member of many learned bodies, was author of: 1. i Observations on the Management of Mints/ 8vo, Madras, 1848. 2. e Observations on the Duties and Respon- sibilities involved in the Management of Mints/ 8vo, London, 1848. 3. ' Report on the Madras Military Fund, containing ISTew Tables of Mortality, Marriage, &c. ? deduced from the Fifty Years' Experience, 1808-1858/ by Smith, in conjunction with S. Brown and P. Hardy. 4. * Kemarks on a Gold Currency for India, and Proposal of Measures for the Introduction of the British Sovereign/ 8vo, ' London, 1868. 5. i Silver and the Indian Exchanges,' 8vo, London, 1880. Smith initiated the * Professional Papers of the Madras Engineers/ and edited vols. i. ii. and iii, of * Reports, Correspondence, and Original Papers on various Professional Subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Engineers, Madras Presidency ' (4to, Madras, printed between 1845 and 1855 ; the third edition of the first four volumes was printed at the American Press, Madras, in 1859). Smith contributed to these volumes many papers, mainly on mintage and light- house construction. ' The eldest son, PEECT GTTILLEHABD LLEWELLTST SMITH (1838-1893), was born at Madras on 15 June 1888, became a lieutenant in the royal engineers on 28 Feb. 1855, served in South Africa from August 1857 to January 1862, was promoted captain on 31 Dec. 1861, and was employed on the defences of Portland and Weymouth until 1869, and on the con- struction of Maryhill Barracks, Glasgow, until 1874. On 5 July 1872 he was promoted to be major, and in 1874 was appointed instructor in construction at the School of Military En- gineering at Chatham. He was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel on 20 Dec* 1879, in which year he became an assistant director of works under the admiralty at Portsmouth. In October 1882 he succeeded Major-general Charles Pasley [q.v.] as director of works at the admiralty, and during ten years of office carried out many important works, both at home and at Malta, Gibraltar ? Ber- muda, Halifax, and Newfoundland. He was promoted to be brevet colonel on 20 Dec. 1883, He retired from the military service on 31 Dec. 1887 with the honorary rank of major-gene- ral, but retained his admiralty appointment. He died at Bournemouth on 25 April 1S&3. He was twice married : first to a daughter of Captain Bailey, R.N.; and, seeoadly, in 1886, to Miss Ethel P&rkyas. He was the author of * Notes on Building Con- Smith 5 struetion,' published anonymously, 1875-9, in 3 vols. STO. It is the best book on the subject published in this country. A fourth volume, on the i Theory of Construction,' was published in 1891. *He contributed to vols. xvi. and xviii. new ser, of the *Profes- sionalPapersof the Corps of Boy al Engineers. [India Office Eecords ; obituary notices in Eoyal Engineers' Journal, 1882, 1893; Times, 17 May 18S2; Proceedings of the Royal Soc. vol. xxiiv. 1 SS2-3 ; Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. Lrxi. 1882-3, and in Yibart's Addi&combe, its Heroes | and Men of Xote ; Allibone's Diet, of English Literature; Indian Government Despatches ; Professional Papers of the Corps of Eoyal Engi- neers ; Professional Papers of the Madras Engi- neers.] B. H. V. SMITH, JOHN WILLIAM (1809- 1845), "legal writer, born in Chapel Street, Belgrade Square, London, on 23 Jan. 1809, was eldest son of John Smith, who was appointed in 1830 paymaster of the forces in Ireland. "His mother was a sister of George Connor, master in chancery in Ire- land. After exhibiting remarkable precocity ' at a private school in Isleworth, he passed in 1821 to "Westminster School, where he was elected queen's scholar in 1823. He en- tered in 1826 Trinity College, Dublin, where he obtained a scholarship in 1829, and was awarded the gold medal in classics in the , following year. He joined on 20 June 1827 the Inner Temple, where, after practising for some years as a special pleader, he was called to the bar on 3 May 1834. In the same year appeared his * Compendium of Mer- < cantile Law,* London, 8vo ? a work distin- guished equally by profound learning and luminous exposition. l An Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action at Law ' followed in 1836, London, 8vo, and 'A Selection of Leading Cases on Various Branches of the Law,' a work of incalculable benefit to the student, in 1837-1840, Lon- don, 2 vols. 8vo. From 1837 to 1843 Smith was lecturer at the Law Institution, and in 1840 was appointed to a revising barrister- sMp. He practised for a time on the Oxford circuit and at the Hereford and Gloucester sessions, but latterly only in the metropolis, where he died of consumption induced by overwork oa 17 Dee. 1845. He was buried in Kensal Green cemetery, and a tablet was placed to Ms memory in the Temple Church. In Smith an ungainly person, a harsh voice, and awkward manners served as a foil to mental endowments of a high order. To a veritable genius for the discovery and exposition of legal principles he added a* large erudition not only in the ancient 2 Smith ; classics, but in the masterpieces of English Italian, and Spanish literature. He was ako* well read in theology and a devout Chri- tian. Smith's ' Mercantile Law ' reached "a third edition in its author's lifetime ; later editions by Dowdeswell appeared at London in 1848, 1855, 1871, and 1877, 8vo, and bv Macdonell and Humphreys in 1890, London 2 vols. 8vo. The ' Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action at Law' reached a fourteenth edition byFoulkes in 1884, Lon- don, 12mo ; and the ' Leading Cases,' a tenth edition, edited by Chitty, Williams, & Chittv, in 1896, London, 2 vols. 8vo. Other (posthu- mous) works by Smith are: (1) 'The Law of Contracts: in a course of lectures de- livered at the Law Institution; with notes and appendix by Jelinger C. Svmons,' Lon- don, 1847, 8vo ; subsequent editions by Mal- colm in 1855 and 1868, and by Thompson in 1874 and 1885, 8vo. 2. ' The Law of Landlord and Tenant: being a Course of Lectures delivered at the Law Institution ; with notes and additions by Frederic Philip Maude/ London, 1855, 1866,1882, 8vo. [Westminster School Reg. ed. Barker and Stenning, p. 213; Law Mag. xxxr. 177; Law Times, vi, 473 ; Warren's Mise. ed. 1855, i. 116- 184, and Law Studies, ed. 1863 ; Albany Law Journ. vi. 393.] J. 3d. E. SMITH, JOSEPH (1670-1756), provost of Queen's College, Oxford, fifth son of "Wil- liam Smith, rector of Lowther, and younger brother of John Smith (1659-1715) [q. v.], was born at Lowther, Westmoreland, on 10 Oct. 1670. On his father's death when five years old, Ms mother removed to Guisbrough in Yorkshire, where he attended the gram- mar school. Thence he proceeded to the Public school at Durham, and on 10 May 689 he was admitted a scholar of Queen's College, Oxford. In 1693 he was chosen a tabarder and graduated B.A. in 1694. He proceeded MA. by diploma in 1697, having- accompanied Sir Joseph Williamson [q. v. 1, his godfather, who was one of the Britisli plenipotentiaries, to Byswick as his private secretary. On 31 Oct. 1698, in his absence, he was elected a fellow of the college. Soon after his return in 1700 he took holy orders and obtained from the provost, Dr. Timothy Halton [q. v.], the living of Iffiey, near Ox- ford. In 1702 he was chosen to address Queen Anne upon her visit to the university. In 1704 he was elected senior proctor, and dubbed f handsome Smith' to distinguish him from his colleague, Thomas Smith of St. John's. In the same year Dr. Hal ton died, and Smith's friends proposed him as a can- didate. He, however, would not hear of it, but gave all his interest to Dr. William Lan- Smith 93 Smith aster fa. v., wo had formerly been his tutor, and who was accordingly elected. The new provost presented him to Russell Court dispel and to the lectureship of Trinity Chapel, Hanover Square, which he held until 1731, These promotions brought Smith to town, where he became chaplain to Edward VBliers, first earl of Jersey [q. v.], who, before his death in 1711, introduced him to the queen, gave him several opportunities of preaclung before her, and obtained for him the promise of the first vacant canonry in the church at Windsor. In 1708 he took the degrees of B.D. and D.D., and on 29 Nov. was presented by the college to the rectory of Knights Enham and to the donative of Upton Grey in Hampshire. In 1716 he ex- changed Upton Grey for the rectory of St. Dionis, Lime Street, London. On the accession of George I he was again introduced to court by the Earl of Grantham, and was made chaplain to the Princess of Wales, afterwards Queen Caro- line. In 1723 Edmund Gibson [q. v.], bishop of Lincoln, an old college friend, appointed him to the prebend of Dunholm, and on Gib- son's transfer to the see of London he gave him the donative of Paddington. In 1724 he was appointed to the lectureship of the r oew church of St. George's, Hanover Square, and on 8 May 1728 Gibson gave him the prebend of St. Mary Newington in the cathedral church of St. Paul's. But in 1730, on the demise of John Gibson, Dr. Smith, without any solicitation on his part, was chosen provost of Queen's College. He was particularly pleased with this appointment and devoted himself to the service of the college, of which he improved both the discipline and instruction. In 1731 he drew up a statement of its architectural condition with an icbnography of the whole (this was an expansion of a statement first issued in Provost Gibson's time), and ordered cuts of the buildings by M. Burghers (d. 1727) to be engraved in quarto. Through the good offices of Arthur Onslow [q . v.], speaker of the House of Commons, and of Colonel John Selwyn [see under SELWYIT, GEOB&B AUGUSTUS, 1719-1791], Queen Caroline's treasurer, he obtained from her majesty a beneiaction of 1000Z. towards adorning the college. In recognition of this gift he had the queen's statue, in marble, f placed over , the gateway in an open temple, supported by eight duplicated columns, crowned with entablatures on which stand eight arches covered with a tholus/ He also induced Lady Elizabeth Hastings [q. v.] to settle several exhibitions on the college. His zeal obtained, an, oider in chancery which forced Sir Orlando Bridgeman to pay over a donation of Sir Francis Bridgeman's. His exertions also procured the foundation of eight addi- tional fellowships as well as four scholarships by John Michel of Richmond in Surrey. Dr. Smith died in Queen's College on 23 Nov. 1756, and was interred in the vault under the new chapel. In 1709 he married Mary Lowther, youngest daughter of Henry Lowther of Ingleton Hall in Yorkshire and of Lowther in Fermanagh, and niece of Timothy Halton, the former provost. She died on 29 April 1745. By her he had three children: Joseph, an advocate of Doctors' Commons ; Anne, married, first, to Pre- bendary Lamplugh, a grandson of the arch- bishop, and, secondly, to Captain James Hargraves ; and William, who died young, His portrait was painted by J. Maubert and engraved by Bernard Baron [q, v.] (BROMLEY, Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, p. 280), and there is a life-size bust over his monu- ment near the entrance of Queen's College chapel. The college has a large collection of his manuscripts and letters. Smith was the author of: 1. * Modern Pleas for Schism and Infidelity Reviewed/ London, 1717, 8vo. 2. < A Modest Eeview of the Bishop of Bangor's Answer to ' Dr. Snape/ London, 1717, 8vo. 3. 'Some Considerations offered to the Bishop of Bangor on his Preservative against the Prin- ciples of the Nonjurors/ London, 1717, 8vo. 4. * The Unreasonableness of Deism/ London, 1720, 8vo. 5. * Anarchy and Rebellion/ 1720, 8vo. 6. ' A View of the Being, Nature, and Attributes of God/ Oxford, 1756, 8vo ; besides several sermons. To him has also been attributed The Difference between the Nonjurors and the Present Public Assem- blies/ 1716, 8vo, which provoked the reply, ( Joseph and Benjamin ; or Little Demetrius tossed in a Blanket/ London, 1717, 8vo, Some manuscript notes of Smith's also are preserved in the copy of the * Ifcesigned and , Resolved Christian ' (1689, 4to), by Denis GrenviHe, in the Grenville collection at the British Museum. [Notes kmdlyfenished by the Bev. Dr. J. B. Magrath, provost of Queen's College, Oxford; Biographia Britannica, vi 3734-3744; Chal- mers's Biogr. Diet. 1816; Wood's Antiquities, ed. Guteh, i. 170 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500- 1714 ; AlKboae's Diet of Engl. Lit.] E. I. C. SMITH, JOSEPH (1682-1770), British consul at Venice, born in 1682, took ap his residence at Venice at the age of eighteen, and was apparently engaged in commerce there, He made a wide reputation as a col- lector of books, manuscripts, pictures, coins, and gems. He patronised painters, and Smith 94 Smith among his protege's were tlie Florentine Zucearelli and the Venetian Zais. Horace Walpole sneered at him as 'the merchant of Venice/ who knew nothing of his books except their title-pages (WALPOLE, Letters, i. 239-307), but the censure seems unde- served. In 1729 Smith prepared an edition of Boccaccio's l Decamerone,' which was pub- lished by Passinello (EsEET, Bibliographical Dictionary,!. 201). It is so nearly an exact reproduction of the rare edition of 1527 that only those who are acquainted with the minute differences can distinguish the copy from the original Of Smith's edition only three hundred copies were printed, including a few on large paper,* these latter are ex- tremely rare, a nre having destroyed a por- tion of the edition (see Corai Gio. BATISTA BALDELLI BONI'S Vita di G. Boccaccio, Firenze, 1806, p. 311). About the same time Smith issued a * Catalogue Librorum Rarissimorum ' (without date), which was limited to twenty-five copies. The volumes noticed were in Smith's own possession. A second edition, containing the titles of thirty-one additional books, was published in Venice in 1737. Of his general library a cata- logue was printed at Venice in 1755, under the title ' Bibliotheca Smithiana, seu Cata- logus Librorum D. Josephi Smithii Angli.' Ikleanwhile in 1740 Smith was appointed British consul at Venice, and was thence- forth known fa.TmHa.rly as Consul Smith. He retained the post till 1760. In 1765 George m began to form his library by purchasing Smith's books en bloc for 10,OOOZ., and they now form an important part of the king's library at the British Museum. Smith continued to collect, and at "Ms death the books which he had acquired subsequently to the sale of his library to George HI were sold at public auction in London by Baker & Leigh in January and February 1773, the sale occupying thirteen days. His art trea- sures also were bought by George HI for 20,0001 (see ED. EDWABDS'S Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, 1570-1870, A valuable portion of his manu- scripts was purchased for Blenheim Palace by Lord Sonderland, who gave, according to Humphry Wanley's * Diary/ 1,500/. for them (lawdowne MS. 771, fol. 34). Smith's an- tique gems were described and illustrated in A. F. Gori's * Dactyliotheca Smithiana,' 2 vols, folio, 1767. Smith died at Venice on 6 Nov. 1770, aged 88. About 1758 he married a sister of Jonn Murray, resident at Venice, and after- wards ambassador at the Porte (see LADY ETLEY-MoOTiGTfs Letters and 1896, iL 319). [Supplement to Dr. T. P. Dibdin's Biblio- mania, ed. 1842, pp. 33-5 ; Scots Mag, 1770 p. 631 ; information from the foreign office and from the British Consulate at Venice.] G-. V. M. SMITH, JOSHUA TOULMIN,who after 1854 was always known as ToFLicDr SMITH (1816-1869), publicist and constitutional lawyer, born on 29 May 1816 at Birmingham, was eldest son of William Hawkes Smith (1786-1840), of that town, an economic and educational reformer. His great-grandmother was sister to Job Orton [q. v.j, and his great-grandfather Dr. Joshua Toulmin [q,v.~ Joshua was educated at home and at a private school at Hale, Cheshire, kept by Charles Wallace. An eager student of literature and philosophy, he was at first destined for the Unitarian ministry, but that vocation was abandoned in favour of the law, and at sixteen he was articled to a local solicitor. Removing in 1835 to London, he was entered at Lincoln's Inn with a view to the bar. Meanwhile he showed a precocious literary activity. At seventeen he wrote an f In- troduction to the Latin Language' for a class at the Birmingham Mechanics' Institute, and in 1836 produced a work on l Philosophy among the Ancients.' ^ Marrying in 1837 Martha, daughter of Wil- liam Jones Kendall of Wakefield, he went to the United States, first settling at Detroit, then at Utica, and afterwards in Boston. At Boston he lectured, chiefly on phrenology and on philosophy. Attracted by Rain's pub- lication at Copenhagen of the narratives of early Icelandic voyages to America, he pub- lished in 1839 f The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century,' a study from the originals, which he was the first to introduce to English readers; the work gained him the diploma of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Copenhagen. Seve- ral other minor publications, educational and historical, occupied his pen till, in 1842, he returned to England, and, settling at High- gate, near London, resumed his legal studies, and was called to the bar in 1849. At this period he found recreation in the pursuit of geology. Especially directing his attention to the upper chalk, he printed a series of papers (Ann. and Map. of 'Natural History r , August 1847-May 1848, issued as a volume 1848) on i The Ventriculidae of the Chalk.' The mono- graph, which was illustrated by his own pencil, was based on laborious microscopic investigations ; it established the true cha- racter, hitherto imperfectly known, of the class of fossils of which it treated, and still remains a chief authority on the subject. This work drew round "him the leading geologists Smith 95 Smith of the day. When the Geologists' Associa- tion was formed Toulmin Smith was invited to be president, but, beyond delivering the inaugural address (11 Jan. 1859), he took little active part in its proceedings. Meanwhile, in the autumn of 1847, when the dreaded approach of cholera roused atten- tion to matters of health, Smith became leader of effective action in his own neighbourhood at Highgate ; and his inquiries iiito the for- mer law and practice on the subject of local responsibilities were the beginning of efforts extending over many years, with consider- able success in spite of difficulties, to raise the sanitary condition and municipal life of the suburban parish where he lived. He watched the course of public legislation, and brought his researches into constitutional law, joined to his local experience, to bear upon it by weighty speech and untiring pen. He strongly opposed the Public Health Act of 1848, an opposition which subsequent events justified. Reform of the corporation of London, the sewerage and administration of the metropolis, highway boards, the main* tenance of public footpaths, the functions of the coroner's court, the volunteer movement, parish rights and duties, and the church-rate question are some of the subjects on which his research and action between 1850 and 1860 were incessant. In 1851 appeared his * Local Self-Government and Centralisation/ $ deduction of English constitutional prin- ciples from the national records ; and in 1854 'The Parish: its Obligations and Powers: its Officers and their Duties/ by the second -edition of which (1857) he is perhaps best known. Meanwhile his sympathy was strongly drawn to the Hungarians "in their gallant struggle for liberty in 1848-9, and among other aids to their cause he published ( Paral- lels between . . . England and Hungary' (1849), in which he compared the funda- mental institutions of the two countries. Through many years, and to his own detri- ment, he continued a firm friend to Hungary, successfully defended Kossuth in the suit as to paper money brought against him by the Austrian government in 1861, issued two important pamphlets on the then political "position of the country, and was the only person who dared to publish in England the Ml text of Beak's speeches (Parliamentary Remembrancer, vol. iv.) Smith declined an invitation to stand as candidate for parliament for Sheffield in 1852. la 1854 he, with Mr. W. J. Evelyn, M.P. for Surrey, and the Rev. M. W. Malet, formed the Anti-Centralisation Union, and wrote the thirteen papers issued during the three years of its existence. a wider means of instructing He then took _ the public on the attempts and methods of modern legis- lators, by the establishment of the 6 Parliamen- tary Remembrancer ' (1857-1865), a weekly record of action in paniament, with valuable historical commentaries and illustrations. The great labour entailed by this periodical which he conducted single-handed, only helped by his family added to his other undertakings and his practice at the parlia- mentary bar, finally broke down his health. He was drowned while bathing at Lancing, Sussex, on 28 April 1869, and was buried in Hornsey churchyard. His wife survived him with two sons and three daughters. The great aim of Smith's life was to spread a knowledge of the historic principles of local government and true democratic liberty, and of the means of adapting them to modern needs. Besides the works mentioned he published : 'Laws of England relating to Public Health/ 1848 ; f Government by Commissions Illegal and Pernicious,' 1849 ; ' The Law of Nui- sances/ 1855, which went through four edi- tions, the last in 1867 ; * Memorials of Old Birmingham/ two vols. viz. c The Old Crown House,' 1863, and 'Men and Names/ 1864; and edited several acts of parliament. His historical work on 'English Gilds/ which has exercised a wide influence, was completed after his death (Early EngL Text Soc. 1870). [Eegist. and Magazine of Biography, 1869, ii. 88 ; family papers ; personal recollections.] L. T. S. SMITH/ JOSIAH WILLIAM (1816- 1887), legal writer, only child of the Re?. John Smith, rector of Baldock, Hertfordshire, was born on 3 April 1816, and graduated LL.B. from Trinity HaU, Cambridge, 1841 (^^s^^GraduatiCantabngienses). He en- tered himself a student of Lincoln's Inn on 9 Nov. 1836, where he was called to the bar on 6 May 1841, and chiefly practised in the court of chancery. He was the draughtsman of the ' Consolidated General Orders of the High Court of Chancery > (lS60) J< and also edited Fearne's * Contingent Remainders ' and Mit- ford's * Chancery Pleadings/ But he is best remembered as the author of the ' Manual of Eomty' (1845), 'Compendium of the Law ofKeal and Personal Property ' (1855), and ' Manual of Common Law and Bankruptcy ' (1864). These works, clearly and concisely written, went through many^ editions, and are standard works. In addition he com- piled several small manuals of devotion and a < Summary of the Law of Christ* (1859 and 1860). Having attained the rank of Smith 9 6 Smith queen's counsel on 25 Feb. 1S81, Smith "was chosen a bencher of Lincoln's Inn on 13 March ; following, and in September 1565 became ' county-court judge for Herefordshire and ; Shropshire t circuit Xo. 27). He was a judge r of Terr strong individuality, resented being ; overruled by a superior court, and on one \ occasion, shortly before his retirement, de- j clared his reason for not giving leave to i appeal to be that if he was overruled the court would be deciding contrary to law and | justice. This drew down upon him a re- ! bnke from the court of queen's bench, Jus- ' tlce Mellor pronouncing him 'an extraor- < dinary specimen of a county-court judge/ ; Credit was, however, given him for good in- J tentions. Smith, who was a JJP. for Here- \ fordshire, retired from the bench on a pen- ! sion in February 1879. He died at Clifton on ! 10 April 1887, and was buried at Baldock. t He married in 1844 Mary, second daughter of George Henry Hicks, M.B., of Baldock [Foster's Men at the Bar ; Debrett's Judicial Bench ; Lav Journal.] W. E. W. SMITH, KATHEEINE (1680?-! 758?), vocalist. r See TOFTS.] SMITH' SIB LIONEL (1778-1842), Heu- tenant-general, born on 9 Oct. 1778, was the younger son of Benjamin Smith of Liss in Hampshire, a West India merchant (d. 1806), by his wife Charlotte Smith [q.v.j, the poetess. In March 1795 Lionel was appointed, with- out purchase, to an ensigncy in the 24th regi- ment of foot, then in Canada; in October of the same year he obtained his lieutenancy. While in America he attracted the notice of i the Duke of Kent, who materially assisted ( his advancement. After being quartered in j Canada for some time, his regiment was re- ! moved to Halifax in Xova Scotia, and thence he was ordered to cross to the west coast of Africa to quell an insurrection in Sierra Leone. In May 1801 he obtained his company in the 16th regiment, and in April 1802 was promoted to the rank of major. In the same year he proceeded to the West Indies, and was present at the taking of Surinam, Esse- quibOjBerbice, and other foreign possessions. He became lieutenant-colonel in June 1805, in the 18th regiment, but about 1807 was transferred totne command of the 65th, then at Bombay, In 1809 and 1810 he conducted expeditions against the pirates who infested the Persian Gulf, and received for Ms ser- vices the thanks of the imaum of M useat. In 1810 he was present with his regiment at the ' reduction of Mauritius, and obtained Ms full "colonelcy in June 1813. On 17 Tov. 1817 lie commanded the fourth division of the army of the Beccan at the capture of Poonah, and in the following year he was wounded in the cavalry action at Ashta On 12 Aug. 1819 he was advanced to the rank of major-general, but, after serving for some time on the Bombay staff, he left India, and on 9 April 1832 was nominated colonel of the 96th foot. On 3 Dec. of the same year he was created K.C.B., and in October 1&S4 was appointed colonel of the 74th regiment. From 27 April 1S33 he was stationed at Barbados as governor and Commander-in- chief of the Windward and Leeward Islands The recent enactment- of the Emancipation Act had produced much bitter feeling among the Europeans, and Sir Lionel incurred mucn unpopularity by Ms sympathy with the coloured population. His attitude towards the House of Assembly was uneonciliatory, and he was charged with unconstitutional procedure. In 1836 he succeeded the Marquis of Sligo as captain-general and commander- in-chief of Jamaica, and in the same year was appointed a knight grand cross of the order of the Gruelphs of Hanover. In Jamaica he found even greater difficulties than in Barbados. The expiration of the term of apprenticesMp and the complete emancipa- tion of the slaves in 1838 were followed by an attempt on the part of the planters to keep the negroes in subjection by charging them heavy rents for their huts, by pervert- ing 1 the vagrancy laws, and by ejecting offenders from their estates. By these means they drove large numbers of labourers to tracts of virgin land, -where they could live in independence. Sir Lionel endeavoured to restrain these abuses, but his measures only hastened a crisis, and earned for him the hatred of the proprietors and managers of estates. On the publication of an imperial act * for the better government of prisons in the West Indies/ framed with a view to- preventing the ill-treatment of negroes, the House of Assembly declared its rights in- fringed and refused to legislate. Lord Mel- bourne was defeated in the British parliament in an attempt to pass an act to suspend the constitution of Jamaica, and for a time mat- ters were at a deadlock. In 1839 a modified Metcalfe [q, v.] was selected to succeed him as governor. While governor, Sir Lionel was appointed a lieutenant-general hi January 1837, and in February he succeeded George Cooke as colonel of the 40th regiment. At the corona- tion of Queen Victoria he was included in the list^of baronets, and in 1840 he succeeded Sir William Nicolay as governor of the Mauritius. In 1841 he was created G.CJX, Smith 97 Smith and lie died at Mauritius on 3 Jan. 1842. He was twice married. By Ms first wife, Ellen Marianne (d. 1814), daughter of Thomas _ ' Kilkerry, co. Kerry, he had two iufiifers, Ellen Maria and Mary Anne. On $0 > V OT, 1819 he married Isabella Curwen, youngest daughter of Eldred Curwen Pot- timger of Mount Pottinger, co. Down, and sister of Sir Henry Pottinger [q. v.] She died three days after her husband, leaving four children, Lionel Eldred, Augusta, Isa- bella, and Charlotte. [Gent. Mag. 1842, ii. 93-4; Animal Begister, 1842, pp. 242-3 ; Dodd's Annual Biogr. for 1842, pp. 4-8; Burr's Appeal to the Marquis of Hastings, 1819 ; Asiatic Annual Begister, vol. ad. Chron. p. 161, vol. xiL Chron. p. 122 ; Asiatic Monthly Journal, ii. 341 ; Mill's Hist, of India, ed. Wilson, vii. 315-18, viii. 309-11 ; Patoa's Records of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, p. 332 ; Schombiirgk's Hist, of Barbados, 1848, pp. 450-75 ; Gardner's Hist of Jamaica, 1873, pp. 394-404.] B. L C. SMITH, MATTHEW (Jl. 1696), in- former, nephew of Sir William Parkyns [q. v.], was connected with several good Jacobite families. He obtained an ensigncy in Vis- count Castleton's regiment of toot in May 1693, but he was discharged from the regi- meat in the following January. Thereupon he took rooms in the Middle Temple, sought the society of Jacobites, and acquired know- ledge of their intrigues. During the summer of 1695 he signified to Charles Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury [q. v.], and to James Vernon [q. v.j, then undersecretary of state, that he was willing to traffic in such information as lie possessed. In December (seven or eight weeks, that is to say, before it was revealed by Thomas Prendergast [q. v.]) he threw out a number of obscure but unmistakable hints of a plot for the assassination of William ; but Sbewsbur/s vigilance was benumbed bv a guilty consciousness of his own in- trigues with the exiles. When the conspiracy had been proved, Smith accused Shrews- bury and Vernon of crassly neglecting the intelligence which he had famished. The ciiarge would have had little consequence but for the feet that it coincided with the damaging statements which were beingj circu- lated by Sir John Fenwick [q. v.] and Ms wife, tod with the strenuous efforts being made by Lord Mosmouth (afterwards Earl of Peter- twoiya) to convict the whig leaders (and especially Shrewsbury and Marlborough) of complicity in Jacobite intrigue [see Moa- sAtnrr CHXKLBS]. Monmouth's aim was to |prafe the facts supplied by Smith, and whica contained a suferafrum of truth, upon **"" * " confession, by which means he hoped to obtain a powerful leverage against his enemies. Smith, however, was a weak tool, and his main object was to blackmail Shrewsbury and Ternon, whose correspon- dence during October and November 1696 was full of anxiety as to his proceedings. The king himself relieved them from suspicions which he could not afford to entertain. He told Smith that he had been cognisant of his warnings, but had decided to ignore them ; at the same time he sent him 5QL through Portland, and promised him a place in Flanders. So reckless, however, was Smith in erploiting his new sources of wealth, that before a week had elapsed he was thrown into> : the Fleet prison for debt. Thence Somers rescued Tmn and e quieted him/ and on 10 Dec. Yernon gave Mm another twenty guineas. It was indispensable to keep him in a good humour pending his examination by the House of Lords. This took place on 11 and 13 Jan. 1697, when Smith held Ms tongue as to anything that he knew to ' the disadvantage of Shrewsbury and Marl- borough. He was also extremely reticent as- to his relations with Monmouth, but com- plained of the ingratitude with wMch his revelations had been received. The house ' decided that his reward was sufficient, inas- much as his object had been to keep well both with the conspirators and the govern- ment. His patron Monmouth was shortly afterwards committed to the Tower, on tbe- presumption that he had endeavoured to suborn false witnesses against his private enemies. Smith, in the meantime, withdrew into retirement, and published his * Memoirs ' of Secret Service . . . humbly offered to the Hon. the House of Commons' (London, 1699, 8vo), in wMeh he bitterly complains of Ms treatment by Shrewsbury and Vernon. It caused a sensation by its outspoken language,, and in spite of some attempts made by Peter- borough to screen Ms discreditable ally, Smith was on 12 Dec. 1699 committed to the Gate- house by order of the upper house. His book was answered by Richard Kingston in 1700, whereupon Smith retorted in * A Beply to an Unjust and Scandalous LibeP (1700), and Kingston followed suit with * Impudence, Lying, and Forgery detected and chastised, in alrfcejoinder to a Keply' (1700), in wMch he stigmatised Ms adversary as a squire of Alsatia, while he attributed his adroit use of invective to the assistance of a skilled hand, that of the * Infamous Town-poet, Tom Brown,' who had, however, little, if anything, to do with, the controversy. Nothing further is known of Matthew Smith. [Vemon Correspondence, ed. James, psssam ; House of Lords' Journals, xvi. 63-4; ^ Smith 9$ Smith English Army Lists, i. 331 ; LuttrelTs Brief Hist. Belation, iv. 591; Burners Own Time; Macauky's Hist, of England ; Stebbing's Peter- borough, pp. 30 seq. ; Smith's Memoirs ; Brit. Mus. Cat. ; see art. PBEXDEHGAST or PEKDES- 1871, vol. iz.), and a member of tbe universities committee of the privy council Smith 100 Smith on 12 Dec. 1S77 (London Gazette, 1877, ii. 7241). He resigned Hs judicial office on 12 Dec. lSSl,and died, unmarried, atXo. 32 Park Lane, London, on 3 May 1891. Smith was a sound lawyer and a per- suasive rather than an eloquent advocate. He excelled in clear analysis of facts and authorities, and made an accurate and pains- taking judge. [Ann. Keg. I SO I, ii. 161 ; Men and Women of the Time, 13th edit p. 832; Boase's Col- lect. Coronb. 1S90, pp. 909-10; Foss's Bio- giapbia Jnridica, 1870, p. 61 7 j Foster's Kegister of Admissions to Gray's Inn, 1889, p. 441 ; Shaw's Inns of Court* Calendar, 1878, p. 8 ; Foster's 3Ien at the Bar, 1885, p. 434; Block's Table of Judges, &c., 1887, pp. 9, 16, 23 ; Times, 5 and 8 Hay 1891 ; MeCalmont's Parliamentary Poll Book, 1879, p. 256 ; Dod's Parl. Companion, 1865, p. 290 ; Official Return of Lists of Mem- bers of Parliament, ii. 446 ; Haydn's Book of Dignities, 1890.] G. F. E. B. SMITH, PHILIP (1817-1885), writer on ancient history, son of William Smith of Enfield, and younger brother of Sir Wil- liam Smith [q. v.], was born in 1817. He was educated at Mill Hill school, and en- tered Coward College as a student for the congregational ministry in April 1834. He graduated B.A. at London in May 1840. He was professor of classics and mathematics ! in Cheshunt College from 1840 to 1850, and \ pastor of the congregational church at Cross- i brook from 1840 to 1845. From 1850 to 1852 he was first professor of mathematics and ecclesiastical history in New College, and from 1853 to 1860 headmaster of Mill , Hill school. The remainder of his life was spent in writing for his brother's dictionaries and in historical work. He was editor of the < Biblical Review 7 from 1846 to 1851, and a \ frequent contributor to the i Quarterly Be- I view/ while his brother William was its ; editor. He died at Putney on 12 May 1886. j Smith published : 1. * A Smaller History ; of England/ London, 1862, 8vo ; 28th edit. ! 1890. 2. * A History of the Ancient World/ the only portion published of a projected * His- tory of theWorld/ London, 1863-5, 8vo. 3. , ~ . extracts are preserved in the Harleian MS. 3361, in the handwriting of John Bagford; and a selection, perhaps to the amount of a fourth part, was printed by Peck in his De- transferred to that corps, and on 23 Sept. was appointed adj utant. A week later he became temporarily an assistant to Captain M. R. Fitzgerald of the Bengal engineers in the ________ siderata Curiosa.' The whole work was edited public works. by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., for the Camden ' ~ " * " Society in 1849. Smith was also author of 2. ' A Letter to Dr. Henry Hammond, concerning the Sence canal and iron bridge department of the of that Article in the Creed, He descended into HeH/ written in 1659, and printed, with Hammond's reply, London, 1684, 8vo. He left in manuscript a Collection of Arms be- longing to the name of Smith, in Colours,* 8vo ; such a collection, in 2 vols. 8vo, is now in the library of the College of Arms, but whether it be the same is not quite clear. Smith's manuscript remains also included On 6 Jan. 1840 Baird Smith was appointed temporarily a member of the arsenal com- mittee. On 12 Aug. he was appointed assistant to the superintendent of the Doab canal, Sir Proby Thomas Cautley [q. v.] On 28 Sept. he went to Dakha to relieve Captain Hunter in the charge of the 6th company of the Bengal sappers and miners on the march from Silhat to Danapur, He was relieved of this charge on 21 Jan. 1841. He was pro- moted to be first lieutenant on 28 Aug. 1841. On 30 Oct. 1844 his meteorological observa- tions, which were considered * highly credit- Smith 105 Smith able,' were mentioned in a despatch from the Bengal government. When Sir Proby Omtiey commenced the Ganges canal worli in 1843, Baird Smith was left in charge, under Mm, of the Jamna canal. On the outbreak of the first Sikh war Baird Smith, with the other officers of the canal department, joined the army of the Satlaj. Although he made rapid marches, he arrived in camp a few days after the tittle of Firozshah (22 Dec. 1845). He was attached to the command of Major-general Sir Harry George Wakelyn Smith [q. v.J, r . .. ^ ^^,, whom on 18 Jan. 1846 he accompanied j gation in Northern Italy. Baird Smith was to Bharmkote, and thence towards Ludlana. ( promoted to be brevet-captain on 9 Dec. He was with him at Badiwal and at the j 1851. In January 1852 he finished his re- b&ttle of Aliwal (28 Jan. 1846). In Sir port on Italian irrigation, which was printed Harry Smith's despatch of 30 Jan. he men- under his supervision in two volumes and tioES that *' Strachey and Baird Smith of the engineers greatly contributed to the com- pletion of my plans and arrangements, and j were ever ready to act in any capacity ; they \ rived a fortnight later. He was presei the battles of Chilianwala (13 Jan. 1__ and of Gujrat (21 Feb.) He was honourably mentioned for his services in the despatches reporting the passage of the Chenab and the battles of Chifianwala and Gujrat. The war being ended and the Punjab annexed, Baird Smith returned to irrigation work on 12 March 1849. On 10 Feb. 1850 he obtained furlough to Europe for three years. In October the court of directors commis- sioned him to examine in detail (with a view to reproduction in India) the canals of irri- are two most promising and gallant officers J (cf. London Gazette Extraordinary, 27 March 18^8). Baird Smith returned with Sir Harry Smith to headquarters on the evening of 8 Feb., and was on the staff at the battle of Sobraon on 10 Feb. He received the medal for Aliwal with clasp for Sobraon. He was one of the selected officers who accompanied the secretary to the government of India on 20 Feb., when the Maharaja Dhuleep Singh was publicly conducted to his palace in the citadel of Lahore. On the termination of the campaign Baird Smith returned to his canal duties. In addition, on 12 Aug. 1848 he took over temporarily the duties of super- intendent of botanical gardens in the North- West Provinces during the absence of Dr. Jameson, The second Sikh war gave Baird further opportunities of distinction. On 26 Nov. 1848 he was attached to the army of the Punjab, which was en the new Sikh revolt. in repressing -Ie had previously joined the headquarters of the army at Firoz- pur, and having been detached with Briga- dier-general Colin Campbell to watch the movements of Sher Singh on the Chenab, was with Campbell at the action of Ram- nftgar on 22 Nov. He then joined the force of Sir Joseph Thackwell [q. v.], consisting of twenty-e%ht guns, four regiments of cavSry, tad seven regimentsof infantry, with baggage and trains, Under his direction the force crossed the Chenab at Wazirabad, The opera- tion commenced at 6 P.M. on 1 Dec, and was completed by noon on the 2nd. Baird Smith | took part in the action at Sadulapur on the published the same year ( f Italian Irriga- tion, being a Report on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy/ Edin- burgh and London, 8vo, 2 vols. plates atlas foL 1st edit. 1852). A second edition was issued in 1855. Presentation copies of Baird Smith's work were placed by the Sardinian government in the Royal Academy of Science at Turin, and the king of Sardinia offered Baird Smith the insignia of a knight of the order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus. The regulations of the British service did not admit of the acceptance of this honour, but the court of directors expressed to Smith their high satisfaction with the manner in which he had executed his commission, and permitted him to visit the irrigation works of the Madras presidency before returning to duty. He arrived in Madras on 1 Jan. 1853, and soon afterwards published a de- scription of the irrigation works of that presidency (' The Cau very, Kistnah, and Go- davery, being a Report on the Works con- structed on these Rivers for the Irrigation of the Provinces of Tanjore, Guntoor, Masuli- patam, and Rajahmundry, in the Presidency of Madras/ 8vo, London, 1856). On 10 March 1853 Baird Smith was ap- pointed deputy superintendent of canals, North-West Provinces. He was promoted to be captain on 15 Feb. 1854, and the fol- lowing day to be brevet major for service in the field. On 17 May he was appointed director of the Ganges canal and super- intendent of canals in the North- West Pro- vinces, in succession to Cautley, with the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel while holding the appointment. Hence it was tb&t at the outbreak of the mutiny Baird Smith was living at Rurki, the irrigation head- f j quarters, some sixty miles from Mirat; and : T and marched with ThaekweH to Helah, when Major Fraser, commanding the Bengal Lord Goagh with the main army ar- sappers and miners, was ordered, on 18 May Smith 106 Smith 1857, to proceed with five hundred men by forced marches to Mirat, he took his men, at Baird Smith's suggestion, by the canal, and was thus enabled to reach 3Iirat on the 15th in a perfectly fresh condition. Unfortunately they mutinied the next day, and Fraser was killed. Baird Smith meanwhile was assist- ing in defensive measures for Rurki ; the workshops were converted into a citadel, in which the women and children were accom- modated, while the two companies of sappers and miners left at Eurki were placed in the Thomason College buildings. It was known that the Sirmur^battalion under Major Eeid was coming to Rurki from Dhera on its way to Mirat, and fearing that the Rurki sappers would imagine their arrival to be a hostile demonstration against them, Baird Smith sent word to Reid to march straight to the canal and embark in boats, which he had ready for him, without entering RurkL Baird Smith's foresight and prompt action on this occasion were generally considered to have saved Rurki and the lives of the women and children there, Always hopeful, on 30 Hay Baird Smith wrote to a Mend in England : i As to the empire, it will be all the stronger after this storm, and I have never had a moment's fear for it ... and though we small fragments of the great machine may fall at our posts, there is that Titality in "the English people that will bound stronger against misfortunes and build up the damaged fabric anew.' In the last week of June Baird Smith was ordered to Delhi to take up the duties of chief engineer. He improvised a body of six hundred pioneers to follow him, and, being pressed to hasten his arrival so as to take part in the assault, started on the 27th, and reached Delhi at 3 A.M. on 3 July to find that the assault had been, as usual, postponed. He had already an intimate knowledge of the city, and he at once examined the means of attack. He found both artillery and ammu- nition and also the engineer party quite in- adequate for a regular and successful siege, and urged ineffectually upon the general commanding, as had already been done by others, an immediate assault by storming and "blowing in certain gates. Baird Smith con- sidered that if the place had been assaulted at any time between 4 and 14 July it would have been carried. On the 5th Sir Henry William Barnard [q.r.], dying of cholera, was succeeded in the command by Major-general Reed, who was at the time ill. Reed would not take the risk of an assault, and before he resigned on 17 July two severe actions had been fought and had so weakened the British that the chances of a successful assault had been much diminished, if not altogether d> stroyed. Baird Smith, however, sedulously at- tended to the defence of the Ridare. strengrt hen- in^ the position by every possible means. Since the beginning of the month a retro- grade movement had been discussed, and wbtn Brigadier-general (afterwards Sir ) Archdab Wilson [q. v.] assumed command on 17 Julv it required all Baird Smith's energy and en- thusiasm to sweep away Wilson's doubts, and to persuade him, as he wrote to him, *to hold on like grim death until the place is ours.' At the same time Baird Smith as- sured him that as soon as a siege-train of sufficient magnitude and weight to silence the guns on the walls of Delhi could be brought U, success would be certain. On 12 Aug. Baird Smith, who was in bad health, was struck by the splinter of a shell in th ankle-joint, but he did not allow either the wound or his sickness to interfere with his duties as chief engineer. The siege train arrived on 5 Sept., and in consultation with Captain (afterwards Sir) Alexander Taylor, his second in command, Baird Smith submitted a plan of attack which General Wilson, despite his divergence from Smith's views, had already directed him to prepare. It was supported by Colonel John Nicholson and Neville Chamberlain, the adju- tant-general, and the assault was decided upon. Wilson recorded that he yielded to the judgment of his chief engineer. Thus a heavy responsibility fell upon Baird Smith. The first siege battery for ten. guns was commenced on the rright of 7 Sept. ; others rapidly followed, until fifty-six guns opened fire. The attacking force completed its work triumphantly. After a heavy bombardment practicable breaches were made, and the assault took place on 14 Sept. A lodgment was made, but at heavy loss, and the pro- gress inside Delhi was so slow and difficult that Wilson thought it might be necessary to withdraw to the Ridge, but Baird Smith asserted 'We must retain the ground we have won.* He deprecated street fighting, and by his advice the open ground inside the Kashmir gate was secured, the college, magazine, and other strong forts gained, and progress gradually made, under cover, till the rear of the enemy's positions was reached, and the enemy compelled to evacuate them on the 2Gfch, when headquarters were esta- blished in the palace. Baird Smith had been ably seconded in all his exertions by Captain Alexander Taylor, and he expressed his obligations in no stinted terms. The picture, however, which is sometimes presented of Baird Smith dis- abled, and in the background, while his Smith 107 Smith second in command did all the work, is in- correct. The error originated no doubt in Taylor's energy and zeal in carry ing out Baird Sinith's orders, and in Nicholson's deathbed exclamations that if he lived he would let the world know that Taylor took Delhi. Wilson's despatch stated that in ill-health, and while suffering from the effects of a pain- ful wound, Baird Smith devoted himself with the greatest ability and assiduity to the con- duct of the difficult and important operations of the siege, and that his thanks and acknow- ledgments are especially due to Baird Smith for having planned and successfully carried out, in the tace of extreme and unusual diffi- culties, an attack almost without parallel in the annals of siege operations (MALLESON, History of the Indian Mutiny) . The rewards bestowed upon Baird Smith were in no way commensurate with his great services. He was promoted to be brevet lieutenant-colonel (a rank he already held temporarily) on 19 Jan. 1858, for service in the field; he was made a companion of the Bath military division on the 22nd of the same month ; he received the medal and the thanks of the several commanders under whom he served, and of the government of India (London Gazette, U and 24 Nov. and 15 Dec. 1857, and 16 Jan. 1858). It was not until 23 Sept. that Baird Smith gave up his command at Delhi, and went by slow marches to BurM, where he arrived on the 29th, suffering from scurvy, the effect of exposure and work, aggravated by the state of his wound. He was laid uj> for some weeks, and then went to Mussuri to recruit his health. On his recovery he was appointed to the military charge of the Saharanpurand Mozaffarnagar districts, which he held along with the appointment of superintendent- general of irrigation. On 1 Sept. 1858 Baird Smith was appointed mint master at Calcutta, in succession to Colonel John Thomas Smith [q. v.] On 25 Jan. 1859 he became a member of the senate of the university of Calcutta. On 26 April the same year he was appointed aide-de-camp to the queen, and promoted to be colonel in the army. Prom 5 Aug. to October 1859 Baixd Smith officiated as se- cretary to the government of India in the public works department. The appointment of mint master afforded him leisure for other public services, which made his manifold powers of usefulness better known and ap- preciated. His crowning 1 service was the Carrey of the great famine of 1861, the pro- vision of relief, and the safeguards proposed to prevent such disaster in futae. Tk& labour and fatigue of long journeys, in- vestigations, and reports, followed by the depressing wet season, renewed the illness from ^ which he suffered after the capture of Delhi. He was carried on board the Candia at Calcutta, and died on 13 Dec. 1861. His body was landed at Madras and buried there with military honours. A memorial of him was placed in Calcutta Cathedral, the epitaph being written by Colonel Sir Henry Yule [q. v.] A memorial was also erected at Lasswade, Midlothian. Baird Smith married, on 10 Jan. 1856, in the cathedral at Calcutta, Florence Elizabeth, second daughter of Thomas De Quincey [q. v.] His widow and two daughters, Florence May and Margaret Eleanor, survived hi, Of his two brothers, John Young (d. 1887) was a deputy surgeon-general in the Bombay army, and Andrew Simpson, a colonel in the In- dian army, saw a good deal of active service in Upper India. Besides the works mentioned Baird Smith published : 1. * Agricultural Resources of the Punjab ; being a Memorandum on the Appli- cation of the Waste Waters of the Punjab to Purposes of Irrigation/ London, 8vo, 1849. He contributed * Report of some Experiments in Tamping Mines * to the i Papers on various Professional Subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Engineers, Madras Presidency,' edited by Colonel John Thomaa Smith [q.v.],YoL L 1839, and 'Some Be- marks on the Use of the Science of Geology ' to i The Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers/ Corps Papers Series, 1849. Baird Smith left unpublished notes for a history of the siege of Delhi, which are em- bodied in * Richard Baird Smith, a Biogra- phical Sketch, by Colonel H. M.Vibart/ Lon- don, 1897, 8vo. [India Office Records; Despatches; London Gazette ; private sources ; Memoir in Vibart's Addiscombe, its Heroes and Men of Note; Kaye's Hist, of the Sepoy War in India ; Malle- son's Hist, of the Indian Mutiny; Medley's Year's Campaigning in India; An Officers [Narrative of the Siege of Delhi; Colonel SasroaL Bewe" White's Complete History of the Indian Mutiny ; Boswortli Smith's Life of Lord Lawrence ; Nor- man's Narrative of the Campaign in 1857 against the Mutineer at Delhi ; article by Sir Henry Forman in the Fortnightly Magazine, April 1883 ; Letter from Baird Smith to Coloael Lefroy, BJL., published by the latter in the Times r II Stay 1858; Lord Boberts's Forty-one Yeais in India; Holnies's Hist of the Mtitimj; Thackeray's Two Indian Campaigns; Thaefc- weiTs Second Sikh War.] B. JBL V, SMJ3S, KICH&RD JOBOST (1786- 1855), actor, commonly known as Smith, the Sftn of anactor named Smitk, wk&a Boras, Smith 1 08 Smith confounds with * Gentleman* Smith [see SMITH, WILLIAM, 1730 r'-1819^ was born in York in 1780. His mother, whose maiden name was Scrace, played leading parts in D ublin. After being all but killed in Dublin by Beddish, who as Castalio ran Mm, while playing Polydore, through the body, the father brought his wife in 1779 to York- shire. At Hull and York under Tate Wil- kinson, Mrs. Smith appeared as Beatrice and speedily became a favourite. She accom- ?anied Tate Wilkinson to Edinburgh, and in 791 made, as Estifania, her first appearance in Bath. Young Smith is said to hare been first seen in Bath as Ariel in Dr. Hawkesworth's 1 Edgar and Emmeline.' He played there other juvenile parts. Put into a 'solicitor's office, he neglected his duties, spending his time in the painting-room of the theatre, and finally ran away and embarked from Bristol as a sailor for the Guinea coast. He had some romantic adventures, assisting upon the river Gaboon in the escape of some slaves, an inci- dent related in f A Tough Yarn,' which he pub- lished in Bentley's * Miscellany.' The gover- nor of Sierra Leone, struck by his painting, offered to befriend him, but the captain of the vessel refused to release him. Returning to Bath, he found his parents obdurate, and again ran away, rambling in Wales and Ire- land. Seized in Liverpool by a press gang, he was taken on board the receiving ship, but was released on stating that he was an actor, and giving as proof a recitation. Engaged by the elder Maeready as painter, prompter, and actor of all work, he was rewarded with twelve shillings weekly^ and all but lost his life in a snowstorm while travelling on foot from Sheffield to Rochdale. He then went to Edinburgh and Glasgow theatres, returning to Bath in 1807, and playing in the panto- mimes. His performance as Robert in the panto- mime of * Raymond and Agnes ' attracted the attention of Robert William Elliston [q. v.], who engaged him in 1810 for the pan- tomime at the Surrey. Taking in * Bom- bastes Furioso ' the part of Bombastes, va- cated through illness by another actor, he gave an exhibition of intensity such as esta- blished his position in burlesque. A perfor- mance of * Obi,' in the melodrama of t Three- lingered Jack/ got him his sobriquet of * ' (otherwise Obi) Smith. In 1813 Smith ac- companied Elliston to the Olympic, where he played Mandeville in the * False Friend/ a role in which Edmund Sean [q.v.l was to have appeared. After acting at the Lyceum, he is said to have been engaged in 1828 at JDrury Lane, at which house he had pre- 1 viously been seen in pantomime. He al^o 1 seems to have played at Covent Garden. Hi* performance in the i Bottle Imp ' at the Ly- ceum attracted attention, leading Mm to complain, but half in jest : t For the last five * years of my life I have played nothing but | demons, devils, monsters, and assassins, and this line of business, however amusing it may be to the public or profitable to mana- gers, has proved totally destructive of my peace of mind, detrimental to mv interests, and^ injurious to my health. I nd myself banished from all respectable society ; what man will receive the Devil upon 'friendly terms, or introduce a demon into his family circle ? My infernal reputation follows me everywhere/ A writer in the 'Monthly Magazine ' declares him eminent in assassins, sorcerers, the moss-trooping heroes in Sir Walter Scott's poems, and other wild, gloomy, and ominous characters in which a bold, or rather a gigantic figure, and deep sepul- chral voice could be turned to good account. Smith had, however, some control over ten- derness, his performance at the Lyceum, in the ; Cornish Miners/ of a maniac who visits the pave of his dead child, being very pathetic. At Drury Lane he was, 011 10 Nov. 1824, the^ first Zamiel in Soane a version of * Der Freisehutz/ "When, in 1828, Yates and Mathews took the Adelphi, Smith joined the company. With this theatre his subsequent reputation was chiefly connected. j In the < Black Vulture/ October 1859, he I played the villain so named. In 1831, at j the Adelphi, Edinburgh, he superintended ] the production of the * Wreck Ashore.' In January 1833 he played at the Adelphi, | London, a part contrasting strongly with ! those of which he complained, namely, Don Quixote in the piece so named. He had also j a part in Holl's < Grace Huntley,' In 1836 he played in an adaptation of Bulwer's *RienzL' He was Newman Noggs in an adaptation of * Nicholas Nickleby.' In 1839 he was Fagin in i Oliver Twist/ and in Janu- ary 1843 Hugh in t Barnaby Eudge.' Among numerous characters played at the Adelphi were Murtogh in ' Green Bushes/ the part of a Mendicant in the i Bohemians, or the Rogues of Paris/ October 1843; the Miser in an adaptation of * A Christmas Carol * in February 1844; Laroche inE. Stirling's adap- tation Clarisse, or the Merchant's Daughter/ in September 1846; Mongerand in HolFs * Leoline, or Life's Trials,* in February 1840 ; Pierre in Peaked * Devil of Marseilles, or the Spirit of Avarice/ in July 1846; and a cabdriver, a pathetic part, in Peake's ' Title Deeds/ in June 1857. In June 1843 he had, at the Lyceum, given a characteristic per- Smith 109 Smith formance in a piece entitled e The Dice of Death;' and on 1 April 1853 he played at the Adelphi in * Mr. Webster at Home.' On 20 April 1854, at the same house, he was 3Iusgrave in Tom Tailor and Charles Keade's '~Two Loves and a Life/ and this appears to bave been his last original part. About 1826 Joseph Smith, the bookseller of Holborn, having produced a set of thea- trical engravings, applied to x O Smith, the fkmous comedian/ for an account of the Eng- lish stage, to accompany the plates. An agreement was accordingly drawn up, but tie author eventually deemed his prospect of credit from the work to be unsatisfactory, and withdrew from the undertaking. He nevertheless continued to accumulate mate- rials, such as theatrical prints, newspaper cuttings, magazine articles, playbills, cata- logues, &c., relating to stage history, and also to interleave and annotate theatrical memoirs. Before his death his collections filled twenty-five large quarto volumes. Of these, vols. xx-xxiii. comprise a manuscript * Dramatic Chronology ; ' the remainder con- sist chiefly of printed matter, scantily anno- tated, but interspersed with many valuable prints. The twenty-five volumes are now in the British Museum Library, catalogued under Smith's name as * A Collection of Material towards a History of the Stage,' Smith died, after a long illness, on Thurs- day, 1 Feb. 1855, and was buried on the 8th in Norwood cemetery. A portrait accom- panies the memoir in the ( Theatrical Times.' [The preceding particulars, some of them of very dubious authority, are extracted from G-e- nest's Account of the Stage. Tallis's Drawing- Boom Table-Book of Theatrical Portraits ; Thea- trical Times, i. 121 ; Scott and Howard's Life of Blanehard ; Dibdin's Edinburgh Stage ; Dra- matic and Musical Review, various years; Era Almanack, various years; Era Newspaper, 4 and 11 Feb. 1855.] J. K. SMITH, ROBERT (fl. 1689-1729), schoolmaster, was educated at Marischal Col- lege, Aberdeen. At the time of the revolution John Murray, second marquis, and afterwards first duke of Atholl [q. v.J, procured a small grant to endow a school at Kerrow, in Glen- shee, in the parish of Kirkmichael, Perth- shire, and Smith was chosen as master. The heritors, however, showed no zeal to provide aim with a dwelling, and, after waiting in vain for some months, he showed his resent- ment bv publishing * A Poem on the Build- ing of tie Schoolhouse of Glenshee/in which lie roundly abused the lairds for their ne- glect* This provoked a reply from a whig poet, Jasper Craig, who, Smith insinuates, "was & disappointed candidate for the post. Several poetical rejoinders were forthcoming on either side, but Smith surpassed his anta- fonist both in coarseness and bad verse. In 729 Smith removed from Glenstee and was schoolmaster at Grlamis in Forfar. He had a son, Hobert Smith, schoolmaster at Kinnaird in Perthshire ; some of his verses appear in Nicol's 'Rural Muse,* 1753, of which there is a copy in the Advocates' Li- brary, Edinburgh [see NICOL, ALEXASDEB], Smith published: 1. e Poems of Contro- versy betwixt Episcopacy and Presbytery: being the substance of what passed 'twixt him and several other Poets j As also, Several Poems and Merry Songs on other Subjects. With some Funeral Elegies on several > oble- men and Gentlemen, two Parts/ 1 714, 12mo. It contains two prefaces, one to the * TVorld/ the other to the c Header.' Copies are in the i British Museum, in Sir Walter Scott's library, i and in the library of the Free Church Col- | lege, Edinburgh. The last contains in addi- tion a printed address in verse to i William I Seton, the younger, of Pitsmedden/ 2. 'The Assembly's Shorter Catechism in Metre. For the Use of young ones. By Mr. Robert Smith, Schoolmaster at Glammis,' Edin- burgh, 1829, It contains also the Lord's Prayer and the Creed in verse. Cnly one copy is known to be extant, which, in 1872, was in the possession of William Bonar, of St. Michael's Alley, Comb ill, London, Limited reprints of both works have been issued by Thomas George Stevenson of the former in 1869 and of the latter in 1872. [Stevenson's prefaces to Smith's worts; Notes and Queries, 4th ser. iv. 321 ; Nicol's Rural , Muse contains several curious particulars con- cerning Smith and Craig.] E. I. C. SMITH, ROBERT (1689-1768), mathe- matician and founder of Smith's prizes afc Cambridge, was born in 1689, and probably at Lea, near Ghunsbprough, to which living .Ms father was instituted in October 1679. His father, John Smith, had married Hannah (d. 1719), the aunt of Eoger Cotes [q. vj ; he became rector of Gate Burton, Lincolnshire, and was buried at Lea on 28 Bee, 1710. Bobert was educated at the Leicester gram- mar school, and admitted pensioner at Trinity College, Cambridge, on 28 May 1708, and , scholar on IS May 1709. At Trinity he was under the care of Cotes, his cousin, who was then Plumian professor of astronomy, and lived with him as his assistant. He graduated B.A. 1711, M.A. 1715,LL.D, 1723, and D JX perliteras r^ww!789. He was elected minor fellow, 1714, major fellow, 1715, saHecte quartus, 1715, lector lingua Latins^ 1724, lector lingua Grseeae, 1725, lec x '- : Smith no Smith 1727, and senior fellow, 11 June 1739. He took pupils at Cambridge, was master of me- Fluxions,' 1758, At the contest between Lords Hardwicke and Sandwich for the ehanics to George n, and Held the post of i of high steward of the university of ram- mathematical preceptor to William, duke of , bridge, he was a supporter of Sandwich.' He Cumberland, from June 1739 to July 1740. ! was consequently introduced by Churchill Smith, like his cousin Cotes, was through- i into the poem of the ' Candidate ''(lines * out life the l decided partizan' of Kichard &>ft\ ** Bentley, the master of Trinity, in his struggles with the fellows. On 16 July 1718 Smith was elected to succeed Cotes" as Plumian professor of astro- 620) as Black Smith of Trinity; on Christian ground For faith in mysteries none more renowned. t A recluse and a student, Smith, whose Homy, and on 21 May 1718 he was admitted j health was for many years precarious, lived F.R.S. Early in 1739 the observatory over , in the lodge with an unmarried sister, Eliz- the great gate of Trinity College, for the use : mar (1683-1758), who was buried is the " ante-chapel at Trinity, and with a niece. He was fond of music, and played the violon- cello. Smith died in the lodge on 2 Feb. of the professor, was completed under his direction (BKSTLEY, Correspondence, ii. 448, 4ol ? 786), The telescope in the library, which is described in Smith's work on i Op- j 1768, and was buried on the south side of the ticks, 7 and is shown to strangers as Sir Isaac j communion table in the college chapel, where Newton's telescope, was made for him. He i he is commemorated by a Latin epitaph, A retained the professorship until 1760. j funeral oration in Latin on his death was de- Smith was literary executor to Cotes, and j liveredbytheEev.ThomasZouchinthechapel communicated notes for the memoir of him | on 8 Feb. (ZoucH, Works } 1820, i. 438-43). in the General Biographical Dictionary ' of ! Eichard Cumberland records that he was Lockman and others (1736, iv. 441-5). In \ thin in frame, with an aquiline nose, a pene- 1722 he edited and augmented with, some of ; trating eye, and shrill nasal voice. A bust ln\R nwn thfiArpTnR fiotfts'V? < Harmrmia Men- of Smith by P. Scheemakers was placed in the library of the college in 1758, with the inscription t Praesenti tibi maturos largimor his own theorems Cotes's ' Harmonia Men surarum et alia opuscula Mathematics,' &&& in 1738 he edited, with notes, his cousin's t Hydrogtatical and Pneumatical Lectures* of honores. 7 A portrait of him, painted bfVan- Cotes. The first work was dedicated to J>r. j derbankinl730,andgivenbyTnomasRiddelI, Mead, the second (which was republished in | one of the fellows, in 1827, hangs in the lodge ; 1747 and 177o, and translated into French j another, painted by J. Freeman in 1783, and by Le Monnier in 1720) to the Duke of Cum- said to have been given by the Rev. Edward berlancL He projected, but did not proceed | HowMns in 1779, is in the hall. It waspro- with, the publication of others of his cousin's j bably paid for by moneys bequeathed by How- works. The monument to Cotes's memory, ! kins for that purpose, with the epitaph by Bentley, was erected at i Smith's benefactions to the university and the cost of Smith, and he presented to the library of the college in 1 758 a marble bust of his cousin by P. Scheemakers. At Bentley's death Smith was appointed, on 20 July 1742, master of Trinity College, and he also acted in 1742-3 as vice-chancellor of the university. As master his ' equitable and judicious conduct healed all wounds and conciliated all parties* (Moss:, Life of Jtentley, ii. 420). His acts of kindness were numerous, and his influence in the university was considerable, He recommended John Colson [q. v.|to come to Cambridge, and ob- tained for him In 1739 the Lucasian chair. He advised Kichard Cumberland to apply Mmself to mathematics, and supported his claims to a fellowship. His encouragement gave Bishop Watson, when an undergraduate, * a spur to his industry and wings to his am- bition,' for which the bishop always revered Simth's memory. Israel Lyons, the younger, was aided by him in his studies, and in re- turn dedicated to Smith hia t Treatise of to Trinity College were munificent. To the former he left by will the sum of 3,500?. South Sea stock, part of the interest to be applied in a dinner to the trustees, and of the remainder, half to the Plumian professor, and half between two junior B.A.s who have made the greatest progress in mathematics and natural philosophy. The Smith's prizes, which now amount to about 23 each, * proved productive of the best results, and at a later time enabled the university to encourage some of the higher branches of mathema- tics.' The college, to which during his life- time he had presented many pictures and sculptures, obtained under the will the sum of 2,000^. of the same stock, which was ordered to be sold on 15 Dec. 1770, and applied to- wards the new combination-room in the great court, and the painted window, containing nearly 140 square feet of glass, at the south end of the library. The grotesque design (by Cipriani) for the window, which was completed by 1775, represented George III Smith III Smith under a canopy, giving a laurel chaplet to Smith wrote 'Three Observations 'upon it Sir Isaac Newton, while Bacon is at the which were not published, king's feet. Smith published two works. ^ The first was ***<*** ^formation from into German by Eaestner in 1755, and into French, with additions, by Dural le Roy, * w. r. o% At Brest in 1767, with a supplement in 1783, SMITH, BOBEBT, first BABOS Ousame- and by L. P. P. [Le. le Pere Pe"zenas] at TON (1752-1838), the third but eldest sur- Avignon in 1767. Benjamin Bobins [q. v.} viving son of Abel Smith (d. 1788) by his published a criticism upon them in 1739. wife Mary, daughter of Thomas Brrd of From this treatise on optics, Smith went by Barton, Warwickshire, was born at Notting- the nickname of i Old Focus/ Smith's second ham on 2 Feb. 1752 and baptised at St. Tolunie was * Harmonics, or the Philosophy Peter's on the 21st. His father, a member ^f \r,, ;i Q,^ > Tr/m ^j;^^j ^ ^. o f the banking firm of Smith, Payne, & Co. of Nottingham and London, sat in parlia- ment for Aldborough in 17^4, St. Ives in 1780, and St. Germains in 1785. On the death of his elder brother Abel in 1779 Robert succeeded him as member of parlia- ment for Nottingham, which he represented in five successive parliaments, until his ele- vation to the peerage in 1797. From tie first he attached himself to the fortunes of the younger Pitt-, and a close friendship sprang up between the two. In 1786 Pitt selected Smith to examine into the state of his disordered private affairs (STAKHOPE, Life of Pitt, ed. 1879, i. 223). According to Wraxall, Smith's character was ( without reproach and his fortune ample/ but he ' possessed no parliamentary talents* (Pte~ tkumows Memoirs, 1836^i 66-9). He was generous in the use of his wealth, aad ose of his benefactions was to place considerable of Musical Sounds/ 1749, dedicated to the Duke of Cumberland ; 2nd edit. 1759, and postscript, 1762. The latter was inscribed to Sir Edward "Walpole. Both works were of the highest value. They were recom- mended to Gibbon by George Lewis Scott [q.y.], with the words that the treatise on optics entered 'into too great details for beginners,' and that the volume on har- monics * is the principal book of the kind' (GIBB02?-, Miscellaneous Work's 1837, pp. 232-8). ** ^ Smith left numerous papers on Cotes and Newton to the Rev. Edward Howkins, who in 1779 bequeathed them to the college. From them was collected the * Correspondence of Newton and Cotes,' edited by the Rev. J. Edleston in 1850, and afterwards republished at Amsterdam. Twenty to thirty letters from Newton to Cotes were borrowed from Smith by Conduitt for his projected life of Newton, and never returned (BEKTLET, Cor- sums of money in the hands of the, -poet ii. 776-7). Letters to Smith Cowper for the benefit of the poor at Gluey T, Life and Works of Cowper, i On 11 July 1796, as a reward for Ms ., . -, lity and the support which he secured to Janaes BradleyV Works and Correspondence ' Pitt through Ms pocket-boroughs Midhurst (182)^ pp. 401-3. His name frequently ', and Wendover, Smith was created Boron occurs in the diaries of John Byrom, with Carringtx>ii of Bolcot Lodge in the peerage of whom he was contemporary at Cambridge, Ireland, and om 20 Oct. 1797 Baron Camsg- &nd Byrom's verses on John Gilbert Cooper's ton of Upton, Nottinghamshire, in the Ea^- * Epistles from Aristippus in retirement/ in lish peerage. According to Wraxall, tte & letter to Dr. S , are supposed to be ad- was the only instance in which George HFa dressed to Smith. When Zachary Grey [q.v.l objections to giving English peerages to P&blished an ' Examination of the Fourteenth those engaged in trade were owreoi; bd ChapteroC Newton's Observations on Daniel,' also insinuates that the fajoaour was tte Smith 112 Smith regard of financial assistance rendered by o -tl * TKtt flarrinirton refuted this Smith to Pitt. a n 1802 in the ' Ps T o exiv P. 456). In of' thTbFnque ports, of Deal, and in uoe e Heutenant- colonel oTSe second battalion of the Cinque colonel oi ine SBUJ "f " ., 1Rfv > v~ en ter- ports /^ * f*g vcSb e Abbey, tamed Ptt at his MB*, WycomDe^ y OrfL lid i 1819TL.D? ofcambridge SriSd^ He was also a^ice-presidentof Umrersity. xie ! waa r These nave been recently remTestieated without reference to Smith's work by 0. E. Benham and others ('An Artificial Spec- Mo?,' Nature, vol. 1. [1894-5] paasL ,. Another brother, James Elimalet smith, is separately noticed, and a third brother, Micaiah Smith (1807-1867), vas a minister of the Scottish Mrk, and an orientalist. At nine Angus wnt to the Gksgow ar school, and at thirteen to the ow University, where he received a educad but ^ j^ broAer John, read Priestley's and other scientific works. On leavmg the university he became several families ui succession, first lulu. YVOaS uiu.J.c*j. "> --"5- i-j io/i Garrington married, first, on 6 July 170, Anne, eldest daughter of Lewyns Boldero Barnard of Cave Castle, Yorkshire ; by her he had one son, Robert John, born 16 Jan. 1796, who succeeded to the peerage, took the aame Carrington instead of Smith by royal license, dated 26 Aug. 1839, and died on 17 March 1868, being succeeded by his eldest son, Charles Robert, the present Lord Car- rington, who changed the family name from Carrington to Carington. The first lord had also seven daughters, of whom the second, Catherine Lucy, married Philip Henry, fourth earl Stanhope, and was mother of Philip Henry, fifth earl Stanhope fq T], and the seventh, Emily, married Lord Granville Charles Henry Somerset. [Annual Eegister, 1838, p. 225 (by Carring- ton's grandson, Earl Stanhope); Gent. Mag. 1838, ii. 545-6, 678 ; Official Returns of Members of Parl.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886; Burke's and 6L E. C.'s Peerages; Stanhope's Life of Pitt passim ; Wraxall's Posthumous Memoirs, 1836 ;'ife of Wilberforce, i. 77; Martin's Stories of Banks and Bankers.] A, P. P. SMITH, ROBERT ANGUS (1817- 1884), chemist, born in Glasgow on 15 Feb. 1817 was twelfth child and seventh son of John Smith of Loudoun, Ayrshire, and his wife Janet, daughter of James Thomson, a millowner at Strathaven (see W. ASDEBSON SMITH'S Shepherd 3 Smith, p. 13). AB elder brother, John (1800-1871), mas- ter at Perth Academy, wrote a paper on the * Origin of Colour and Theory of Light ? (Memoirs of Manchester Lit. ami Phil. Soc. [31 L 1, 1859), which contains original and stil unexplained experiments on the pro- duction of colour phenomena by rotating discs marked with black and white patterns. and worked under him at that town during 1839-41, proceeding PhJ). in ^1841. He was a fellow-worker there with A. W, Hofmann (1818-1892), Lyon (now Lord) Playfair, Dr. Edward Schunck, F.R.S., and John Stenhouse [q. v.] During his stay he gave much time to philosophy as well as chemistry. On his return to England at the end of 1841 he published a translation ^ of Liebig's work 'On the Azotised Nutritive Principles of Plants/ An early inclination towards a theological career revived, but was abandoned ; and in 1842 he became assistant to Dr. Playfair, who was at the time professor of chemistry at the Manchester Royal Insti- tution. Dr. Playfair's interest ^in the work of the health of towns commission, of which the sanitary reformer, Edwin (afterwards Sir Edwin) Chadwick (1801-1890), was the moving spirit, led Smith to gay attention to sanitary chemistry, and to this subject he de- Toted the greater part of his life. He decided to settle as a consulting chemist m Man- chester, and on 29 April 1845 he was elected member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, of which he was pre- sident from April 1864 till April 1866. In 1847 he published his first paper ^ on air (Memoirs of the Chemical Society, ui. 311), in which he made the important suggestion that the organic matter given out in re- spiration may be more injurious than the carbonic acid. He collected the moisturjJ condensed on the window-pane of a crowded room, and examined the residue left after evaporation. In the same year he reported to the metropolitan sanitary commission on this subject ; and also examined water de- rived from peaty soil. In 1848 (Brit ^^ Report, p. 16) he pointed out that the or- Smith i] I^matterintroduced into natural waters is I got rid of in nature, especially in porous soils, j IT means of oxidation, nitrogenous matter | being partially converted into nitrates. This i theory he supported by numerous subsequent j experiments. In 1849 he examined various i problems connected with sewage, and made i important suggestions, which are still^ under j discussion, with regard to its canalisation and treatment. In 1851 Smith began his most extensive i research. The fact that the ratio between the | amounts of oxygen and nitrogen present in the air varies exceedingly little under the ' most varied conditions of time and place had ; led to the impression that chemical analysis J was unable to discover the impurities of town | air which were made evident by their effect oa human health, and even in certain cases by smell. Smith set himself systematically j to combat this notion, and began by making j a series of determinations of the sulphur i compounds introduced into the air by the | combustion of coal (Brit. Assoc. Report, \ 1851, pt. ii. p. 52). He followed this work ! up later by numerous determinations of j other impurities e.g. ammonia and carbonic j acid. In 1856 Smith published a memoir ! of John Dalton (1766-1844) [q. v.], which j embraced a history of the atomic theory from early times. The book displays erudition, common-sense, and impartiality of judgment wherever the issues were simple ; but Smith had not sufficient clearness of mind or of style (in spite of occasional happiness of ex- | pression) to make a first-rate historian, and he railed to explain the genesis of Dalton's ideas , (see ROSCOE and HABBE^'S New View of the , Atomic Theory). In 1857 he was elected ! F.R.S. In 1859 he lectured on the organic impurities of the air before the Royal j Institution, and described an ingenious me- j thod for a comparison of the relative \ amounts in different places. In 1864 Smith j contributed to the report of the royal mines commission an elaborate examination of the sir of mines and a comparison with that from various districts in large towns, and a physiological investigation of the effect of carbonic acid. In the same year Smith was elected chief inspector, under the Alkali Aet of 28 July 1863, which provided for tl^e inspection of alkali-works and other ' classes of factories (extended by the act of 1872), and for the infliction of fines when excessive amounts of acid vapours, likely to o' Dum- bl&jae v is remarkably beautiful and happy * { A European Magazine,* January 1816). His * Scotish Minstrel, a selection from the vocal melodies of Scotland ancient and modern/ waa published in six volumes, 1821-4, and reached a third edition, 1838-43, It is one of the best works on its subject, and many of the striking anonymous melodies are attri- butable to the editor. Songs by Tannahill, and others appropriately set by* Smith, first appeared in this work. * The editor erred in 5 Smith allowing certain female coadjutors, without acknowledgment, to tamper with the original words of some of the older songs. The k Irish Minstrel/ with similar musical equipment, appeared in one volume in 1625. In 1826 Smith published a practical i Introduction to Singing.' A first volume of Smith's * Se- lect Melodies, with appropriate Words, chiefly original, selected and arranged, with Symphonies and Accompaniments for the Pianoforte/ appeared in 1827. Ambitious and comprehensive, this work includes ex- amples of the greatest song-writers, but was not completed. Many pieces by contem- porary lyrists are anonymously set by Smith himself. To one of these/ MotherwelFs pathetic * Midnight Wind/ Tom Moore gave special praise. Smith further published : 1. l Sacred Music for the Use of St. George's, Edinburgh.' 2. 'The Sacred Harmony of the Church of Scotland ' { 1820). 3. 4 Sacred Music, consisting of Tunes, Sanctuses, &c., sung in St. George's Church ' (1825 ; other editions, 1830?, 1856, and 1567). 4. < An- thems for George Heriofs Day.' His music, virile, strenuous, and fluent, is still heard in the Scottish churches. His setting of the anthem i How beautiful upon the moun- tains * has been often reprinted. [Memoir of E. A. Smith, prefixed bj P. A. Kamsay to his edition of TannahiU's works; Sample's Poems and Soogs, and Correspondence of Robert Tannahill; McCouechy's Life of Motherwell; Harp of Eenf rewshire ; Brown's Paisley Poets.] T. B. SMITH, EOBEKT HENRY SODEK (1822-1890), keeper of the Art Library, South Kensington, was born on 2o Feb. 1822. His father, Kobert Smith of Birleton, Haddingtonshire, was a captain in tlie 44th regiment, and served for some years in India. On his return he received the appointment of Athlone pursuivant-at-arms under Sir Ber- nard Burke, and settled in ^Dublin. The son, Robert Henry, was brought up in Scotland, and then sent to Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, with a view to his ordination, but that design was not fulfilled. He became tutor to John Charles Pratt, earl of Breck- nock (afterwards third Marquis Camden), and formed a lasting friendship with his pupil. On 1 March 1857 he was chosen a member of the staff at the South Kensington Museum, London, was appointed assistant keeper of the art museum and library on 25 June following, and became keeper of the national Art Library on 3 April 1868, The library was in an embryonic stage in 1857 when Smith entered on his work, and he was really the organiser of this branea of th& Smith 116 Smith museum, In which he gave a free rein to Ms keen instinct as a collector. A lover of nature in every form, Smith made a special study of the ^ freshwater shells. In antiquarian pursuits he was equally interested in English and oriental pottery, and of both he formed large collec- tions. He also paid much attention to the history and forms of finger rings. As a juror he drew up the report on the porcelain at the exhibition of 1871. He also prepared the catalogue of the jewellery exhibited at South Kensington in 1872. He officially edited and partly compiled, for the use of students, several classified lists of books dealing with various arts and art industries, which are represented in the South Kensing- ton Museum. He resided at 65 The Grove, Hammersmith, but died, unmarried, in a private nursing home near Cavendish Square, on 20 June 1890. With his friend Professor A. H. Church, Smith brought out in 1890 some poems entitled ' Flower and Bird Posies.' [The Academy, 5 July 1890, p. 16, signed 5, i.e. G. Drury E. Fortnum. ; Athenaeum, 28 June 1890, p. 839 ; Times, 23 June 1890, p. 6 ; Illus- trated London News, 12 July 1890, p. 53, with portrait ; information from "W, H. James Weale, esq.] G. C. B. SMITH, ROBERT PAYNE (1819- 1895), dean of Canterbury. [See PATHOS SMITH.] SMITH, ROBERT PERCY, known as 'BoBrs' SXITH (1770-1845), advocate-gene- ral of Bengal, born in 1770, was eldest son of Robert Smith, and brother of Sydney Smith "q. v." He entered Eton College in 1782, and be'came very intimate with John HookhamFrere [q.v.j, George Canning jq.v.], and Henry Richard Yassall Fox, third lord Holland [q.v.] With them in 1786 he started the school magazine entitled 'The Micro- cosm/ which ran for nearly a year, and pro- cured for Smith an introduction to Queen Charlotte. In 1788 he became a scholar on Dr. Battie's foundation, and in 1791 obtained Sir William Browne's medal for the best Latin ode. In the same year he entered King ? s College. Cambridge, and graduated B.A. in 1794 and M.A. in 1797. On 4 July of the same year he was called to the bar of Lincoln's Inn. In 1803, through the influ- ence of William Petty, first marouis of Lansdowne [q v.], and Sir Francis Baring [q. v.], he obtained the appointment of ad- vocate-general ot Bengal. In seven years he returned to England with a fortune, and settled in London. While in India he allowed iis brother Sydney 100/. a year, and on his return lent him 5007. towards the expenses of his move into the country, and gave lOG/. a year to support Sydney's eldest son at West- minster. In 1812 Smith entered parliament as mem- ber for Grantham, but made no reputation as a speaker. At the general election of 1813 he contested Lincoln unsuccessfully, but two- years later he won the seat and sat as the representative of the borough until his retire- ment after the dissolution of 1826. Although Robert Percy never attained the fame of his brother Sydney, with whom he- always maintained very affectionate rela- tions, yet those who were intimate with both held that i Bobus * equalled, if he did not surpass, him in the very qualities for which the younger was renowned. He was a man of great originality, a profound thinker, and of wide grasp of mind. His wit was pro- verbial, and his conversation provoked the- admiration of Madame de Stael. His lan- guage was characterised by Canning as * the essence of English, 7 and Landor declared that his Latin hexameters would not have dis- credited Lucretius. He died on 10 March 1845 at his house in Savile Row, London. His country residence was at Cheam, Surrey. In 1797 he married Caroline, daughter of Richard Vernon, M.P. for Tavistcek. She was half-sister of the mothers of the third Lord Holland and of the third Lord Lans- downe. By her Smith was father of Robert. Vernon Smith, baron Lyveden [q. v.] A number of Smith's Latin verses were- published by his son under the title of i Early Writings of Robert Percy Smith/ Chiswick r 1850, 4to. [Reid's Life and Times of Sydney Smith, pp. 4-14; Annual Register, 1845, p. 258; obituary notice by Lord Morpeth in the Morn- ing Chronicle, March 1845, reproduced as a pre- face to Early Writings; Harwoods Alumni Etonenses, p. 357; Memoirs of Sir James* , Mackintosh,!. 137, 208.] E. I. C. SMITH (afterwards TEENOK ), ROBERT VERNON, BABOS- LYVEDES- (1800-1873), who was the nephew of Sydney Smith [q. v J, the witty canon of St. Paul's, was the only surviving son of Robert Percy Smith ( 4 Bobus r Smith) [q.v.] He was born on 23 Feb. 1800, and, having spent several years at Eton, ma- triculated from Christ Church, Oxford, on 2 Feb. 1819 ? graduating B. A. (second class in classics) 1822, and the same year became a. student of the Inner Temple, but was never called to the bar. Smith married, on 15 July 1823, Emma Mary, daughter of John, second earl of Upper Ossory, and, being attracted by a political career, was chosen at a by-elec- tion for Tralee in June 1829, and re-elected Smith 117 Smith the following year. On the accession of the | counted the most accurate disputant and whigs to power under Earl Grey, he accepted ; profound philosopher in the universitv' oice as a junior lord of the treasury in | (WooD. Athena Oxon. ii. 283). He died oa November 1830, and discharged its duties j 17 June 1620, and was buried in the chapel until the fall of Melbourne's first administra- j of ]Magdalen College. tion in November 1834. ^ In Melbourne's j Besides contributing verses to the univer- second ministry he was joint secretary to j sity collections on the death of Henry, prince the board of control for the affairs of India, of *Wales, 1612, and on the marriage of the April 1835 to September 1839, and under- Prince Palatine, 1613, he was author of a secretary of state for war and the colonies popular elementary manual of logic, entitled from, that date till September 1841, being , 'Aditus ad Logieam, in usum eorum qui sworn a member^of the privy council on , primo Academiam salutant,' Oxford. 1613 1621, 1627, 1633, 1639, &c., 8vo. [Bloxam's Keg. of Magd. Coll. v. 29 ; Oxford Univ. Beg. vol. ii. pt. iv. 388 ; Foster's Alumni fWrvn ftaWlxr ea- ITT 1 9QA . "\Trt/3 ..' /\_/* _j press ] i>. 1380; Madan's Oxford SMITH, SAMUEL (1584-1662?), ejected 21 Aug. 1841. When Lord John Russell formed his first ministry in 1846, he did not apportion any office to Smith, who, how- ever, joined "his government as secretary- at-war during the last three weeks of its existence, 6 to 28 Feb. 1852. Under Lord Palmerston he was president of the board of f , control, with a seat in the cabinet from j divine, born near Dudley about 1584 t was February 1855 to March 1858, during the ; the son of a clergyman. In the beginning of eventful period of the Indian mutiny. At ! 1603 he entered St. Mary Hall, Oxford, as a the general election of 1831 he was elected batler, but left the university without a degree. iLP. for Northampton, for which he was j He was presented to the living of Prittlewell afterwards re-elected ten times (at every j & Essex on 30 Nov. 1615 by Robert, lord Rich election except one at the head of the poll), j [see under Pacn,PiOTEaopE,LAi)YBiCH]. On but vacated his seat on being raised to the I the outbreak of the civil war Smith retired peerage as Baron Lyveden on 28 June 1859. By royal license on 14 July following he re- ceived permission to use the surname of Ver- non only instead of Smith, and to bear the arms of Yernon quarterly in the first quarter with his paternal arms, his issue having pre- viously been similarly authorised by royal license on 5 Aug. 1845. Lyveden, who was for many years a metropolitan commissioner in lunacy (established pursuant to 2 and 3 Will.^ Fv , c. 107), had his country seat at Farming Woods, near Thrapstone,Is orthamp- tpnshire, of which county he was a deputy lieutenant. He was created a G.C.B. on 13 July 1872, and died on 10 Nov. 1873. Lvveden edited in 1848 'Horace Wai- pole s Letters to the Countess of Ossory/and in 1850 the f Early Writings ' of his father, His speech in proposing the second reading ' of the Church Rates Abolition Bill in the ' House of Lords was printed in 1860, [Official Eetnra of Members of Parliament ; Foster's Peerage ; Alison's Autobiography ; Fos- ter's Alumni Oxon J W. E. "W. SMITH, SAMUEL (1587-1620), writer on logic, born in Lincolnshire in 1587, was entered as a commoner at Magdalen Hall. Oxford, on 19 Oct. 1604, and became a fellow of Magdalen College in 1608. He graduated BJL on 25 Jan. 1608-9, M.A. 23 May 1612, and bachelor of medicine 15 April 1620. He was appointed junior proctor of the uni- on 28 April 1620, being then < ac- to London for safety, and identified himself with the presbyterians. He became famed as a preacher, and in 1648 received from parliament the perpetual curacy of Cound and Cressage in Shropshire, on the death of Richard Wood, the rector, sequestered for delinquency (Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. i. 26 #). On his settlement in the county he was appointed an assistant to the commis- sion for the ejection of * scandalous and ignorant ministers and schoolmasters.' In 1654 he was temporarily appointed to jjreaeh in Hereford Minster and the adjacent country, in place of Richard Belamaia (Cat. State Papers, Bom. 1654, p. 224). On the Restoration he was ejected from Ms living 1 at Cpund, The date of Ms death is un- certain. Wood says that he was living in 1663, but if he be identical with Samuel Smith of Sandon in Essex, as Galamy be- lieves, he was buried on 2 April 1662 (0&- tuary of J&cfard Smyt&, ed. Ellis, p. 55). Besides many separate sermons, Smith published : 1* * Bavid's Repentance, or a plain and familiar exposition of the Fiftv- first Psalm/ London, 1618, 12mo, which went through many editions. About 1765 a so-called thirty-first edition was printed au Newcastle-on-I^ne, which bears no resent blance to the original work. 2. * Joseph and his Mistress: five Sermons,' London, 1619, 8yo. 8. ' Christ's Last Supper, or the Boo- trine of the Sacrament : five Sermons,* LOB- don, 1620, 8vo. 4. 'The Great Assbe; ortlie Smith i Day of Jubilee,' London, 1628 (4th ed.) ; 1642, 12mo ; 47th ed. 1757, 12mo. 5. ' The Ethio- pian Eunuch's Conversion, the sum of Thirty Sermons/ London, 1632, 8vo. 6. David's Blessed Man : a short exposition of the First Psalm/ London, 1635, 8vo ; several editions. 7. ; Malice Stript and "VvTiipt/ an attack on the Quakers, wMch called forth in answer * Innocency cleared from Lyes, in Reply to " Mab'ce Stript and "Whipt," ' by I. B., Lon- don, 1658, 4to, and as a counter rejoinder, * Innocents no Saints, or a Pair of Spectacles for a dark-sighted Quaker/ London, 1658, 4to. 8 'A Fold for Christ's Sheep/ 32nd ed. London, 1684, 8vo. Wood says he had seen many editions of Smith's { Christian's Guide, with Rules and Directions for a Holy Life.' [Wood's Athens Oxon, ed. Bliss, iii. 656; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Calamy's Nonconformist's Memorial, ed. Palmer, ii. 214, iii. 144; Chambers's Biographical Illustrations of Worcestershire, p. 115; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. iv. 501, iii. 200, 501 ; Bodleian Library Cat.] E. I. C. SMITH, SIB SIDNEY (1764-1840), ad- miral, [See SMITH, SIB WILLIAK SIDNEY.] SMITH, STEPHEN (1623-1678), quaker, born on 19 Sept. 1623, was a foreign mer- chant, and in the early part of his life lived for a time at Scanderoon, the port of Aleppo in Asia Minor. Returning to England, he married, and lived at Pirbright. There, in 1665, he became a quaker through the preach- ing of George Whitehead [q. v. j His brother, John Smith of Worplesdon, Surrey, was first convinced. Stephen was imprisoned at South- wark with Whitehead and others for a month in 1668 for holding a meeting at Elsted. In 1670 he was fined 24/. for preaching in the street at Guildford, the quakers being at the time barred out of their meeting-house. George Fox stayed with Smith soon alter, and speaks of his losses (Journal, ed. 1891, ii. 130). A few months later, while preaching at Ratclifie, Smith was arrested by soldiers and sent to Newgate for six months. In 1673 3?ox held a meeting of several hundreds of persons at his house. Gabriel or Giles Oifiey, the vicar of Worplesdon, in which parish, he held land, sent brm to the Mar- shalsea prison for six months for non-pay- ment of tithes. OiSey also seized his five head of cattle in 1677, in lieu of 50*. tithe due. A few years later Smith travelled with Fox in Somerset, where they drew up * a breviat of sufferings * for that county to present to the judges at Gloucester. Smith died on 22 Sept. 1678 ; he was buried at Worplesdon on the 26th, His wife Susanna [8 Smith i survived him. Three or four children prede- ceased him. He was author of: 1. ' A Trum- pet sounded in the Ears of Persecutors/ \ 1670, 4to. 2. ' A Proclamation to all t he- Inhabitants of England concerning 1 Fastinz i and Prayer/ 1672-3, 4to. 3. 4 The Blessed i Works of the Light of God's Holy and i Blessed Spirit/ 1673, 4to. 4. 4 Wholesome ; Advice and Information/ 1676, 4to; here he- contrasts the conduct of the Turks with tlat i of some Christians. j [Whitehead's Christian Progress, pp. 291,. j 319, 320; Whitings Persecution Exposed, p. ; 12 ; Marsh's Early Friends in Surrey and Sussex, | p. 20 ; Basse's Sufferings, i. 431, 699, 7uO ; Fox's- i Journal, ed. 1891, pp. 203, 264, 318; Smiths I Cat. of Friends' Books, ii. 599; Registers at j Devonshire House.] C. F. S. SMITH, STEPHEN CATTERSOX (1806-1872), portrait-painter and president of the Ptoyal Hibernian Academy, born at Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, on "12 March I 1806, was son of Joseph Smith, artist and j coach-painter, and Anne, his wife, daughter I of Stephen Catterson of Gawflat, Yorkshire. i His parents removed early in his life to- j Hull, and at the age of about sixteen Smith ; came up to London to support himself by the practical study of art. Obtaining admission ', to the schools of the Royal Academy, he i distinguished himself in the competitions i there, and afterwards studied in Paris. He first attracted notice by Ms skill in drawing i portraits in black chalk, many of these being published in lithography by Richard James : Lane, A.R. A. [q. vj He made drawings of i this class for H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, ! of Queen Victoria (as princess), the duchess herself, the King of Hanover, and other- members of the royal family. He then re- ! moved for a few years to Yeovil in Somerset- j shire, returning, however, to London about i 1838, when he exhibited some portraits at ! the Royal Academy. About 1840 he received i some commissions to paint portraits in Ire- j land, which led him to settle first at London- derry, and afterwards at Dublin, where he- spent the remainder of his life. At Dublin ! Smith quickly became the leading portrait- i painter of the day, and was considered very i successful with Ms likenesses both in male j and female portraits, painting something in ! the manner of Sir Thomas Lawrence [q. v.] I Nearly every distinguished person in Ireland | sat to Smith during his career in Dublin, in- ! eluding all the lord-lieutenants of Ireland for thirty years. In 1854 he painted from the , life a full-length portrait of Queen "Victoria j for the corporation of Dublin. Many of his ( portraits were engraved. Smith was elected an associate of the Royal Hibernian Aca- Smith 119 Smith demy of Arts on 11 May 1844, a full mem- ber on 13 Sept. following, and was elected president on 7 March 1859, holding this post until 1864. He was re-elected in 1868, but held the post for only a few months. He continued topaint up to the time of his death, which occurred suddenly on 20 May 1872. Smith married, in 184*5, Anne, daughter of Bobert Titus Wyke, an English artist, resid- ing at Wexford* She was herself a minia- ture-painter. By her Smith left six sons and four daughters, of whom Stephen Catter- gon Smith (a member of the Royal Hiber- nian Academy and practising in Dublin) and Bobert Catterson Smith (practising in Lon- don) also adopted art as a profession. [Private information.] L. C. SMITH, SYDNEY (1771-1845), canon of St. Paul's, born on 3 June 1771 at Woodford, Essex, was the second son of Robert Smith. The latter had lost his father, a London merchant, in early youth. He retired from business, married Maria Olier, daughter of a French refugee, left her at the church door to * wander over the world/ and, after returning, bought, spoilt, and then sold nineteen dif- ferent places in England, ultimately settling at Bishop"^ Lydiard, Somerset, where he died in 1827, aged 88. Mrs. Smith was vivacious, modest, and beautiful, resembling Mrs. Sid- dons. The Smiths had four other children : Robert Percy Smith (known as * Bobus ') [q, v.], born in 1770; Cecil in 1772; Courtenay in 1773, and Maria in 1774. The sister, after her mother's death in 1802, took care of her father till her own death in 1816. The boys showed talent at an early age, especially by incessant argumentation. In the interests of fraternal peace the father sent Robert and Cecil to Eton, while Sydney and Courtenay west to Winchester. Sydney, after some time under a Mr. Marsh at Southampton, was ad- mitted upon the foundation at Winchester on 19 July 1782. He was bullied and half starved, and had to write * about ten thousand Latin verses,' which were probably worse than his brother's, and which he at any rate re- gretted as sheer waste of life and time. He and Courtenay, however, won so many prizes that their schoolfellows sent in a round-robin refusing to compete against Mm. He was * prefect of the hall* in his last year, and on 5 Feb. 1789 became a scholar of New Col- lege, Oxford. At the end of his second year's residence he succeeded to a fellowship, which then brought 1QO a year. On this he sup- ported himself without help from his father, and managed to pay a debt of 301. for his fefcot&er Courtenay. Nothing is known of Smith's Oxford career, He spent some months | during this time in Normandy, where he had I to join a Jacobin club in ord"er to avoid sus- picion, and became a good French scholar. j His father thought that he had done enough i for his family by supporting i Bobus 1 during his^ studies for the bar, and obtaining Indian writerships for Cecil and Courtenay. He told Sydney that he might be * a tutor or a parson.' Sydney, who had wished to go to the bar, was compelled to take orders. He was ordained in 1794 to the curacy of Nether Avon on Salisbury Plain. The squire of the \ parish was Michael Hicks Beach of William- ] strip Park, Fairford, Gloucestershire. Beach helped Smith in plans for improving the con- dition of the poor in that secluded parish, and in setting up a Sunday school, then the novelty of the day. He took a great liking to the young curate, and in 1797 asked foinr? to become travelling tutor to his eldest son, Michael, the grandfather of the present Sir M. Hicks Beach, A scheme for a sojourn at Weimar was given up on account of the war, and Smith ultimately took his pupil to Edinburgh, which he reached in June 1798 (STUABT J. REID, p. 39). Many other young men in a similar position were attracted to Edinburgh at this time by the fame of Dugald Stewart and the difficulties of access to the continent. Smith, always the most sociable of men, formed many intimacies with them and with the natives. Though he made end- less fun about the incapacity of Scots to take a joke without t a surgical operation, 1 they at least appreciated the humour of Smith him- self. He formed lasting friendships with Jeffrey, Brougham, Francis Homer, Lord Webb Seymour, and others, and before leaving became an original member of the < Friday Club' with Dugald Stewart, Play- fair, Alison, and Scott. He was on the most cordial terms with his pupil, and wrote letters full of fun and sense to the parents. In 1800 he went to England to marry Catherine Amelia, daughter of John Pybus of Cheam, Surrey, a friend of his sister's, to whom he had long been engaged. The marriage took place at Cheam on July 1800. The lady's father was dead, and, though her mother ap- proved, her brother Charles, at one time a lord of the admiralty, was indignant, and broke off all relations with his sister. Smith's whole fortune consisted of * six small silver teaspoons ; 7 but his bride had a small dowry, which he settled upon her. Mr. Beach pre- sented the Smiths with a cheque for 75G& Smith gave 100/. to an old lady in distress, and invested the remainder in the tecls. He then returned to Edinburgh. His papil had entered Christ Church, but was replaced by a younger brother. Smith had a second Smith 120 Smith pupil, Alexander Gordon of Ellon Castle. For each of them he received 400/. a year, the ( highest sum which had then been given to any one except Dugald Stewart ' (LADT HGLLAXD, p. 98). During Ms stay at ! Edinburgh he preached occasionally at the Charlotte Chapel, and published in 1800 six of his sermons. Dug-aid Stewart declared that Smith's preaching gave him ' a thrilling sensation of sublimity never before awakened by any oratory 1 (ib. i. 127). In 'March 1802 Smith proposed to his friends Jeffrey and Brougham to start the i Edinburgh Review' (accounts in detail are given by Smith in the preface to his Col- lected Articles ; GOCEBTTKS", Jeffrey, i. 12t5- 137; and in BBOTTGHAM'S Life and Times, i. 251, 252), suggesting as a motto ( Tenui Musam meditamur avena.* Though not for- mally editor, he superintended the first three , numbers. Smith contributed nearly eighty articles during the next twenty-five years (see list in LADY HOLLAR, voL i. App.) The , great success of the review brought a repu- ; tation to the chief contributors. Smith's ; articles are among the best, and are now the most readable. Many of them are mere trifles, but nearly all show his characteristic : style. He deserves the credit of vigorously ; defending doctrines then unpopular, and now i generally accepted. Smith was a thorough whig of the more enlightened variety, and 1 his attacks upon various abuses, though not , in advance of the liberalism of the day, gave i him a bad name among the dispensers of patronage at the time. T7is honesty and ! manliness are indisputable. Smith now re- solved to leave Edinburgh, in spite of a ; request from the Beaches, with whom he : always retained his friendship, that he would ; continue his tutorial duties. He resolved to settle in London, in order to make a more permanent position. He settled after a time at a small house in Doughty Street, and i looked about for a preachership. His wife ' sold some jewels presented to her by her i mother for 500/. He presumably made some- j thing from the ( Edinburgh Review/ and he ! derived assistance from his brother * Bobus.' j Lady Holland says, however, that Sydney's j finances at this period are * enigmatic * (p. 123). Congregations to which he gave two or three * random sermons* thought him mad, and the clerk, he says, was afraid that he might bite. Sir Thomas Bernard [q.v.] took a morefavour- able view ofhis style, and obtainedhis appoint- j ment to the preachership at the Foundling i Hospital, worth 50/. a year. He also preached j alternately at the Fitzroy Chapel and the Berkeley Chapel. His fresh and racy preach- ing filled seats and the pockets of the proprie- tor. Through Bernard he was also invited to lecture upon 6 Moral Philosophy ' at the Itoyal Institution. He gave three courses in 1804, 1805, and 1806, receiving 50/. for the first and 120/. for the second, which enabled him to move into a better house in Orchard Street. The lecturer modestly professed to aim at no more than a popular exposition of ' moral philosophy,' by which he meant Scot- tish psychology; but the ingenuity and humour of his illustrations, and his frequent- touches of shrewd morality, made them sin- gularly successful. Albemarle Street was impassable. Galleries had to be added in the lecture-hall. There was such < an uproar/ says Smith (LADY HOLLAND, ii. 487), as he ' never remembered to have been excited by any other literary imposture.' Mrs. Marcet was alternately in fits of laughter and rapt enthusiasm, and Miss Fanshawe [q. v." 1 bought a new bonnet to go to them, and Vrote an ode to celebrate the occasion. Smith's friendships lay chiefly among rising lawyers and men of letters. He provided weekly suppers at Ms house, with leave for any of his circle to drop in as they pleased. He belonged to the { Kijig of Clubs' founded by his brother and Mackin- tosh, which included Komilly, Sam Rogers, Brougham, and others, chiefly of the whig persuasion (Life of Mackintosh, i. 138). Smith was naturally introduced at Holland House, the social centre of all the whig party, his sister-in-law being Lord Holland's aunt. Smith was for once shy when entering the august house of which the true whig spoke with ' bated breath/ but soon learnt to hold his own even with Lady Holland. When the whigs were in power in 1806, Erskine, at the request of the Hollands, gave Smith the chancery living of Foston-le-Clay, eight miles from York, worth 500/. a year. His preachership at the Foundling Hospital made residence unnecessary, and, after settling that a clergyman should go over from York to perform services, he continued in London. In 1807 he published the Plymley letters in defence of catholic emancipation his most effectual piece of work. Sixteen editions were printed in the year. The letters were anonymous. The government, he says (pre- face to Works), took pains, without success, to discover the author. Somehow or other the authorship came to be guessed, he adds, though he f always denied it,' The secret was probably not very serious, and was cer- tainly known to his friends, Lords Holland and Grenville (LAJ>T HOLLAND, i. 131), who agreed in pointing out that Swift, the only author whom it recalled, 'had lost a bi- shoprick for his wittiest performance/ When the * residence bEP was passed in 1808 Smith 121 Smith the archbishop of York called upon Smith. to attend personally to Ms parish. Kb clergy- man had resided for 150 years, and the par- sonage-house was a ' hovel,' worth 50/. at the highest estimate. Smith had either to exchange his living or to build with the help of Queen Anne's bounty. He took his family to Heslington, two miles from York, in June 1809. He could thence perform his duties at Foston, and try to arrange for an exchange. As an exchange could not he effected, he resolved to build in 1813, though the archbishop ultimately excused him, and finally moved into his new house in March 1314. The exile from London was painful, and Smith's biographers appear to think that he was somehow hardly treated. He took his position, however, cheerfully, and settled down to a country life. Smith was his own architect, and built a comfortable parsonage-house and good farm buildings. He bought an 'ancient green chariot/ which he christened the 'Immortal,* to be drawn by his carthorses; had his furniture made by the village carpenter; caught up a girl 'made like a milestone,' christened her ' Bunch/ and appointed her butler. He made her repeat a quaint cate- chism, defining her various faults. Her jeal name was Annie Kay, and she nursed him in his last illness. His servants never left J"'TT> except from death or marriage. He learnt farming, and wrote an amusing account of his first experiments to the 'Farmers' Journal' (given in Constable and his Correspondents) iii. 131 ,) He bred horses, though he could seldom ride with- out a fall. He was full of quaint devices ; directed his labourers with the help of a telescope and a speaking-trumpet; and invented a 'universal scratcher 7 for his cattle. He became a magistrate, got up Blackstone, and was famous for making up quarrels and treating poachers gently. He had attended medical lectures at Edinburgh, and by his presence of mind had saved the lives of more than one person in emergencies. He now set up a dispensary and became village doctor. He helped the poor by pro- viding them with gardens at a nominal rent, still called ' Sydney's Orchards ' (S. 3". REED, p.^184). He was on the friendliest terms with the farmers, whom he had to dinner, And learnt, in Johnson's phrase, to Halk of routs,' He studied Rumford to discover the "best modes ^ of providing cheap food for the poor, and his ingenious shrewdness recalls Franklin, whom he specially admired (LADY HOLMSB, ii. 136}. Smith found time for a good deal of reading, laying out systematic jslaaB for keeping up his classics as well as reading miscellaneous literature. He was writing French exercises in the last year of his life (MooBE, Diaries^ vii. 370). He had to work in the midst of his family. He was devoted to children, lived with his own on the most ^intimate terms, and delighted them with his stories. Smith's retirement and comparative poverty cut him off from much social intercourse ; but he occasionally made trips to London or Edinburgh, or received old friends on their travels. He became specially intimate with Lord Grey, to whom he paid an annual visit at Howick, and with the fifth and sixth earls of Car- lisle, whose seat, Castle Howard, is four miles from Foston. His position was im- proved by the death of Ids father's sister in 1820, who left him a fortune of 400/. a year. The Duke of Devonshire, at Lord Carlisle's request, soon afterwards gave him the living of Londesborough, to be held till Ms nephew (a son of Lord Carlisle) should be of age to take it. Smith kept a curate, visiting the parish, which is within a drive, two or three times a year. He now, for the first time, was at his" ease. Anxiety about money matters had hitherto been a frequent cause of depression (Lu>Y HOLLAND, i. 254). His opinions or other causes had excluded him from preferment. In the spring of 1825 meetings of the clergy of Cleveland and Yorkshire were held to pro- test against catholic emancipation. Smith attended both, and made his first political speeches. He proposed a petition in favour of emancipation, which received only two other signatures, and at the second meeting was in a minority of one. The change of ministry in 1827 improved his chances. After Canning's death he wrote to a friend in power, stating his claims (LiDY HOLULND* L 258). At last, in January 1828, Lord Lyndhurst, the chancellor, though a politi- cal opponent, gave him a prebend at Bristol, from private friendship. Smith confessed frankly Ms delight on at last finding the spell broken which had prevented his prefer- ment. He confessed with equal frankness that he was f the happier ' every guinea he gained (LADY HOULASD, i. 273). He gave up writing in the * Edinburgh Eeview ' as not becoming to a dignitary. He offended the corporation of Bristol by preaching in favour of catholic emancipation j and a sermon on 5 Nov. 1828 induced them to give up for many years their custom of celebrating the day by a state visit to the cathedral. He now exchanged Foston for Combe-Flaarey, Somerset, six miles from Taunton. to which he moved in 1829. He brought hk old ser- vants, while he could now for the first tinae Smith Smith afford a library, began at once to rebuild Ms parsonage, welcomed his old friend Jeffrey, and soon made friends of his parishioners. He attended reform meetings, and on ' II Oct. 1631 made Ms famous speech at , TanntoDj comparing the House of Lords to Mrs. Partington resisting the Atlantic Ocean. Mrs. Partington at once became proverbial. Lord Grey had, in the previous month, made him canon-residentiary of St. Paul's. He had now made up his mind that he was un- equal to a bishopric, bat, as his daughter ', tells us, he was deeply hurt that his friends never gave him the opportunity of refusing ; one (LADY HOLLAND, i. 262)." Henceforth ! he had to reside three months of the year ] in London. He showed himself to be a good i man of business in cathedral matters, and his sermons were admitted to be forcible and dignified. He was, however, chiefly famous for his social charm, He was ac- quainted with everybody of any mark, and a iamil iar figure at the Athenaeum dub. On the death of his brother Courtenav, in 1839, he inherited 50,000/., and took a house, No. 56 Green Street^Grosvenor Square (pulled down in December 1896), where he could fully indulge his hospitable propensities. Smith's reforming zeal showed its limits on the appointment of the ecclesiastical com- mission. He found himself ' arguing against the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London for the existence of the National Church/ namely, in the 4 Letters to Arch- deacon Thomas Singleton * [q. v.], published in 1837. Xobody could put more wittily the argument that, by levelling church incomes, the inducements to men of ability to become clergymen would be seriously diminished. He of course did not object to reform in the abstract/ but to a given reform. Smith, however, though a good whig, had a thorough aversion to radicals or levellers, and had expressed similar opinions in early articles (LJJDY HOLLAND, i. 324 ; and article on < Curates' Salary Bill '). Smith wrote a pamphlet against the ballot in 1839. His last literary perfor- mance was a petition to the United States congress ia 1843 complaining of the state of Pennsylvania, which had suspended the interest on its bond; he published it in the * Morning Chronicle/ and followed it by letters which made some sensation in both countries. Payments were resumed soon after his death. The last years of his life., however, passed peacefully; and his letters show the old spirit to the end. In the autumn of 1844 he was brought from Combe-Florey to be under the care of his son-in-law, Dr. Holland. He died at Green Street on 22 Feb. 1845. and was buried at Kensal Green. Mrs. Smith died in 1852. Four of SmitL's children survived infancy. Saba, bom in 1802 (a name which he invented in ord-r that she might not have two commonplace names), married Dr. (afterwards Sir) Henry Holland in 1824, wrote her father s life, and died in 1866 ; Douglas, born 1805, was dis- tinguished at Westminster and Christ Church, and died on 15 April 1829, to L:s father's lasting sorrow ; Emily, born in 1507, married Nathaniel Hibbert of Munden House, Watford, on 1 Jan. 1828, and died in 1874; Windham was born in 1813, and survived Ms father. Bishop Monk of Gloucester said (see thir 1 Letter to Singleton) that Smith had got his canonry for being a scoffer and a jester. The same qualities were said by others to have prevented his preferment in the vir- tuous davs of tory ministers. His jesting is undeniable. People, as Greville says (Journals 7 2nd ser. ii. 273), met him prepared to laugh ; and conversation became a series of i pegs ' for Smith ( to hang his jokes on/ His drollery produced uproarious merriment. Mackintosh is described as rolling on the floor, and Ms servants had often to leave the room in fits of laughter (MooKB, Jour- nals, vol. vi. p. xiii ; BROUGHAM , Life and Times, i. 246). If he sometimes verged upon buffoonery, he avoided the worst faults of the professional wit. His fun was the sponta- neous overflow of superabundant animal spirits. He was neither vulgar nor malicious. *' You have been laughing at me for seven years/ said Lord Dudley, * and have not said a word that I wished unsaid r (LA3>Y HOLLAND L 417). He burnt a pamphlet of Ms own wMch he thought one of * the cleverest he had ever read/ because he feared that it might give pain to his antagonists (ib. ii.427). His wildest extravagances, too, were often the veMcle of sound arguments, and his humour generally played over the surface of strong good sense. His exuberant fun did not imply sconing. He was sensitive to the charge of indifference to the creed which lie professed. He took pains to protest against any writing by his allies wMch might shock believers. He had strong religious convic- tions, and could utter them solemnly and impressively. It must, however, be admitted that his creed was such as fully to account for the suspicion. In theology he followed Paley, and was utterly averse to all mysti- cism in literature or religion. He ridiculed the evangelicals/ and attacked the metho- dists with a bitterness exceptional in his writinga He equally despised in later days Smith 123 Smith the party then called 'Puseyites.' He was far more suspicious of an excess than of a defect of zeal. His writings upon the esta- blished church show a purely secular view of the questions at issue. He assumes that a clergyman is simply a human "being in a gurplice, and the church a branch of the civil sendee. He had apparently few cleri- cal intimacies, and his chief friends of the 'Edinburgh Eeview' and Holland House were anything hut orthodox. Like other clergymen of similar tendencies, he was naturally regarded "by his brethren as some- thing of a traitor to their order. Nobody, however, could discharge the philanthropic duties of a parish clergyman more ener- getically, and his general goodness and the strength of his affections are as unmistak- able as his sincerity and the masculine force of his mind. A portrait in oils, by E.TL Eddis, belongs to Miss Holland. An engraving from a portrait of Smith is in later editions of his i "Works ; 7 and one from a miniature is in the t Life ' by Mr. Beid. A caricature is in the Maclise Portrait Gallery. Smith's works are: 1. Six Sermons, preached at Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, 1800. 2. Sermons, 1801. 3. < Letters on the Subject of the Catholics to my brother Abraham, who lives in the Country, by Peter Plymley/ 1807-8; collected 1808. 4. Sermons, 1809, 2 vols. 8vo. 5. < Letter to the Electors on the Catholic Question,' 1808. 6. ' Three Letters to Archdeacon Singleton/ 1837-8-9, collected. 7. 'The Ballot,' 1839. 8. < Works/ 1839, 3 vols. 8vo. A fourth volume in 1840. Later editions in 3 vols., 1845, 1847, 1848. The Travellers' edition ' appeared in 1850, and was reprinted in 1851 and 1854. The i Pocket edition,' in 3 yols. 8vo, 1854; the 'People's edition/ 2 vols. cr. 8vo, in 1859 ; and a new edition, in 1 vol. cr. 8vo, in 1869. This collection includes the Plymley and Singleton letters, most of the * Edinburgh Review' articles, the 'Ballot 7 pamphlet, notices of Mackintosh, and Homer, a few sermons, speeches, and fragments. 9. l A, Fragment on the Irish Roman Catho- lic Church/ 1845 (six editions). 10. 'Ser- mons at St. Paul's, the ^Foundling Hospi- tal, and several churches in London/ 1846. 11. ' Elementary Sketches of Moral Philo- sophy/ delivered at the Royal Institution in 1804, 1805, 1806 (privately printed and afterwards published in 1850) ; some sermons were separately printed, * Selections * were C* ^ished in 1855, and his Wit and Wis- * in 1861. Smith wrote an account of English misrule in Ireland, which made * so fearful a picture* that he hesitated to publish it. In 1847 Mrs. Smith showed it to Macaulay, by whose advice it was sup- pressed as a repetition of grievances since abolished, and likely to serve demagogues (LADY HOLLAND, i. 189). [The chief authority for Smith's life is A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith, by his daughter, Lady Holland, with a selection from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Aiistin, 2 rols. 8vo T 1855 (cited from 3rd edition). This contains many anecdotes collected by Smith's widow, and, after her death, prepared by his daughter. A Sketch of the Life and Times of Smith, by Stuart J. Eeid, 1884 (cited from 2nd edition}, supplies a few facts with additional information from the family. See also Honghton's Monographs(1873), pp. 259-93 ; Crabb Robinson's Diary, iii. 97, 148, 187, 197, 215, 344; Ticknor's Life and Letters,!. 265,413,414, 417,418, ii. 146, 150,214, 216 ; Moore's Journals, iv. 52, 53, v. 70, 75, 80, vi., xii. 263, 264, 315, vii, 13, 15, 150, 173 ; Constable and his Literary Correspondents, iii. 131, 132, &c. ; Brougham's Life and Times, i. 246-54= ; G-re- ville Memoirs (first series) ? iii. 39, 44, 166, 317, 394 (second series), ii. 273-4 ; Homer s Memoirs, i. 151, 293, 299 ; Princess Liechtenstein's Hol- land Honse, i. 99, 159, 162, ii 131; Barham T & Life and Letters (1870), ii. 167-8; Notes and Queries, gth ser. i. 322.] L. S. SMITH, THEYRE TOWNSEND(1793~ 1852), divine, son of Thomas Smith of Mid- dlesex, was born in 1798. He was originally a presbyterian, and studied at Glasgow Uni- versity, hut being convinced by reading Hooker that episcopacy was the scriptural form of church government, he resolved to enter the English church. He accordingly matriculated from Queens* College, Cam- bridge, on 4 Jan. 1823, graduating B JL. in 1827, and M.A. in 1830. After serving^a curacy in Huntingdonshire and another in Essex, he was appointed assistant preacher at the Temple in 1835. In 1839 and 1840 he filled the post of Hulsean lecturer at Cam- bridge, and in 1845 he was presented to the living of Newhaven in Sussex. In March 1848, when Loms-Philifpe took refuge in England after his deposition, Theyre Towns- end received him on his landing at New- haven. In the same year Thomas Turton [a. v.], bishop of Ely, who had expressed great approbation of his lectures, collated him to the vicarage of Wyinondham in Nor- folk. In 1850 lie was appointed honorary canon of Norwich. He died on 4 May 18t3J at Wymondham. He married Eebeeea, second daughter of Thomas Williams of Coate in Oxfordshire Smith was the author of: 1. 'SeniKWJ preached at the Temple Church and before the University of Cambridge/ Lcssebn, 1838, 8vo. 2. i Hulsean Lectures for the Year Smith 124 Smith 1839,' London, 1840, 8vo. 3. { Hulsean Lec- tures for the Year 1840,' London, 1841, 8vo. 4. * Remarks on the Influence of Tractarianism in promoting Secessions to the Church of Rome,' London, 1851, 8m 5. ' The Sacrifice of the Death of Christ/ London, 1851, 12mo. [Gent. Mag. 1852, ii. 97, 317; English Be- vies, srii. 445 ; Burke's Landed G-entry, ed. 1850, ii. 1599 ; information kindly supplied by the master of Queens' College, Cambridge.] E. I. C. SMITH, SIB THOMAS (1513-1577), statesman, scholar, and author, eldest son of John Smith (d. 1557), by his wife, Agnes Charnock (d. 1547), a native of Lancashire, was born at Saffron Walden, Essex, on 23 Dec. 1513 (Arch&ologia, xxxviii. 104). The father, who claimed descent from Sir Roger de Clarendon, an illegitimate son of the Black Prince (Essex Visitations, Harl. Soc. pp. 710-11), was a man of wealth and position. In 1538-9 he served as sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire, and in 1545 the grant of a coat-of-arms was confirmed to him (SrarPE, Life of Sir T. Smith, pp. 2-3 ; see many references to him hi Letters and Papers of Henry FJZ7, esp. vol. Iv.) A younger brother, John, was mainly instru- mental in procuring a charter of incorpora- tion for Safiron Walden in 1549. Prom Thomas's circumstantial account of his own infancy (extant in Addit. MS. 325), he appears to have been a child of weak health, but was strongly addicted to reading history, to painting, writing, and even to carv- ing. He was educated at a grammar school {Letters and Papers, iv. 1314), probably at Saffron Walden, and before May 1525 was placed under the care of Henry Gold of St. John's College, Cambridge. Among other instructions as to his education, his father desired Gold to teach him * plain song, which, afore he went to grammar school, he could sing perfectly, and had some insight in his prick-song ' ($.) In 1526 he entered Queens' College, and about Michaelmas 1527, apparently through Cromwell's influence, he was appointed king's scholar (jb. p. 3406). On 25 Jan. 1529-30, being then B.A.,he was elected fellow of Queens'. He graduated M. A. iu the summer of 1533, and in the following autumn, having been appointed a public reader or professor, he lectured on natural philosophy in the schools, and on Greek in his own rooms. Among his pupils were John Ponet [q.v.], afterwards bishop of Winchester, and Eichard Eden [q. v.l In 1538 he became public orator, and soon afterwards came under the notice of Henry TUT, before whom, shortly after Queen Jane's death, he and his friend John Cheke [q. v.] declaimed on the question whether the king should marry an Englishwoman or a foreigner. In the same year he was sent by the university to ask the king to grant it one of the dissolved mona- steries, and to found a college as an eternal monument of his name ? (ib. xni. ii. 496 ). In May 1540 Smith went abroad to pursue his studies ; he was not therefore, as Tanner says, the Thomas Smith, clerk of the council to the queen, who, with William Gray, late servant to Cromwell, was on 4 Jan. 1540-1 committed to the Fleet * for writing invec- tives against one another ' (NICOLAS, Acts of the Privy Council, vii. 105, 107 ; Letters and Papers, xv. 21). After visiting Paris and Orleans, Smith proceeded to Padua, where he graduated D.C.L. On his return in 1542 he was incorporated LL.D. at Cambridge. Smith now took a leading part in reforming the pronunciation of Greek. The early re- nascence scholars had adopted, from modern Greeks, the corrupt method of pronouncing q, I, and ? all as !, and Smith sought to re- store the correct pronunciation of TJ and I. The attempt caused a prolonged agitation in the university ; Smith, Cheke, and their ad- herents were called e etists, 5 and their oppo- nents ' itists ' (Rowbotham's pref. to COME- Nius, Janua- Linguarum ; HAXLAM, Lit. of Europe, i. 340 ; A. J. ELLIS, English Pro- nunciation of Greek, 1876, pp. 5-6). Gardi- ner, as chancellor of the university, ordered a return to the old pronunciation, and in reply Smith wrote an epistle to him dated 12 Aug. 1542, and subsequently published (Paris, 1568, 4to) under the title i De recta et emendata Linguae Graecae Pronuntiatione/ To it was appended Smith's tract advocating a reform of the English alphabet, and extend- ing the number of vowels to ten, a scheme of which is printed in the appendix to Strype's < Life of Smith,' p. 183. In January 1543-4 Smith was appointed regius professor of civil law at Cambridge ; in the same year he served as vice-chancellor of "the university, and became chancellor to Goodrich, bishop of Ely, by whom, in 1545, he was collated to the 'rectory of Levering- ton, Cambridgeshire, and in 1546 was or- dained priest (Arch&ologia, xxxviii. 106). According to Smith's own statement, which is not confirmed by Le Keve, he received a prebend in Lincoln Cathedral. Shortly be- fore the end of Henry's reign he was deputed by the university to secure Queen Catherine Parr's influence in preventing the acquisition of college property by the king. Smith had early adopted protestant views, and had distinguished himself in protecting reformers at Cambridge from Gardiner's hos- tility. The accession of Edward VI accord- Smith i ingly brought him into greater prominence, and 'in February 1546-7 he entered the ser- vice of Protector Somerset, whose brother-in- law, Sir Clement Smith of Little Baddow, Esses [see under SJIITH, SIB JOHX, 1534 f- 1607", "was perhaps a relative of Thomas Smitn. The latter was made clerk of the privy council, steward of the stannary court, and "master of the court of requests which the Protector set up in his own house to deal with the claims of poor suitors. Smith set out with Somerset on the Scottish ex- pedition (August-September 1547), but was laid up at York with a fever. Before the end of the year he became provost of Eton and dean of Carlisle. On 17 April 1548 he was sworn one of the two principal secretaries of state in succession to Paget, his colleague being Sir William Petre ~q. v.l In the following June he was sent "on a special mission to Flanders, to negotiate for the levy of mercenaries, and to secure as far as possible the support of the emperor in the impending war with France. He reached Brussels on 1 July, but met with little suc- cesSj and returned in August. In October he was employed in formulating the English claims of feudal suzerainty over Scotland. In the following January he took an active part in the examinations of Sir William Sharington ~q. v.l and Thomas Seymour, lord Seymour of Sudeley Jq. v.l Soon afterwards he was knighted. He was likewise consulted about the reform of the coinage, and advised the prohibition of ' testons/ He was a member of the commissions appointed to visit the universities (November 1548), to examine Arians and anabaptists (April 1549), and to deal with Bonner (September 1549). His proceedings on the latter were especially obnoxious to Bonner, who was imprisoned in the Tower for his behaviour to Smith. Smith remained faithful to the Protector to the last. He was with him at Hampton Court in October, and accompanied him thence to Windsor, where, on the 10th, he was removed from the council and from hia post of secretary, and deprived of his pro- fessorship at Cambridge. On the 14th he was imprisoned in the Tower, whence he was released on 10 March 1549~t50, on ac- knowledging a debt of S,000/. to the king. In the same year he was summoned as a witness against Gardiner, and, with. Cecil, drew up the articles for the bishop to sign ; but he seems to have used his influence in Gardiner's favour, a service which Gardiner repaid tinder Mary's reign. In May 15V51 Smith accompanied Northampton on Ms em- bassy to the French court. He returned in August, and in October was placed on a 25 Smith I commission to * rough-hew the canon law/ : But for the most part he lived at Eton, where his relations with the fellows were : somewhat strained. Early in 155:? he was ! summoned before the council to answer their complaints; but in the following autumn : Northumberland and his principal adherents dined with Smith at Eton and decided the i dispute in his favour. In October he was selected to discuss with the French commis- sioners the claims for compensation on the part of French merchants. In August 1553, a month after ^Tar/s ac- ; cession, Smith was summoned before the queen s commissioners, but Gardiner's friend- ship secured him from molestation, and he | even obtained an indulgence from the pope ! (STBYPE, p. 47). On 8 Sept. he was re- | turned to parliament as member for Gram- pound, Cornwall. In the following year t ! however, he resigned the provostship of Eton and deanery of Carlisle quasi sponte 7 as he | says himself, and perhaps in order- to marry I his second wife. For the remainder of j Mary's reign he lived in retirement, busv with his studies and building. The accession of Elizabeth once more brought Him public- employment. On 22 Dec. 1558 he was. placed" on a commission * for the eonsidera- | tion of things necessary for a parliament,'' and on 6 Jan. 1558-9 was elected member for Liverpool. He was also a member of the- ecclesiastical commission to revise the Book of Common Prayer, which met at his house in Cannon Bow, Westminster. In the fol- lowing year he was in attendance on Joh% duke of Friesland, son of the king of Sweden, during his visit to England, and in 1580 wrote a dialogue on the question of the queen f s marriage, which is extant in Addit, MS. 4149, Ashmole MS. 829, and Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg, 3, and is printed in the Ap- pendix to his life by Strype (pp. 184-250). In September 1562 Smith was sent am- bassador to France, a post of great difficulty and some damper, owing to the civil war between the Guises and the Huguenots, Elizabeth had decided to help the latter and herself at the same time by seizing Havre, and Smith's position at Paris was threatened by the Guise party. From 28 Aug. to 1 7 Sept . 1563 he was even imprisoned at Melun. His task was rendered more difficult by the re*- tention of Sir Nicholas Throgmorton [q. ?.] as joint ambassador, and the lack of con- fidence with which the two were treated by Elizabeth, coupled with mutual jealousy , led on one occasion to a violent out Weak befcweea them (Lettres fe Catherine fe JfMiet*, il 171 ; HETBT M, BAIM, Mm f ike &w$we- 128). At length, om IS April 1564,, Smith 126 Smith the peace of Troves was signed between Eng- land and France. Smith remained two years longer in France,, following the court. In ; May 1564 he set out to visit Geneva : in No- vember he was at Tarascon. and in January , 1564-5 was ill at Toulouse. He returned to ( England in May 1566. Between three and ! four hundred letters from him describing his embassy are calendared among the foreign state papers, and these are supplemented by \ numerous references in the i Lettres de Ca- | therine de Medicis/ 5 vols., printed in l Col- j lection de Documents inedits,' 1880-95. On ; 22 March 1566-7 Smith was again sent to * France to make a formal demand for the surrender of Calais, returning in June. After an ineffectual suit for the chancel- lorship of the duchy of Lancaster, which was given to Sir Ralph Sadler [q. v.1, and after spending three years in retirement in Essex, Smith was on 5 March 1570-1 readmitted a member of the privy council. In the autumn of that year he was commissioned to inquire into the conspiracy of the Bake of Norfolk, and in the examination of two of the duke's servants torture was used, much to Smith's disgust. Early in 1572 Smith was once more sent as ambassador to France to dis- cuss the marriage of D'Alencon with Eliza- beth, and the formation of a league against Spain. During his absence he was in April made chancellor of the order of the Garter in succession to Burghley, and on the 15th of that month was elected knight of the shire for Essex. Soon after his return he was on 13 July appointed secretary of state. In the same year he persuaded Elizabeth to send help to the Scottish protestants. During the following years, besides his official work, Smith was engaged in his project for a colony at Ards, co.^Down (cf. A Letter . . . wherein is a large discourse of the peopling . , . the jfirdes . . . taken in hand by Sir T. Smthj 1572), and his experiments for trans- muting iron into copper. For the latter purpose he formed a company, called the 'Society of the Kew Art,' which was joined by Burghley and Leicester, but was soon abandoned, after involving all the parties in considerable loss. In 1575 he accompanied the queen in her progress, and in the same year procured an act ' for the better mainte- nance of learning 7 (FULLER, Hist. Camfir, p. 144). ^ His health failed in March 1575-6, when Ms attendance at the council ceased, and he died at Theydon Mount, Essex, on 12 Aug. 1577. He was buried in the chancel of the parish church, where a monument was raised to his memory, with inscriptions printed by Strype. By his will, dated 18 Feb. 1576-7, and printed in Strype, lie left his library (of which Strype prints a catalogue) to Queens' College, Cambridge, to whhH" he had in 1573 given an annuity for the mainte- nance of two scholars. Verses to Smith are in Leland's * Encomia ? (p. 87), and Gabriel Harvey [q. v.], apparently a kinsman, pub- lished in 1578 a laudatory poem on him, en- titled ; Gabrielis Harveii Taldinatis Smithus vel Musarum Lachrvmse pro obitu ciarissimi Thomse Smyth ? (cf.' HAEVET'S Letter-6oQ&\ Camden Soc. 1884). A portrait of Smith, by Holbein, is at Theydon Mount, and a copy made in 1856 by P. Fisher was presented "to Eton College by Lady Bowyer Smijth. An engraving &y Houbraken was prefixed to Birch's 4 Lives/ another by James Fittler, A.R.A., after a drawing by William Skelton, to Strype's Life, 1820, and a third to Gabriel Harvey's < La- chrymae pro Obitu,' 1578. Another 'portrait is at Queens' College, Cambridge. Smith was twice married, first, on 15 April 1548, to Elizabeth, daughter of William Car- kek or Carkyke, who, born on 29 Nov. 1529, died without issue in 1552 ; and, secondly, on 23 July 1554, to Philippa, daughter of John Wilford of London, and widow of Sir John Hampden(tf. 21 Dec. 1553) of Theydon Mount, Essex ; she survived him, dying with- out issue in 1584. Smith's principal heir was his nephew "William (d. 1626), son of Ms brother George, a draper of London. It has been suggested that he was the l W. Smithe T to whom has been attributed the authorship of 'A Discourse of the Common Weal,' 1581 ; but there is no evidence to support the con- jecture (LofosTD, discourse, p. 35; cf. art. STAFFOED, WILLIAM, 1554-1612). William's son Thomas was created a baronet in 1661, and was ancestor of the present baronet, whose family adopted the spelling Smijth. Sir Thomas's illegitimate son Thomas, born on 15 March 1546-7, accompanied his father on his French embassies, and was subse- quently placed in charge of his father's colony at Ards, where he was killed, in an encoun- ter with the Irish, on 18 Oct. 1573, leaving no issue. Smith has generally been considered one of the most upright statesmen of his time. He adhered to moderate protestant views consistently through life, and his fidelity to Somerset is in striking contrast with the conduct of most of his contemporaries. That his morals were somewhat lax: is proved by his confession that his illegitimate soa was bomjust a year after he took priest's orders. He shared, the prevailing faith in astrology, a volume of his collections on which subject is extant in Addit. MS. 325. ]Sor was he quite free from the prevailing Smith 127 Smith passion for worldly goods. In a letter (Harl. 5/5. 6989, ff. 141 et seq.) written to the Ii uchess of Somerset, who had countenanced Charges of rapacity and bribery brought Bg-ainst him,, Smith gives an account of his income. From his professorship he derived 40/. a year, from the chancellorship of Ely SO/., and from the rectory of Leverington 36/.; but though he kept three servants. 4 three summer nags, and three winter geld- ings/ he spent but 307. a year, and saved the Test. His fee as secretary of state was IQQL a, year, and his income from Eton varied from %6l in one year to nothing in the next. On Ms resignation of it and the deanery of Car- lisle, which produced SOL a year, Queen Mary allowed him a pension of 100Z. He purchased from the chantry commissioners the * college of Derby/ worth 34. a year. He built a new mansion at Ankerwick, near Eton, 1551-3, and commenced another, Hill Hall, Theydon Mount, Esses, with which his second wife was jointured. As a classical scholar Smith was the rival of Cheke, and his friends included the chief scholars of the time both, in England and on the continent. He was also an accomplished 4 physician, mathematician, astronomer, ar- chitect, historian, and orator.' Besides Ms tracts on the reform of the Greek and Eng- published at Oxford in 1820. On this is mainly based the unusually full account in Cooper's Athene Cantabr. i. 368-73. But neither Strype nor Cooper, though referring to it, made any use of Smith's volume of astrological collections extant in Addit. MS. 325. This contains valuable autobiographical details, -which supplement and correct Strype in many essential particulars, e.g. the date of his birth, Ms ordination, &c. At- tention was first directed to it by John Gough Nichols, who in 1859 published in Archseologsa, sxxviii. 98-126, the principal additions thus supplied. Some information was added in the Wiltshire Archseol. Mag. xviii. 257 et seq., where Canon Jackson published some letters from Smith extant among the Longleat Papers. See also, besides authorities cited, Gairduer's Letters and Papers of Henry VIII; Gal. State Papers, Dom. Foreign and Venetian Ser. ; CaL Hatfield HSS. j Haynes and ^Turdin's Burghley Papers ; Acts of the Privy Council, ed. Dasent, 1542- 1577; Lettres de Catherine de Medieis, 1880- 1895 ; Lit. Remains of Edward VI (Koxburghe Club) ; Wriothesley's Chron. (Camden Soc.) ; Parker Corr. (Parker Soc.) ; Corr. Polit. de Odet deSelve, 1886; Stow's Annals and Holinshed's Chron.; Camden's Elizabeth, ii. 318-19 ; Foxe's Actes and Monuments ; Puller's Church Hist, ii. 254 ; Burnet's Hist. Reformation, ed. Pocock ; H. M. Baird's Eise of the Huguenots, 1880, vol. ii. passim; Hume's Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, 1897 ; Granger's Biogr. Hist. ; Tan- lish languages, and on the marriage of Eliza- ' ner'sBibl. Brit, -Bib. ; Le Here's Fasti, ed. Hardy ; beth, mentioned above, and his voluminous j Official Return of Members of Parl. ; HkrwcxxTs diplomatic and private correspondence, se- Alumni Eton. pp. 4etseq.; Maxwell-Lyte's Hist, lections of which were published in Digges's i Eton ColL ; Oeasy's Eminent Etonians ; Lloyd's CompleatAmbassador,'1655,andinWright f s State Worthies; Jttoawls Essex L Lipecomb's jon's His of ^ m}l ^England.] A2?. P. * Queen Elizabeth/ 1838, Smith translated ^Certaigne Psalms or Songu.es of David/ extant in Brit. Museum Royal MS. 17 A. rvii., and wrote tracts on the wages of a j Roman foot-soldier and on the coinage, both SMITH, Snt THOMAS (1556P-1809), of which are printed in Strype's Appendix, j master of requests, born at Abingdon, Berk- But his principal work was his * De Re- shire, about 1556, was the son of Thomas publica Anglorum ; the Maner of Governe- I Smith, who is probably to be identified with ment or Policie of the Realm of England/ the Thomas Smith WHO was mayorof Atag- which he wrote in English during 1 his first d0ninl584{CW,iS^^jP<9gi>tfr^,Ik>iii.l581-'^), embassy in France. It is the most important ' p. 177). He must be distinguished from Sir description of the constitution and govern- Thomas Smith or Smy the (1558 f-1625) ment of England written in the Tudor age. i [q-T.l governor of the East India Company, It was first printed at London in 1583, 4to,- j and from the letter's father, Thomas Smythe it passed through eleven editions in English ! (d> 1591), * customer f of the port of London ' *- " ^ * - " J l (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1581-91, passim). fle was educated at Abingdon grammar school and at Christ Church, Oxford, where he was elected student in 1573, graduated B.A. in December 1574, and IkLA. in Jt 1578. He was chosen public orator in little more than a century, viz, 1584, 1 1594, 1601, 1609, 1621, 1633, 1635, 1640, and 1691. Tee editions from 1589 onwards have the title 'The Common Welth of Eng- land.* Latin translations were published in 1610? 1625, 1630, and 1641. A Butch version of the portions dealing with parlia- ! 9 April 1582, and proctor on 29 April 1584. ment appeared at Amsterdam in 1673, and ft German version at Hamburg in 1688. Soon afterwards ne became secretary to Ko- bert Bevereux, second earl of Essex [|. [Strype's Life of Sir T. Smith was first' pab- and in 1587 was appointed clerk of tfee lisbed in 1698. Tfoe edition qtsoted abwe is that privy eoumeiL In December 15@1 he wrote Smith 128 Smith to Cecil urging Essex's claims to the chan- cellorship of Oxford University (MrBDis, pp. 649-50). He represented Cricklade in the parliament of 1553-9, Tarn worth in that of 1593 (cf. Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. App. i. -330 a) f and Aylesbury in that of 1597-8. On 30 Sept. 1597 he received a grant of the clerkship of parliament, in suc- cession to Anthony Wyckes, alias Mason ~see under MASOX, SIB ToHS"]. He kept aloof from Essex's intrigues, and on 29 Nov. 1-509 was sent by the lords to summon the earl before the privy council (CoiLiN'S, 3fem. of State, ii. 126, 129). On the accession of James I he received further promotion, perhaps owing to hisfriendship withCarleton, Edmondes, Win- wood, and Bacon (SpEDDEST G, Letters and Life of Bacon, iv, 138-9). He was knighted at Greenwich on 20 May 1603, and in the fol- lowing month was granted the Latin secre- taryship for life, and the re version to thesecre- taryshipof the council of the north. On 8 June 1604 he obtained the manor of Wing, Rutland, and in 1608 he was made master of requests. On 20 May in the same year he received a pension of 100 He died on 27 Nov. 1609 at Ms residence, afterwards Peterborough House, Parsons Green, Fulham, and -was buried on 7 Dec. in the chancel of Fulham church, where a monument, with an inscrip- tion to his memory, is extant (FATJLKJTEB, Fulham, p. 73). He married Frances (1580- 1663), daughter of William Brydges, fourth "baron Chandos, and sister of Grey, fifth baron [q. v.] His only son, Robert, died a minor, and his only daughter, Margaret, married Thomas, second son of Robert Carey, first earl of Monmouth [<} v.] Smith's widow married Thomas Cecil, first earl of Exeter [q. v.], and survived till 1663. By his will, dated 12 Sept. 1609, Smith left 100/. to the poor of Abingdon, and a similar sum to the Bodleian Library. [CaL State Papers, Bom. 1580-1609 passim ; Gal Hatfield MSS. pts. iv.-vi ; Lansd. MS. 983, f. 145 ; Addit. MS. 22583, ff. 56, 67, 78 ; Official Eeturn of Members of Par! ; Winwood's Me- morials, il35 57, 198, 399; Collins's Sydney Papers, passim ; Birch's Memoirs of Queen Eliza- beth, i. 112, ii. 38-9; Spedding's Letters and Life of Bacon, i. 294, iii. 366, Iv. 138-9; D'Ewes's Journals ; Camden's Elizabeth, vol. iii. ; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ii. 53 ; Brown's Genesis U.SJL IL 1018 ; Clark's Reg. TJnir. Oxon. n. i. 250, ii. 134, iii. 44 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon, 1500- 1714; Faulkner^ FrOham, pp. 73, 283-5; Col- lins's Peerage, iii, 133.] A. K P. SMITH or SMYTHE, SIB THOMAS (1558 ?-l 625), merchant, governor of the East India Company, born about 1558, was second surviving eon of Thomas Smythe of ; Ostenhanger f now TVestenhangerj in Ivent r by his wife Alice, daughter of Sir Andrew 1 Judd. His grandfather, John Smythe ot ; Corsham, Wiltshire, is described as yeoman,, .' haberdasher, and clothier. His father carried ! on the business of a haberdasher in the city . of London, and was l customer ' of the port of London. He purchased Ostenhanger of ] Sir Thomas Sackville and much other pro- i perty from Bobert Dudley, earl of Leicester; i he died on 7 June 1591 ? and was buried at Ashford, where there is a beautiful monu- ment to his memory (engraved in Gent. Mag.. \ 1835, i. 257). His elder son, Sir John Smythe : or Smith (1556P-1608) of Osrenhanger,Vas I high sheriff of Kent in 1600, and was father : of Sir Thomas Smythe, first viscount Stransr- i ford "see under SOOTHE, PEECY CLrsrdSr SID2TEY, sixth Visccrar STBASTGKFOSD]. j Thomas, one of thirteen children, was j brought up to his father's business. In 1580 I he was admitted to the freedom of the Haber- ! dashers' Company and also of the Skinners'* i He rapidly rose to wealth and distinction. i When the East India Company was formed ; in October 1600, he was ^ elected the first I governor, and was so appointed by the char- j ter dated 31 Dec., though at this time he held j the office for only four months (STEVENS,, | Court Records of the East India Company, j 1599-1603). In 1599 he was chosen one of I the sheriffs of London. In February 1600-1 1 he was believed to be a supporter of the Earl j of Essex [see DEVEBETTX, ROBBET, second , EABL OF ESSEX], who on 8 Feb. went to his- ; house in Gracechurch Street. Smythe went ! out to him, laid his hand on his horse's- ! bridle, and advised him to yield himself to ; the lord mayor. As Essex refused to do this and insisted on coming into the house, Smythe made his escape by the back door and went to confer with the lord mayor. Afterwards he was accused of complicity with the earl's rebellion, was examined before the council, was discharged from his- office of sheriff, and was committed to the> Tower (CaL State Papers, Dom, 1601-3, 13 f 18, 24 Feb.) His imprisonment was for but a short time ; and on 13 May 1603, on the- accession of James I, he was 'knighted. In 1604 he was appointed one of the receivers- for the Duchy of Cornwall (ib. 11 April), and, in June, to he special ambassador to r the tsar of Kussia. His grandfather, Sir Andrew Judd, was one of the founders of the Muscovy Company, and he himself would seem to have been largely interested in the- Muscovy trade. Sailing 1 from Gravesend on, 13 June, he, with his party, arrived at Arch- angel on 22 July, and was conducted byway of Kholmogori and Yologhda [cf. Smith 129 Smith ai sallri ::r I- ;-'.i In 1^'.^ "^ml"*:* TJ. E>t In I..iC:s:j v. wb-rr^ t!? emperor '~, ir-. :f tL* 1 irin>r li- n-w pr;ri>;r^ f:r tie L- -prln^ went on to r- fc -irr'-i"t3 AreLan^l r. i on - May, lect^d rsv~:ni~r ' ni<,wi:!i 3ne Ireak, < '::i the c^? till July :;ir^ the compi^y's trad? By her he had :7* Paper ',?, Dom. 5 Jan. 1619, 6r Itec. I*3:f4'. His connection witli the East India Company and th*? Muscovy Company led him to promote and support voyages "for the discovery of the ^orth- TVest Pas^are, and Ms nsme, a? riven by "William B&irEn "q. v." to Smith's Sound, stands as a memorial to all time of his en- lurhteneci and liberal energy. In 1609 lie obtained the charter for the Virginia Com- pany, of which he wa,3 the tr^aiia-er, an office which he held till 1620, ^vhen, on being charged with enriching himself at the expense of "the company, and on a demand for inquiry, he resigned 'see SASDTS, SIB EBWIK-. 'The charges against him, which were urged with great virulence, were for- mally pronounced to be false and slanderous, though Smythe was not held to be altogether free from blame (Cai. State Papery "!s"ortK American, 16 July 1622, 20 Feb., 8 Oct. 1629, 23 April, 13 May, 15 June 1625) ; and the renewed inquiry was still going 1 on, when he died at Sutton-at-Hone in Kent on 4 Sept. 1625. He was buried at Button, where, in the church, there is an elaborate monument to Bis memory. The charges against Mm had met with no acceptance from the king; to the last he was consulted on all important matters relating to shipping and to eastern trade ( VaL State Papers, Bom. 11 Bee. 1624J, and for serer&l years was one of the chief commissioners of the navy, as also governor of the French End Somer 'islands companies. Smythe anmssed a large fortune, a consider- able part of which he devoted to charitable purposes, and, among others, to the endow- ment of the free school of Tonbridge, which was originally founded by his grandfather, Sir Andrew Judd. He also establi&hed sweral charities for the poor of the parish of Toabridge. He was three times married. The first two wives must have died com- paratively young and without issue. He was aJremdv married to the third, Sarah, daughter of William Blowt, whan lie was sheniF of TOE* mi, nr.TLarri^d In !6ir7 and tLr?-? ;,n.v **v "^T!! 1 "'!!! "^m tO &%"*; pT^'QxC^'i*^ 1 !! .L^Tij* *Ji* T 1 -,. ^Trt- w * BL~ S ^ >"* I- "'ix Wtr^V. ."^ Jl A*. *. * TL^ fai srran'i&cn^Sir Silney Stafford -SiLyth^ i 170. 177? i "q. v." The naai*r. wLIcli i? often >p^It "?ni:rh,"wa,-"alway? written Sasythe by tie man Liirs^If, as*wdl as by tl>j collateral fax ily - f S * ran rf : r -I, A por^riit h^njrir tc rL*:- Skinnrrs' pan\ ha* bees identic d with Sniythe, th it has "been sjippj-ri t : be rather that of *Sir Banitl J'idd. An en^rivin*: by Simon Pass Is inserted in the C-rr-enville copy of Smith's Yoiaar-? ar*d Ent^rainruen* in It iL-hia ' t Lon- don, 1600, 4:o i. It Ls r-pr&inced in Wad- mare's memoir 'Is-?--. Sn:Te of Qsreriiai^r r-rr.rtfrlfron Ar^la&o- loerla Crctiani. 1352'; M:i.rkh.iEi f 3 Yoyoes cf WilliariBifir. V.th a xjy of the p:rtrait; by Pass (HaKnyt Soc.). pp. :i-ir : L^froy's Hist. of the Bernnias (Haklnyt Soc ', Index; Cal. State Papers. Dom., Eist Indies. North America; Hist MSS. Comm. 8th Bep. App. pt. ii. ; notes. Mcdly supplied by William Foster, esq,, of the Mia* Office.] J, K. L. SMITH, THOMAS (jf, 1600-1627), soldier, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, as he styles himself on the title-page of the first edition ( 4to f 1600) of * The Art of Gunnery : where- in is set forth a number of serviceable secrets and practicall conclusions belong- ing to the Art of Gunnerie, by Aritlmietieie skill to be accomplished : both pretie^ pleasant and profitable far all such as are professors of the &ame facultie.' In the dedication to Peregrine Bertie, lord Wil- loughby, 'lord-governor of the town and castle "of Bemick-upon-Tweed, mud lord- warden of the east marches of England,* ^ describes himself as 4 but one of the meanest soldiers in this garrison/ though he claims to h&T6 been * brought up Irons ehildinxxi tinder a Taliant captain in military pro- feassion, in which I have had a desire to practise and learn some secrets touching the orders of the field and training of soldiers, &B also concerning the art of managing and shooting in great artillery.* From the open preference which he eires to theory ofer practice it may he inferred that % he* never fmeMed with the enemy in the field/ la 1627 h& pubiishwl * Certain Additions to t&e Bodke <^ Gtmnery, with & Sepply of Smith 130 Smith Fire-Workes ' (4to), in which lie still styles ' himself 'Soldier of Berwielx-upon-Tweed,' He speaks also, in 1600, of having written * two or three years since/ f " Arithmeticall Military Conclusions," and bestowed on my Captain, Sir John Carie, knight : the which, i God sparing my life, I mean to conect and enlarge and perhaps put to the press.' It does not seem to have been published. j [Smith's -works in Brit. Mus. Libr. ; Hazlitt's Collections, ii. 643.] J. K. L. SMITH, THOMAS (1615-1702), bishop of Carlisle, born in 1615, son of John Smith of ^Vhltewell in the parish of Asby ? Cum- berland, after education at the free school, Appleby, matriculated from Queen's College, Oxford," on 4 Nov. 1631, aged 16. Having graduated B.A. in 1635 and M.A. in 1639, i lie became a fellow of his college and distin- guished himself as a tutor. He was a select ; preacher before Charles I at Christ Church, Oxford, in 1645. When that city fell he * re- j tired to the north/ where he married Catha- j rine, widow of Sir Henry Fletcher of Hutton ! in Cumberland, and only emerged on the ^Restoration, proceeding B.D. on 2 Aug. | 1660, and D.D. by diploma in the following i November. He was appointed chaplain to ! Charles 31, and was rewarded with the first ! -prebendal stall in Carlisle Cathedral (Novem- l T>er 1660). Within a few months of this he [ was collated to a rich prebend in the cathedral ; of Durham, the prebendal house attached to j which he restored. On the promotion of Guy ! Oarleton [q. v.] to the see of Bristol, Smith j was instituted dean of Carlisle (4 March | 1671-2), in which capacity he rebuilt the I deanery and presented the cathedral with an I organ. In conjunction with his first cousin, j Thomas Barlow fq. v. n , bishop of Lincoln, ' and Randall SanHerson, he gave 600/. for | the improvement of Appleby school. j The profusion with which he endowed j Carlisle grammar school, the chapter library, ! and the cathedral treasury (as well as dona- ' tions to his old college at Oxford and to the poor), made him highly popular. He suc- ceeded Edward Kainbowe as bishop in 1684 (consecrated 19 June), and died at Rose Castle on 12 April 1702. A fiat stone near -the altar in the cathedral is inscribed to his memory. A number of his letters are calen- dared among the Rydal MSS. (Hi*t. MSS. Comm. 12th Rep. App, viL passim). His portrait was engraved by J. Smith after an oil-painting by Stephenson, a full-length, now preserved at Rose Castle. He was succeeded at Carlisle by another fellow of Queen's, the great antiquary, William Nicol- on [q. v.J [Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; "Wood's Athenas, ed. Bliss, iv. 892 ; Le Neve's Fasti, iii. ; Kicolson and Burn's Cumberland, ii. 290 ; Cum- , pp. 182, 231-2 ; Carlisle's Endowed Grammar Schools, i. 17*5, ii. 695 ; Noble's Continuation of Granger, i. 82.] T. S. SMITH, THOMAS (d. 1703), captain in the navy and renegade, the son of English parents," was born at sea between Holland and England, and was brought up in Xorth Yarmouth. Between 1680 and 1890 he commanded different merchant ships, and in 1691 was commander and one-third owner of a ship trading from Plymouth. He then entered on board the Portsmouth galley and was rated by Captain (Sir)WilliamlVTietstone [q. v,] as a midshipman. His knowledge of the French coast proved useful, and Smith was led by "Whetstone, and afterwards by Captain John Bridges, to expect promotion through their recommendation ; but on Bridges being wounded and sent to hospital, Smith was put on shore by the first lieu- tenant, who was acting as captain, and re- ceived nothing but his pay ticket as midship- man. In 1693 he shipped as pilot of the St. Martin's prize, and, being discharged from her, married a widow with five young chil- dren, whom he was called on to maintain. He then got the command of a transport and carried stores to Kinsale, where he was en- gaged by Captain John Lapthorne as pilot of the Mercury, which was going- off Brest to gain intelligence of the French fleet. Smith was put on shore and returned with exact details of the enemy's fleet, for which service he was paid a grant of SO/., and was promoted to command the Germoon on 22 Sept. 1696. In the G-ermoon he continued for two years, carrying despatches to the West Indies, and was then ordered to go out with Kear-admiral John Benbow [q.v.]; but was afterwards superseded, and for three years was left unemployed, nor could he get his pay. After the accession of Queen Anne, much to his disappointment, as having ex- pected something better, he was appointed to the Bonetta, a small sloop employed in convoy service in the North Sea a paltry command which did not, he alleged, com- pensate him for the loss he had sustained by being kept waiting so long. The grievance was no doubt a real one, and was not uncommon both then and long afterwards. Smith endeavoured to take the remedy into his own hands, and when he had been in the Bonetta about fifteen months, he was charged by his officers and men with Smith Smith r.*:^. - L2t as Lir:nr rr ?L "-"-"* i ~ * "'*' t , , * ", ' " *, *, * " * * r" c : aura in i, ~r;::i a tir^ 0! *.x zc:i apwarl- :f TW^ d-m jr^al.'InjtLe | ;-re Ji^ tt*T '. ,.-!**: -*. Ln.r.i.i'i.i board pn:t* fLg-hlp, bit was refi^dlsy S:r Cbwl>ley Shjv^L. the C'ini&asder-in-ehLef of the 2ert ; and In February 171^1-7, b^inz alanst d-=*thiite. he took a pa-*a*:e In a Swedish ship sbcund to Lisbon, wLt-re h.*? thriiiirht he had scm-r :r.t*r~r. Off thr Ile of Wight, however, :Le Swede wai over- tabled by a Dunkirk privateer, ani ?aiith was taken our of her and carried *o D inkirk. There, apparently without much pre^iag, he entered the French service, an I was appointed to serve probably as pilot on board the admiral-galley of the sqzi&dron which captured th$ Aiarhtinarale o5* Harwich on 24 Aug. 1707 ^see J^BVT, SETH*. When Jenny was brought on board the admlml-g-alley,* he saw" and recognised Smith and threw himself on him, sword in hand, exclaiming' * Traitor, you. shall not escape me as you. ave done the hangman.' Jermy, however, was seized and held back, but when Smith angrily desired that the prisoner might be sent to another galley, ne was disdainfully told that lie might go him- self if lie liked. " The squadron had been intended to attack Harwich, and Smith now urged that the attempt should be made, Hie French admiral, De Langeron, refused, a$ the galley? had suffered severely in the engagement with the ^Nightingale. On their return Smith laid a formal complaint against Be Langeron, whose reasons were held^to be sufficient. He then suggested that, with the Nightingale and another ship then at Dun- kirk, he should be allowed to make the at- tempt. He accordingly reeeired a commis- sion to command the Nightingale, and on 24 Dec. he put to sea, in coin|>any with the Squirrel, another English prize." On the forenoon of the 27th, as they were approach- ing Harwich, they were sighted and chased by Captain Nicholas Haddock fq. y. 1 in the lludlow Castle. After a eha&e or ten hoars the Nightingale was overtaken, and after a short resistance was captured. The Squirrel escaped. Smith, it was said, had wished to Wow up the ship, but was forcibly preyented by Ma men. %\ hen taken, he wa^s put on aore at Hull, whenee_ he was sent up to London, tried at the Old Bailey on 2 June dieted by law, ::: " wh.lfc *vr~ . in.i.in^yi bv the Ixi" -f the Pay- crij^ili " -rr*,: * "J. K. Z, SMITH, THOMAS tl^A-inCO, non- jurinz divine and *cLolar, the son of John Smith, a L'.'a'iin raersLant, w&* born in the pari-li of ALhuILows Barking, on 3 June i*jf>v? jrx*2 "Wi, 1 - 3,''j,3iit v^J, tjftti^r o* C^[ liters. & ! CcIIezre, Oxf^ri, -:n 7 Au?. 1057. and matri- 'eilrel a* --=rvit r on L'9 Oct. f'.Il.i.viaj, sradiiLitii:^ B.A. "s l>j March 16^1, and * 31, A. :a 13 Oct. l*->33 in which y?ar he was cession to Timothy Parser, He WJLS elected , r ^ r ' n *:-. r ^.*V' f -.V -,** Afi^aVrr r-' 1 ^- in I p* j.ja^v jiirv-*^-* \v .'i jtia,,_id**r;l L-v -.^^^r lH 1666 wb-ri: Le resigned thy sch>:'Isia*ter- ^hip ', actual fallow in 10*j7, ani dean Ia , 1674, tl* yt^r ia wliicb. lie graduate! B.D. i he prx'tre*led D.B. In 1 6 S3, and became j bursar of the college in l/>86. j Meaawhile, in 16f>3, Smith went oat to j the east as chaplain to Sir Daniel Harvey, i ambassador at Constantinople, whence he | returned after a sojourn of three years, bring- " ing with Mm a number of Greek manuscripts, three of which he presented to the Bodldaa Library. He now dtvoted several years to the expression of his opinions and observa- tions upon the affairs of the Levant, and especially upon the state of the Greek church, and he gained the name at Oxford of * Jtabbi f Smith or * Tograi ' Smith* Though he lacked the profoundly tolerant spirit of his contem- porary, Sir Paul Rycmut >ja. v.], he seems to have shared his project of a rapprochement with the eastern church. In 1*)7Q he was once more abroad, tra veiling" in western and southern France, and in the following rear he was urged by Bishop Pea-rson, Dr. fell, and others to undertake another journey to the east in quest of manuscripts; but Smith's scholarship was not fortified with an adven- turous spirit, and he declined the risks of another journey. He held for akmt two years (167 8-9^ the post of chaplain to Sir Joseph Williamson [q-v.j, one of the two secretaries of state. \Vood states that * fee performed a great detl of drudgery ' for Wil- liamson for years, but was 4 at length dis- missed without any reward/ He returned to Magdalen upoa his election as vice-pre- sident ia 1682, with a view to following up Ms career at Oxford. He failed, in spite of an appeal to the visitor, to obtain the post Smith 132 Smith of lecturer in divinity at the college, to which a junior fellow, Thomas Bally, was pre- ferred. As a sort of consolation he was, on 20 Dec. 1664, presented by the president and fellows to the rectory of Standlake, but he soon resijmed this preferment , and in January 1687 he "was collated to a prebend in the church of Heytesbury, Wiltshire. When the president of Magdalen (Dr. Glerke) died on :>4 March 1657," Smith at first vainly endeavoured, through Bishop Samuel Parker, to obtain the king's recommendation as his successor. When he learned James II's in- tention of imposing a president of his own choosing on the college, he soon determined to submit unreservedly. But this postponed his ejection for only a very short period. In August 1688, as an ' anti-papist,' but 'under the pretence of non-residence,' he was deprived of his fellowship by Dr. Gif- fard. He was restored in October 1688, but te detested the revolution that ensued, and, losing touch with the other fellows, he left Oxford finally for London on 1 Aug. 1689. His fellowship was declared void on 25 July 1692, after he had repeatedly refused to subscribe the oaths to William and Mary. After some vicissitudes he settled in the household of Sir John Cotton, the grandson of the great antiquary, and after his death in 1702 enjoyed for a time the hospitality of Ms elder son. For twelve years at least, he seems to have had the principal charge of the Cottonian manuscripts. He himself was a judicious collector both of printed books and manuscripts, so that for some years previous to his death, as Hearne observes, f his know- ledge of books was so extensive that men of the best reputation, such as have spent not only hundreds but thousands of pounds for furnishing libraries, applied themselves to him for advice and direction, and were glad when they could receive a line or two from him to assist them in that office.' During this period he had several learned corre- spondents in Italy, Greece, and Asia Minor. He was one of the later friends of Samuel Pepys, for whose l bravery and public spirit ' lie had the highest esteem. Among those who invoked Smith's aid informing' a library was Archbishop Narcissus Marsh [q. v.] (see letters in MAKT, Church of Ireland, ii. 110 sqq.) His chief correspondents at Oxford were Hearne and Humphrey Wanley [q. v.] Although Smith was impeded in his studies by the difficulty of consulting scarce books, he at the same time stoutly defended the policy of refusing to lend books, as adopted at the Bodleian Library ; and bluntly refused to lend to Wanley the * invaluable 'volume of Saxon charters from the Cottonian Library, a book which had ( never been lent out of the house' ' no ? not to Mr. Selden, nor to Sir William Bugdale ' (cf. Smith's interesting letters "7] in Letters of Eminent Lit. 3/era, Camden Soc. pp. 238 sq.) Smith appears to have moved from the Cottons' at Westminster before his death, which took place on 11 May 1710 in Dean Street, Soho, in the house of his friend Hilkiah Bedford r q. TV He was buried on the nmht of Saturday, 13 May, in St. Anne'a Church, Soho. He left Hearne a large col- lection of books and papers. On Hearne's death, on 10 June 1735, fifteen of Smith's manuscripts came to the Bodleian Library,, and with them copies of Camden's i Britannia* and * Annales,' with manuscript notes by the author. The rest of Smith's manuscript* came to the library with the mass of Hearne's * Collections ' included in the Rawlinson be- quest of 1755, and consisted of 138 thin volumes of notes, extracts, and letters, with, a full written catalogue in two volumes. Smith's works were: 1. 'Diatriba de Chaldaicis Paraphrastis eorumque Versioni- bus ex utraque Talmude et Scriptis Eabbi- norum concinnata ' (a scholarly work, show- ing the writer's early bent towards oriental learning), Oxford, 1662, 8vo. 2. ' Syntagma de Druidum Moribus ac Institutis,' London, 1664, 8vp. 3. i Epistolse duee: quarum altera de Moribus et Institutis Turcarum agit, altera septem Asise Ecclesiarum notitiam continet/ Oxford, 1672, 8vo ; two more epistles were added and printed at Oxford with a revised title in 1674, 8vo, and the whole translated by the author in 1678 as * Remarks upon the Manners, Religion, and Government of the Turks, together with a Survey of the Seven Churches of Asia as they now lie in their Ruins, and a brief description of Constantinople,' London, 8vo, A few comment s derived from Smith's account of the i Seven Churches ' are appended to the * Marmora Oxoniensia ' of 1676. A portion of his account of Constantinople appeared in the * Philosophical Transactions,' No. 152, with a continuation on t Prusa in Bithynia * in No. 153 (cf. EAT, Collect, of Voyages and Travels, ii. 35). 4. *De Graecse Ecclesise Hodierno Statu Epistola/ Oxford, 1676, f ,8vo, translated by the author as ' An Account of the Greek Church under Cyrillus Lucaris . . . with a relation of his Sufferings and Death/ Nos. 3 and 4 were printed together as 'Opuscula Thomse Smithii,' Rotterdam, 1716. 5. *De Causis et Remediis Dissi- diorom/ Oxford, 1675, 4to ; this was trans- lated bv the author as *A Pacific Dis- course/ lUmdon, 1688, 8vo, and doubtless exercised some influence upon the nonjur- ing scheme of 1716 for a closer union with Smith am*d in I'L* r? at A^Iirnrr. 7 ; \rn Ho JL? on ivi Oe:. I 7^1 i cf. Acte? an 1 ^mV% i*n i ser, au. >i rf ; NICHOLS. Z#. .Izve't v. 114/, a 'Rcr^rtl HuntingtonI n^cnon E. Beniari; Vitje/L:-iiiGa,1704,*VQ. 10.' Vit.t usrundarn Eriiditlssianrim et jus Virorum * i.f . James Lusher, J. Cosin, Henry Brigrs John Bainbrigge, John Greaves, Sfr Patrick Ycun?, Patrick Young, junior, and Dr. John Itee , London, 1 707, 4to. 11. -'Col- lectanea de Cyrllio Lucario . . ," (including a dissertation on some old GrtlicKlox hymns ST, London, 1707, &VQ. Besides some minor discourses and sermons,, lie edited * S. Ignatii KpistoUe Genuine Annotationibus illus- trate; Oxford, 1 709, 4to, and translated from the French 4 The Life of St. Mary Magdalen , tuoiigL. L-r j^nLr ll-at^nant, bapp^ntrd ti b* C';rn:ri,inl;i;g o:Hci-r, in th? sb*enee of pnkr &ni th-i ctl-r lieutenant?, hailed h*r in French aci I^lred Ler captain * to haul in hi* prnn;ir;t in rpect to the king of Gr^&t Britain** colours." The Frenchman answered tLat hi ^ojli n-vt, but would salutt: the citadel ; on which .Smith told Mm that -was nothing to him, int tL*t if he did no La'jJ dawn id5 {--nnan^ Le -Loold be obliged to compel Lin;, On this tL* French- man Lauled d^wn LI:- p^nnast and shortly afterwards r&d a sil^t^ of eleven guas, whlcli Jsfmitli, not kncwinr c: any agree- ment between Llm and tLe c.tai-1, aiiwered, gun for gun, tLe citadel also answering 1 It, as had been previ-n-ly arranged. The Freiicli ' captain afterwards ccmpluined of tLe insult to which he had betn s-abj^cttd, and Smith, Brake, and the captain of tLe Winchester I in Hamoaze were called on for an explacm- tion. OE their reports^ which are in virtual agreement with the Frenchman's letter, | Smith was summarily dismissed from the j navy ? 27 March 17^9, by the king's order, for having * exceeded his" instructions.' On | 12 May following he was restored to his rank and appointed second lieutenant of the Enterprise, from which on 14 Oct. he was discharged to half-pay, and on 5 May 1780 he was promoted to be capt&in of the Success. The circumstances of this incident were, even at the time, grossly exaggerated by popular report. Smith wag described aa having been commanding olEeer of the Gos- port when the Gironde eame into the Sound, and a$ having fired into her at once to com- pel her to lower her topsails to the king's flag. By the popular voice he wa$ dubbed by the approving name of *Tom of Ten- thousand (a title which had fifty years before been conferred on Thomas "Thynne and it was said that t though, in Terence to th French ambassador^ he was tried by coiirt-martial and dismissed the service, he was reiast&ted the next day, with the rank of poet -captain, From May 1733 to October 1740 j commanded the Dnrsiey g&Uey on the ^, station and in the Mediterranean ; n>j January 1 740-1 to April 1742 he was captain of the BomBey, for the protection of tha Smith Smith Newfoundland fisheries ; but Chamock's statement that while In command of her he j was tried by court-martial on a charge of < converting the ship's stores to his own use appears to be unfounded. In October 1742 he was appointed to the Princess Mary, ; which in 1744 was one of the fleet under Sir ! John Norris j}. v." off Dungeness, and after- ; wards under "Sir Charles Hardy (the elder) ' r q. v.], and Sir John Balchen ~q. T.] on the coast of Portugal. From the P'rincess Mary Smith was appointed in November 1744 to j the Royal Sovereign, as commodore and I Commander-in-chief in the Downs, and ; during July and August 1745, off Ostend. j In September 1745 he was appointed com- j mander-in-chief at the Xore ; and on 11 Feb. 1745-0 commander-in-chief at Leith and on i the coast of Scotland, with the special duty of preventing communication between Scot- land and France. He held this post till January 1746-7, when he was placed on half-pay. On 15 July 1747 he was promoted ' to be rear-admiral of the red, and on 18 May j 1748 to be vice-admiral of the white. In ; August 1755 he was appointed commander- in-chief in the Downs, where he was pro- moted on 8 Dec. 1756 to be vice-admiral of ! the red, and on 24 Feb. 1757 to be admiral of the blue. "When on 28 Dec. 1756 the court-martial was convened at Portsmouth for the trial of Admiral John Byng ^q. v.], Smith, as the | senior flag-officer available, was appointed president, and as such had the duty of pro- , nouncing the sentence on 27 Jan. 1757, and ! of forwarding the recommendation to mercy. When the question of absolving the members of the court from their oath of secrecy came before the House of Commons, Smith wrote to his half-brother, Sir Richard Lyttelton, : begging him to support the application. < Similarly, he wrote to Lord Lyttelton ; but ! when examined before the House of Lords i and asked if he desired the bill to pass, re- j plied, * I have no desire for it myself. It will not be disagreeable to me, if it will be a relief to the consciences of any of my brethren/ In October 1758 he retired from active service, and died on 28 Aug. 1762. He was not married. He is described by "Walpole, when before the House of Lords, as * a grey- headed man, of comely and respectable appearance, but of no capacity.' There is, in fact, no reason to suppose that he was more than a good average officer ; his pecu- liar fame is entirely based on the exaggerated report of the Gosport-Gironde incident, which in itself seems to have been caused primarily by a misunderstanding of instructions. Smith's portrait, by Eiehard Wilson, B. A,, is in the Painted Hall at Greenwich; it has- been engraved. [The memoir in Charnock'sBiogr. Nav, iv. 209, is grossly inaccurate ; the facts are here given from the official documents in the Public Record Office, and especially, copy of the complaint of M. de Jeyeux, captain of the Gironde, in Homa Office Records, Admiralty, No. 55 ; Burchett to Drake, 4 Feb. 1728-9, in Secretary's Letter- Book, No. 86, p. 347 ; Brake to Burchett, 7 Feb.,. in Home Office Records, Admiralty, No. 66; Smith to Burchett, 23 Feb. 1728-9,"^.; Admi- ralty report on the ease, 3 March, ib. ; Duke of Newcastle to the Admiralty, 27 March 1729, in Secretary of State's Letters, Admiralty, No. 21 ; Commission and "Warrant Looks, Paybooks, &c.; see also Beatson's Nav. and Mil. Memoirs ; Wai- pole's Memoirs of George II, ii. 359 ; Shenstone's Poems, 1778, i, 187.] J. K L. SMITH, THOMAS (d. 1767), landscape- painter, was born and chiefly resided at Derby. He was self-taught, but attained to considerable proficiency, and, as one of the earliest delineators of the beauties of Eng- lish scenery, enjoyed a great reputation in his day. He was generally called ' Smith of Derby" 1 to distinguish him from the Smiths of Chiehester. He painted views of the most interesting and picturesque places in Derby- shire, Yorkshire, and other parts, many plates, from which, by Yivares, Elliott, Scot in, and other able engravers, were published by him- self and Boydell. A collection of these,, with the title l Recueil de 40 vues du Pic de Derby et autres lieux peintes par Smith et gravies par Vivares et autres/ was issued in 1760. In 1769 Boydell published a set of four views of Rome, painted by Smith from sketches by James Basire (1730-1802) [q. v.] - r also six plates from his designs illustrating- the mode of training racehorses. Smith handled the graver himself, and in 1751 pro- duced a l Book of Landskips ; } he also en- graved from his own pictures a set of four views of the lakes of Cumberland, 1767. He died at the Hot Wells, Bristol, on 12 Sept. 1767. Smith had two sons, Thomas Correggio and John Raphael Smith [q. v.] ; the former practised for some years as a miniature- painter, and died at Uttoxeter in middle life ; the latter is separately noticed. ! [Edwards's Anecdotes of Painting; Mason's Gray, 1827, p. 308 ; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists;, Nagler's Kimstler-Lexikon.] F. M. O'D. , SMITH, THOMAS ASSHETOX (1776- | 1858), sportsman, son of Thomas Assheton i Smith (1752-1828), was born in Queen Anner Street, Cavendish Square, London, on 2 Aug. 1776 [for ancestry see SMITH, JOHK, 1655- 1723], He was educated at Eton (1783-94),. Smith Smith and while there fsusrht Jack Clusters id. , afterward? a well-known iportsinan. ' was In r-iiiene^ at Christ Church. Oxford, as a g^ntleirin commoner, from February 1795 until 179S ; bat did not gra- duate. "He sat is pirii^mentj in the conser- vative interest, f:r Andover, 1&21-31, and far Carnarronsbir, 1532-41, Hi* life was almost entirely d~v:trd to sport. In youth he was an active cricketer. While at Eton in 1793 he was in the school cricket eleven. and at Oxford he played with the Bulling- don Club. He first appeared at Lord's on 11 July 17&6, in the match Bullmgdon Club versus Marylebone Club ; he made fifty- two in his first innings and fifty-nine in ins second, He was frequently seen at Lord's up to 1821. Still more conspicuous was he in the hunting field. From 1S06 to 1816 he was the master of the Quorn hound* in Leicestershire, and from 1&16 to 1824 of the Burton hounds in Lincolnshire. His first pack in Hampshire was introduced at Penton, near Andover, in 1S26, and consisted of a selection from Sir Richard Button's and other kennels. In 1S34 he purchased a large por- tion of Sir Thomas BurgHey's hounds, and in 1842 he added the "Dufie of Graft on s entire pack. He usually had at this time about one hundred couple of hounds in his kenneL He hunted his own hounds four days in the week, and sometimes had two packs out at the same time. He maintained this large establishment entirely at his own expense, and conducted all his arrange- ments with great judgment. After the death of his father, he in IcSO removed his stable and kennels to Tedworth, where he'extended & lavish hospitality to his fox-hunting neigh- bours. In 1832, in consequence of the Re- form riots, he raised a corps of yeomanry cavalry at his own expense; he was the captain, and the troopers were chiefly his own tenants and small farmers. On 20 March 1840 he accepted an invita- tion to take Ms hounds to Kolleston, Henry- Greene's seat in Leicestershire, where he was received by an assembly of two thousand horsemen and acclaimed the first fox-hunter of the day (Sporting Mag. June 1840, pp. 130-2). In 1845 he built a glass con- servatory at Tedworth, 315 feet long and 40 feet wide ? in which he took horse exercise is bis later years. He continued in the bunting field up to his eightieth year. Besides his residence at Tedworth t be owned an estate in Carnarvonshire with a bouse called Taenol. There yachting occu- pied much of bis attention. He was for many years, until 1830, a member of the Hoyal Yacht Squadron, and during that period five sailing yacht,* wtr*b T iil* :~r\ia. In 1*30 h* quarrelled with th* clii' c-2> ffiittee^n their refuel to tidnnt steam jicht^i, and ecianii?$I mei liob^rt Napier 17.^1 - 1^76 1 "q. v." of GI:i,^,w t3 hilli f;r him a. steam yacht, christened the Mtnai, 4>.O tons and 1-0 Lorse-power, TL1 was rhs first of t-frht ftearx: yachts built for Lira between l**Jj ^ni IS-"I. In 1540 the Flre- Hnz was coc.rruc*ed fcr him according to hi= o^rn mod-1, with loccr and very fine hollow water-lines. He claimed to hare bwn the oriEinator of this wave-line c>" nttrucrion, but to John Seott Riissell "q. v.~ belongs some of the credit of the invention." Among- other improvements upon Ms Welsh estate, Smith erected the Victoria, Hotel at Llanberisj enl^r^d and Improved Port Binorwic, wjrked the Victoria slate quarries, ar.i constructed the Padara rail- way, He died at Vaenol, Carnarvonshire, on 9 Sept. lSy% and was burial at Ted- worth, He married, on & Get. 1S-7, Matilda, second cbujnter of William "Webber of Binfield Lodg-?. Berkshire, but hul no issua, His widow di^d at Compton-Br^set, near DevIzes T on IS May 1^59. [Earilej-Wilniot's BeminiscenceB of T, A. Smith, 1882. with portrait; XimrccTs Hunting Bemlniseences, 1843, pp. 294-303 ; Belme Kad- ,clife'sTh Noble Science, 1893, pp. 21, 329; i J. X. Fittfs Corerside Sketches, 1878, passim; ' Cecils Eeeords of the Chase, 1877, pp. 107, 249-51 ; IHnatrated London 5ews, 1856, xxix. J 571 ; Gent. Mag. 1858, ii. 532 ; Liliywhite** j Cricket Scores, 1S62 T i. 21)3; Practical Mag. I 1873, ii* 280; Buike's Lauded Gently, 1894.] i 0, C. B. j SMITH, THOMAS SOUTHWOOD, | M.B. (1788-1861), sanitary reformer, was j born at Martock, Somerset, 012 21 Dee. 1788, His studies for the ministry were encou- raged by "William Blake (1773-1821) r q , T .] f of whom he wrote a touching memoir. Ac- cording to family tradition, Ms ministry iras first exercised among eyanrelical dissenters in the west of England. Haying become a widower, and intending to combine with the preachers office the practice of medicine, he entered as a medical student at Edinburgh i in October 1812, and in lS"oTember took the Fseant charge of the nnitarian congregation ; [see FFETSS, JAMBS] then meeting in Skin- ners* Hall, Canongate, where he rai^ad the attendance from twenty to nearly two hun- dred, In June 1813 he began a coiirse of ibrt- nightly evening lectures on unrrersal re- storation ; these were published by subscrip- tion as i Illustrations of the Divine Gorera- ment* (Glaugow, 1818, 8vo; 8th edit* called 5th, 1B66, l'2mo), and form & closely Smith 136 Smith reasoned treatise, rising on occasion to pas- sages of remarkable eloquence. The main thesis is that pain is corrective. The work won the favour of poets; Byron, Moore, j "Wordsworth, Crabbe were its warm ad- ' mirers. On 25 July 1S13 he assisted in the formation of the Scottish Unitarian Associa- tion, became its first secretary, and published an i Appeal' (1815) in defence of its cause. In 1814 his congregation moved to an old episcopal chapel (Si. Andrew's ) in Carnib- I ber's Close, High Street. He graduated ; M.D. on 1 Aug. 1816, publishing his thesis, * De mente morbis l&sa,' with a dedication ; to Thomas Belsham "q.v.j In the same year , he succeeded Samuel Fawcett 5"see under i FA.WCETT, BEXJTAMES'J; as minister it Vicarage Street Chapel, Yeovfl, Somerset, practising j also as a physician. He published a few j bennons of merit ; his funeral sermon (1821) j for Thomas Howe (1759 P-1820) is specially ; noted by Dr. James Martineau (Study of Religion, 1888, i. 398). In 1850 he removed j to London, devoting himself to the medical j profession, yet still preaching occasionally, j Southwood Smith was admitted a licen- ! tiate of the College of Physicians on 25 June ; 1821 (fellow, 9 July 1847). He was one of j the projectors of the * Westminster Review,' ( and wrote for its first number (January ! 1824) an article on Bentham's system of education. In the same year he contributed an article, ' The Use of the Dead to the Living/ advocating facilities for dissection ; ! this was reprinted in 1824 and subsequently. In 1824 he was appointed physician to tfie '< London Fever Hospital and subsequently to j the Eastern Dispensary and to the Jews' I Hospital. He was one of the original I committee (April 1825) of the * Useful \ Knowledge ' society ; wrote for it a * Trea- tise on Animal Physiology ' (1829, 8vp), ; contributed to its * Penny Cyclopaedia* (1832-45) the chief articles on anatomy, medicine, and physiology ; and added to its publications a treatise on * The Philosophy < of Health' (1835-7, 12mo, 2 vols.; llth | edit. 1865, 8vo). Meanwhile he had em- bodied the^result of devoted labours for his public patients, in ward and home, in f A Treatise on Fever' (1830, 8vo), which at once toot rank as an authority. To epidemic fever he largely traced the impoverishment of the poor, and showed that it is pre- ventible. From this work dates his remark- able career as a sanitary reformer. Jeremy Bentham [q. v.] had by will left his body to Smith, to be the subject of dis- section and an anatomical lecture. Smith performed this task at the anatomy school, Webb Street, Maze Pond, on 9 June 1832, delivering a lecture, of which two editions were published in the same year. It em- bodied a sketch of Bentham's philosophy and an account of his last moments. A thun- derstorm shook the building durinar its deli- very, yet Smith proceeded 4 with a'clear un- faltering voice, but with a face as white as that of the dead philosopher before him.* Brougham, Mill, and Grote were present. The skeleton, dressed in Bentham's clothes, with a waxen head, was kept in a mahoganv cabinet in Smith's consulting-room at Fins- bury Square; when he left this, it was transferred to University College, Gower Street, where it still remains. In 1832 Smith was placed on the central board for inquiry into the condition of fac- tory children, an inquiry the precursor of the existing factory acts." More than once the poor-law commissioners sought his aid in typhus epidemic ; hence his reports (1835- 1839) on the preventible causes of sickness and mortality among the poor. His first re- port on sanitary improvement (1838) began a series, presented at intervals till 1857. In 1839 he was a main founder of the ' Health of Towns Association/ gave evi- dence on this subject (1840) to a committee of the House of Commons, and served (1840) on the children's employment com- mission. He did much to found (1842) the 'Metropolitan Association for improving the Dwellings of the Industrial Classes/ which built the first * model' dwellings, designed to exclude epidemics by due sanitary con- ditions ; gave evidence (1844) before a com- mission of inquiry into the health of towns, was on the metropolitan sanitary commission (1847), and was appointed (1848) medical member ^of the * general board of health,' giving his services gratuitously at first, but receiving a permanent appointment in 1850, when he gave up professional practice. His reports on quarantine (1845), cholera (1850), yellow fever (1852), and on the results of sanitary improvement (1854) were of world- wide use. In 1855 he delivered two lectures on 4 Epidemics' (1856, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1866, 8vo) at the Edinburgh l philosophical institu- tion;* on this occasion he revisited Skinners* Hall, then occupied by one of the ragged schools established by Thomas Guthrie, DJ>. [q.v/[ His unsparing devotion to philan- thropic labour had told upon his constitu- tion, and he seemed an older man than he was; his speech was slow, but his rich voice and dignified manner made his delivery very impressive. Though he had earned the gra- titude of nations, he retired on a very mocb- rate pension. In October 1861, having re- Smith Smith covered from a serious Illness, lie went to winter at Florence. At the beginning of December a short attack of bronchitis proyed fatal. He died on 10 Dec. 1561, and was buried In the protestant cemetery outside the Pcrta Plnti, Florence, where is a monument to his memory with medallion portrait. His bust, executed (1856) at Florence by J, Hart, is In the National Portrait Gallery, pre- sented t February 1872) by a committee for the purpose. He was twice married, and left by his first marriage (to Miss Eeade) two daughters : by his second marriage (to . & daughter of John Christie of Hackney) an , only son, Herman (d. 23 July 1897, agecl 77), [Monks Coll. of Phys. 1878, iii. 235 sq.; ! Monthly Repository, 1813 p. 536, 1815 pp. 118, 653, 1821 pp. 262 sq. ; lurch's Hist. Presb. and Gen. Bapt. Churches in West of Eag!. 1835, p. 218; Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844, vol. i. (article * Lord Ashley and Dr. Sonthwood Smith'); Christian Reformer, 1860, p. 720; Obitnarv from the Lancet, December 1861 ; Inquirer, 21 Dec. 1861 p. 936, 31 July 1897 p. 503; Nonsubscriber, February 1862, pp. 18 sq. ; personal recollection.] A G-. SMITH, WALTER (/. 1525), wrote in verse an account of a roguish adventuress named Edyth, daughter of one John Han- kin ? and widow of one Thomas Ellys. Smith's -work was entitled *The Widow Edyth; Twelue merry Gestys of one called Edvth, the lyeng Wydow.' It was * emprintecl at London at the sygne of the aneremayde at Pollis gate next chepeside by J. Rastell 23 March MvCixv.' The printer notes that at the date of publication the heroine was still alive. The work is divided into twelve chapters, each called a ' mery jeste/ The coarse tricks which the widow is described as playing on tradesmen, tavern-keepers, and servants of great men, including the bishop of Bochester and Sir Thomas More, are some- times diverting, but their narrator displays few literary gifts. The work is of the greatest rarity. A copy was noticed in 4 Bibliotheca Smithiana/ 1686, and in the catalogue of the Haxleian collection, but it is doubtful if any now survive. Of a reprint issued by Hichard Jones ia 1573, two copies are known one in the Bodleian Library, and the other in the Huth Library. A modern. reprint is in W. C. Eazlitt's * Old English Jest Books,* 1864, ToL iii. [Ames's Typogr. AntSq, d. Dibdin, iii 87 J Collier's BiUiogr. Cat, iL 357; Hazlitt's BibKogr. & L. Theatre, in partnership with cth^r authors employed by Philip Henilow* ~q. v,~, the theatrical manager. From tl e latter's * 1'iary ' it appears that he was associated "bttween 1001 and 1603 In the composition of the fol- lowing thirteen piece?, none of which, seem to have been puilished, and none are now extant. Their titles are : 1. k Tie Conquest of the West Indies ' \ with Day and Haugktou), 1601. 2. 4 The Rising of Cardinal \Yolsey ' (with Chettle, Dray ton, and Munday")t, 1601. 3. 'Six Clothiers*' (with Hatlhwsy and Haughton), 1601. 4. * Too Good to be True, or the Northern Man ' t with Chettle and Hathway), 1601. 5. 'Love parts Friend- ship * ('with Chettlej, 1602, 6. * As merry as may be ' (with Day and Hathway), 16Gi? f written for the court and for the" 'earl of Worcester's men at the Itose. 7. * Albert Galles ' (with Heywood u 1002 ; possibly the title should be i Archizallits/ " fe. * Marshal Osric ? (completed by Heyvcsod, and doubt- fully assumed by Fleay'to be identical ia its revised form* with" Hey^ood's * Royal King and Loyal Subject ,'* London, 1037, 4to), 1602. 9. i The iT tiii* BrotLers,' 1602. 10. *Lady Jane" (with Chetile, Deklier, Heyrvood, and Webster j, 1602. 11. 'The Black Bog of Newgate ' (with Bay, Hathway, and 4 the other poet,' probably Haughtoa), 1602-3. 12. f The ITnfortunate General, a French History ' (with Day, Hathway, and t the other poet *), 1603. 13, * An Italian Tragedy/ 1603. To Went worth may be ascribed the extant play, by '"W. Smith,' called * The Hector of Grermanie, or the Palsgrave, Prime Elector. A Xew Play, an Honourable Hystorie. As it hath beene publikely Acted at the Bed Bull and at the Curtaine, by a Companie of Young men of this Citie. Made bf "W. Smith, with new Additions. London, printed by Thomas Creede for Josias Harrison, and are to be solde in Pater-coster Row, at the Signe of the Golden Anker,* 1615, 4tx Written in 1613, it was dedicated to ^ SMITH, WBSTWORTH Qt 1601- 1623), dramatist, wrote many plays for the Admiral's company of actors at the Rose Right Worshbfull the great FaYGJ-er of the Muses, Syr Joan Swinaerton, Kniffht, some- times Lord Mayor of this honouralble Cittia of London/ Baker is mistaken in asserting that this was the last play acted at the Curtain. From the dedication we learn that the author also wrote * The Freeman's Honour,* another piece not known to be ex- tant, which lie says was l acted by the Ser- vants of the Kingfc Majesty to dignify the worthy company of Merchant Taylors * (Fu&ir, Ewgr, Ckt&n.* ; NICHOLS, IVx^rewe* of Jamee J, iL 732 V An endeayour h*s beaa made to place both these plays t tlia credit of another dramatist named William Smith, Smith 138 Smith for -whose existence no satisfactory proof is forthcoming. "Warburton asserts that one of the pieces destroyed by his cook was ' St. George for England by William Smith, 7 and that the same writer was also the author of * Hector of Germanie,' of ' The Freeman's Honour,' and of ' The Fair Foul One, or the Baiting of the Jealous Knight/ which was licensed by Herbert in 1623 for performance at the Bed Bull Inn. But Warburton seems to have expanded on his own authority the initial < W.' in < W. Smith ' on the title-page of 'St. George' into William instead of Wentworth. The only writers of the time named William Smith of whom we have contemporary evidence were the sonnetteer and the herald, neither of whom is there the smallest reason for crediting with the authorship of plays fsee SMITH, WILLIAM, fl. 1596; SMITH/ WILIJAM, 1550 P-1618], All the plays assigned in the early seven- teenth century to * W. Smith ' were in all probability from the pen of Wentworth Smith. To Wentworth Smith have been unwar- rantably ascribed the three plays * Locrine/ * The Puritan,* and Cromwell ' which were published in Shakespeare's lifetime under the initials of* W. S.' These pieces, together with *Oldcastle, f 'London Prodigal/ and 'Yorkshire Tragedy' (which were fraudu- lently issued as by f W. Shakespeare 7 ), were included as Shakespeare's work in the folio of 1664. There is no cine to the authorship of any of these six plays, and the initials c W. S./ like Shakespeare's full name, were placed on the title-pages by the publishers merely to give purchasers the false impres- sion that Shakespeare was their author. [Henslowe's Diary, pp. 185, 204, 206, 207, &c.; Warner's Dnlwieh MSS, pp. 21, 24, 157 ; Pleay's Chronicle of the English Drama, i. 160, 300, ii. 249-51 ; Laagbaine's Lives of the English Dramatic Poets, ed. 1712, p. 134; Baker's Bio- graphia Dramatica, i. 676, 677, ii. 11, 250, 287, 238, 333 ; Ealli veil's Dictionary of Old English Plays, passim.] E. I. C. SMITH or SMYTH, WILLIAM (1460 ?- 1514), bishop of Lincoln and co-founder of Brasenose College, Oxford, born about 1460, was fourth son of Robert Smyth of Peelhouse in the parish of Prescot, Lancashire. His father appears to have been a country squire of moderate estate. It is a probable tradi- tion that William was educated in the house- hold of Margaret, countess of Richmond and Berby, mother of Henry VII and second wife of Thomas Stanley, first earl of Derby [q.v.], at Knowsley, within which parish his birthplace is situate [see BEATTFOBT, MAESAEET], The Lady Margaret maintained a sort of private I school, * certayn yonge gentilmen at her find- 1 yng ' being educated at Knowsley by Maurice | West bury, whom she had brought" from Ox- j ford for that purpose. Smyth's biographer, I Churtpn, after completely disproving Wood's assertion that Smyth was a migrant from Oxford^to Cambridge, inclines to identify him with William Smyth, a commoner of Lincoln College in 1478. He would then probably be about eighteen years old. In that case | he must have been only twenty-five when I he, being already qualified by the degree of bachelor of law, was appointed (20 Sept. 1485) to the lucrative office of keeper or clerk of the hanaper of the chancery for life, with a salary of 40Z. yearly in excess , of that enjoyed by his predecessor, a knight, besides an allowance of eighteenpence a day : when in attendance on the chancellor (CAHP- ! BELL, Materials, i. 16). The fact that this j grant was made within a month after the 1 battle of Bosworth, and that it was fol- lowed a few days later (2 Oct.) by prefer- ment to a canonry of St. Stephen's, West- minster ($. p. 71), shows that Smith's friends must have been active as well as powerful at the new court. Among the state papers is one belonging to 1485, showing the issue- of 200/. to William Smyth, keeper of the j hanaper, for the custody of two daughters of j Edward IV. Another document of 24 Feb* 1 1486 recites that this 200/. was delivered by Smyth to the Lady Margaret, who * of late i hadde the keping and guiding of the ladies, daughters of King Edward the iiiith. 7 On j 17 Feb. in the same year he is described as 1 a member of the king's council. Smyth's first parochial preferment was on 13 May 1486 to the living of Combe Martyn, north Devon, in the gift of the crown (ib. L 434 ; Pat. Roll, 1 Hen. VH, pt. iii. nu 13). He was S also presented, under the style of the king's chaplain, to the living of Great Grimsby on 4 May 1487 (#. 2 Hen. VII, pt, ii. m. 8). In 1491 lie was made dean of the collegiate and royal chapel of St. Stephen's, Westminster, This preferment he had resigned before 1496. On 14 June 1492 he was presented by the Lady Margaret to the rectory of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. This he held for two years, resigning it on his promotion to a bishopric. In the same year (1492) Smyth, together with Richard Foxe [q. v.], then bishop of Exeter, and Sir Elias Dawbeney, was made a co- feofieeof her estates in Somerset and Devon for the performance of Lady Margaret's wilL _ At the beginning of 1493 Smith was made bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. He had been entrusted with the custody of the tem- poralities of the see since 30 March 1491, his predecessor, Bishop John Hales, having died Smith 139 Smith on the last day of 1490, with liberty to apply its reTenues to bis own use without rendering account to the crown (Exch.Q. R. Mem. Roll, 21 Hen. Til, inter brena^ Easter Term m. iiii.) The Lichn'eld registers show that he at once diligently entered upon his epi- ; scopal duties, but within three months he was acting as a member of Prince Arthur's ! council in the marches of Wales. This ne- j eessitated the nomination by him, after the ; example of Foxe and other contemporary ' prelates, of a smfragan bishop, Thomas Fort, ' bishop of Achonry in Ireland, in 1494. He , presumably resigned at the same time Ms office of keeper or clerk of the hanaper, his successor, Edmund 3Iartyn ? who also fol- lowed him as dean of St. Stephen's, being ' appointed to the place on 6 Feb. 1493 (Pat. Roll, 8 Hen. VII, pt. ii. m. 18). While bishop I of Lichfield, Smyth refounded the ruinous hospital of St. John, originally a priory of : friars, but transformed by him into an alms- house and free grammar school. To it he annexed the hospital of Denhall or Denwall in Cheshire, and secured for it liberal patronage from Henry VH. This hospital of St. John still survives at Liehfield as a monument to , Smyth's memory. t On 31 Jan. 1496 Smyth was translated to ' Lincoln, at that time the most extensive diocese in England, stretching, as it did, from the Humber to the Thames. But he j was generally an absentee, resident at Lad- j low or Bewdley in attendance upon Prince Arthur, though he found time in the first ' year of his episcopate to make a visitation at Oxford. Even as long after his translation as 1500, when he proposed to make his first | entry into his cathedral city, affairs of state : recalled him to Bewdley ; nor was his visita- ' tion carried out until the spring of 1 501 . The i wealth now at his disposal enabled MT?TC in j the same year to acquire private property in j laud, and he purchased an estate at St. John's, Bedwardyn, near Worcester. On 22 Aug. 1501 Smyth was appointed lord president of Wales, upon the reform of the administration of that principality, with a salary of 20/. & week, equivalent to about 12,0002. a year of our money, for a table for himself and the council. He had already for i some years presided at Prince Arthur's eoun- \ ciL His new office was one comprising both administrative and judicial functions. On 5 Nov. 1500, within a few days after Cardinal Morton's death, Smyth, who had previously | been recommended for the post in 1495 by 1 Henry VII, was elected the cardinal's sac- 1 cessor in the chancellorship of Oxford Uni- j versity. He resigned it in August 1503. j Buring his chancellorship in September 1501 J the Prince of Wales (Arthur), with Smyth in | attendance, visited Oxford. In April 1502 the prince died in Ludlow Castle, and Smyth 3 officiated at his funeral in Worcester Cathe- dral. He still remained lord president of ; Wales, and retained the office during Hfe ; but there are indications that after Prince ! Arthur's death his attention was less ab- sorbed by Wekh affairs. In 1503 he took part in the investiture of Warham, of whom he had been an early patron, as archbishop of Canterbury. In November 1504 he joined in a celebrated decree of the Star-chamber re- gulating the relations of the staplers and mer- chant adventurers. On 3 June 1505 he was condemned by the commissioners of sewers at Newark, Nottinghamshire, to pav a fine of eight hundred marks (533/. 6. Sd.) for erecting weirs and mills in the Trent * to the noysaimee of the passage of boats and other vesselles.* The fine was remitted by the king on the following 11 April {Ezch, Q. J2. 31>m. Roll, 21 Hen. YII, E. T. inter breiia, m. i.) At some time towards the close of Henry \TTs reign Smyth's wealth invited ex- tortion of the kind generally associated with the names of Sir Eichard Enipson [q. v.] and Edmund Dudley [q.v.~ An information was laid against him that he had paid English gold to a foreigner, presumably for exporta- tion abroad, in violation of the statute of 1488-9 (4 Hen. Til, c. 23). He was con- demned in the immense sum of IjSOQ/., the penalty being double the amount of gold alienated by the offender. Of this sum, it appears from an account rendered by the exe- cutors of Henry VII, Smyth paid in ready money two instalments of 100 and 1,20Q respectively. Henry VIE having left instruc- tions that this and other extortions from dignified ecclesiastics should be restored, Smyth received the money back again about 15G9 (State Paperg^Dom.l Hen. VIII, 77t>). But his apprehension of a continuance of similar proceedings led him to procure for himself a pardon, dated less than three weelts after Henry YIITs accession, for every con- ceivable common-law or statutory offence which might have been committed by him,, beginning with homicide and ending with breaches of the manufacturing regulations ( JWk. Q. M. Mem. &>U, 1 Hen. Ym, Trinity Term, m. vii.) In 1507 Smyth began a series of benefac- tions which elicited Fuller's eulogy that * this man wheresoever he went may be followed by the perfume of charity he left behind him/ In the course of this year he founded & fel- lowship in Oriel College ; lie established a. free school at Farnworth in LaseasMre, where he added a south aisle to Smith 140 Smith and lie presented two estates to Lincoln College, the manor of Bushbery, or Ailleston, near Brewood,in Staffordshire, and the manor of Sencleres in Chalgrove, Oxfordshire. _ In the same year he first formed the design, in concert with Pdchard Sutton [q.v.j, of founding a new college in Oxford. The earliest steps towards effecting this purpose were taken by Sutton, but in 1509 Bishop Smyth appears in conjunction with Sutton as lessee of a stone quarry at Headington, and is represented by an inscription on the foundation-stone of Brasenose College to have laid it, together with Sutton, on 1 June of the same year. The core of the new foundation was Brasenose Hall, dating at least from. the thirteenth century. This Smyth rebuilt. With it he incorporated other adjacent halls, and gave to the whole the name of < the king's hall and college of Brasenose/ at first some- times designated * the king's college of Bra- senose,' or ' Collegium Regale de Brasenose. 1 The charter of foundation is dated 15 Jan. 1512 (RoEEB, xiiL 320). In the following ye jjr Smyth transferred to the new college the estates of the dissolved priory of Cold Norton, Oxfordshire, purchased by Mm from the dean, and convent of St. Stephen's, Westminster, to whom they had been granted. He added an estate nearOrford, known asBasset's fee. The objects of his new college, as set forth in the charter, were ( to study philosophy and sacred theology ... to the praise and honour of Almighty God ; for the furtherance of divine worship, for the advancement of holy church, and for the support and exaltation of the Christian faith.' It was to consist of a prin- cipal and twelve fellows, all of them born within the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, with preference to the natives of Lancashire and Cheshire, and especially those of Prescot in Lancashire and Presbury in Cheshire. Apparently the principal and all the fellows were to be in holy orders. The first statutes were drawn up by Smyth himself, largely borrowed from those of Magdalen, and pre- scribing both the diet and dress of the members of the house. The severity of Smyth's rules was somewhat mitigated after his death, by his surviving co-founder, Sutton, at the re- quest of the college. Meanwhile Smyth took part in the conversion of the property of another religious house to educational pur- poses,liavingin 1510 assisted in the suppres- sion of the priory of St. John, Cambridge, with a view to the foundation of St, John's College, Cambridge. The deaths of Smyth's patrons, Henry VII and the Lady Margaret, took place respec- tively in April and June 1509. The person foremost in Henry VELTs council at this time was Richard Foxe [q. v. ], bishop of Winches- ter, who, together with Smyth, was among the executors of Henry VH. With Foxe Smyth had had frequent official relations, and in 1509 joined with him, Fitzjames, bishop of London, and Oldham, bishop of Exeter, in the successful assault upon the jurisdic- tion of the archbishop of Canterbury's pro- bate court [see WAEHAM, WILLIAM]. On the other hand, there were differences of opinion between them, Foxe favouring the I liberal tendencies of * the new learning.' The sense of rivalry disclosed itself in riotous attacks, in which a former principal of Brasenose Hall was concerned, upon the builders of Foxe's new college of Corpus Christi. Although Smyth retained till his death his office of president of Wales, his name, after his patrons' deaths, practically disappears from the domestic state papers. Foxe's influence was probably the cause of his retirement. He seems to have spent his later years within the limits of his vast diocese. His will is dated 26 Dec. 1513. He died at Buckden in Huntingdonshire, one of his ten palaces as bishop of Lin- coln, on 2 Jan. 1514. In his will he de- sired to be buried in his cathedral, and he left certain sums for religious services. To the college of Brasenose he bequeathed, for the use of the chapel, the books, chalices, and vestments of his domestic chapel. These, of which an inventory was left, appear never to have come into possession of the college. They were probably appropriated by Wolsey, his successor in the see, one of the charges against whom was that he * had the more 1 part of the goods of Dr. Smyth, bishop of Lincoln,' as well as of other bishops whom he succeeded, * contrary to their wills and to law and justice.' Smith also bequeathed IOOL to the hospital of St. John Baptist in Banbury, where another of his episcopal palaces was situate, and certain sums to his relatives. The residue of his goods was to be disposed of by his executors in works of piety and charity for the welfare of his soul The will was proved on 30 Jan. 1514. He was buried in a stone coffin, one of the latest instances of this practice, under a marble gravestone, inlaid with a rich brass effigy and inscription. This was destroyed during tne civil wars, but a copy made in 1641 by Sir William Dugdale is extant. A mural monument near the west door of the cathedral, erected by Dr. Ralph Cawley, prin- cipal of Brasenose in 1775, bears along Latin inscription to his memory. Smyth was one of the enlightened states- men-prelates of his age. He evidently . shared with, his lifelong friend, Hugh Old- Smith Smith ham ~g. v.], * t bishop of Exeter, some of the | dislike and! suspicion of the regulars then ' current even among ecclesiastics. During ! the short time that^he was at Lichfield he t~WT.ce rejected the incompetent presentees ' of monastic houses to livings, and made a / visitation of the religious foundations within ; his diocese. Xot long after his translation to Lincoln in 1499, we find him suspending ! the abbot of Oseney, and enforcing a re- i formation of that house. That he was a | man of learning is apparent from his elec- tion as chancellor of Oxford, and from the ' specimen of his Latin composition which has survived. Though a contemporary of Eras- mus and Foxe, he does not seem, if we may j judge by the statutes of Ms college, to have j been alive to the importance of Greek. On the contrary, his design seems to have been , to establish an ecclesiastical and conserva- tive institution adhering to the traditional studies of scholastic philosophy and theology. ; In this respect his statutes differ amazingly from the far more progressive provisions which Foxe drew up for his college of Corpus. Button's mind, it is evident, was cast in the same mould as that of Smyth, and it can | readily be believed that he deferred entirely to the guidance of the former chancellor of | the university. It can be understood, there- fore, that Smyth displayed no liberal ten- dencies in his theology, and in 1506 he is recorded to have enforced the law against j heresy both by imprisonment and burning, j But John Foxe "q. v.j, the martyrologist, who as a Brasenose man was probably indisposed | to be severe upon the founder of his college, | records of Smyth * that in the time of the ! great abjuratio"n, divers he sent quietly_home ! without punishment and penance, bidding I them go home and live as good Christian men ] should do. J Judged by the high standard of j clerical duty held by Latimer, Smyth s what- ; ever his wishes may have been ? was an f un- I preaching prelate.* " He must have been too absorbed in business of state, at any rate , down to the death of Prince Arthur in 1505, to exercise any effective personal supervision over his immense diocese, ^or can he ba acquitted of the prevailing ecclesiastical vice of nepotism. His biographer CHurton devotes a chapter to his kinsmen and the ecclesi- astical preferments he heaped upon them. : Three of his nephews he made archdeacons in his diocese, appointing one of them, Wil- liam Smyth, archdeacon of Lincoln, to the most valuable prebend, it is said, in England. Annther of them, Gilbert Smyth, he made a , prebendary in 149S f nearly six years before Be took sutdeacon's orders! Matthew Smyth, the last principal of Brasenose Hall, and the \ first of Brasenose College, in all probability a relation of the bishop, was presented by Mm to a prebend in Lincoln Cathedra! io. 1508, though he -was not ordained sub-deacon till 1512. One of Bishop Smyth's last acts was to grant a lease, probably on beneficial terms, of the manor of Xettleham in Lin- colnshire to Richard Smyth, doubtless a kinsman, Chnrton complains that in Smyth's time the cathedral of Lincoln was * peopled with persons of the name of William, Smyth/ and, from what we know of the bishop's care for his kinsmen, it is not unfair to suspect that most of them were relatives whom he indemnified in this way for the diversion of the bulk of his property to his college. In the appendix to the fourth report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission (1874, p, 173) it is stated that in a bundle of sixty papers belonging to the dean and chapter of \\ estminster,, chiefly letter* addressed to Sir fteginald Bray "q.v.*, are some letters from the' bishop of Lincoln \ Smyth I. These letters had previously been seen by J. A. Manning-, author of the * Lives of the Speakers* in 1S51 (p. 146 1, but have since disappeared from their place in the muniment-room of the abbey. The bishop's portrait, which hangs in t lie hall of Brasenase, is unfortunately un- dated. A replica exists at his hospital at LicMeld, The picture apparently represents him in his closing years. The eyes are fine, and the cast of countenance one of serene in- telligence. [Ftdler's Worthies; Wood's Athroae 0xew Creation brought forth in the Holy Order of Life/ 1661, 4to, 4. 'Universal Love' jseparate_ addresses to persons in every class of life", 1663, Svo ; reprinted 1668. * 5. < A New Pnmm*r,' 1663, Svo; reprinted 1665 f with 'Something of Truth,' &c. ; both reprinted 16S8, 8vo. 6. * A Briefe Answer ' to f Shetinah [riij in which John Stillingfleet attacked " the quakers, 1664, 4to- i . *A New Cfttechism/ 1665; another edition 1667. 8. i The Baptists Sophistry discovered,' 1 672-3, 4to, in answer to * The Quakers Subterfuge* by Ralph Japes, baptist, of \Tillingham,LincolnBhire. Smith's collected works were published in 1073, folio, under the title of * Balm from Giletd,' with j a dedicntory epistle from Ellis Hookas, the j first recording clerk of the society. The pagination of the volume is irres?ular, owing to the book being printed in ditfemu places (see note at end of contents). Some extracts were published by George Eichardson (1773- : 1662 1 "q.v. n , Xewimstle, 1^5. ! Another WIXJIAH SMITH (Jf. 1660\ sue- : cessively of Sileby and Market Harborough, Leicestershire, was author of * The Wisdom of the Earthlv Wise confounded, 1 1679, 4to: an answer toftomaa Wilson, rectorof Arrow, Warwickshire, who wrote against thequakers Smith 144 Smith Ms kou.se at Sileby George Fox held^ great meetings in 1655 and 1677 (Journal^ i. 251 7 ii. 259)" [Balm from Gilead, 1675 ; Besse's Sufferings, i. 552 ; ox's Journal, ii. 81 ; Cropper's Suf- ferings of the Quakers in Nottinghamshire, xv. ; "Smith's Cat. Friends' Books, if. 601-12; Registers at Devonshire House, Bishopsgate Strict.] C. F. S. SMITH, WILLIAM (d. 1696),jictor, was a barrister of Gray's Inn, and joined the Duke of York's company, under Sir William D'Avenant, a year alter its formation. He was a man of social position, and acknow- ledged as such in aristocratic circles and in his profession. At Lincoln's Tnn Fields, at Dorset Garden, and ultimately at the Theatre Royal and the new house in Little Lincoln's Tnn Fields, he held a position in the first rank, and created many original parts of primary importance. His name appears on 8 Jan. 1663 to the part of the Corrigidor (sic) in Sir SamuelTuke's 4 Adventures of Five Hours.' He was on 28 May Lugo in Sir Robert Stapleton's * Slighted Maid ;' on 1 Jan. 1664 he was Buckingham in a revival of * King Henry Yin,' and on 13 Aug. the Duke of Burgundy in * Henry V/ hy the Earl of Orrery, "in Etherege's * Comical Revenge, or Love in a Tub,' n wa s Colonel Bruce; in * The Rivals/ D'Avenant's alteration of the ( Two Noble Kinsmen/ Polynices; and Antonio in a revival of Webster's *' Duchess of Main? On 3 April 1665 he was Zanger in Lord Orrery's 'Mustapha.' After the cessation of performances on account of the plague, he distinguished himself on 7 March 1667 as Sir William Stanley in Caryl's j * English Princess, or the Death of Richard ! the Third.' On 14 Nov. preceding, Pepys writes: 'Knipp tells me how Smith of the Duke's house hath killed -a man upon a quarrel in play, which makes everybodv sorry, he being a good actor, and, they say, a good man, however this happens. " The ladies of the court do much bemoan him, she says J (Diary, ed. Wheatley, vi. 62). In ' Sir Martin Man-all, or Feigned Inno- cence/ by Dryden and the Duke of New- castle, 16 Aug. (second time), Smith was Sir John Swallow. On 6 Feb. 1668 in t She would if she could/ by Etherege, he was Gourtall,and on 5 May Stanford in Shad well's * Sullen Lovers.' The piece had, says Downes, a wonderful success, and was played before the court at Dover. In Caryl's * Sir Solomon, or the Cautious Coxcomb/ played in 1669, he was Young Single. Betterton's ' Amorous "Widow 7 followed in 1670, showing Smith as Cunningham. Foscaris in Edward Howard's ' Women's Conquest ' was seen in 1671, as was Sharnofsky in Crowne's 'Juliana, or the Princess of Poland.' The new theatre in Dorset Garden was opened by the Duke's company, under Lady D'Avenant, with *Sir Martin Marrall/ on 9 Nov., when Smith presumably played his original part. He was here Prince of Salerne in Crowne's i Charles Till, or the Invasion of Naples.' At Dorset Garden Smith re- mained until the junction of the two com- panies in 1682. lie was in 1672 Woodlv in Shadwell's 'Epsom Wells j'Pisauro in Arrow- smith's 'Reformation;' Banquo, one of his- great parts, in 'Macbeth/ converted into an opera; Don Antonio in Nevil Payne's ' Fatal Jealousy ;' Philander in Mrs. Behn's. ' Forced Marriage.' The year 1673 saw him as Ruffle in Nevfi. Payne's * Morning Ramble/ Careless in Ravenscroft's ' Careless Lovers/ Muley Hamet in Settle's ( Empress of Morocco/ Horatio in a revival of ( Hamlet f 1674 as Quitazo in Settle's ( Conquest of China by the Tartars/ and Tyridates in ' Herod and Mariainne ; ' and 1675 as Clo- tair in Settle's 'Love and Revenge.' In Settle's * Ibrahim the Illustrious Bassa/ 1676, he was Ibrahim ; in Etherege's * Man of the Mode, or Sir Fopling Mutter/ Sir Fopling ; in Otway's e Don Carlos, Prince of Spain/ Don Carlos ; in D'Urfey's 'Fond Hus- band/ Rashley j in Ravenscroft's Wrangling Lovers/ Don Diego ; in D'Urfey's * Madame Fickle/ Manley; and in Settle's * Pastor Fido, or the Faithful Shepherd/ Mirtillo, the faithful shepherd. Antiochus in Ot- way's * Titus and Berenice ' was apparently the first novelty in 1677, in which year Smith was also the first Csesar in Sedley's * Antony and Cleopatra;' Willmore the rover in Mrs. Behn's 'Rover;' Perdicas in Pordage's 'Siege of Babylon;' Philip in Mrs. Behn's ' Abdelazer, or the Moore's Revenge/ Ulysses in Banks's i Destruction of Troy * belong to 1678, as do Lodwick Knowell in Mrs. Behn's ' Sir Patient Fancy ; 7 Malagene in Otway's t Friendship in Fashion/ Henry Raymond in D'Urfey's 'Squire Oldsapp/ Peralta in Leanerd's 'Counterfeits/ and Alcibiades in Shad well's * Timon of Athens, or the Man-Hater.' Genest, with some reason, supposes that he was Woodall in Dryden's'Limberham/the cast of which has not survived. To 1679 belong Adrastus in Dryden and Lee's 'CEdipus;' Hector in 'Troilus and Cressida, or Truth found too late/ altered by Dryden from Shake- speare j and Sir Harry Fillamour in Mrs. Behn's * Feigned Courtezans.' In 1680 he was Machiavel in Lee's 'Csesar Borgia/" Chamont in 'The Orphan/ Marius Junior in Smith 145 Smith Otway's 4 Eht-ry and Fall of CVm? Maria-* floa;r the ac >'p*^'I adaprat i'~n of* Ii ^m- ,- ini Julie* \ B^ifcrt in BTrf-y% "Viru',i* Wife/ WhCnun in Mrs. Behn's 6 Rev-rnr-/ and 31 areian In L**/? ; Th-^d :>*ri/ Th- y^r 1691 lei of with rb- fc F;r=t Part :f H-nrr YL" altered by 'r:>wn~, in wh!eL Sm'.tli w;i- tie Duke of Mittblk. In *1^ ^ e<>n'sfy* -i. LOWM. i. 7i 4 '. Sinitli i-; -i;I to L^v^ t^n rr-a*ly at*acLed f o Jame= II, wl;>- army, '-iCC' n r I ing 1 ti Chfctwx)-!, the actor ;"ln-d as aT*)luat*ser upon the o;i:br-jtk of th* revo- l*-itijn, in company with tw,, attesiinta. On the v-c^-l'jn of *he actor? from the TLfcdtTfi Fi.,.valin lt>^-*, Smith was prerailed -n by Bt-n-rton an I 3Ir^. Barry, his old a-'ociatt:,*, a.- well as by frienis :^f high rank, and at tLe J : r-ect int-rr^^iin r -f Con^reve, to return tc rL- stare. On the opening of the theatre In Little Line-In*? Inn Field,*, with Conr>- v^ "5 ^ Lore f ?r Love/ Smith took tLe part of scandal. He was received with muchen^hTi-ia^ai. In ItT:*] he played War- ner IE a revival of "Sir Martin Marrall/ and wa.? tie criminal Cyaxare= In Bank-"* " Cyrus the Gr^at/ " On tile d^y -jf the fourth repre* *^ntati"jn Le -vd^ tik-s III, azii died shortly th Is btlltv^d "3 1 Lav^ La a Ldt Otway ;-ay* in- Venice Pre- served 'cf rhe fi^^re .jf Pierre 1= s^ppjsed to- depict Smith, wio TT^= intended for tnia part. Don Carlos, another : Smith's original parts, U de-enbrd as a tall abls slave/ Barton Boc*th "q.v." wrote a Latin epitaph on Smith, placed under *his picture/ \Vnat portrait is re- ferred to, however, cannot now be ascer* tained. Booth's lines describe him as an excellent player in the reign of Charles H r the Mend of Betterton, and almost his equal ; a man of no ignoble family nor destitute of polite learning-, Smith's unbroken friend- ship with Betterton reflects high credit upon him ? as does indeed all that is known con- cerning him. He is one of the most in- teresting and distinguished Sgures of the , .Restoration stage. } [G-enact's Account of the English Stag* (esp. ii. 978, with list of original puts) ; ; Doimes's Borons Anglicana? ; CurlFs History of \ the English Stage, assigned to Betterton; ! Cibber's Apology, ed, Lowe ; Life of Barton : Booth, by Theophilns Cibber; Chet wood's His- tory of the Stage; Boras's Annals of the S:;ig&. " SMITH, WILLIAM f 1651 r-1735 1, an- 1 tiquary, born about 1*>51, was the son of "^ illiam Smith of Easby, near Hiehmond in Yorkshire, by his wife Anne, daughter of i Francis Layton of Kawden, master of the jewel-house" in the reign of Charles I. On *?8 May 16*38 William matriculated irom University College, Oxford, and graduated B.A.. in 1&7:2 proctfeding M.A. on 18 March '' 1674-0. La 1673 he was appoint^ rector j of Goodmanham in Yorkshire, in 1675 | elected a fellow of University College, and L Smith 145 Smitn in >"7- "rrrj !V-1 51 A. a* CarAr: 1^. In :^.T. f;r three years in fc ba capacity of his r-ai-.-?, In Jun-e 17-^> b w rxk deacon's *';!, .:; I." H- li-'i .n Kt^iiiVr 17^. aerj.^^.*' ~ 1 ! -. &ro_', aM^i*:* lie appears to 5r^/ L n^ v ; * i-rl: ? if: 1. * The Annals ** L*nlv -*i.*T C -l^jir," N-.-wcas* !e-i;p: n- W 4* fe "* \- 'OT'-a "-" i*-4, T T~r 1*" JM -* HTA aJo-lfc.*,! A^rrtuil* *'""* Ip"- L"! J>L*" 1 * <-t7. C*O. Ii J 3,1* " XTT'"* *W-,'!1* T**.r ' ^.11 in-iH l"n"TlpT T*>" rvSATcl:" - J.TO rh- ar-jLlTr^of :h^? university tnl ~f h> oTa c"'!lr j*--, which are in pos&js- feion of thfc S" return lie r*l !ht v r^nr,- of lu laUjiirs in a ^... *rntrJ^I 'Thirty iiiJVrtnt Draughts nf Gu.n^ji/ London, f'l He al*o Itft an weCiUnr cf his viai* in. a nifiaucripT, pub- l]*h^i in 1744 -ini-r th* ritle of * A New \ uyiijc : j i.Tiun^jau* in ^Lli'h hL nwn obser- a*u-'n* ^*fcrp eke-I o:it with long extracts Coa.-* r 'f G t ;r/ra.' TL^ imvorancy of tli ^ ^ |>arr of tb? u*.m^he aofoally written by Smith :.* v^-ry ?1:/L* i Piss-ribuS, lv/^- -j, ii. [Gect. Mag. 1SS3, ii. 1^; Foter's ^bmni OJEOJS, 1.>"J-17H: T:i rasly Ccrresy. ; Notes an i Queries, fiih ser. ii 13" Nidbcl*s Ula^tra- ticns of Literature. T. 4S3,] E. I, C. SMITH, WILLIAM (ini-17S7>, trans- lator from the Greek, was born on 30 May 1711 at "WoTOssttr, where his father, Hieliard Smith, was reetor of All Saint*' CimrelL He entered Worcester grammar school { Queen Elizabeth's) in 172:?, and pro* ,^^^ ; n |7g to y ew College, Oxford. He & B. /Vkrjt**TTkni*ai**!' /? TJ'rtVi^-.'wrf. T ^.,^.1. . He ffmduatdl B,A. in 1732, MTA. in 177, tndB.D.uidD.B.inl75d. Soon after taking his bachelor's degree, Smith had the grood for- tEGt: of !>ecomiiig known to James Sianlev earl of Derby, and he resided with ; Hi: nrt|;ill:c%^ n, a tran^Lxtrn cf * L r ,n- ziri :5 n tLe S^blin^," app^-are-i in 173?, and ^tahlisLel hL* rtpt-at::ii as a classical ?cL "lar. In 1743 h^ "was app".ii:t-i cliaplala t L :I Ij-rty. tie succe??'-r "f his f.ncer latrT., 2j;d in 174S headmi^trr of Brent- w . :*d gramxar sch . L The Ii& ( :f a peda- r- rue proved diftasteful, and .Smith re=igiied at the cl'?a cf a year. In 17o3 he became one cf the ministers n$r. Ge-'.rze 1 ?, L:vtrp-'L and in the same year T a^ published his translation of Thucy- didtrs. In 170S, mainlr through the influence of Lrrd Derby, he was presented to the deanery of Cliester, with which lie htld other preferments. He resigned St.Ger.rsre's^LiTer- po* 1, in 1767, and Holy Trinity, Chester, in 17 sO, but he was rectcr of Handley from 1766 to 1767, and of West Kirby from 1780 to 1787. Smith died at Cib^ter on 12 Jan. 1757, and was buried in the south aisle of the cathedral, where a monument was erected to his memory by his widow, Elizabeth, of the Heber family cff Essex. He left no children. Smith spoke Latin fluently, and was an excellent Greek and Hebrew scholar* He is best known by his translations from the Grk : 1. * Lpnginus on the Sublime, with Notes and Life,' London, 1739, 8vo; the test edition is the fourth, which appeared in 1757 ; subsequent editions, 1770, 1SOO, and 1819. This was based upon the Latin edi- tion of Zachary Pearce "q. v.l, 1724 ; though much praised at the time, and read by Ed- xnund Burke among others, Smith's version has been as completely superseded as those nf his predecessors, L Hall (1662) and Leonard Welste&d ^q. v.", which he censured, the text of Longinus navlng undergone a complete recension since his day. 2. His- tory of the Peloponneaan War, from the Greek of Thucydides, with Notes/ 2 vols. 17*5^ 4to ; 1781 ; 4th edit. 1805 ; and seve- ml American editions. A mediocre effort, in which the ruggedness and conciseness of the original are lost (cf. Gent Mag. 1860, ii. 513 J. A rumour was formerly current that Lord Chatham had contribute^, the i Funeral Oration ' in Book ii., * but the hand of the great orator is nowhere discernible* (JowsrTj Tkveydvkt, Introd. p. viii). S. * Xenophon's History of Greece, by the Translator of Thucy- dides; 1770, 4tOj 1781, and 1812. Smith aliso published * Xine Sermons on the Beati* tudes ' (London, 17S2, 8vo , and his fi-iend, Thomas Cranej issued after his death * The Poetic Works of William Smith, DJ). J Smith 147 Smith -' of whicl* lu.il alr-a^y ' a brief m-molr : "lie a; jr-nxed to Li* translation T^tfT"sA:^r;^:C'3::i:, 1715-2 53- Ors^roi'* fS,v r e : eil: G^L*. 31.2. 17a,ii. 745: Ckn:^>:s ^^Ter^r* li^grr. pp. 431-2: War&s cf tie L-'irnad. May 1739; Calmer? s B: jgr. Di?t. : AUIoone's Lwt. of Ecgllsh Lit. ; Brit. 31ns. Cat" F. S. SMITH, 1VILLIAM \ 1730 r-I Sl^ t, actor, commonly known as * Gentle man * ^inltli, the son of William Smirh. a wL Re- sale grocer and l^adeal^r in tlte ei* j r -f Lon- don, "was born in London abutit 17#, ; . He was educated at Eton und^r Dr. Somber, an I, with a Tiew to entering the eLureh. wa* itd- mitted on ^3 Oct. 1747, azeJ uVer =Ixte-n. at St. John's C/il^ge, Cambrlige. Htre Ms conduct was irregular, anl at tie close of a drunken frolic it; -r;appfcd a^ tli-i pr tor an unloaded pistol. Rtrf^/.iiz tc sub- mit to the puniaLnitfnt Impcfet-j, he caait? to London and put himself under tL* t'lirion of Spranger Barn* [q_. vf, tnro::gh wh:m he obtained "an engagement at Co rent Gurdrn. There, as Theodbsiu? in Lee's 4 Tkeodnjias/ he made hh fir=t appearance, S Jan. 1753, to the Varanes of Bamr and the Athenais of Mrs. Cibber ; the p-eff -.nuance was repea^d on the three foil ^wing days. On 13 teb. h^ WBS Polrdore in the"* Orphan,* and on the 21st the original Southampton In Junes's * Earl of Essex/ After an uninterrupted run of sixteen nights the piece last named was withdrawn in favour of All for Love/ in which Smith was Dolabella. For his on 7 April he played Abudah h^the of Damascu*/ flis impersonations had '"hitherto bet^n tragic. On ^ Oct. he made, with Orlando in k As you like it,' his first appearance in comedy, and on 26 NOT. played Young Mirabel in "the " Inconstant.' On* the first appearance on the stage of Mrs. Gregory M Hermione in the i Diatrest Mother,' 10 Jan.'175-A, Smith spoke aprolojarue, and on the^Othor -2nd was the original 3Iasidorus in McXamara Morgan's * Philoclea/ He was, 23 Feb., the orginal Anrelian in Francis's * Constantine,* and played during the season Axalla in i Tamerlane/ Loveless in the * Relapse,* Myrtle in the 4 Conscious Lovers,' Carlos in * Love makes a Man/ and Valen- tine in * Lore for Love/ At Covent Garden Smith remained until the close of the season of 1773*4. While there lie created the fol- . ppl';?/ Vj Mar^I: 17-V ; Gl^valv^n in c'jfclas' r.n it? production in London, 3larch I7'7 i*Le part hii preyiou-Iy n p lijc 1 IE Ei;i: VurzL by Lore - : Palador, erw:^ r T,iIlerl :-. in Hawl-iin**!? al*eranon rtrllri*?/' 15 Feb. 17-^5*: Belltield in "ft * No one'i En^my but his own/ *17'4 : >Sir Charles Somerrille in the JIL-t^k-; r.y Mrs. GrifHrhf, 9 Jan. Bellf'ri la Murphy's fc School for ;ar^/ 10 Jan. 17rJ7 ; DJH Antonio in -rxh-Vs," Hull's adaptation of the nti*rr5 of Five Hours," 31 Jan.: e? in k CyrW HooleV adaptation :r ai M-*^tai;o,*5 Bee. 17G*; Lord Clair- \'ille In th 1 - " 5iter/ by 31r^, Ltennox, 1 Jan, I7'-'-*: Or-r^te- In LTU "Warw-i^k's adhpta- ti-n r:ra Voltaire, 13 March : Bt-ln^ld ; iLi:T in C irnberland's h Brothers,* i Bee. : "rmantfe in H->:>*s adaptation so named, j* Feb. 1770: Atiia^anl in CraJock"rf 'Z-jfitriie/ II Iec* 1771; ]>,rl Seaton in Mr-. Gr:r!:!l^s *WitV in the Right,' G 3Iarcri 177-*; Athelm^li in Ma-on's Elfrlia," i s l 5oT. ; Alrin:-r in Murphy"? I ^e* so caaied. 23 Feb. 1773 ; King Henry Li Huirs " H-inry II," 1 3Iay; and'Captain Bootkby in K-irick's 'Daeniftt/ 20 Get, Tearing tL^-e yeurs ht; kad ben seen hi a kr^e variety of parts, among wkicli the fol- lowing stand conspicuous : Hippolitus in " Phaedra/ Juba in * Cato," Antony in * Cjesar.* Henry V, Romeo, Comus, Hotspur T Hastings, Oswyn in * Mourning Bride/ B&fi- tard an"d Ed^arin*Lear/ ArcSer, Lott&rio. Hamletj Youn^ Bt;vil G)riolanus f Lord Fop- i pington. Sir Harry \Vildair, Demetrius m i * Humorous Lieutenant/ Falconridge, Pierre, I Copper Captain, Richard III t Bajtxet, j Mirabel in * Way of the World/ Iago f i Antony In *A11 for Loye/ Alexander the : Great/ Castalio, lachimo. Lord Toimly, : Macbeth, Volpone, and Bon Selmstian. To Gamek Smith wrote a letter, dated ; ^4 Aufif. 1773, giving a list of fifty-two p^rta I in which h*^ was rb&dy at short notice to ap- I pear. This means, says Boadten, a rrcollec- | tion of twenty-five thousand lines. The , letter in question, forms one of a cQrre*pon- ; den.ce in which Smith, who had quarrelled ! with Colman, set*ks an eng-ag-ement, but i wransrl^s whether the terms shall be twelve i pounds or guineas per wek. Garrick is very 1 acrimonious, and Smith finally a little abject. | Smith asked Garrick to destroy the corre- , spondence, which however still exists. In an address to the public at Covent Garden ? 10 March 1 774, as Macbeth, he spoke, accord- ing to the manager's notebook, some vem*, 1 apparently of Ms own composition, announc- Smith i- ins hi Intent i*n tn play Macbeth an ! Richard jF/m'Jiv, but to tl-v-'ti him?-!? to fix-hunt- ing and cam try purv t :t* : Then take the ?:r *r*It of ny ::ttle -;! i?. Anl tAMu- *b- c:mf :!* tLit "CL^rm^t viells. He al-o -i-tlarv.i 'ya^e erroneously i that h- hi,d --rTti rhr p'lr.Ii'? thirty-five year?, TV r^Lr-m-ir :h*? contemplated had a dura*r'U ~f barely m'-re than six months. 3ui!*h*2 rst app^aris.c& at l&r;iry Lane ws* !xn*I*: "tinier LT3.rr.c>i, i- ^&pt 1 *4, n* Ri;htri III, !acL;in% Hamlet, Orestes in s Elfifra/ Ha. ; tinz? in k Jane Shore,' Duke In * M .-a.- ;r* f T Me&sir*/ Bajazet, and other par? f'II"'W-t. Valori in Cumber l.md',r * Cancelite." - Dec, 17S4; Cliff-- rd in Burj^yne"* *TIrires*,' 14 Jan. 17^J; and Errarjn in Belap's adaptation from Earipides ; The Capt:Te/ 9 March. Amone other parts in vhich he was first wen mt Drury Lane are BOB Felix. Captain Absolute, Ford, Alwin in the * Countese of Salisbury,* and King Arthur, He made his last professional appearance on the stage as Charles Surface, 9 June 1788, after which he retirt-cL settling at Bury St. Edmunds, He returned to the stage of Drary Lane for one night, 18 May 1798, playing Charles Surface for the beneiit of Kiiur. He died, 13 Sept, 1819, in his house at Bury Sfc, Edmunds. His fortune, de- clared under 18,000/ M he left principally to Ms widow, Ms wiH foein^ Droved on 14 >et. 1819, At Ms request his funeral was with- out pomp, and no stone or other indication is weted to show his place of sepulture. He al&o directed that no biographical record should be issued alter hb death. Smith fed married, in May 1754, Elkabeth, widow of IMlaad Gourtenay ; she was second daugh- ^s Smith ter of Edward Richard Montazn, viscount Hinchinbr jk*;, and was thus a >"^r of John M-:ntaju, the notorious fourth earl of Sand- wich "q. T,] Great outcry being raised con- cern: iij the disgrace to the family, Smith. cfiferef to retire from the stage if an annuity eq^al to the income he mride fcy his profes- sion were given him. This proposal was declined, and the lady died on 11 Dec. 176i'. He subsequently married another widow, of humbler station, but possessed of consider- able property, who survived him and forgave him a solitary but too notorious escapade,, when in the spring- of 1774 he went to Paris in company witli Mrs. Hartley, his Ladv Macbeth. Smith's youthful reputation as a buek/ the circumstances of his early life, and his marriage to the sister of a peer, conspired to secure him the appellation of ; Gentleman/ He deserved the name, however, for other reasons. He was by no means deficient in tact, and his rancour against the critics had less of absurdity in it than is common with the generality of actors. His manners were polished ; his voice, though monotonous, was distinct, smooth, and powerful ; his person was pleasing and his countenance 4 engag- ing ; ' he was always easy and never deficient in spirit. In tragedy he did not stand fore- most, though his Richard HI was held a fine performance, and his Hamlet, Hotspur, Lothario, Edgar, and Henry V won recog- nition. In characters less essentially heroic he was esteemed. His Kitely was held better than Ganidk's. and his Leon, Oakly, Ford, Clllford, Falconbridge, and lachimo were warmly commended. His chief success was in gay comedy. His original performance of Charles Surface is held never to have been equalled, and in Plume, Archer, and other characters he had few successful rivals. Churchill, in the * Rosciad,' speaks of Smith, the genteel, the airy, and the smart. Daring his long connection with the stage Smith only twice acted out of London dur- ing the summer season. There seems some- thing like affectation in Ms boast that he had never played in an afterpiece and never worn a beard or gone down a trap ; but he is said to have had a clause in his engage- ments that he should not be called on to act on a Monday in the hunting season. Horse- raeing and hunt ing were his delight : he some- times hunted in the morning", and took relays ! of horses so as to act at night, riding once^t is said, eighteen miles in an hour. When he came from his retirement to plav Charles Surface for King's benefit, thougk nearly i seventy years old and portly in figure, he Smith 149 Smith re int. In rL? M'ltLtTTi c:I^ct:c *,und Ian ll r ,rl- of & jrr< Sa^tL. a* CLirlrS S.irf.ce in **.L~ rre*n sc-rn-,' TrltL Kirr as *> P-ter, Pdla^r i= J-t-f h i .rue:, -"ni Mrs. Al^rt^ as JUIr Teiii^. Print- :f tie ?a:ne characters wrr-v pu^Ii^hed by J:!L Harrz? in 1*7 S. 'snl Say-r in ITS?, A portrait cf Sirztl a- Lic-Lis;:, hy William LHwrancn Las alsofcetn ^r^ra^i, A permit ly II pjn-rr 17*? ? was pr-^nt-i t : the r.itkn ? y ^ereant Ta.Idy in i^J7,&nd TTei* fr'sri'i^rr'^ .1 ii"*. m iJife */*S,IIGIISI 4,0 ..1^ National P:rtrait Gallery in 15&3 ! Csf. 1S9^', p. S9_. J:Ln Jaekssn'drr-S-l^Sl.* "q.v.", at the initanee of Sir Gecrge Btaim^iir. went down to Bury In 1S11 to paint a por- trai* of Smith,, then over *ri^iity years oi ag'e; this was engraved by William A, E. Ward ~q. v.~ s and p;iMIilied in 1619. [Gencst's Aceotintof the English Stage ; Mana- ger's Note-Book; Thespian Bietionarj; Giili- land's Dramatic Mirror; Theatrical Inquisitor, 1S19; Clark Kns^ll's Bepresentative Actors; Boaden's Life of Mp, Jortian, i. 122 ; O'Keeife's Becollecriona ; Smith's Cat.; Garrick Corre- spondeace ; Dari^s's Life of Garriek ; Button CooVs Hours with the Players ; Gt*orgitn Era ; Wilpolc Letters, ed. Cimnlngham ; Bosweli's Joboon ed Hill ; Taylor's Records of mj Life ; note from K. F. Scott, eeq., cf St. John's, Cam- bridge.] J. K. SMETH, WILLIAM (I756-183S), poH- tician, only son of Samuel Smith, of Clap- ham Common, a merchant of London, and Ms wife, M&rtna Adams, was born on 22 Sept. 1756, His family belonged to the Isle of Wight, and had owned a small estate there since the reign of James L He was edu- cated at the college of Darentiy, and earl? acquired a taste for literature and art, widen was exhibited in after life in his fine library and collection of pictures. On 2 April in the general election of 1784 he was elected H.P~, for Sudbury in Suffolk, and sat till the dissolution la June 1790. He was not re- elected, but obtained a saat for Camelford, Cornwall, on 8 Jan. 1701, on the vacancy caused by the death of Sir Samuel Hannay, and sat till 1796. In the next parliament he was elected on 25 May 1796 for Sudbory, but after the dissolution on 29 June 1&02 he was elected on o July 1802 for Norwich. He did not obtain a seat in the next parlia- ment, which sat from 15 Dec. 1806 to 9 April 1S07, but on 4 May 1807 he was jBg;ain elected for Norwich, and re-elected in the four successive parliaments of 1812, 1818, 1#2Q, and 1^26 ? retiring 1 from parliamentary life at the dissolution of 24 July 1830, He t part ; tit- dty tL^ -It:C*ara* The iir,*t isLj- t'X-k jart JK tiiat or. 31r. r^jeal cf :h lie sjttke at *TCt in ir^t* Lord Xort:i *1> ,-ame s:;l last in a grea ; I j*i i-f tLtiir pr p^rty aftt-r n of American ind-j^ndence. rt'^nt deLat* in which truth rj. HL^t'jry, v;I. xxv. ^*4 wa* feanfov^ mc^uE in 17?7 for a Teit and Corporation Acts, r^a* i-n^h on the same sub- wlen L^ w&s answered, by in 17t*0 on Fox's motion on rot : on 1 MarcL 1791 L* spoke delate in wLicL Borif , Jtox, and Pitt spok* ^namo*iLnfor leave to bri&g in a bill for the relief cf catholic diaSentr, ani twice en the same till in April 1791. la 1 792 he attacked Burke on Fox's motion for the repeal of certain penal statutes respect- ir*j religious opinions, ani a^raiu attacked him on the address of tLanks zn 13 Dec. 1792, Lat oftea afterwards quoted Lim and spoke of him with re^-pecr. lie took part in almost every discussion on religious dis- abilities till the repeal of the Test and Cor- poration Acts in le^S, when he was vice- chairman at the banquet on 8 May 1858 held to celebrate the repeal, under the presi- dency of the Duke of Sussex. In a speech, made in 1790 in defence of Dr. Priestley, he stated that he was himself a Unitarian dis- senter, and in 1792, in another dehate on religious disabilities, *th&t as long as his name was William he would stand np for his principles.* His position as chairman of the deputies of the three denominations and as the chief adrocate of their interests in parliament, and the frequent length of his speeches, were satirised in a political poem of the time : i At length, when the candles barn few in their i sockets, Up gets William Smith with both hands in Ins ; pockets, On a course of morality fearlessly enters, With all the opinions of all the Dissenters. On 2C> May 1786 he supported the motion of Sir William Dolben on the African alave bill, and in 1789 spoke in favour of William Wilberforce's resolution oa the slave trade. In 1791 he spoke at great length in the same caus-e, giving much varied information on. slavery, and the speech seems to have pro- duced some effect on Pitt, He frequently used classical quotations, and on this oc~ j casion quoted MacroHus, perhaps tfee only instance in whieh t&at author has bees Smith i in the HCHW of Commoni. ^Ile i to support Wilberforce'a motions till the abolition of slrrer? in the British colottiei. He snpportsd Mr. Grey's motion of ffcrIkm*atJurY reform ia 1795, and again ia May 17i>7, then stating that ha ^hid at- tended erery mating on the subject for twwity-two "years, and rored for aimil&r resolutions to the end of his parliamen- tary career. In the debater on Fox's ra- lstk>n af&inst war with France, on 18 Feb. 1793, and IE all dtbatta connected with the fwolutioji in France, he spoke and voted with the new whip, and he waj elected a aaaaber of the Whig Club, from which Burke and Windluun had retired, on 12 Jan. 1796. He had been mentioned as a proper y&wm to r^esit the eif y of Loedoii, and juitified tiiis opinion br attention to fij^aca and oiiMr aoaeraal quest icms, CM 3 Feb. 1797 he m&di a r^M on a propoMd loan, ftd osi 32 Fb n after a TTT long wpweh, forty resolutiona in iavo-ir of opn t lor pveramfcnt loams. His t:rst wta p^ aad rawirad twenty- i ia the aJSrmitive, and 171 n^*-B. Om 10 May 1O5 he opposed th com re^iz- lation UU t sjia ic 180S diaam^d the _ larm feiH Ht mf|K>rted m 1802 Mr, Defmt's Ml to pfi@Tet biiU-bftitinir with a quota- tion && CH'id, bst agrd with Windham oa W Jam, 1806 ia o^pwing the mrofwsad jtoeral ksiKmrs to Pitt. H voUa for the t3Ewp^ehm*?nt of Lord Melyille, and $|MAe in l^iromr of tlM dinmiisal of tha Ihw d* fork from the command of the anaay. In 1817 h sprt^sed tome indignation at the tee between the views of Bdbeit f , aa lauztNite and writer in the *Qimr- r,' and as author of * Wat Tyler,* *a ftrfy effort which had just been printed viibofit Somthey^ permission. Soathey re- torled ia * A Letter to William Smith, Esq., MJV Smith was made a commissioner vf h%kland roads and bridg-es, and in tkat capacity trarelled through tha high- Ipdb ia tint first years of this eeatury, aad was hoepiUbiT ent^rtAin^d by the chiefs at Castle Grtnt , Dun ve,&ran ; and alaewherB. It a&kd to his p^poknty that his faiher had boos lpw fca Flflfti MttioSo^ald fc[. T. J wbea ^fee WMI is tfe Tower, wodinjr i^p t@ft aad so Smith begins his reeoliecticms with an account of a dinner at William Smith> on 19 March. ; 1796, where the com^tnT consisted of Ch^rk^ ! Jamtsi Fox, Dr. P&n% ^iemey John Cour- : ten*?, Sir Francia Baring, Dr. Aikin, Sir I James Mackintosh, and Sir Philip Francis. ; Bogers presented Mrs. Smith in 1792 with a handsome copy of the 4 Pleasures of Memory/ E^ Heyaolds sometimes dinwi at his lions. He wast^Beco^piirck^r of the picture of Mrs, Si^attaw the Tragic Muse, now in the coliectwn of thfc Ihike of Weetmic^ter, aj^ he poia^s^ two fine Rembr&r^t3. He . field, Sir James Mackintosh, Thomas Clark- ' son, and ZacEary Macaulay were fireqnent ! ria terns at his bouBe ; Wilfoerforce was hp j friend and associate througbout life, and his. I portrait is drawn b? the skilful hand of Sir ' James Stephen in his famous essay on the ; Cltpham sect. He lived in Alderman- ! bury when he began public life* and after- ' wards at Clapliam Common. During the parliament of 1812 he bought a house and estate at Parndon in Es^^x, while his town house was for many years before and after i that time in Park Street, Westminster. He- | died on 81 Ma? 1835 at the house of his- ' eldctft fen, Benjamin, 5 Blandford Square r 1 a district demolished in 1697 for the Great 1 Central railway. Sir James Stephen says : What he had nearly completed fourscore , ha could still gratefully acknow- that he had no remembrance of any ily pain or illnese, and that of the Tery erows family of whieh he was the head, every tsember still liTed to support and to- g iaddaa hk old age ; and yet, if hs had gone amirning all his days, he couM scarcely hare acquired a more taider pity for the miserable, or have laboured more haMtn&Uy for their relief.' H marrM, on IS Jan. 1781 r Frances Co&pe, and had fire eons and five- daughters, of whom the youngest died at iixty-nme, two lived to more than seraaty- fire, six. to mow than eighty, and one to- more than niroty. Hi$ portrait and that of his wife by Opie are at Scaknd?, Sussejc. and there ia a fiill- togth portrait, pftint^i by H Thompson^ B.A., for hk cos^itnents, in St. AdrW Rail, Xorwicli ; both hare been engraTed. Rig f&mily also p-:8es a painting repre- eenting him as a boy talking to his iktber. BKSJAJOIT Smrm (178S-1800X fa ^^sfe son, was bom on 28 April 1783, married Anne Lon^n, and dieJ m 1@ April 1860. Ha crmtesttd Norwich at ihe election of July 18-37, when Sir William Scarlett and Lord BcHiro were saccesoful. Scarlett's election was declared void, and he became member on 14 May 1S3& At the next election, on 38 June 1841, Sfflith wasr^tmr^d with Ijcyd Douro, and continued to sit until the dis- solution in 1847. He was am active gup- porter of the liberal party and of the repeal Smith 15* Smith of the corn laws. He was & patron of William Hunt, the watereolour-painter, He wa painted placing chess with Ms son "William L^ign Smith, at whose house of Crowham, Sussex the picture is preferred, [Short Memoir, priratelj printed, I $35 ; Parliamentary History and Hansard's Debate; Wilberforce's Life of Willrnm Wilber- foree, 1838 ; Eecollections by Samuel Kogers, 2nd ed. 1859; Sir Jamas Stephens Eways in Eeeli&stical Biography ; Burden's 8onthy f 18T9; Whig Club Bulers List, London, I7$i; family papers ami information.] N. M. SMITH, WILLIAM (1769-1839), geolo- gist and erril engineer, was bom on 28 March 1769 at Churchill, Oxfordshire. His father, John Smithj who had some local repute as a mechanician, was descended from & race of small fanners owning their land ; his mother was Anne Smith of Longeomptoa, Glouces- tershire. William was the eldest child, two other boys and a sister completing the family. In 1777 his father died; his mother married aijain and surrived till 1 807. William received his education at the Tillage school. He was eren then a collector of fossils, given to quiet solitary rambles, but of studious habits, and was occasionally helped in getting books by an uncle, also named William. With these he taught himself some geometry, and such elementary knowledge as was required for BUTT eying. He was thus fitted to become assistant, at the age of eighteen, to Edward Webb of Stow-on-the-Wold* in whose k>Q8e lie lived. Webb was a snrreyoir in good business, self-Uught, but ingenious as a mechanician and stimulating as a teacher. Under this master Smith in flie course of his employment gained a good knowledge of the ao&s and underlying rocks in O:dfocdsMre and tlie adjoining counties, till in 1793 he was entrusted with the surrey of a canal through the Somerset coal-Sell Tfeara he produced so favourable an impression on his employers that in 1794 he accom- panied two of them on a journey undertaken to inquire into the eonstruetkai and work- ing of canals. This gave lim an invalu- able opportunity for fie had already begim those investigations into stratigraphy which ultimately broug-at Mm fame and porerty. The party went &s far north as Newcastle- on-Tyne, going and retarniBg by differeat routes. Thus Smith not only ertended M* knowledge of the geology of England, but also was able to verify bis ideas m to tfee succession of th.e ^rata. AHer Me r^- turn ^wfte^tiniio^ly ^ployed till 1799 oe the works of the Somerset Ooal Canal; but as early as 1796 be had sJtetciied in out- line a general work on the stratification of Britain. Thia, on the conclusion of his en- 1 gagement, assumed a more definite form, *o that he announced his intention of publish* ; ing, for he was convinced that lie had found , the key to stratigraphy TII. the ideBtifiea- tioo o? strata by their fossil contents. He , lived for a tins at High Littleton* "but in ; 179> he renioTed to Btth, near to which ia 1798 he bought a small property. Hia g**o- lexical in veitigntions were greatly encoura^* d by the Rev. Benjamin Richard^nof Farleigk, near Bath, and the Kev. Jc^*ph Townsend [q. T.] of Pewsey: and in 1799 the fcMrmtr, m the house of the latter, wrote at Smith's dictation a list of the strata in order of suc- cession, from the chalk downwards to titt ( coal measures. This document now "belongs | to the Geological Society of London, to whom ' it was presented in 1831. Meanwhile Smith foeemzne more widely known as an engineer. His magf ery of sen- . tific principles, hia success in dealing with j difficulties in drainage and &11 other qiies- | tions connected with water, led to his King ( summoned to distant localities, and enabled Mm to increase Ms scale of charges. Bat I whatever might be earned was swallowed j up by the expenses of the map of the strata \ in England and Wales, on whih ha was now definitely n|apd. In 1801 lie ised a pro- spectus of a work on the natural order of j tie rarioiia strata la Ea^ksd md "Wa^s, but failed to carry oat the project- He wm con&ulted by Francis Kussell, fifth diike of Bedford [q, T .], but was almost imm.ediai^ly deprived % pTejnatnre death of one wk> would hare Wm a moet helpful patrpai. Hip name, however, wat rapidly becoming known in scientific circles. The next duie was & feid; Arthur Yona^ [f, T.], msse- tajry to the hoard of agriculture, eoosulted him; William Oawsiiav [q. T.t 'tifee iroa king/ and % Joseph Baiw fq- T. J gare golsetAiitial help towanlfi the Mi map, but ostward to impede the &eeomplisiimenfe of his de- 8t01 T in 1806 hs overcame Ms n?lue- to auth^rsKip, and p^bikhed ' Obe^r- s on the Utility, Form, and Manage- ment f Watof Mei^bws/ HtrwiA, 8vo; and he received during tbe preyi ous jear & medal from the Society of Arts to Kts BUC- ceee in draining' Pri&ley Bog. By tMa time lie had almost & moa&oly of work for engaged IB travelling, sometiroes tm tlKMisand miliss in & year, aod before te days of railways. Araoag- important eaginefiag works, he waa Smith 152 Smith the nftroUaad of Ewt Norfolk, from Haj- m^mf$ to Yarmouth, and in improving iti? antiiafe. Thi* oocupit-d him at intervals from 1 KJO to 1 "09. In 1 * 1 u hi* ^nic^s wre reqahwd in Bath, th* prosperity of which was fihrt*t*nl by a fail are of its hot spring's, Tli^ir waT*fr**fcad found a new channel ; this Smith dvtKt^J and stop|**J, *o that they Bowed tar, rt* L'uj'buslT than before. At the 6*ni# tijnexerti0n in examining a it displayed on the north side of the Castle Hill brought on muscular paralysis in his leg*. This eo&fraed him to his bed during tlie imrly part of 1835, but at gradually passed away in tlbe emirse of the year. At kit, m 1828 lie settled down at Hack- a88 as lamd Reward to Sir John V. B. JoiosMow. Tb kttar used every friendly ewl^Ttmr to stimulate Smith to OTMisa | more of feis Tasfc stores of geological infor- siatkm; tmt f tkm^ii so redy to impart know- !<%e lo riacK^ by word of mouth, h had am mvmmm to psrW-slieets. * Mr. Siaitli meditated and wro^a, lit did iiot arrange his ppB: aud, excepting a beautiful gwlogical af dlfe Hackneys e^ate, executed in great i detail and with eitreme exactitude, nothing of importance c&me from his hands to iha Wk' (J. PjEaaf% Mmwirg, f. 11S> Bat Smith's poeitk.n m the ^fatber of 1 Ba* wfeia Ms fame was spreading and his proJessioR*! prospects were still good, ill- to.raew&a&^trttlmfid. He kid sfcerileed ill M wrabp, w 'km fitde jp^iy, ia ft d? fei map, a^\ad ia tibe sc^ica Tbe medal itaeif had not then been made, so it was actually pre- smted to Mm at Oxford during tbe seooiid ineetii^ of th British Associatiae, when he Smith i alo received the welcome news that the gOTernment. at the instance of the represen- tatives of British science, had granted him & pension of 1QOL a year. When the asso- ciation visited Dublin in 1835 he receired the honorary degree of LL.D. from Trinity College. 7 He resigned his post with Sir J. V. B. Jphnstone in 1834 ? but continued to act as his scientific adviser, and in 18S8 was em- ployed bv the government as one of a email commission to select the stone for the new houses of parliament. When the report was signed he had nearly completed his seventieth year, but an increasing deafness was almost the only indication of old age. In August 1839 he was specially invited to attend the J meeting of the British Association at Bir- ! mingham. On his way thither he stayed | with some friends at Northampton. A cold of which he had made light assumed a serious form ; he sank rapidly, and died on the 28th of the month. His grave is at the west end of St. Peter's Church, on the walls of which & memorial tablet and bust have been placed. A strongly made man of good stature, Smith enjoyed on the whole good health, though in mid life he suffered from ague, contracted during his work in the marsh- lands, and from about his fiftieth to Ms six- tieth year was troubled with gravel ; this, however, was cured *by temperance and camomile tea.* His equanimity, patience, industry, and memory were alike remarkable; so also was his ingenuity in all mechanical devices for overcoming' professional difficul- ties. His geological knowledge was freely imparted, so that, notwithstanding his re- luctance to publish, his labours bore fruit in the hands of other workers, and his posi- tion as the real founder of str&tigra^ical , geology has neYer been questioned. 5 According to his own stmtenent (Jlf- - m&fr% p. 125), three portraits of Smith were ^ painted; the best, completed at a single sit- ting, byM,Fourau, was presented by his grand- jj nepSbew, W. Smith of Cheltenham, to tte Geological Society, wldeit also possesses & cast of the bust in St. Peters dnroli, Horthamftom. Otter portraits aie by Solo- j, mm Wifiiaios and John Jackson (1778- 3 Smith SMITH; WILLIAM aaoe-idrej, * seller, son of a Locdon print-teller, WM b*>ni on 11 July 1806 in Lisle Street, Leicester Square. He proceeded to Cambridge Uni- versity, but oa the death of his father in 1&35 he and his brother George succeeded to the business, and he was obliged to abandon his studies there. In 1836 he purchased the collection of engravings formea by John Sheepshanks [q. T, ] The Putch and riemieli portions, which were considered to be the most perfect in Europe, he sold to the British Museum for 5,0002, , although he reeeiYed larger oSers from Holland. This was the first of & series of large transactions in which Smith rendered eminent services to the pint- room. Among the collections which readied the Museum through his exert ions were those of * Mr. Harding of Finchley ' (a rery fine all-round collection) in 1841, of Coning ham (engraTings by early German and Italian artiste) in 1&44 and 1645, selections from the Aylesford and Woodburn collect ions in 1847, and some etchings of the utmost rarity by Eembrandt, procured at Baron Terstolk's sale at Amsterdam in 1847. In 1848 Smith and his brother retired from business. From that time his kbours * were wholly honorary and patriotic,* He took & prominent part in establishing the National Portrait Gallery, being appointed an or%mal trustee, and chosen deputy chairman in 1858. He was also actively ^jgaged IB the manage- ment of the Art Union of London. At one time he interested himself in acquiring historical series of watercdour drawings % British ftrtist T but, learning tlmt the m*aar gars of South Kensington Museum were in his lifetime, to select wktt tiy pleased, and ptwented the mm$&ef t the National Gallery of Ireland, Hewaa elected a fbHov of tlie Society of Antiauariee in 1852. Smltb died cm 6 Sept. 1876, ani wm buried at Kensiil Green ceiaeterr. His cal- iections, wMdb iaduded many rare cata- logaes of g&lleries asd exliibitioBs, with copious manuscript &&&&&* 1m bequeathed to the libriry of m& South K^isWtoa Mn- 16 Sept, 1876; Attecaram, 1875, ii [hsikie*8 lafo of E-LMffidikeii; Ufa mA I * 5 ^ * toaiei, Sih r, m. %$ ; " Letters of Sedgvick (Ciark iiid Brakes); Obi- ' t^ry Notice, PitiC. 0ei Soc. ii. K8 ; turn. 3 Gooi. See. i 325 ; a>log._ Mag. T*V ser, 18&2, ; 4; drnztarij Bcv, advii iMi; Bttl 'j anacT, 114, zbL S4% Mil, 113-19 ; Mcim 1 "we^ of WiB iam Smkii, LLJJ, by Jaim Phi!! ipe, _ -mm* j6* 8km WnjJAM ? bora is 1813, was the eldast Pb ilip [jM^s witk whicli It deak. The * Die- t ioniry of G reek and lioman Biography T was in 1849, and that of * Greek and Ro- man Gef>graphy ' In 1857. IB the compila- tion of tiiese valuable works he associated witb Mmaelf the ebief aefeolars of tli 110wed. Ha himself wrote tie * Student's Greece ? (IBM). * pmtwl work in whicli fee engafec! tke *MM I^ti&iiary* (180CW1), a nfe- that lad km alreedj trt*t^d lexko- John Kittofq.T.1; but Smith a ff hicrhsr stJiitdard of fecbolftr- emb^ced a wider ran ffe of topics. He also edited witiix^rchdeacoa Cbeetham a * Dictionary of Christian Antimmies ' (1S75- with Dr. Wace a ' Dictknuur of (@ wlisA Sfc awrp Gboro was Hi jAt editor) wa3fiGki^ "W IB^a He placed ftfiek^orateJyaaaotJit^^nDn of Gibbon, iadtiding the note* of Milmaa and Orn^ k *fig-ht volumes IB 1&54-5. In 1^67 he became e^iitor of the * Quarterly Review/ and re- tained the post until Ms'death. Under his direction the reputation of the * Review * wan fully maintained. Smith was a member of the commission. on copyright ( 1375), and in 1657 was elected a member of th* general committee, and on 11 March 1361* registrar of the Royal Lite- rary Fund. From 1653 to 1869 he w&# ek^ieal examiner in London University, and was member of the senate from 1869. In 1&70 he received the honorary degree of D.CJL st Oxford, and in 1890 at Dublin. He was also honorary LL.D. of Glasgow, and honorary Ph.D. of Leipzig, and was for many years a member of* The Club/ In 1892 he reluctantly accepted the honour of knight- hood. He died in London on 7 Oct. 1893. He married in 1834 Mary, daughter of James Crump of Birmingham. Smith's remarkable success as an editor of wotka of the most varied kind bears testi- mony to Ms quick discernment of the public need; to Ms ability In the choice of his assistants ; to Ms skill as an organiser : and, aboTe all, to the taet, judgment, and courtesy which enabled him to work with men of all ctegrees awl of varied character in a spirit of perfect harmony and friendliness. His name will always be associated with a reviyal of ebssieal teaching in this country. [Tunas, 10 Oefc. 1893; Athaaiemm, October 3, j> 434; Annual Begister, 1893, pt ii. p. ; Foster's Alumni 0xm. 1715-1886; pri- vate iafanaaaf km,] E. C, 1C. SIIITH, WELMAM,LL,B. (1816-1896), actuary and translator of Fichte, was born in UTwpooloC Spottkh mrents on ^)Dc. 1816. His father dying whu b was aa infant, he was bromgiit up at Edinburgh in the house of his maternal grandlktaer, Kobert Cnmming, wb t tlg!i a descendant of John Brown, (1627M&8&X tha martyr of the covenan^ was akaaelf a d^eiple f James Piirres [q. vj Ap^renttct^l to & bookseller in his thirteenth yar, aH^r aemBf mvm years fee was fe" another seven ye&rs engaged as clerk in a, newsj^per oiii^e. IB lm& lie entered the insitrance business m bead derk to th& Briiish Guarantee Aseoei&tioEu In 180 he became manager of the English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Assoeijtt jon ? a post which he held with the highest distinction lor larty~lYe years, retmoF in 1808, wlbea fes beeaia a &eetr. H neeanM a Mbw of OM Ititnt@ of Aetmms of Oimt Britaia and Ireland in 1840, and of Scotland lit 1866. In 1869 fee served on tlie eomiaitt^ for calleeuoa of the mortality eiperieaces of Smith 15 British life offices. From 1879 to 1881 he ! was chairman of the Association of Scottish Managers, and as such drafted the Married | Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) ! Act, 1880. Smith made his mark in letters and philosophy as the translator (1845-9) and biographer (1&4) of Johann Gottlieb Fichte jlTtf2-1814), with whose idealism he was in strong sympathy. He had no classical tastes or training, but was widely read in French and German, as well as in English litera- , tare. His familiarity with modern Euro- ' pean thought was extended by foreign travel. In 1846 he was one of the founders of the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, and was long its most active vice-president and chairman of its directors. The selection of its library and the arrangements for its winter lectures owed much to his insight and enterprise, and to his admirable com- bination of courage and strong sanse. The ; honorary degree of LLJX, conferred upon him by Edinburgh University in 1872, was a well-earned tribute to one who* without tfe aid of an academic career T had done much to foster the true spirit of modern culture. In politics a strong liberal, he took aa active {>art in the second return of Macaulay fe Edinburgh (1852), in the election of t Adam Black [q. v.] as Hacaulay's successor n.866), and in the successive elections of Mr. Gladstone for Midlothian. He was a J.P. for Midlothian. For some time he was am ol&ee-bearer, subsequently an attendant, at St. Mark's Chapel (Unitarian). Amonp his closest friends were Kobert Cox [q. v. j and William Balkntyne Hodgson [q. v.] His genial humour, generous kindness, and stead- fast will made Mm a powerful personality in tfee circles in which lie moved. He dieS al Ms residence, Lennox Lea, Onroe, Micl- lottojai, on 28 May 1896, and was buried at the Delta cemetery, Edinburgh, He marrM (1S44) Martha (d. 18 May 1887), dangler Kotert Hardie, manager of the Edinburgh University printing press, and fad nine chil- dren, of whom seven survived 3$im. His translations of Fichte (forming part of * Tlie Catfeolie See*f mMidW fey /ote Chapman) comprise: 'The Nature of the 'The Vocation of Hie SehoW 1S7, 8ro ; 1847, 8vo; 'H* Yoeatbn of Has/ * m Way towards Smith L _J, 29 May 1896, SO May 1896 (fetter by W. T, 0airduer, MJD.); Chrutun Uf, Jane 18^6, p, 278 ; personal knowledge.] A.G. (1766-1836), Irish judge, and pamphletr, born on 23 Jan, 1766, was the eldest mm of Sir Michael Smith, an Irish lawyer of emi- nence, who, after sitting for eleven years in the Irish parliament, was from 1794 to 1801 a baron ol the court of exchequer, and from 1801 to 1806 master of the rolls in Ireland. Sir Michael was created a baronet in 1799, in recognition as well of his son's parli&men- tary sendees to the government as of his own judicial eminence, and died on 17 Dec. 1808, haTing retired from the bench in 1806. William Casae Smith was the only son of Sir M ichael and of Mary , daughter and bebrees of James Cusnc of Coolmiue, Oa Ms mother's death he assumed the additional surname of Ctisac. He was educated at Etoa and at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated in 1 788. While at the uniTersity Smith became acquainted with Edmund Burke, with whom he corresponded (BtrsKE, Gwr&pQndeme, iy. 37), at whose house he passed some of his vacations (PEIOB, Life &f Burke, iL), aad to whom he dedicated in 1792 two pamphlets, entitled * The Right of Artisans* and * Tfaa Patriot 1 (Burke. Cfem He was called to the Iris rapidly aeqmlriBg a aub m 366). bar in 1788, and, s^al made a kisg ' eomisel im 1796, year he entered parliament for tbe of Donegal. Th^gh holding liberal vk ws on catholic emAncipatioa, as migfet be ex- pected from a disciple of Btuke T he l a sfam% sm|orter c^f tki gon was one ol thss ir^ ml oel vocates of tin uBion, Mb usbn cbbate in 1790 wms efite^m^ one of the ablest on tk&t side, mid was pafctiisiied as a pampMet (C**tltr&i$h Ocrretprndextv, IL ISO), He was &n luHive nknaber of the mmontyc^ the Irish l^nrhickfaTcmred the nniof^and the author of a protest agitiBst the action oft be mjority(^,i.S44}. Several letters and pampKl^whiek Rewrote it the time wre republifihed in 'Tracts on the UMM* m 18SL IB B^cswtor 1W fibdlk w^ affwti sclicitor-g^aer&I. mUe fa^Hing that cv&ee he was Appoint^} deputy ji^^^ went the Bortb-eiust circuit as the of hi5 own f^th^. In 1S01 lie Insh public. la Iiifi Smith 156 Smith lit fare ofFrtiw to l7Conn41 and the popular party In eQ&*#4Uvnctt of the strong language to taployd in ehur^ag ^rand juries at me aMixefl, in condemnation of the tithfe agita- tion, and Ms conduct ww brought before parliament. jSmlth was a man of eccentric h*bit. and wa# in tL* j Labit of Holding his court at inconTenitrnt hours. O'Connell skil- fully trailed himself of this to support his political objection?. On 13 Feb. 1S#4 it was ; i**oktd by th* House of Commons, at thy ! I*t&nce of O'Onnell, to appoint a select 1 committee * to inquire into the conduct of Baron Smith in rwpect of his neglect of duty | as a judge, and the introduction of political topic* in his charges to grand juries.' It wa* soon felt, howeTer, that such a resolu- : tion threatened the independence of the judge*. Smith's friends brought forward tfce question afresh a week later, when the moitttioa was rweimded by a majority of sis:, dboefi j through the exertions of Frwe- IKK (afterwards Sir Frederick) ^mw [% T.] He received congratulatory addresses on this occasion &QW nearly every grand jury in Irelauad. Smith surrived this for two years, dymg at luft sm& 7 Newtowm, in the King's &w*W. o 21 Aitt, 1836. Ha manwd, ia 1737, Biwter, daughter of Thomas Berry of Ifeliih, Qwa' Ccwity. Smith was a cultivated and active-minded man. His political writiags on tee union and other questions are marked frf grm& TJgxjur of thought, tihcmgk the style is some- what turgid. A^PaullhickPeewdeaPIi iisrod a small volume of verse entitled i The of Neapolis ' (Dmfelia, 1836). Ilia (Bubfin, 1830) w^e pirately without as aotMr's aanse; wiiila ' Metajiiysic Ramblas ' (in three * jstrolls * parts, 18^5-6) appeared as by * Warner Cfanrtian Search.' Lnder these pseudonyms and that of * A Yeoman,' fee issued many other essays, tracts, and addresses of no clis- tiactive merit. The Bale of iiis valuable library took place in Dublin In 1837, &nd ^<^^ped lour cbys. Tsi^ifcAJi BAasr CusACfE-SnifH (1795- 186&) r eecottd son of the above, beoime T like Ids laite aad grandf atiter, a disringTiished lawyer wi Jn%& He received his edu- caticai at Tr^ty Oolege, Ihiblin, where he ^TdEAt*d in 1813. In 1819 he wa^ called to tbs latr, tad receiyed a silk gown in 1830. la September 1842 he was appointed sol3ta^eiiersl for Ireland in Sir Kobert JPftdTs **ti&i^&fe!'fttio&, aad is NoTember of tlie s&xae year s^c:eeded France Black- bume ||. v,] as attOrrney-g^BeraL la tkis Sis most important duty was Id COB- of O'Conaell, whom be fnceeeded in cxmTictiBg before the Irish judges, though the conviction was subse- quently reT^rsed in the House of Lords. in the cour&e of the trial Smith, who was a hot-tmptml man T committed the indiscre- tion of challenging one of the uppoeing counsel to & duel. The matter was brought before the court, wh^n Smith publicly apolo- gised. It was considered that the memory of this unfortunate incident cart him the Iri*h chancellorship later in his career. He was christened by 0'ConntII, who had a talent for nicknames, 4 Alphabet' Smith and ; The Vinegar Cruet." From 1843 to 1846 Smith sat in the House of Commons as member for Ilipon, having preTiouslv con- teated Yoaghal unsucctssfully against O'Con- nell's son. In the latter year he succeeded BlacMmrne in the otfice of master of the rolls, andretmined this position till his death, which occurred suddenly at his shooting-lodge at Blairgowrie in Scotland on 13 Aug. 1866. Smith was a man of harsh manners and rough exterior, hut his abilities were of a Mgi order. Sir Robert Peel considered his speeeh in the Houae of Commons in 1844, in defence of his action as attorney-general in Ae 0*Conneil prosecution, as ranking, with Cannings Lisbon embassy speech and Plimket's on catholic emancipation in 1821, among the tfere speeches most effectire for t&eir immediate purpose which he ever Iktened to (Qmrtxrty Eemew^ cxxx, 199). He married, in 1837, Louisa, daughter of 11b*>!na Smith-Barry of Fota, co. Cork, and his grandson is now heir-presumptive to the [For Sir William Smiih: M^dden^ Irelaod mid iti E^br% ii. tS-142; WiM* l^rm of B- Ja^rbfa M&me&, vi 257 ; Whiteei4e'a Early S&>tb*s, p. 274 ; Webb's Cc^ipendinm ; Barke's Peerage aad Bfciwtey. For T. B. (X Smith : O'Ckamor Mood's Merors of a 3Lif e ; 15-16 A^. 1866.] C. L. P. SMITH, WILLIAM HENEY (1808- 187^), philoac^te-, po^, and mis^liaeoiis writer, sw / R^ard Smith, bamstap-afc- law, was bom at Tsarth End, Bimmer- gniitli, in January 1808, of parents in easy circumstances. He wag educated at Radley school, then a noacooformist institutioa, and afterwards at Glasgow University, where he made many valuable friends and imbibed the habits of thought which influenced his subsequent life. Altar his father's death in 1823 be was placed with Slmron Turner to study law, a&d served oat hm articles a a solicitor with excessive dktiste. He was afterwards called to the bar, and went circuit tea while, but obtained no practice. Havbig Smith Smith ft umall independence, lie mainly led the life of a reeliise man of letters, reading, thinking, writing, and enjoying the friendship of Mill, Maurice, and Sterling, haying assisted the litter two when they edited the * Athenaeum.* Caroline Fox notices his personal likeness to Maurice. His jioemp * Guidone * and * Soli- tude T were published together in 1836, and about the same time he reviewed Bulwer and Landor in the ' Quarterly. 11 In 1839 he pub- lished his * Discourse on fethics of the School of Paley/ which was, in Professor Ferrier's opinion/ one of the best written and most in- geniously reasoned attacks upon Cudworth's doctrine that ever appeared.* In the same year he began his connection with * Black- wood's Magazine/ continued to nearly the end of his life. He contributed altogether ! 1*26 articles on the most diverse subjects, ! stories, poems, essays in philosophy and poll- ; tics, but principally reYiews and criticisms, all Taluable, and all distinguished by ele- ; gaace and lucidity of style. His norel, * Ernesto/ a story connected with the con- | gpiracy of Fieseo, had appeared in 183*5. It i lias considerable psychological but little nar- j mtiYe interest. Similar qualities and defects I characterise his tragedy of * Athelwold J (1842), although it was greatly admired by Mrs. Taylor, the Egeria of Stuart Mill, whose scrap of criticism is one of the reij few ; utterance of hers that haTe found their way ! into print. Macready produced a curtailed ' Tersion in 1843, and his and Helen Faueit's acting procured it a successful first night ; more was hardly to be anticipated. It was published in 1846 along with ' Six Willi&ja Orichton/ another tragedy, aad '(xuidone* ! and * Solitude.* From this time Smith lived chiefly at Keswick in the Lake district. Im j 1851 he unexpectedly receired a otor from j Professor Wilson to supply temporarily Me i place as professor of moral philosophy at Edinburgh,, but be was ditSdent, and had begun to write ' Thoradale/ and tlie tenqpt- mg offer was declined. * Hionidmle, or tibe Cikt of Opinions,* was publ^^d 1^7, taid, notwithstanding its length and occa- sional abstrusenese, speedily gained accep- t*nc with thoughtful readers. In ihe pp- vious year ha had become acquainted with Jm future wife, Lucy Caroline, daogiiter of George Cuniming, M.O., whom he married at St. JoliB f s GhuvA, Nottiair EBIl,o 5 Morcfe 1851. * GraYitarsi, or T^^fels o Good and Evil/ was publislied in the same year. It confirmed and extended the repotation aoquireKl by 'Tfecvrndale/ bat Smith owes mttch more to Ms wife's beatttifml and aJeo- tiooAte record of tlkeir married life, aimoe* devoidof incident as it is. Hi* health began to decline in 1869, and be died at Brighton on 28 March 1672. Mrs. Smith a arrived until 14 Dec, 1881. Apart from her memoir of her husband, her literary work had prin- cipally consisted of translations from the German,, both in prose and Terse, Xert al^er the biography which has em- balmed his name, Smith will chiefly be re- membered bj his philosophical dialogues, * Thorndale * and * GraTenhurst.' The mu- tual relation of the books is bdicald by the author ^ himself when fee eaj-s tht 4 Thorndale f is a conflict of opiakma and * Graveiiharst * a harmony. No nj&n was better qualified by innate c&ndopr and iEDyar- tiality to balance conflicting opisicms against each other, or by acut^ness to exhibit tfa strong and weak points of all. The aclectk character of hie mind aided the difusioa of the books ; ever? one found much that earn- mended itself to him, while less popular view were expressed with an urbanity which dis- armed hostility, and the hesitation to draw definite conclusions was an additional attrac- tion to a public weary of dogmatism. If these really charming compositions haTe become in a measure obsolete, the chief reason is the importation of physical scienee as an element in moral discussions, but their classic ele- gance will always secure tliem an homoiirable, if not an influential, place in the history of modem ^ecaktiom. Smith's dramatic gift was not meonsidtTAhle ; his personages are well individualised both in his dialccTies and his dramas. Of the latter, *Sir Wilkw Crichton/ a play of the stormy times oC James II of Scot'laml, is the more eSeetire. ; Athelwold ? is a clear imit&tioQ of the style of Sir Henry Taylor, and, liie the 'Edwin &e Fair, 9 Mm%B J*wt$ibm stige. Both plays are full of wisdom, tif oily erpr^sed, kit neither is Tery nor Twrjr reoL of Will i^ Sm ith, % hii dnt^d priTa*lT m 2S73, n wards pretxed 10 the second ii tio of (Jra;TB- fcrat, WU; "fhe ^ry ^ Wili* ami Smith, by Gwrge H. Meiri&ffi, 1S8S, a of tiie mmr with oe^i^os additions frcra t he tnitiogs itadiritb m porfeniit from a bdt thorocgh d^cripiioa and a^lm of ' of a ') k by M. Joseph Milsawi ia oee eajs tilled ' I^ttA^tHrft Ihjoo, 1S93, pp 173- It 0* WILUAM HBNMT km Smith 1*8 Smith ift. Mary Ann*,- C j > >p*r. Hi* parent* w?re riet merh-'uliatj-. Mcith WE* Hluc*tfd entirely at home, except for *oe most hi in IsJH ?pent 13 s bonnier at TTi*t-r-in-Uir, fheTtev, W, B^aL was Lead- i*.*trr. At jetet~n be expre*fled a strong WjUh to g"> to Oxford tnd prepare for holy oni- r. but, ii *IrfVr-iiefc to Lis father's tlw 4 strand. Though keenly disappointed, vnunsr Smith applied himpelf resolutely to Win*;**, and twame his father's partner in l*4*i The elder Smith, by his energy and bui*Ines6 instinct, had secured already the position of leading newsagent in the country. But his st&tngth was failing, and the manage- ment of theconeern pawed gradually into his tea's hands. Th development of railways afforded an opportunity which the young man was not slow to seize any attempt to extend the enterprise be- ys^ the ostaesof as itgen^y for the sale of the dWferemt railway companies for the ridu to erect bookstalls at their st&tkm,i, and in 1851 ^cured a monopoly of tkm on the < eenrpalou? care devoted to excluding all pernicious literature, which had hitherto made time railway bookstalls notorious, young Smith got tm aaiw of * the North- Western Missionary/ and by 186$ this re^u- tation had secured for the firm the exclusif e right of selling hooka and newipapers oa all the important railways in Engine!. The peaJ of the newspaper stamp duty in 1854 ga?e am enormous impetus to the circulation | of journals, and W. H. Smith & Son were i in a portion to derive immediate advantage ; frona it. ^Previous to That, the Great Indus- i teal Exhibition of 1851 had inaugurated the | sjorelty of open-air adTrti$ement. Smith was fin* in toe ield, and secured, at what irs outdared by his father an extraYajrant 0Kti*y, ft lease of the blank walls in all tha principal railTrar stations. The jm>fits 8*f*iSl$ r fpww till they became prodigious, Neit came the circulating lihrair, arising nAtarLiljOYitoftheb5 lie was elected to the metropolitan board of works, and on the formation of the bishop of London's fund in 1661 he was appointed one of a small working committee. He held also the offices of treasurer of the Society for Pro- moting- Christian Knowledge and of the London Diocesan Council for the Welfare of Young 1 Men. He remained, till the close of his life, a munificent subscriber to philan- thropic schemes, especially those conducted by the church of England. Naturally inclined to liberalism in politics, owing- to te connection of his family -with the Wesleyan body, Smith perhaps owed his first approach to "the conservative party to Ms rejection as a candidate for election to the Seform Club in 1863, He accepted an isTitatipB to stand for "Westminster in 1865 as s liberal-conservative against Captain Grosyeaof (whig 1 ) and John Stuart Mill (radical). He was left at the bottom of the pall ; but^m 1868 (the franchise haying been extended in the meantime to householders in boroughs) he was returned to parliament for the same constituency by a majority of 1,193 orer GTOSTOTOT and 1,513 over MilL In this year tie inform liberalism of the metropo- litan representatives was broken by Smith's eleetkm, and that of a conservative for one ofthelcmreitys^a. Thfiexpmditureonthe Westminster election had been eiionnaus. South'! relum was petitioned against, and the indiscret km of his agents proved well- nigh iatal to his retaining the seat ; hut, as the * Times ' observed in a leader on the Yer- dict, i a good character has, to Mr. Smith at any rmte, proved better thaa riches. It may be a question whether the latter won the seat for him, btxfc there can be mo question that the former has saved it,' Once in parliament, Smith devoted himself with energy to soeial questkjas, malting Ms maiden speech on a motion relating to pauperism and vagraaey. At no tlsae aa eloquent or even a fluent speaker, Ms repu- tation for combined philanthropic awl busi- nesslike qualities caused Mm to be heard with respect. Tlie iatrodactloii of tie BdN&- cation Bill in 1 870 Irouj^bfc him into Ifcequeiifc consultation with William Edward Forsfcer fa. T,J who had eharg of it ; and he aaad Lord S^adom (now Earl oC Hamra% ) were vvmmmtt t@ afeaadkm then- projeet of ereatfsig twofttj-ihna school boards Ibr the metropolis and to substitute & single large one. Smith Smith *59 Smith WM elected a member of the first school board in 1&71, and a resolution framed by Mm was adopted IB a compromise on the vexed question of religions teaeaing in school*. On Mr. Disraeli forming Bis administration in 1874, Smith was offeree! and accepted the post of secretary to the treasury; and in 177 S on the death of George \\*ard Hunt [q, Y,] he joined the cabinet as first lord of the admiralty. This office had generally been held by persons of high rank, and Dis- raeli incurred some sharp criticism from his own party by conferring 1 it on a London tradesman (tne incongruity of the choice found popular expression in the comic opera of 'BLM.S. Pinafore^ by Messrs, Gilbert and SulliTan). But Smith's appointment belied ail mi&givings and proTed a complete success. In the trying time when war with Kussia seemed inevitable, and the cabinet was weakened in the early part of 1678 by the secession of the Earls of Derby and Car- naxroH, Smith showed much firmness in coun- cil. Slow in forming a judgment, he had the enviable gift, once it was formed, of ad- hering to it without anxiety. After Mr, Gladstone's great victory at the |K>lls in 1880, the official conservative oppo- sition in the House of Commons proved too mild and inoffensive for the younger members of the party. Of these, Lord Randolph Cfeurchifl, Mr. Arthur James Balfour, Sir John Gorst, and Sir Henry Dmmmond Wolff, who were known as the 'Fourth Party/ made frequent attacks on their ksacbrs, Smith, Sir Stafford Henry Noarthoote (afterwards earl of Iddasleigii) [a. v.] r amd &Ilic3iard(nowYi8eoiint)&06S. Mr. Glad- stone's ministry resigned olSee after tlieir defeat in June 1885 on the beer duties,, and Lord Salisbury formed a cabinet to complete the scheme of redistribution of seals ren- dered necessary by the Reform Act. Sm hb became secretary of stale for war. West- minster, which had previously Fetorod two memkeite, was divided by the mew Recllatii- bution Act into three single-seated con- stituencies. Smith appropriately chose to represent the Strand oifioMM, lor which lie 1 was returned by 5 ? 645 against vote j in November 1885. In December Lord CAT- j B*Tfon resigned tite vicero jalfcy of Ireland j and Sir Will iam Hart Dyke that of chief secretary. The latter was a difficult post toilL Lord Selisbtiry tamed to Smith, who entered opon the inte of tib* in- wai oTertkrown in Jus*? Is***-; on tion by the Hoo of Commoni of tiij* bill for conferring home rale upon Ireland, In tiw general eleetion which followed ^mith his majority in the Stmnd difimoa As & member of Lord SIisbiiry ? s second adminutrafion T he returned to the wtr^ office. Lord Randolph Churchill fee- coming chancellor of the exchequer and leader of the House of C&mmom. Thorous"hly as Smith had earned the conBdewse of Ms colleagues and the esteem of the house, few people flu*pect*lot for the destruction of Havre (BARKOW, i. 199-200). In consequence, though not harshly treated,, he was retained a prisoner for two weary years. He then, with the assistance of a Colonel PhSlypeaux, an officer of engineers- in the old royal army of France, and aided, it was supposed, by a feminine intrigue,, succeeded in effecting his escape, reached Havre, and was taken off by a fishing-boat to the Argo frigate, which landed him at Portsmouth a few days later. Sir William Hotham [q. v.], senior officer off Havre at the- time, noted in his ' Characters' that he was one morning invited by the captain of the- Argo to breakfast. ' As he had designedly kept the circumstance [of Smith's arrival on board] from me, I was some minutes sitting next to him at breakfast without at all knowing who he was, he was so completely disguised, and was such a perfect French- man.' Smith had, in fact, already deceived sharper eyes and more capable ears than Hotham's, unless, indeed, we accept Barrow's unsupported suggestion that the escape wa& connived at by the Directory (i. 230). On arriving in London, on 8 May 1798 P Smith was taken by Lord Spencer, the first lord of the admiralty, to wait on the king,, and a few weeks later he was appointed to the Tigre of 80 guns, in which, in October,, he was sent out to join Lord St. Vincent at Cadiz or Gibraltar, but with a commission from the foreign office appointing "him joint plenipotentiary with his brother at Con- stantinople, and instructions to St. Vincent to send him to the Levant (NICOLAS, iii. 214). The anomalous position led to what threatened to be a very serious misunder- standing ; for St. Vincent, conceiving it to be Lord Spencer's intention that Smith should conduct the further operations on the coast of Egypt, did not formally put him under Nel- son's orders, and Smith, who was not at all the man to minimise his authority, assumed the airs of an independent commander, con- stituted himself a commodore, and hoisted a broad pennant; all which gave as it could not help doing great offence to Nel- son, on whose prerogative of command Smith was unduly trespassing (id. iii. 213, 215). It has indeed been asserted that there was no such intention, either on the part of Smith or Spencer ; but both of them had had Smith 165 Smith sufficient experience of the admiralty and the navj to know the evils that might result from an error in form. It was only after very sharp letters from St. Vincent and Xelson that Smith was convinced of his mistake, and, while remaining senior officer in the Levant, conducted the business as subordinate to Nelson. Meantime he had undertaken the defence of Saint Jean d'Acre, which was to render his name famous. On 3 March 1799 he took over the command of Alexandria, and the same evening learnt that Bonaparte, on his way to Syria, had stormed Jaffa. He at once sent the Theseus to Acre, and with her, Colonel Phelypeaux, who, having shared his escape from Paris, was now serving with him as a volunteer. Phelypeaux and Miller, the captain of the Theseus, made what ar- rangements were possible for the defence of the town, and on the 15th they were joined by Smith in the Tigre. But their prepara- tions would have been of little value had not the superiority at sea enabled him on the 18th to capture the whole of the siege artillery, stores, and ammunition on which Bonaparte was dependent for the prosecu- tion of his design. The eight gunboats in which these had been embarked were also a most valuable reinforcement j and while the .siege guns were mounted on the walls of the fortress, the gunboats, supported by the "TIgTe and Theseus, took up positions from : which they enfiladed the French lines. To carry on the attack the French had only their field guns, and it was not till 25 April that they were able to bring up six heavy l guns from Jaffa. Time had thus been gained, -and the defences of the town put into a better state. On 4 May, after six weeks of mining, countermining, and hard fighting at -very close quarters, a practicable breach was , made, the mine was finished, and a general ! assault was ordered for the 5th. During the ni^ht, however, the besieged destroyed the mine, and the assault was postponed. On the evening of the 7th the long-expected reinforcement of Turkish troops from Khodes oame in sight, and Bonaparte, seeing the necessity of anticipating them, delivered the assault at once. The combat raged through the night with the utmost fury, and At daybreak the French held one of the towers. The Turkish ships were still some distance off becalmed, and Smith, seeing the critical nature of the struggle, landed a strong party of seamen annea with pikes, -who held the breach till the troops arrived. AH day the battle raged. At nightfall the assailants withdrew. Twelve days later the iege was raised. *In Smith's character ; there was a strong fantastic and vainglorious , strain ; but, so far as appears, he showed at ; Acre discretion and soundjudgment, as well as energy and courage. He had to be much | on shore as well as afloat ; but he seems to j have shown Phelypeaux and, after his death, Colonel Douglas the confidence and defe- rence which their professional skill demanded, as he certainly was most generous in recog- nising their services and those of others. The good sense which defers to superior ex- perience, the lofty spmt which bears the weight of responsibility and sustains the courage of waverers, ungrudging expendi- ture of means and effort, unshaken determi- nation to endure to the end, and heroic in- spiration at the critical moment of the last assault, all these fine qualities must in can- dour be allowed to Smith at the siege of Acre ? (MAHA3T, Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, i. 303-4). The news of this decisive check to the progress of the French arms in the east was received in England with great enthusiasm. The thanks of both houses of parliament were voted to Smith, and a year later a pen- sion of 1 3 000/. a year was settled on him. He was given also the thanks of the city of London and the freedom of the Levant Company, together with a piece of plate and, some years later, a grant of 1,5001 From the sultan he received a pelisse and the chelingk or plume of triumph, such as were given also to Nelson for the victory in AbouMr Bay. The glory so deservedly ac- corded to Smith for his triumph at Acre rekindled the too exuberant vanity which the reprimands of St. Yincent and of Nelson had previously reduced within manageable limits. He again fancied himself com- mandex-in-chief, independent of even the government, and plenipotentiary, controlled only by his younger brother, who was a long way off, at Constantinople j and thus, setting aside the positive orders from home that no terms were to be made with the enemy which did not involve the surrender of the French troops in Egypt as prisoners of war, he took on himself to conclude (24 Jan. 1800) the treaty of El Arish, by the terms of which the French, soldiers, with their arms, baggage, and effects, were to be transported to France at the charge of the sultan and his allies. It was impossible for Lord Keith, who was in chief command, to approve of such a treaty [see EiiPBXsrsrojTE, GEOBSE KEITH, VISCOWT KEITH] ; and the war recommenced, to be brought to an end by the campaign, of 1801, through which the Tigre formed part of the squadron under Keith, and Smith was landed in command of the seamen employed on shore. Smith 166 Smith After tlie surrender of Alexandria, 2 Sept. 1801 , he was sent home with despatches, and ' arrived in London on 10 NOT. In the general election of 1802 he was re- turned as M.P. for [Rochester, and during 1803 had, under Lord Keith, command of a squadron of small craft on the coast of Flanders and Holland. On 9 Nov. 1805 he was promoted to be rear-admiral, and in January 1806 he hoisted his flag on board the Pompe"e for service in the Mediterranean, where Lord Collingwood was instructed to employ him in a detached command on the coast of Naples. "From May to August 1806 he carried on a successful war of outposts against the French, and another, more bitter and not so successful, against the English military officers, with whom he was supposed to be co-operating, and especially against Sir John Moore (1761-1809) [q. v.l who was quite unable to understand the real merit hidden Deneath so much extravagance and vanity. Colonel (afterwards Sir Henry Ed- ward) Bunbury [q. v.], then chief of the staff under Stuart or Moore, tells many stories of Smith's absurdities, and says i he was an enthusiast, always panting for distinction, restlessly active, but desultory in his views, extravagantly vain, daring, quick-sighted, and fertile in those resources which befit a parti- san leader ; but he possessed no great depth of judgment, nor any fixity of purpose save that of persuading mankind, as he was fully per- suaded himself, that Sidney Smith was the most brilliant of chevaliers. He was kind- tempered, generous, and as agreeable as a man can be supposed to be who is always talking of himself 7 (Narrative of some Pas- sages in the great War with France, p. 232). Moore described Smith as * most impudent ; ' but Bunbury, although naturally taking the soldier's estimate of the man, says 'the coming of the admiral and the energy of his first proceedings soon produced a wide effect. Arms and ammunition were conveyed into the mountains of Calabria j the smaller de- tachments of the enemy were driven from the shores, and some of the strongest points were armed and occupied by the insurgents and parties of English marines and seamen. 33*8 admiral spread his ships and small craft along the coasts from Scylla to the Bay of Naples, he took the island of Capri; , threatened Salerno and Policastro ; scattered through the interior his proclamations as G comWnder-m-chief on behalf of King Fer- dinand/* and the insurrection soon kindled throughout the Basilicata and the two CHaWas, though the bands acted in general -with little concert or collective strength' In August Smith had instructions to put himself under the orders of Sir John Thomas Duckworth [q. v.], with whom he co-operated in the futile demonstration off Constantinople- in February-March 1807. In the summer he returned to England, and in November was sent out as senior officer to the Tagus, with his flag in the Hibernia. At Lisbon he made the arrangements for the departure of the prince regent and the royal family to> the Brazils, and sent several of the ships. under his orders as a convoy to the Portu- guese squadron. In February 1808 he was himself sent out to Kio de Janeiro, to take- command of the South American station, but a bitter quarrel which broke out between him and Lord Strangford, the English minister, led to his being summarily recalled in the summer of 1809. A later correspon- dence with Canning seems to show that the parts of Smith's conduct which Strangford had represented as irregular were strictly in accordance with his secret instructions ; but in any case it was obviously impossible to- permit the minister at a foreign court and the commander-in-chief on the station to be writing abusive letters to or at each other [see SMTTHE, PEKCY CLINTON SYDOTSY]. On 31 July 1810 Smith was promoted to be vice-admiral, and in July 1812 went out to the Mediterranean as second in command under Sir Edward Pellew (afterwards Vis* count Exmouth) [q. v.] In March 1814,. being in very bad health, he was allowed to return to England with his flag flying in the- Hibernia. With her arrival at Plymouth in July Smith's service came to an end. In June 1815 he found himself, at the critical moment, at Brussels, and on the afternoon, of the 18th rode out to the army, joined the- Duke of Wellington, and rode with him from St. Jean to Waterloo. 'Thus/ he wrote, 6 though I was not allowed to have any of the fun, I had the heartfelt gratification of being the first Englishman that was not in the battle who shook hands with him/ He- accompanied the army to Paris, where, in the Palais Bourbon, on 29 Dec., he was in- vested by the Duke of Wellington with the- insignia of the K.C.B., to which he had been nominated in the previous January. Oa 19 July 1821 he attained the rank of admiral. During his later years he lived principally in Paris, amusing himself with a fictitious order of ' Knights Liberators ' or ' Knights Tem- plars, 1 which he had formed and of which he- constituted himself president. It had for its proposed aim the liberation of Christian slaves- from the Barbary pirates 5 but its efibrts seem to have been limited to correspondence* On 4 July 1838 Smith was nominated a. Smith 167 Smith G.C.B. He died in Paris on 26 May 1840 and was buried at Pere-Lachaise, where there is a monument to his memory. He married, in October 1810, Caroline, widow of Sir George Berriman Rumbold [q. v.], who died in 1826, having no issue by her second marriage. A characteristically theatrical portrait by Eckstein, in the National Portrait Gallery, has been engraved. A more pleasing portrait by Chandler has been engraved by E. Bell, [Barrow's Life of Smith (2 vols. 8vo, 1848) was written to a great extent from Smith's papers, and incorporates many of his letters. It has thus a biographical value of which the extreme carelessness with which it has been put to- gether cannot entirely deprive it. Howard's Life (2 vols. 8vo) is pleasantly written, but with no special sources of information. The memoirs in Naval Chronicle, iv, 445 (with a portrait by Bidley), vol. xxvi. (see Index), and Marshall's Boy. Nav. Biogr. i. 291, are useful. See also (Weil's Account of the Proceedings of the Squadron of Sir S. Smith in effecting the Escape of the Epyal Family of Portugal; Bnrke's Worts, 1823, vii. 21 7 seq. j Croker's Correspondence and Diaries, i. 348-9 ; Nicolas's Nelson Despatches (see Index).] J. K L. SMITH, WILLIAM TYLER (1815- 1873), obstetrician, son of humble parents, was born in the neighbourhood, of Bristol on 10 April 1815. He was educated at the Bristol school of medicine, where he be- came prosector and post-mortem clerk. He graduated as bachelor of medicine at the university of London in 1840, and eight years later proceeded M.B. He became a licentiate of the College of Physicians, Lon- don, in 1850, and was elected to the fellow- ship in 1859. He began his career as a teacher in the private school of Mr. Dermott in Bedford Square, and became, despite an ungainly manner and bad delivery, an im- pressive and effective lecturer and speaker. When St. Mary's Hospital was founded, Smith was appointed obstetric physician and lecturer on obstetrics. He continued his teaching there for the allotted term of twenty years, and on retirement was elected con- sulting physician accoucheur. He held the office of examiner in obstetrics at the uni- versity of London for the usual term of five years. He resided, at first, at 7 Bolton | Street, Piccadilly, thence removed to 7 Upper ' Grosvenor Street, and subsequently to No. 21 in the same street. For several years he was largely depen- dent upon literary work, and his skill as a ' writer greatly aided his professional reputa- tion and influence. He was long engaged - rapon the editorial staff of the * Lancet/ at first only as an. occasional contributor, but soon as one of its sub-editors. Among his con- | tributions were valuable papers * On Quacks and Quackery,' and a series of biographical sketches of the leading physicians and sur- ! geons of the metropolS. ! At the instance of his intimate friend Mar- I shall Hall [q. v.], he studied the applications : of the reflex function to obstetrics, with the : result that the practice of obstetrics became, for the first time, guided by physiological ! principle. The results of his researches ha reduced to the form of lectures, which he published week by week in the e Lancet/ The earliest series he collected and issued separately as * Parturition, and the Prin- i ciples and Practice of Obstetrics,' 1849, a | book which lie dedicated to HalL Some further lectures similarly contributed to the * Lancet' formed the basis of his Manual of Obstetrics,' 1858. Both books take a place in obstetric literature only second to the writings of Thomas Penman the elder [q.v.], and are the more remarkable because at the time they were written Smith had no large practical experience. The * Manual of Ob- stetrics/ although defective in some practical points, especially as regards the operations, immediately became, and long remained, the favourite text-book in this country. Tyler Smith raised the position of obste- tric medicine not only by his teaching, oral and written, but by the foundation of the Obstetrical Society of London. The subse- quent success of the society was largely due to his contributions in memoirs and in de- bate and to his capacity for business. On the death of Edward Rigby (1804-1860) [q. v ; ] in December I860, Smith was elected president. Smith was associated with Thomas Wakley [a. v.] in the establishment of the New Equitable Life Assurance Society, one aim of which was to secure the just acknowledg- ment of the professional services of medical men. He was one of the first directors (cf. SKBieeE, JJft and Times of T&omas Wakley, 1897). When the society was united to the Briton Life Office, he became deputy chairman of the unitejd companies. He con- ceived the idea of raising the ancient Cinque- port town of Seaford to the position of a sanatorium and fashionable watering-place. He purchased a considerable piece of land in and adjoining the town, and leased more from the corporation on the condition that he should secure it against the frequent sub- mersion by the sea and build upon it. He was active in promoting the foundation and success of the convalescent hospital at Sea*- ford, and was bailiff of the town in 1861, 1864 1867, 1868, and 1870. He Smith 168 Smithson strate for the town and port from 1861 to the time of his death at Richmond on Whit- Monday 1 873. He was buried at Blatching- ton, near Seaford. He married Tryphena, daughter of J. Yearsley, esq., of Southwick Park, near Tewkesbury, and had seven children, two of whom died in infancy. Engraved portraits of "Him are at St. Mary's Hospital and at the Obstetrical Society of London. His chief works, apart from those men- tioned above and numerous contributions to the * Medico-Chimrgical Transactions/ l Ob- stetrical Transactions/ and 'Pathological Transactions/ were : 1. ' Scrofula: its Nature, Causes, and Treatment/ 8y o, 1844. 2. ' The Periodoscope, with its application to Obstetric Calculations in the Periodicities of the Sex/ 8vo, 1848. 3. ' Treatment of Sterility by Ee- moval of Obstructions of the Fallopian Tubes/ 4. 'Pathology and Treatment of Leucorrhcea/ 8vo, London, 1855. [Lancet, 1873; Medical Times and G-azette, 1873 ; British Medical Journal, 1873; Churchill's Medical Directory ; Brit. Mus. Cat.; private in- formation.] W. "W. TV. SMITH, WILLOUGEBY (1828-1891), telegraphic engineer, was born at Great Yarmouth on 16 April 1828. In 1848 he entered the service of the Gutta Percha Company, London, and soon after this he commenced experimenting on covering iron or copper wire with gutta-percha for tele- graphic or other electric purposes. In 1849 the company had so far succeeded with the experiments that they undertook to supply thirty miles of copper wire, covered with gutta-percha, to be laid from Dover to Calais. During 1849-50 Smith was engaged in the manufacture and laying of this line. The trouble caused by the imperfect system of making the joints induced him to give this subject special attention ; in the cable laid over the same course in the following year, in the manufacture and laying of which hie was actively engaged, he introduced a sys- tem of joint-making which proved a great success, and in 1855 he invented the present plan of joining and insulating the conductor. From this time onward he was engaged either upon cable work or upon underground land^lines. Early in 1854 the first cable to belaid in. the Mediterranean was commenced. He had charge of the electrical department during its manufacture, and assisted Sir Charles Wheatstone with hia experiments on the retardation of signals through this cable, while coiled at the works of Glass, Elliott, & Co, at East Greenwich. Smith look charge of the electrical department during the laying of this cable between Spezzia and Corsica, and Corsica and Sar- dinia, and in the following year was em- , ployed in the manufacture and laying of a cable between Sardinia andBona in Algeria. On his return he became electrician and manager of the wire department of the Gutta Percha works, and commenced making 2,500 miles of core for a cable from Ireland to Newfoundland, In 1858 he gave up using coal-tar naphtha between the gutta-percha coverings of the wires, having invented an insulating and adhesive compound of a more suitable nature, This compound was gene- rally adopted and is still in use. In 1864 the works of Glass, Elliot, & Co. at Greenwich and the Gutta Percha Company were formed into The Telegraph Construc- tion and Maintenance Company, when Smith retained his position at the works. In 1865 he accompanied the Great Eastern steam- ship, and rendered assistance in the laying of the cable from Ireland to Newfoundland. Early in 1866 he was appointed chief elec- trician to the Telegraph Construction Com- pany, and was engaged on board the Great Eastern during the successful laying of the second cable from Ireland to Newfoundland, and the recovery and completion of the cable lost the previous year. Subsequently he took charge of the French Atlantic cable expedi- tion. The cable was successfully laid, but the strain on his mind was so great that for a time he was quite incapacitated for work. After his recovery he experimented upon, and improved the manufacture of, gutta- percha for cable work. He died at East- bourne on 17 July 1891, and was buried in Highgate cemetery on 21 Julv, Smith made many contributions to periodi- cal literature and to the 6 Journal of the In- stitute of Telegraphic Engineers/ of which institution he was president in 1882-3. In 1891 he published ' The Rise and Progress of Submarine Telegraphy/ in which he described some of his own work and expe- riences. [Electrical Engineer, 24 July 1891, p. 85 ; Gordon's Physical Treatise on Electricity, 1883, ii. 299; Nature, 30 July 1891, p. 302; Times, 25 July 1891, p. 7.] GK C. B. SMITH-IOJILL, JAMES GEOEGE (1810-1857), brigadier general. [See NEILT,.] SMITHSOlSr, HABEIET CONSTANCE, afterwards MATUOT BBBUOZ (1800-1854), actress, born at Ennis, co. Clare, on 18 March 1800, was daughter of William Joseph Smith- son, a man of Gloucestershire descent, who was for many years manager of the theatres Smithson 169 Smithson in tlie Waterford and Kilkenny circuit. Adopted at the age of two by the Bev. Dr. James Barrett of Ennis, she lived with him, apart from stage knowledge or influences, until his death in 1809, when she was placed at Mrs. Tounier's school at Waterford. Her father's health failing, she was reluctantly induced to turn to the stage, and, through the influence of Lord and Lady Castle-Ooote, was engaged by Frederick Edward Jones [q. v.], and made her first appearance at the Crow Street Theatre about 1815 as Albina Mandeville, Mrs, Jordan's part in Reynolds^ * Will.' She also played Lady Teazle. At Belfast on 1 Jan. 1816 she joined Montagu Talbot's company, of which during the pre- vious season her father and mother had been members, and on the 3rd played Mrs. Mor- timer, Mrs. Pope's part in Reynolds's * Laugh when you can/ During the season, which ended on 3 July, she was seen as Albina Mandeville, Aurelia in Mrs. Inchbald's * Lovers* Vows/ Floranthe in Colman's * Mountaineers/ Lady Emily Gerald in Mrs, C. Kemble's f Smiles and Tears/ and for her benefit, on 1 April, as Letitia Hardy in the * Belle's Stratagem/ to the Doricourt of her manager, Montagu Talbot [q. v.] She was seen to be inexperienced, but praised for w&i'zjefc?and promise. With Talbot s company she visited Cork and Limerick, returning to Dublin, where she played Lady Contest in the ' Wedding Day/ Yarico in e Inkle and Yarico/ Cora in ' Pizarro/ Mrs. Haller and Miss Woodburn in i Every one has his Fault.' On the recommendation of the Castle- Cootes she was next engaged by Elliston at Birmingham, where she was seen by Henry Erskine Johnston [q.v.], and through hi-m obtained an introduction to the committee of management at Drury Lane. There, under the title of Miss Smithson from Dublin, she made, as Letitia Hardy, her first appearance on 20 Jan. 1818, The theatre was at the nadir of poverty and in disrepute, and her performance attracted little attention. The * Theatrical Inquisitor/ however, spoke of her as tall and well formed, with a handsome countenance, and a voice distinct rather than powerful. She ' acted with spirit, over acting a little in the broadly comic scenes, singing with more humour than sweetness, and danc- ing gracefully in the Minuet de la GOUT/ As Ellen, in the 'Falls of the Clyde/ she won from the * Morning Herald ' a more favourable opinion. Her voice had the ' tremulous and thrilling tones giving an irresistible charm to expressions of grief and tenderness,' She played Lady Racket in * Three Weeks after Marriage/ Eliza in the l Jew/ and other parts, and was on 25 March the original. Diana f Vernon in Soane's 'Rob Roy the Gregarach.' After revisiting Dublin in the summer, she reappeared at Drury Lane, now under the management of Stephen Kemble at reduced prices, and was on 26 Sept. the original Eu- genia in Walker's ( Sigesmar t he S witzer,' She played Julia in the * Way to get married;' Mary in the ' Innkeeper's Daughter; 7 on 3 April the original Scipio, an improvisatore, in Buck's t Italians;' 3 May, the original Lillian Eden in MoncriefTs ' Wanted a Wife ; ' 11 May, the original Jella in Milner's ' Jew of Lubeck ; f and the original Amestris in Jod- drell's i Persian Heroine* on 2 June. Next season Elliston took Drury Lane, and Miss Smithson went to the Coburg-, where she played Selima in a version of ' Selima and Azur. 1 On 7 Nov. 1820, as Rosalie Summers 1 in * Town and Country/ she reappeared at Drury Lane. On the 21st she was the original Maria in Jameson's * Wild Goose I Chace/ on 24 March 1821 the first Rhoda in 1 ' Mother and Son/ on 2 July Lavinia in Mon- 1 eriefTs * Spectre Bridegroom, 7 and on 8 Sept. Countess in* Giraldi Duval, or the Bandit of Bohemia.' For her benefit she played { Lydia Languish.' She subsequently appeared in Liverpool, Manchester, Margate, and else- where in the provinces. Oxberry charges the management of Drury Lane with studied neglect in keeping her out of parts such as , Desdemona, in which she was excellent, and ! Cordelia, Juliet, and Imogen, to which she was well suited; but she played Lady Anne to Kean's Richard m, and Desdemona to Ms Othello. In Howard Payne's 'Adeline, or the Victim of Seduction/ she was, on 9 Feb. I 1822, the original Countess ; on 15 Feb. 1823 ! she was the first Amy Templeton in Poole's t Deaf as a Post/ Lady Percy in the t First Part of Henry I V/ Louisa in the ' Dramatist/ Lisette, an original part in Beazley's * Philan- dering/ Margaret m *A New Way to pay Old Debts/ Ellen in * A Cure for the Heart- ache/ Anne Bullen in t Bang Henry VTH/ Virgilia in ' Coriolanus' were assigned her I during 1823-4. For three seasons longer she 1 remained at Drury Lane without adding to her reputation. The only parts worth men- tioning are Blanche in * King John/ Floriinel in the ' Fatal Dowry/ Princess Eglantine in * Valentine and Orson/ Amanda (an original part) in ' Oberon, or the Charmed House * (27 'March 1826), and Helen in the 'Iron Chest' (26 June 1827). In the meantime, through her brother, who was manager of the English theatre at Boulogne, Miss Smithson appeared there on $ Oct. 1824 as Juliana in the * Honeymoon,' and Ellen Enfield in the < Falls of Clyde.' She also played at Calais. Subsequently she Smithson 170 Smithson played in the country with Macready, was with him in Dublin, and acted with him in Edinburgh and Glasgow in 1829-30 ; she was thus seen in 'Jane Shore' by Christopher North, who describes her in the * Noctes Ambrosianse ' as ' an actress not only of great talent, but of genius a very lovely woman and, like Miss Jarman, altogether a lady in private life. 7 In April 1828 Miss Smithson accompanied Macready to Paris, and appeared at the Salle Favart (Theatre Italian) in Desdemona, in which character she made a profound im- pression, further strengthened by her appear- ance as Virginia in ' Virginius*' Next spring she returned to London, and made her first appearance at Oovent Garden as Belvidera in 'Venice Preserved' on 11 April, when Genest declared her much improved. In November 1832 she was again in Paris, and engaged the Theatre Italian and the Odon, acting on alternate nights; opening the former house with 'Jane Shore/ in which she played the heroine, and the latter with Kenne/s 'Raising the Wind,' An effort to engage Macready failed in consequence of the terms he demanded, and the actress, who was supported by an actor named Archer, remained the chief attraction. ' Jane Shore' ran for twenty-five nights. Macready states that when in that piece she declared that sjie had not tasted food for three long days, a deep murmur { Oh, mon Dieu ! J audible through the house, showed how complete was the illusion she created. In Juliet and in Ophelia she achieved her greatest triumphs. It was the period when in Prance roman- ticism was rampant, and Miss Smithson raised the enthusiasm on behalf of Shake- speare to its height. Her Irish accent, an obstacle to her success in London, was un- perceived in Paris, and she was for some months the rage with the enthusiastic but volatile public of that city. Years later her name survived, and her pathetic outbursts and powerful gestures were commended by Theophile Gautier. Among those most passionately enamoured of her and her art was Hector Berlioz, the musical composer, whose memoirs are full of extravagant utterances concerning 'la belle SfeiiBoti/tbe * artiste inspired dont tout Paris d$bait' Poor, and as yet unknown, he dared to make advances to her which filled her with consternation rather than delight. But the snecess of the English theatre in Paris was not sustained. A trip to Am- sterdam and to French provincial towns sch as Havre, Boaen, and Bordeaux had a effect upon Miss Smithson's finances op- poeifee ta that desired, and he? company had to be disbanded. Vanity had led her into many extravagances. The Parisian public proved fickle, and she had the mis- fortune to break her leg above the ankle in getting out of her carriage. Berlioz returned from Italy in the summer of 1833, and found her burdened with debts. He chivalrously renewed his offer, and was married to Miss Smithson early in October at the British Embassy, Paris. The announcement in the ' Court Journal ' is ungraciously coupled with the expression of a wish that the marriage would prevent her reappearance on the Eng- lish boards. Though Horace Smith wrote- of her ' picturesque variety * of pose, English opinion was almost uniformly hostile to her, and even attributed her accident to a thea- trical ruse. It is scarcely surprising that she had no wish in later life to revisit Great Britain. A special performance was given in Paris at the Theatre Italien with a view towards pay- ing the debts of the bride. The programme comprised the l Antony ' of Alexandre Dumas, supported by Madame Dorval and Firmin, the fourth act of 'Hamlet,' and a performance of Berlioz's ' Symphonic Eantastique,' * Sar- danapale/ and an overture to ' Les Francs- Juges.' The sum obtained, seven thousand francs, was inadequate, and the result was mortification to the actress, who, on her rising with difficulty from the stage as Ophelia, did not even receive a call, and saw all the homage accorded to Madame Dorval. She did not again appear on the stage. Sharing her husband's privations, she became, according to his statement, sharp-tempered, jealous, and exacting. In 1840 husband and wife separated by mutual consent, and Berlioz chose another partner. He saw his wife occasionally, and contributed to her support. During the last four years of her life she suffered from para- lysis, depriving her of speech and motion. An inscription in the cemetery of Montmartre reads: * Henriette Constance Berlioz Smith- son, ne6 a Ennis en Irlande, morte a Mont- martre le 3 mars 1854.' Ten years later her remains were disinterred and placed in a vault in the larger cemetery of Montmartre, next those of the second wife of Berlioz. By Berlioz she left a son, Louis, who entered the navy and was with the French fleet in the Baltic in 1855, but predeceased his father; the latter died at Paris on 8 March 1869. A portrait of her, described as of Henrietta Smithson, by R. E. Drummond, stippled by J. Thomson, is among the engraved portraits at South Kensington. A portrait of her as Maria, presumably in the *Wild Goose Chase/ accompanies her life in Oxberry*s ' Dramatic Biography/ A portrait as Mar- Smithson 171 Smithson garet in * A New Way to pay Old Debts ' is in Cumberland's i British Theatre,' vol. vii., and another, a coloured print after Clint, as Miss Dorillon in * Wives as they were and Maids as they are,' is in Terry's 'British Theatrical Gallery/ [Particulars of Miss Smithson's early lif e were supplied by herself to Gxberry, and appear in the second volume of his Dramatic Biography. Information concerning her performances in Ireland is kindly supplied by Mr. W. J. Lawrence, who is engaged on a History of the Belfast Stage. Her characters in London are taken from Genest's Account of the English Stage. Genest, however, omits mnch. Such few particulars as can be gleaned concerning her performances in Prance are taken from the Court Journal (1832 and 1833), Lady's Magazine, and Gautier*s His- toire de 1'Art Dramatique en France. Her life as Madame Berliozapp^ars in the M^moires de Hec- tor Berlioz, 1878, i. 292-4 sq., and is summarised in a paper by Dutton Cook in the Gent. Mag. June 1879. The Autobiography of Hector Ber- lioz, from 1803 to 1865, and published in 1884, supplies some further details. A short memoir is in Cumberland's British Theatre, TO!, vii. See also Grove's Diet, of Musicians; Marshall's Cat. of Engraved National Portraits; Clark Russell's Bepresentative Actors; Dramatic Magazine, 1829 ] and 1830; Pollock's Macready ; Ne^ Monthly j Magazine, various years; Dibdin's Hist, of the i Scottish Stage; Hist, of the Theatre Boyal, Dub- lin, 1870 ; and the Theatrical Censor, 1818-20.] J. K SMITHSON, HUG-H, afterwards PEBCY, first BUKE'OE NOBTHTJMBEBLATO of the third creation (1715-1786). [See PEBCY.] SMITHSON, JAMES (1765-1829), founder of the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, United States, was known in early life as JAMES LEWIS or LOTJIS MACIE. j Born in France in 1765 (the date of 1754, long i accepted as correct, is taken from the inscrip- j tiononhis tombstone), he was the illegitimate sonofHughSnuthson(1715-1786), who after- wards assumed the name of Percy [q. v.],and was the first Duke of Northumberland of the third creation. His mother, who was cousin of his father's wife, was Elizabeth Hunger- ford Keate (reputed to be daughter of Henry Keate, uncle of George Keate [q.v.]) She was, according to her son James, great- ffrandniece of Charles Seymour, the 'proud 1 duke of Somerset, and 'heiress * to the family of Hungerford of Studley ; to a member of that family her sister was married. She had apparently been twice a widow before her illegitimate son was born. Her first husband's surname seems to have been Dickinson. Her second husband was James Macie, a country gentleman of an old family belonging to "Weston, near Bath. Both husbands seem to have left her well provided for. In the will of her mother, Penelope Keate, dated 13 July 1764, she was described as * my daughter Elizabeth Macie of Bath, widow.' Her second husband, Macie, was therefore dead before the birth of her illegitimate son in 1765. In 1766, on the death of her brother, Lumley Hungerford Keate, she inherited the property of the Hungerfords of Studley, which was doubtless one of the sources of her son's great wealth. Young Smithson was brought from France at an early age, naturalised, and entered as a gentleman commoner at Pembroke College, Oxford. He matriculated on 7 May 1782 as * Jacobus Ludovieus Macie [changed to Smith- son], 17,deCivit. Londin. arm. Fil. 7 (Add. MS. 33412, Brit. Mus.; FOSXEB, Alumni Oxonienses, iii. 893, iv. 1323). He is said to have been the best chemist and mineralogist of his year. In 1784, at the age of nineteen, he made a geological tour to Oban, Staffa, and the Western Isles of Scotland, in company with Faujas de St. Fond, Count Andrioni, and others, and noted in his journals obser- vations on mining and manufacturing pro- cesses. His vacations were usually devoted to similar excursions and the collection of minerals. He was created M. A. 26 May 1786, and was admitted a fellow of the Royal So- ciety on 26 April 1787, being described as ' late of Pembroke College, Oxford, and now of John Street, G-olden Square, a gentleman well versed in various branches of natural philosophy, and particularly in chy mistry and mineralogy/ Among the five fellows who recommended him was flenry Cavend ish.. He lodged for some timeinBentinck Street, and there probably prepared his first scientific paper, t An Account of some Chemical Experi- ments on Tabasheer/ read before the Royal Society on 7 July 1791 (PMl Trans. voL IT-S-TI. pt. ii. p. 368). The following year he travelled from Geneva to Italy and in Tyrol His political views found expression in a letter from Paris ; *The office of king is not yet abolished,, but they daily feel the inu- tility, or rather the great inconvenience, of continuing it. ... May other nations, at the time of their reforms, be wise enough to cast off, at first, the contemptible incumbrance.' It is not known when he received permis- sion from the crown to change his name, but in 1794, eight years after his father's death, he is mentioned in the will of his half-sister, Dorothy Percy, as Macie. She was also an illegitimate daughter of the duke, and died on Nov. 1794 (UHESTEB, Registers of West- minster, p. 453). The first public announce- ment of tke name of Smithson is in thesecond Smithson 172 Smithson contribution to the i Transactions 7 of the Royal Society, being * A Chemical Analysis of some Calamines, by James Smithson, Esq./ read on 18 Nov. 1802 (Phil Trans, xciii. 12). This analysis quite upset the opinion of the Abb6 Haiiy that calamines were all mere oxides or 4 calces ' of zinc, and esta- blished these minerals in the rank of true carbonates. To commemorate this discovery the name Smithsonite was conferred on a native carbonate of zinc. Another paper,* On Quadruple and Binary Compounds, particu- larly Sulphurets/ appeared in the ' Philoso- phical Magazine,' 1807 (xxis.275). His other contributions to the l Philosophical Transac- tions' were: i Account of a Discovery of Native Minium ' (1806, vol. xcvi. pt. i. p. 267) ; ' On the Composition of the Compound Sul- phuret from Huel Boys, and an Account o its Crystals ' (1808, voL xcviii. pt. i. p. 55) ; 'On the Composition of Zeolite' (1811, cL 171) ; * On a Substance from the Elm Tree called Ulmin' (1813, vol. ciii. pt. i. p. 64) ; i On a Saline Substance from Mount Yesuvius ' (1813, vol. ciii. pt. i. p. 256) ; * A few Facts relative to the Colouring Matters of some Vegetables' (1817, cviii. 110). His name disappears from the ' Philosophical Transactions' after 1817, but is frequently to be found in the Annals of Philosophy J from 1819. In 1822 he published in that journal a paper ( On the Detection of very Minute Quantities of Arsenic and Mercury/ descrip- tive of a method for a long time used by chemists. He wrote altogether eighteen articles in Thomson's ' Annals of Philosophy ' (1819-1825). These, with the eight papers read before the Eoyal Society, twenty-seven in all, were issued under the title of * The Scientific Writings of James Smithson, edited by W. J. Rhees J (Smithsonian Misc. Cotter tions, 1879, No, 327). In the opinion of Pro- fessor Clarke, ' the most notable feature of Smithson's writings, from the standpoint of the modern analytical chemist, is the suc- cess obtained with the most primitive and unsatisfactory appliances. ... He is not to be classed among the leaders of scientific, thought ; but his ability, and the usefulness of his contributions to knowledge, cannot be doubted.' In an obituary notice Davies Gil- bert^ president of the Royal Society, associated the name of Smithson with those of Wollas- ton, Young 1 , and Davy 5 * he was distinguished by the intimate friendship of Mr. Cavendish, and rivalled our most expert chemists in ele- gant analyses,' Berzelius refers to Mm as * Tun desminSralogigtes les plus experiment's del'Europe/ He left a great quantity of un- printed matter. About two hundred manu- seripls were forwarded to the United States with his effects, besides thousands of separate memoranda. Unfortunately, with the excep- tion of a single volume, all perished in a ore at the Smithsonian Institution in 1865. "W. R. Johnson, who examined the papers before the formation of the institution, states that they dealt not only with science, but with history, the arts, language, gardening, and building, and such topics i as are likely to occupy the thought and to constitute the reading of a gentleman of extensive acquirements and liberal views ' (Misc. Coll. ut supra, p. 138). His cabinet, which was also destroyed, in- cluded some 10,000 specimens of minerals. A large part of Smithson's life was passed on the continent. He lived in Berlin, Paris, Rome, Florence, and Geneva, and associated everywhere with scientific men. Among his correspondents were Davy, Gilbert, Banks, Thomson, Black, Arago, Biot, and Klaproth. In later years, when his health became feeble, he resided chiefly in Paris, at 121 rue Montmartre. He died at Genoa, Italy, on 27 June 1829, aged 64, and was buried in the little English cemetery on the heights of San Benigno, The authorities of the Smithsonian Institution placed a tablet on the tomb, and another in the English church at Genoa; but on the demolition of the English ceme- tery at Genoa in 1903, Smithson's remains were removed to Washington early in 1904. In his will, dated 23 Oct. 1826, Smithson describes himself as ' son of Hugh, first duke of Northumberland, and Elizabeth, heiress of the Hungerfords of Studley and niece of Charles the Proud, duke of Somerset, now residing in Bentinck Street, Cavendish | Square.* There was a bequest to an old servant, and the income of the property was left for life to a nephew, Henry James Hungerford, also known as Dickinson, and afterwards as Baron Eunice de la Batut (d. 1835). Subject to these provisions, the whole was bequeathed ' to the United States of America, to be found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.' The value of the effects was sworn as under 120,0007. in the prerogative court at Canterbury. The money is believed to have come chiefly from Colonel Henry Louis Dickinson (d. 1820), a son of his mother by a former marriage. A legacy of 3,000 from Dorothy Percy, his half-sister on the paternal side, seems to have been all that Smithson received from his father's family. Republican sympathies ap- ipear to account for the bequest to the United States. In 1835 the United States legation in London was informed that the f court of chancery was in possession of the Smithson 173 Smitz estate, valued at about 100,0007. Acceptance ' of tlie gift was opposed in Congress, but, through the influence of John Quiney Adams, Richard Bush was sent to England to enter a suit in the name of the president of the United States. A decision was given within two years, and the sum of 104,9607, in gold was delivered at the Philadelphia mint. In 1867, inclusive of a residuary legacy, the total amount of the bequest had increased to six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The Smithsonian Institution was established by act of Congress, approved on 10 Aug. 1846, and the first meeting of the board of regents took place on 7 Sept. in the same year. Joseph Henry was the first secretary (1846-78) ; to him are due the form of the publications, the system of inter- national exchanges, and the weather bureau. Under the second secretary, Spencer Fuller- ton Baird (1878-87), the new museum build- ing was erected, and much attention was given to zoological and ethnological explo- rations. Professor Samuel Pierpont Langley, the third and present holder of the office, established the National Zoological Park and the Astrophysical Observatory, and has given great encouragement to the physical as well as the biological sciences. The special work of the bureau of ethnology was begun in 1872. The Smithsonian building is one of the finest in Washington. The library forms part of the congressional library, and comprehends per- haps one-fourth of the national collection. The institution publishes periodically valuable series of scientific publications, entitled re- spectively Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge' since 1848, in 4to; 'Miscella- neous Collections' since 1862, 8vo ; and 'An- nual Reports.' The 4 Bulletins ' of the Na- tional Museum commenced in 1875 and the 'Proceedings' in 1878. The 'Annual Re- ports ' of the Bureau of Ethnology date from 1878. The Bureau also issues * Bulletins/ Smithson was a man of gentle character whose life was devoted to study uncheered by domestic affection. He had one relaxation. Arago, in the course of his * Eloge d'Ampere/ without mentioning Smithson byname, says : * Je connaissais a Paris, il y a quelques annees, nn etranger de distinction, & la fois tres- riche et tres-mal portant, dont les journees, sauf un petit nombre d/heures de repos, e"taient regulierement partagees entre d'in- teressantes recherches scientifiques et le jeu ' ((Z&ww, 1854,11. 27). Ampere demonstrated to his friend that, according to the doctrine of chances, he was each year cheated out of a large sum ; but Smithson was unable to forego the stimulus of play. His writings are marked by terse and lucid expression, and his theory of work is well illustrated by the noble words found in one of his notebooks, which have been adopted as a motto for the publications of the institution : f Every man is a valuable member of society who by his observations, researches, and experiments procures know- ledge for men. 7 Although Ke deeply felt the circumstances of his birth, he was proud of his descent, and once wrote : * The best blood of England flows in my veins. On my father's side I am a Northumberland, on my motherV I am related to kings ; but this avails me not. My name shall live in the memory of man when the titles of the Northumberlands and the Percys are ertinct and forgotten.* One part of this statement has already been real- ised, and, as the founder of the famous in- stitution which bears his name, he is already illustrious. The position of the Smithsonian Institution is without a parallel in any country. There is an oil painting representing him as an Oxford student (1786), and a miniature by Johns (1816), both in the possession of the institution. A medallion found among his effects was marked * my likeness ' in Smithson's hand; from this have been, en- graved the portrait published by the institu- tion, the great seal, and the vignette to be seen on all its publications. [Materials have been kindly contributed by Professor S. P. Langley, secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution. Mr. Gr. B. Henderson lent some family documents. See also Smithson and his Bequest, by W. J, Ehees, 1880, and ac- counts by W. B. Johnson and J. E. McD. Irby of the writings of Smithson, 1879, in Misc. Col- lections, vol. xaa. 1881 ; Beport of E. Hash to the Department of State, 1838; Gent. Hag. March 1830, p. 275; Groode's Account of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895.] E. B. T. SMITZ, CASPAR (d. 1707?), painter, is believed to have been a native of Flanders. About 1660 he came to London, where he gained a reputation for his small portraits in oil, groups of fruit and Sowers, and especially pictures of the penitent Magdalene, in the foreground of which he usually introduced a large and carefully painted thistle plant. From his works of this class he received the sobriquet of * Magdalene * Smith ; several of them were engraved by John. Smith, P. Schenk, and E. Petit. Being induced by a lady who had been his pupil to remove to Ireland,Smitz practised there during the latter part of his life. Though his art was admired and well remunerated, he was always impecu- nious, and died in poverty in Dublin about 1707 Among Hs pupils were William Gundy [q. v.] and James Hauberk Smollett 174 Smollett [Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting (Dallaway and Wornum); Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Nagler s Kiinstler-Lesdkon.] F. M. O'D. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS GEORGE (1721- 1771). novelist, came of a family long pos- sessed of much local importance in Dumbar- tonshire. An ancestor, Tobias, grandson of John Smollett, a prominent citizen and bailie of Dumbarton in 1516, was slain in February 1603 in the conflict at Glenfruin. The family's influence had been consider- ably extended by the novelist's grandfather, SIB JAHES SMOLLETT (1648-1731), first of Bonhill. Born in 1648, James was appren- ticed in 1665 to Walter E wing, a writer to the signet j he was elected provost of Dumbarton in 1 683, and filled that office until 1686, when the ordinary election was superseded by James IL In 1685 he was chosen commis- sioner for the burgh to the Scottish parlia- ment, and sat no less than twelve times. Having been an active supporter of the revolution, he was knighted by William III in 1698, and was appointed to one of the judgeships of the commissary or consistory court in Edinburgh. As a zealous advocate of the proposed union between England and Scotland, he was in 1707 made one of the commissioners for framing the articles upon which the union was based (MACZTN'NOJ?', Hist, of tTte Union), and, after the measure had been carried, he was the first represen- tative of the Dumbartonshire boroughs in the British parliament. In his old age he lived chiefly at his seat of Bonhill, whither a goodly number of derivative Smolletts looked up to him as chief. Sir James died in 1731 (his curious manuscript autobio- graphy is in possession of the family at Bon- hill). By his first marriage with Jane (d. 1698), daughter of Sir Aulay Macaulay of Ardincaple, bart., he had four sons and two daughters. He married secondly, in June 1709, Elizabeth, daughter of William Hamil- ton, but by her had no issue. Of Sir James's four sons, the eldest, Tobias, went into the army and died young ; the second, James, and the third, George, were both called to the Scottish bar. Sir James's estates passed to the issue of his second son, James, and when tliat failed, in 1738, to another grandson, Jamas, the son of George Smollett, the third son. Sir James's youngest son, Archibald (the n' 1782 [1795], 12mo. A French translation by T. P. Bertin appeared at Paris, 'an vi>" [1798], 12mo. 6. < A Compendium of Authen- tic and Entertaining Voyages, digested in a Chronological Series/ 7 vols. London 1756 12mo ; 2nd edit. London, 1766, 12mo. 7. < A Compleat History of England, deduced from the Descent of Julius Caesar to the Treatv of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748/ 4 vols. London 1757-8, 4to ; 2nd edit. 11 vols. London, 1758-' 1760, 8vo ; French version by Targe, Orleans . 1759. 8. ' Continuation of the Complete His- tory of England/ 5 vols. London, 1763-5, 8vo. This was modified, and re-entitled * The His- tory of England from the Revolution to the- Death of George II (designed as a continua- tion of Mr. Hume's History)/ in which form it went through numerous editions, and was in turn continued by Thomas Smart Hughes [q. v.] ; a French version is dated Paris, 1819-22. Smollett's < Continuation ' was also appended to a bookseller's issue of Rapin and Tindal (1785-9). 9. < The Ad- ventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, by the- Author of "Roderick Random/" 2 vols, London, 1762, 12mo ; 5th edit. 2 vols. Lon- don,^, 8vo; 1810, 24mo; 1832, in Roscoe's , 'Novelist's Library' (x,), with Cruikshanka plates; French translation, Paris, 1824. 10. ^The Present State of all Nations, con- taining a Geographical, Natural, Commercial,, and Political History of all the Countries in the known World/8 vols. London, 1764, 8vo ; another edition, 8 vols. London, 1768-9. 11. * Travels through France and Italy, 2 vols. London, 1766, 8vo (the British Museum copy contains some manuscript notes by the author) ; 2nd edit. 2 vols. Dublin, 1772, 12mo; another edit. 2 vols. London, 1778, 12mo. 12. 'The History and Adventures of an Atom/ by Nathaniel Peacock [i.e. T. S.L 2 vols. London, 1749 [1769], 12mo ; 10th edit. 2 vols. London, 1778 ; Edinburgh, 1784 t 12mo ; London, 1786, 8vo. 13. ' The Expedi- tion of Humphrey Clinker, by the Author of "Roderick Random/" 3 vols. London, 1671 [1771], 12mo (the second and third volumes- are correctly dated) ; 1772, 8vo ; 2 vols. Dublin, 1774 ; Edinburgh, 1788, Svo ; 3 vols. London, 1792, 8vo; 2 vols. [1794], 12mo^ 2 vols. London, 1805, 8vo, with, ten plates after Rowlandson; 1808, 12mo ; 2 vols.!810 r 12mo; London, 1815, 24mo; 1831, 12mo,in Roscoe's 'Novelist's Library' (i.), withCruik- shank's plates; Leipzig, 1846, 16mo (Tauch- nitz) ; London, 1857, Svo, -with illustrations. by'Phiz;'London,1882,8vo; French trans- lation, Paris, 1826, 12mo. 14. (Posthumous), Smollett 183 Smollett *Ode to Independence, -with Notes and Observations,' Glasgow, 1773, 4to ; London, 1773, 4to; Glasgow [1800], 12mo. In addition to Ids version of * Don Quixote/ Smollett executed the standard translation of Le Sage's 'Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane . . . from the best French edition/ 4 vols. London, 1749, 12mo (4th edit. 1773, and very numerous subsequent editions) 5 in conjunction with Thomas Franeklin [q. v.] he also superintended the translation of * The Works of M. de^ Voltaire. . .with Notes Historical and Critical/ in 38 vols. London, 1761-74, 12mo (2nd edit, 1778); and five years after his death there was issued in his name a translat ion of FenelonV Ad ventures of Telemaehus/ 2 vols. London, 1776, 12mo (Dublin, 1793, 12mo). Collective editions of Smollett's worts were issued in 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1790, 8vo, with a short account of the author (reprinted in 5 vols. 1809, 8vo); in 6 vols. London, 1796, 8vo, with 'Memoirs of Smollett's Life and Writings, by R. Anderson 7 (seven edi- tions) ; * Works, with Memoirs of Life, to which is prefixed a View of the Commence- ment and Progress of Bomance by J. Moore/ 8 vols, London, 1797, 8vo (a reissue edited "by J. P. Browne, in 8 vols. London, 1872, 8vo, constitutes the best library edition); * Miscellaneous Works/ complete in one volume, with * Memoir r by Thomas Boscoe, London, 1841, 8vo ; < Works/ illustrated by George Cruikshank, London, 1846, 8vo; * Works . . . with Historical Notes and a Life by David Herbert/ Edinburgh, 1870 [18691 8vo; 'Works' (i.e. prose novels), edited by G. Saintsbury and illustrated by Prank Richards, 12 vols. London, 1895. The novels were issued separately, with a Memoir by Sir Walter Scott (' Novelist's Library/ ii. iii), London, 1821, 8vo. Se- lections were issued in 1772, 1775, and 1832, and in 1834 as *The Beauties of Smollett/ edited by A. Howard, London, 8vo. The ( Plays and Poems 7 appeared with a memoir in 1777, 8vo, while the 'Poetical Works' are included in the collections of Anderson (x.), Park (xli), Chalmers (xv.), ' British Poets' (xxxiii.), with life by S. W. Singer, 1822 j in conjunction with the poems of Johnson, Parnell, and Gray, edited by Gil- fillan, 1855; another edition edited by C. C. Clarke, 1878, and together with the poems of Goldsmith, Jonnson, and Shenstone, 1881. [laves of Smollett are numerous. A memoir was prefixed to an edition of his works in 1797 by Br John Moore (Zeluco), and this is to some extent the basis of all subsequent biographies. Another life by Dr. Bobeit Anderson -was pre- fixed to the edition of 1796, but, though earlier in date, this is mainly a secondhand dissertation upon the novelist's character ; to the fifth edition (1806) there is an interesting Appendix of Letters to Smollett from Robertson, Hume, Boswell, Armstrong, and others. A shrewd and sympa- thetic biography was prefixed by Scott to his edition of the Poems in 1821, and a more de- tailed memoir by Thomas Roseoe to the Works in one volume issued IE 1 84 1 . Far more valuable than any of its predecessors in point of research is * Smollett: his life and a Selection from his Writings/ published by Robert Chambers in 1867. This was followed by a carefal memoir by David Herbert for the Selected Works, Edin- birgh,1870. A Life by Mr. David Hannay (vain- able especially for the naval bearings of Smollett's career) is included in the Great Writers Series, 1887 (with useful bibliography by Mr. J. P. An- derson). Prefixed to the 1 895 edition of the novels is a life by Professor Saints~bnry (with an in- teresting development of Scott's parallel between Fielding and Smollett), and a life by Hr. Oli- phant Smeaton appeared in the Famous Scots Series, 1897. There are good notices in the Encyclopaedia Britanniea (by Professor Minto) and English Cyclopsedia; but of more value perhaps than any of these is the admirable summary of facts and opinions in the Quarterly Review (yol. ciii.), though this must be corrected as regards some genealogical details by Joseph. Irving's Book of Dumbartonshire, 1879, i. 290, ii. 175 seq. The writer is indebted to the Bev. R. L, Douglas for some interesting notes upon the place and circumstances of the novelist's death. See also Maeleod's Hist, of Dumbarton, p. 157; Dr. A, Carlyle's Autobiogr. passim; Anderson's Scottish Nation, iii. 483; Nichols's Literary Anecd. i. 302, iii 346, 398, 759, vi. 459, Tiii. 229, 412, 497, ix. 261, 480; Literary Illus- trations, v. 776, vii 228, 268; Gent. Mag. 1771 p. 349, 1799 ii. 817, 899, 1810 i 597, 1846 ii. 347; Fasti Aberdonenses, p. 374; Duncan's Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of 6-lasgow, 1896, p. 120 ; Wilkes's Correspondence, L 50 (on SmollettTs alleged duplicity towards WiDces) ; Churchill's Works, 1892, i. 61, 65, 68, 74, 106, H. 5, 10, 51 ; Grenville Papers, i. 415 ; "Walpole's Correspondence, ed. Cunningham, ii 242, 285, 341, T. 231 ; WalpoWs Hist, of the Eefga of G-eorge TTI, ed, Barker ; Warburton's Horace Walpole and his Contemporaries, i 393 ; Lady Mary Woartiey-Hontagu's Letters, 1837, iii. 106, 199 ; Mrs. Delan^s life and Correspondence, ii. 6, 7, iii 34, 162, 216, 223; Davies's Garrick, 1780; BoswelFs Life of Johnson, ed. Birkbecfc Hill, passim ; Andrew Henderson's Second Letter- to Dr. Johnson, 177& (containing a coarse lam- poon on Smollett) ; Memoirs of Lord Kames, i 226, 447 ; Mathias*s Pursuits of Literature, i 26 ; Matron's Hist, of England, vii 325 ; Pope's Works, ed. Ehnn, iii* 268, 468; Manisoe's Autographs, vi 146 (facsimile lettear to Dr. 6feorg& Hacaulay requesting a loan) ; Brougfeai of Letters under Georg* III, 1S55> p. Smyth 184 Smyth Genest's Hist, of Stage, iv. 479, x. 175 ; Baker's Biogr. Dramatica, 1812, i. 677-9 (attributing to Smollett, without authority, a posthumous farce, duties. He was promoted to be first captain on 1 July 1806, and was employed in strengthening and repairing the defences of t Table Bay and Simon's Bay. He relinquished the appointment of colonial secretary on the arrival in May 1807 of the Earl of Gale- don as governor with a complete staff, and returned to England in September 1808. In the following winter lie was with Sir John. Moore at Corona, returning with the remnant of the army to England in February. In April he constructed Leith Fort, and on 20 Oct. 1813 was promoted lieutenant- * colonel In December of the same year he joined the expedition to Holland under his relative, General Sir Thomas Grab am. (afterward* Lord Lynedoch) [q. v.], as commanding royal engineer. He landed the same month with Graham at Zeyrick Zee, and head- quarters were established at Tolen. He was engaged in the action of Merxem on 13 Jan. 1814, and the subsequent bombardment of Antwerp early in February. Having care- fully reconnoitred the fortress of Bergen-op- ^ Zoom, Smyth advised its assault, whielt Smyth 186 Smyth took place on 8 March 1814, when he ac- companied the central column. Although the assault was successful, owing 1 to incon- ceivable blunders the British retreated at daybreak Hostilities having terminated and the French troops having withdrawn, Smyth on 5 May took over the fortress of Antwerp and all the defences of the Scheldt, and was afterwards busily engaged in the reconstruc- tion and strengthening of all the important fortresses evacuated by the French. He ac- companied the Duke of Wellington and the Prince of Orange on several tours of inspec- tion of the works, upon which he had about ten thousand labourers employed under a large staff of engineer officers. Early in 1815 Smyth accompanied the Prince of Orange to London, but on 6 March, Napoleon having escaped from Elba, Smyth again joined the headquarters of the English army at Brus- sels as commanding royal engineer. Dur- ing April and May, under the immediate instructions of the Duke of Wellington, he placed the defences of the Netherlands in as efficient a state as possible against the ex- pected invasion of the French, which occurred on 15 June. At the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo Smyth served on Wellington's staff, and on 7 July entered Paris with him. Smyth was promoted on 29 June 1815 to be colonel in the army and aide-de-camp to the prince regent. He was also made a com- panion of the Bath, and received the orders of knighthood of Maria Theresa and fourth class of St. Vladimir from the emperors of Austria and Eussia respectively. He re- mained in command of the royal engineers at Cambrai until December 1815, and was then placed on half-pay. On 25 Aug. 1821, on Wellington's recom- mendation, Smyth was created a baronet. In 1823, in company with Lord Lynedoch, he made a military tour of inspection of the fortresses of the Low Countries, and in Octo- ber he was sent to the West Indies to report cm the military defences and engineering establishments and military requirements of the British possessions there. He arrived with his^ colleagues at Barbados on 27 Nov., aaid visited Berbice and Georgetown in Demerara, Tobago, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, and St. Kitts, Their report was dated 20 Jan* In the spring of 1825 Wellington selected Saaayth. to proceed to Canada on a similar service. He embarked on 16 April and returned on 7 Oct. 1825. Smyth wrote a yeiy able report upon the defence of the Canadian frontier, dated 31 March 1826. In the meantime, on 27 May 1825, he was pro- moted^ to be major-general, and on 29 July- following he became a regimental coloneL In July 1828 he was sent to Ireland OIL special service to report upon the state of the Irish survey, returning in September. With this report his career as a military engineer closed. On 8 May 1829 Smyth was appointed governor and commander-in-ehief of the- Bahama Islands, and before his departure? George IVconferred on him. the order of knight commander of Hanover, in recognition of the Hanoverian engineers having been placed under his command in the last campaign in the Netherlands. After four years' success- ful administration of the government of the Bahamas, where he abolished the flogging- of female slaves, Smyth was removed to the more important government of British Guiana in June 1833. He arrived at Georgetown, Demerara, the seat of government, a short time before the emancipation of slaves, when much depended upon the character andability of the governor. Unmoved by the reckless- hostility of a section of the planters, Smyth by a firm, impartial, and vigorous government secured the confidence of the negroes. He brought his personal supervision to bear so- closely on every department in his government that, as he himself observed, he could sleep satisfied that no person in the colony could be punished without his knowledge and sanc- tion. Smyth died suddenly at Camp House, Georgetown, Demerara, of brain fever, after four days' illness, on 4 March 1838, es- teemed and regretted by all classes of the community. Lord Glenelg, the minister for the colonies, wrote a warm eulogy of him in a despatch to the officer administering the government. Smyth married, on 28 May 1816, Harriet, the only child of General Robert Morse [q. v.] of the royal engineers, and by her left an only son, James Bobert Carmichael (1817-1883), who on 25 Feb. 1841, by royal license, dropped the name of Smyth and resumed the family name of Carmichael alone. The same year he married Louisa Charlotte, daughter of Sir Thomas Butler, bart. He was chairman of the first sub- marine telegraph company, and died on 7 June 1883, at his residence, 12 Sussex Place, London ; his son, James Morse Car- michael (b. 1844) is the present baronet. There, is a bust, by Chantrey, of Car- michael Smyth in the cathedral church of Georgetown, Demerara ; and a replica, also byj Chantrey, in the town-hall of Berbice, with inscription. They were placed there by public subscription, Smyth's portrait was painted by E. EL. Latilla and engraved by Smyth 187 Smyth Hodgetts(see ETA^S, Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, vol. ii.) Smyth, was the author of: 1. * Instructions and Standing Orders for the Boyal Engineer Department serving with the Army on the Continent/ 8vo, London, 1815. 2. * Plans of the Attacks npon Antwerp, Bergen-op- Zoom, Cambray, Pe"ronne, Maubeuge, Lan- drecy, Marienbourg, PMiHpville,and Rocroy, by the British and Prussian Armies in 1814- 1815, with Explanatory Remarks, dedicated to the Duke of Wellington/ fol. Cambrai, 1817. 3. ' Questions and Answers relative to the Duties of the Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Eoyal Sappers and Miners/ 8vo, Cambrai, 1817. 4. * Chronological Epi- tome of the Wars in the Low Countries from the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659 to that of Paris hi 1815, with Reflections, Military and Political/ 8vo, London, 1825. 5. ' Precis of the Wars in Canada from 1756 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, with Military and Politi- cal Reflections, 7 8vo, London, 1826 (printed for official use only) ; a second edition, edited "by his son, with a memoir of the author, was published, 8vo, London 1862. 6. * Reflec- tions upon the Value of the British West Indian Colonies and of the British North American Provinces in 1825/ 8vo, London, 1826. 7. * Memoir upon the Topographical System of Colonel van Gorkeran, with Re- marks and Reflections upon various other Methods of representing Ground, addressed to Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert Taylor, Surveyor-General of H. M. Ordnance/ 8vo, London, 1828. 8. ' Letter to a Member of the Bahamas Assembly upon the subject of Flogging Female Slaves/ pamphlet, 8vo, Nassau, Bahamas, 1831. [Despatches; Royal Engineers' Records; Royal Artillery Records ; "War Office Records ; Ander- son's Scottish Nation ; (jent. Mag. 1838, ii. 112 ; Ann. Eeg. 1838 ; Porter's History of the Corps of Boyal Engineers ; Conolly's History of the Eoyal Sappers and Miners; Sperling's Letters of an Officer from the British Army in Hol- land, Belgium, and France, to his Father ; Me- moir in preface to 1862 edition of Precis of the Wars in Canada; Demerary, Transition de 1'Eselavage 4 la Liberte, par Felix Millironx, 1843.] B. H. V. SMYTH, SIR JOHN ROWLAND (& 1873), lieutenant-general, was fifth son of Grice Smyth of Ballynatray, co. Waterford, by Mary, daughter and coheiress of H. Mitchell of Mitchellsfort, co, Cork. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and was commissioned as cornet in the 16th lancers on 5 July 1821. He was promoted lieutenant on 26 May 1825, and in the fol- lowing year was present at the capture of ! Bhartpur (18 Jan.) "On 22 April he was made captain on the half-pay list, from. i which he exchanged to the 32nd foot on j 29 Nov. 1827. After ten years' service in I that regiment, mostly in Canada, he returned to half-pay on 6 April 1838, and exchanged from it to the 6th dragoon guards (Carabiniers) on 10 May 1839. On 17 Aug. 1841 he obtained a half-pay j majority, and on 6 May 1842 he returned to I his old regiment, the 16th lancers. He served with it in the Gwalior campaign of j 1843, commanding the advanced wing of I cavalry at Maharajpur, and in the Sutlej campaign of 1846, during which he was in command of the regiment. It greatly dis- I tinguished itself at Aliwal by routing the j Sikh cavalry and breaking up a square of ! infantry, Smyth being severely wounded | while leading it. He was mentioned in ! despatches, and was made brevet lTftnf.A-nft.-ni~ ! colonel and C.B. He received the medal i and clasp for this campaign, having already | received the medal and clasp for Bhartrpur and the bronze star for Maharajpur. Smyth was lieutenant-colonel of the 16th, lancers from 10 Dec. 1847 till 2 Nov. 185o, 1 when he exchanged to half-pay. He had , been given one of the rewards for distin- ! guished service on 1 June 1854, and had 1 been made colonel in the army on 20 June* He became major-general on 22 Dec. 1860, and Iieutenan1>general on 1 April 1870, and was given the colonelcy of the 6th dragoon. guards on 21 Jan. 1868. Smyth died at Kensington on 14 May 1873. He married Catherine, daughter of the first Lord Tenterden* and had one daugh- ter, who married the fourth LordTenterden. [Times, 17 May 1873 ; Brake's Landed Gentry ; Despatches of Lord Eardinge, Lord Gt>ngh,&l p. 79.] K M. L. SMYTH, JOHN TA1FOUKD (1819 P- 1851), engraver, was born in Edinburgh, about 1819, and, after studying for a time at the Trustees' Academy there, devoted him- self to line- engraving. Though practically self-taught in this art, he was eventually able to produce plates of great merit. His earliest published works were l A Child's Head ' after Sir J. Watson Gordon, and < The Stirrup Cup 7 after Sir William Allan. In 1838 he removed to Glasgow, but, after re- siding there a few years, returned to Edin- burgh, where he worked with extreme indus- try during the remainder of his life. Smyth en- graved for the London * Art Journal* WilMe's- 'John Knox. dispensing the Sacrament,' Ary Schefier's * The Comforter/ Mubead/s 'The Last in/ and Allan's * Banditti dividing Smyth 188 Smyth Spoil.' He was engaged upon a plate from Faed's ' First Step ' when he died at Edin- burgh on 18 May 1851, at the age of thirty- two. [Art Journal, 1851; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists.] F. M. O'D. SMYTH, SIB LEICESTER (1829-1891), general, born on 25 Oct. 1829, was seventh son of .Richard William Penn Curzon, after- wards Ourzon-Howe, first earl Howe, by his first wife, Harriet, daughter of Robert, sixth earl of Cardigan. He was educated at Eton, and obtained a commission as second lieu- tenant in the rifle brigade on 29 Nov. 1846. He joined the reserve battalion at Quebec in 1846 ; became lieutenant on 12 Nov. 1847 ; returned to England, and went out with the first battalion to the Cape in January 1852. He served in the Kaffir war of that year, and greatly distinguished himself in the action of Berea on 20 Dec. He commanded one of two companies which mounted almost in- accessible heights under fire, and drove a large force of Basutos before them. He was hignly praised in despatches by Sir G. Cath- cart, and received the medal. On 23 Feb. 1854 he was appointed aide- de-camp to Lord Raglan, accompanied him to Turkey and the Crimea, and was present at Alma and Inkerman, and throughout the siege of Sebastopol [see SOMERSET, FmnaoY JAMES HENET]. He was assistant mili- tary secretary from 7 Oct. 1854 to 11 Nov. 1855, first under Lord Raglan, and after- wards under General Simpson. He became captain in his corps on 22 Dec. 1854, was made brevet major on 17 July 1855, and brevet lieutenant-colonel from 8 Sept., having taken home the despatches announcing the fall of Sebastopol. He continued to serve in the Crimea as aide-de-camp to General Codring- ton till 30 June 1856. He received the Crimean medal with three clasps, the Sar- dinian and Turkish medals, the legion of honour (fifth class), and the Medjidie (fifth class). Smyth was assistant military secretary in the Ionian. Islands from 23 Nov. 1856 to 23 Aug. 1861. He then rejoined the 1st battalion of the rifle brigade, in which he iiad become major on 30 April, and served with it at Malta and Gibraltar till 4 Aug. 1865, when he went on half-pay. He had become colonel in the army on 9 Feb. 1861. On 12 Feb. 1866 he married Alicia Maria, eldest daughter and heiress of Robert Smyth, J,P. of Drumcree, co. Westmeath, and in the following November he took the surname of Smyth, He was made OB. on 13 May 1867. He was military secretary at headquarters in Ireland from 1 July 1865 to 30 June 1870 and deputy quartermaster-general there from 17 July 1872 to 26 Feb. 1874. On 7 Feb. 1874 he became major-general (being afterwards antedated to 6 March 1868), and on 13 Feb. 1878 lieutenant- general. He had the command of the troops in the western district from 2 April 1877 to 31 March 1880, and at the Cape from 10 Nov. 1880 to 9 Nov. 1885. During part of this time (in 1882-3) he administered the government and acted as high com- missioner for South Africa. He was made KC.M.G. on 1 Feb. 1884, and KC.B. on 16 Jan. 1886. He was given a reward for distinguished service on 1 April 1885, and promoted general on 18 July in that year. He held the command of the troops in the southern district from 1 May 1889 to 25 Sept. 1890, when he was appointed governor of Gibraltar. But after a few months there he returned to England on sick 16 ave, and died in London on 27 Jan. 1891, leaving no issue. He was buried at Gopsall, Warwickshire. [Times, 29 Jan. 1891; art. by Sir William Henry Cope in Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1890; Lodge's Peerage.] E. M. L. SMYTH, PATRICK JAMES (1826- 1885), Irish politician, was born in 1826 in Dublin, where his father, James Smyth, a native of Cavan, was a prosperous tanner. His mother, Anne, was daughter of Maurice Bruton of Portane, co. Meath. Patrick re- ceived his education at Clongoweswood College, where he made the acquaintance of Thomas Francis Meagher [q. v.] The two be- came fast friends, and in 1844 both joined the Repeal Association. In the cleavage between ' Old Ireland ' and ' Young Ireland/ Smyth, like Meagher, sided with the latter, and became one of the active members of that body. After the failure of the abortive insurrection of 1848 he managed to escape to America disguised as a drover. He sup- ported himself by journalism for some years, becoming prominently identified with the Irish national movement in America. In 1854 he visited Tasmania, and planned and carried out the escape of John Mitchel [q.v/] from his Tasmanian prison (cf. MITCHEL, Jail Journal). In 1855 he married Miss Jeanie Myers of Hobart Town, Tasmania, and in 1856 returned to Ireland and began to study for the bar. He was called in 1858, but never practised. For a short time, about 1860, he was proprietor of the 'Irishman/ an advanced nationalist newspaper. Smyth was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honour on 29 Aug. 1871 in recognition of Smyth 189 Smyth his services to France in organising the Irish ambulance aid to that country during the Franco-German war. In 1870 Smyth made an unsuccessful at- tempt to enter parliament as a member of Isaac Butt's home-rule party. In June of the following year he was returned as M.P. for Westmeath, and sat for the con- stituency uninterruptedly till 1880, when he became M.P. for Tipperary. In parlia- ment Smyth's oratorical gifts were highly appreciated. A speech delivered by him on home rule on 30 June 1876 was published; but he disapproved of the extreme policy of Charles Stewart Parnell [q. v,], and became an unsparing and bitter enemy of the land league, which he described as a 'League of HelL J His popularity in Ireland conse- quently waned, and he retired from parlia- ment in 1882. At the close of 1884 he was appointed secretary of the Irish Loan Repro- ductive Fund, but survived his appointment only a few weeks. He died at Belgrave Square, Bathmines, Dublin, on 12 Jan. 1885, leaving his widow and family in straitened circumstances. A fund was raised for their support. Smyth published: 1. * Australasia/ a lec- ture ; 2nd edit. Dublin, 8vo, 1861. 2. i France and European Neutrality, 7 a lecture, Dublin, 1870. 3. < The Part taken by the Irish Boy in the Fight at Dame Europa's School ; ' 3rd edit. Dublin, 1871. 4. < A Pleafor aPeasant ' Proprietary in Ireland/ Dublin, 187L 5, 'Materialism/ a lecture, Dublin, 1876. 6. * The Priest in Politics, by the late P. J. . Smyth/ 4to edit. Dublin, 1886. [Mitchel's Jail Journal; Pigott's Remini- seenees of an Irish National Journalist DnSy's , Four Years of Irish History ; Freeman's Jour- nal, 13 Jan. 1885; Evening Hail (Dublin), 14 Jan. 1885; information from Hr. John (yLeary, Dublin.] D. J. 0*D, SMYTH, RICHARD, DJX (1826-1878), Irish divine and politician, son of Hugh Smyth of Bushmills, co. Antrim, by Sarah l Anne, daughter of J. Wray, was born at Der- vock, co. Antrim, on 4 Oct. 1826. He was educated at the university of Bonn and at the university of Glasgow, where he gra- duated M,A. in 1850, and received the hono- rary D.D. and LL.D. degrees in 1867. For eight years he was assistant-collegiate mini- ster of the first presbyterian church of Lon- donderry, and in 1865 was appointed pro- fessor of oriental languages and biblical literature in Magee College, Londonderry. In 1870 he became DiUprofessor of theology in the same college. He was a supporter of Mr. Gladstone's policy of disestablishment in Ireland, and in 1869 was raised to the moderatorship of the general assembly of the ' presbyterian church. In 1870 he was re- elected moderator, and took an active part in f settling the financial affairs of the church in connection with the withdrawal of the reyium donum. He was one of the trustees incor- porated by royal charter under the Presby- ! terian Church Act for administering the com- mutation fund. He supported the Irish University Bill of 1873, and, as a liberal, was ' elected member of parliament for co. Lon- donderry on 16 Feb. 3874 to support the ' general policy of Mr. Gladstone's administra- tion, especially with respect to land tenure and grand jury reform. He sat until his death, which took place at Antrim road, Belfast, on 4 Dec. 1878. He was buried at Dervock on 6 Dec. Besides numerous pamphlets, he was the author of: 1. i Philanthropy, Proselytism, and Crime : a Review of the Irish Refor- matory System/ London, 1861, 8vo. 2. < The , Bartholomew Expulsion in 1662/ London- derry, 1862, 18mo, [Men of the Time, 1875, p. 912 ; Debrett's House of Commons, 1875, p. 220 ; Illustrated London Ne-ws, 1874, Ixv. 52; Belfast News- Letter, 5 Dec. 1878 pp. 1, 5, 7 Dec. p. 8.] ft. C. B. SMYTH, EGBERT BROUGH ^1830- 1889), mining surveyor, son of Edward Smyth, a mining engineer, was bom at Car- ville, near Newcastle, Northumberland, in 1830. He was educated at Whickham in the county of Durham. Soon turning' his at- tention to natural science, especially to chemistry and geology, he began work about 1846 as an assistant at the Derwent Iron- works. There he remained over five years. In 1852 he emigrated to Victoria, Australia. Affcer some experience on the goldfields, he entered the survey department as draughts- man under Captain (afterwards Sir Andrew) Clarke, RJS. Subsequently he acted for a brief period as chief draughtsman, and in 1854 was appointed to take charge of the meteorological observations. In 1858 he was appointed secretary to the board ot science, which included the charge of the mining surveys of the colony. In 1860 he was appointed secretary for mines, with a salary of 75Q, and acted for some time as chief inspector of mines and reorganised the geological survey, of which he became direc- tor. At the beginning of 1876, owing to the result of an inquiry into his treatment of his subordinates, he resigned all kis offices. He subsequently went to Jndlfi, where haa helped to promote the disastrous * boom ' im Indian gola-mines. He died on 10 Get . 1 889. He of the Smyth 190 Smyth logical Society in 1856 and of the Linnean in November 1874; he was also a member of the Soci&S GSologique de France, of the Society of Arts and Sciences at Utrecht, and an honorary corresponding member of the Boston Society of Natural History. Besides many official reports and various lists and statistics for different international exhibitions, Smyth was author of: 1. 'The Prospectors' Handbook,' 8vo, Melbourne, 18637 2. 'The Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria,' 4to, Melbourne, 1869. 3 ; Hints for the Guidance of Surveyors,' Svo, Melbourne, 1871. 4, 'The Aborigines of Victoria,' 2 vols. 4to, Melbourne, 1878. He also contributed papers on mmeralogieal and geological subjects to scientific journals between 1855 and 1872. [MennelTs Diet Australian Biogr. ; Colonial Office Lists, 1858-76 ; Lists of the Linnean and Geological Societies; Reports of the Mines De- -partment of Victoria; Brit. Mus, Cat.; Eoyal Soc. Cat. of Scientific Papers.] B. B. W. SMYTH, SIB WARINGTON WILKIN- SON (1817-1890), geologist and mineralo- gist, was born at Naples on 26 Aug. 1817, being the eldest son of Captain (afterwards Admiral) "William Henry Smyth [q..v.] and Annarella Warington, whose father, Thomas Warington,was then British consul at Naples. He was educated at Westminster andBedford schools and at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating B.A. in 1839 and MA. in 1844. As an undergraduate he was noted for his love of athletic exercises, and rowed a winning race with Oxford on the Thames in 1839. About the same time he was appointed to one of the travelling bachelorships on the Worts foundation, and was away from Eng- land for more than four years. Before leav- ing Cambridge he had become interested in mineralogy, and during his stay in Germany, and Austria he attended geological lectures, formed friendships with the geologists of those countries, andexamined coal-fields, salt- works, silver-mines, and bone-caves. Then "he visited Sicily and explored Etna, wintered on the Nile, travelled thrbugh Palestine and northern Syria as far as the upper valley of the Tigris, and returned to England, bring- ing with mm as results of his wanderings a good knowledge of foreign languages and much practical experience in mining. At the end of 1844 he was appointed mining geologist to the geological survey, and in this capacity was engaged on field work in the British Isles. But in 1851, when the school of mines was organised, he was nominated to the lectureship in mining and mineralogy. In 1881 these duties were but he controe<$ teaching the former subject until his death. He was ap- pointed mineral surveyor to the duchy of Cornwall in 1852, and inspector of crown minerals in 1857. He also served on various committees and commissions, and was chair- man of the royal commission on accidents in mines (appointed in 1879), in which capa- city he drew up the larger part of an elabo- rate report, embodying the result of inquiries which had lasted over seven years. He was knighted in 1887, and also received the foreign orders of SS. Maurice and Lazare, of Jesus Christ, and of S. Jago da Espada. He was elected F.G.S. in 1845, was one of the honorary secretaries from 1856 to 1866, pre- sident from 1866 to 1868, and foreign secre- tary from 1873 till his death. He was also president of the Eoyal Geological Society of Cornwall from 1871 to 1879, and again from 1883 onwards. He was elected KRS. in 1858, and was an honorary member of various foreign societies. He resided for most of the year in London, but spent his summers, during the later part of his life, in a house belonging to him at Marazion, Cornwall. Por the greater part of his life he enjoyed excellent health, but during the last two or three years symptoms of a weakness of the heart appeared, which obliged him to spare himself a little. The end was sudden. He died while sitting in his study, at 5 Inverness Terrace, at work upon his students' examination papers, on the morning 1 of 19 June 1890, and was buried at St. Erth, Cornwall. In 1864 he married Antonia Story-Maskelyne of Basset Down, Wiltshire, a descendant of the astronomer Nevil Maskelyne, [q.v.], who, with two sons, survived him. Smyth was a man of untiring industry, a careful observer, and a cautious reasoner, ever willing to impart the fruits of his expe- rience to students and to fellow-workers. He ' possessed a knowledge of the mineralogy and geology of Cornwall which was perhaps more profound than that of any of his contempo- raries/ and few men were better acquainted with practical mineralogy. He was able to impart his knowledge to others in a plea- sant and interesting manner (* Report of the Council of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall ' in Trans, xi. 253). His incessant and laborious duties made authorship difficult, but he contributed (on mineralogieal subjects) to the i Memoirs of the Geological Survey,* and wrote about a dozen separate papers, chiefly in the 'Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 1 and the i Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall/ besides presidential addresses. He also pub- lished in 1854 a pleasantly written volumd Smyth 191 Smyth .entitled * A Year with, the Turks,* describing those parts of his travels which fell within the limits of Turkey in Europe and in Asia. Despite the disturbed state of the country at the date of his travels, his experience of the Turk in the rural districts, on the whole, was favourable, and he wrote in the hope of dispelling prevalent misconceptions. In 1866 he published a small * Treatise on Coal and Coal-mining,' which reached a seventh edi- tion in 1890. A portrait in oils, painted in 1875, is in the possession of Lady Smyth. [Obituary Notices in Quart. Journ. (reel. Soc, vol. xlvii. Proc. voL li. ; Greol. Mag. 1890, p. 383 ; information from Lady Smyth,] T. G-. B. SMYTH, WILLIAM (1765-1849), pro- fessor of modern history at Cambridge, was the son of Thomas Smyth, banker, of Liver- -pool, where he was born in 1765. After attending a day school in the town, he went to Eton, where he remained three years. On leaving Eton he read with a tutor at Bury, Lancashire, and in January 1783 he entered Peterhouse, Cambridge. He gra- duated eighth wrangler in 1787, and in the same year was elected to the fellowship vacated by Sir John Wilson (1741-1793) Fq . v.], judge of common pleas. He proceeded M.A. in 1790. He returned to Liverpool, but in 1793, consequent upon the declaration of war with France, his Other's bank failed, and it became necessary for William to earn his living. Through the Mndness of Edward Morris, a college friend, Smyth was chosen in 1793 by Jliehard Brinsley Sheridan fa. v.] as tutor to his elder son Thomas. He lived with his -pupil at Wanstead, at Bognor, and at Cam- bridge, and saw much of Sheridan himself. In the memoir that he subsequently wrote of liis puj> iFs father he describes his intercourse with him as * one eternal insult,mortification, nd disappointment,' and writes with mingled humour, pity, and anger of Sheridan's eccen- "felicities and disregard of the duties of life. Smyth's salary was usually in arrears, and his letters of protest were unanswered* But Sheridan's fascinating manner wlienever a personal interview took place rendered effec- tive protest impossible. When Smyth ac- companied his pupil to Cambridge in 1803, he Teceived bills on Brury Lane theatre in Heu of cash for his expenses. In 1806 his pupil went into the army, and Smyth, on being re- leased from his post of the young man's go- vernor, became tutor of Peterhouse. In 1807, on therecommendation of hispoliticalfriends, lie was appointed regius professor of modern liistory. That office he filed until his death. In 1825 he inherited real property, and, in accordance with the college statutes then in force, his fellowship was declared vacant, much to Ms dissatisfaction. He continued, however, to occupy his rooms in college, until in 1847 he retired to Norwich, where he died, unmarried, on 24 June 1 849. He was buried in the cathedral/where there is a stained- glass window to his memory over his grave. The two stained Munich windows in Peter- house Chanel, representing the Nativity and the Ascension, were subscribed for as a me- morial to him. There is a portrait of him in the hall of Peterhouse, given by his brother, the Rev. Thomas Smyth (177&-1854), fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, from 1800 to 1813, and vicar of St. AustelL This portrait is lithographed in the fifth edition of his * Eng- lish Lyrics/ edited by his brother in 1850. The posthumous bust in the Fitzwilliam mu- seum, by E. H. Baily, is copied from the picture. ' Smyth was very popular and fond of society (see his humorous lecture on* Woman,' delivered in 1840 at Mrs. Frere's house at Downing, and privately printed at Leeds in the same year). He possessed great con- versational power, was passionately fond of music, and frequently gave concerts in his college rooms with the aid of eminent per- formers. These entertainments were much sought after by members of the university. He wrote much verse, and his 'English Lyrics/ published in 1797, which were warmly praised by the * Edinburgh Review,' ran through five editions. Moore's opinion of them was less favourable. He accused Smyth of appropriating his metres and parodying his songs (MooBE, Memoirs, ed. Russell, iv. 286-8, vi. 332). Smyth contributed some of thewordstodarke WhitfieiaV Twelve Vocal Songs,* and wrote the ode for the installation of Prince William Frederiek as chancellor of the university. He devoted his declining years to a work OB the * Evidences of Chris- tianity,,' He is * the Professor' in * Remini- scences of Thought and Feeling' by Mary Ami Kelty [q. v. ] Smyth's 'Lectures on Modern History/ 1840, 2 vok,, dedicated to Lord Henry Petty, " marquis of Lansdowne, were revised by Pro- fessor Adam Sedgwick (see CLAEK, Jjfe of 3 Sedgmck, ii. 22f), and long enjoyed a higik re- ' putationas judicious and perspicuous essays. They supply an admirable summary of the historical literature of the period under sur- vey, Smyth aimed at impartiality, but he did not possess sufficient insight or sympathy fco achieveifc. Of like character and of equalpopti- larity were Smyth's * Lectures on the Frenck Revolution/ 1840 ( voIs-X which, broke new Smyth 192 Smyth ground and sifted some of the earlier autho- rities, but were very diffuse, and were far inferior to Croker's essays on the same sub- ject in the ' Quarterly. 7 Both sets of lec- tures were reissued, with the author's latest corrections, in Bonn's Standard Library (1855). Smyth's other works include ' A List of Books Recommended,' 1817; Snded. 1828; and ' Memoir of Sheridan/ 1840 (privately printed, and now rare). [Autobiography and Memoir by his brother in Lyrical Poems, 5th ed. 1850; Q-ent. Mag. vol. xxxii. pt. ii. p. 540 ; Byron's English Bards and Scotch Reviewers; Athenaeum, 30 June, 1849; Registers of Peterhouse ; Kelty's Visiting my Relations, pp. 332 sq, ; private informa- tion.] E. C. M. SMYTH, WILLIAM HENRY (1788- 1865), admiral and scientific writer, born in Westminster on 21 Jan. 1788, was the only son of Joseph Brewer Palmer Smyth, who claimed descent from Captain John Smith (1580P-1681) [q. v.] of Virginia, and owned large estates in New Jersey, which, as a royalist, he lost on the recognition of the independence of the North American colonies. At an early age he went to sea in the mer- chant service, and in 1804 was in the East India Company's ship Cornwallis, which was taken up by the government for the expedi- tion against the Mahe* Islands. In the fol- lowing March the Cornwallis was bought into the navy and established as a 50-gun ship under the command of Captain Charles James Johnston, with whom Smyth remained, seeingmuch active service in Indian, Chinese, and Australian waters. In February 1808 he folio wed Johnston to the Powerful, which, on returning to England, was part of the force in the expedition to the Scheldt, and was paid off in October 1809. Smyth after- wards served in the Milford of 74 guns on the coast of France and Spain, and was lent from her to command the Spanish gunboat Mors aut Gloria for several months at the defence of Cadiz (September 1810 to April 1811). In July 1811 he joined the Rodney off Toulon, and through 1812 served on the coast of Spain. On 25 March 1813 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and ap- pointed for duty with the Sicilian flotilla, m which he combined the service against the French in Naples with a good deal of un- official surveying and antiquarian research. On 18 Sept. 1815 he was made commander, and without any appointment to a ship was continued on, the coast of Sicily, surveying that coast, the adjacent coasts of Italy, and the opposite shores of Africa. In 1817 his work wfls put on a more formal footing by lift appointment to the -Add, in which, and afterwards (from 1821) in the Adventure he carried on the survey of the Italian* Sicilian, Greek, and African coasts, and con- structed a very large number of charts , which are the basis of those still in use, Some- of his results appeared in his elaborate * Me- moir . , . of the Resources, Inhabitants, and Hydrography of Sicily and its Islands" (London, 1824, 4to), which was followed in 1828 by a ' Sketch of Sardinia. 7 Meanwhile, on 7 Feb. 1824, Smyth was promoted to post rank, and in the following November he paid off the Adventure. It was the end of his service at sea, his tastes leading him to a life of literary and scientific industry. In 1821 he became a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and of the Royal Astrono- mical Society. On 15 June 1826 he was elected F.R.S., and in 1830 was one of the founders of the Royal Geographical Society, He built and equipped an astrono- mical observatory at Bedford, where for many years he carried on systematic obser- vations of stars. In 1845-6 he was president of the R.A.S.; in 1849-50, of the R.G.S. ; he was vice-president and foreign secretary of the Royal Society ; vice-president and director of the Society of Antiquaries ; and was- honorary or corresponding member of at least three-fourths of the literary and scientific societies of Europe. He contri- buted numerous papers to the ' Philosophi- cal Transactions/ the ' Proceedings ' of the- R.A.S. and R.G.S., and from 1829 to 1849- to the ' United Service Journal/ and was- the author of many volumes, the best known, of which are ' The Cycle of Celestial Objects for the use of Naval, Military, and Private Astronomers * (2 vols. 8vo, 1844), for which he was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society ; 'The Mediterranean: a Memoir Physical, Historical, and Nautical r (8vp, 1854) ; and < The Sailor's Word-Book/ revised and edited by Sir Edward Belcher (8vo, 1867). He also translated and edited Arago's treatises on 'Popular Astronomy*" and on * Comets/ The complete story of his- literary activity is contained in ' Synopsis of the published and privately printed Works of Admiral W. H. Smyth' (4to, 1864), which enumerates his fugitive papers as well as his- larger works. In 1846 Smyth accepted the naval retire- ment, and in due course was advanced, on the retired list, to be rear-admiral on 28 May 1853, vice-admiral on 13 Feb. 1858, and admiral on 14 Nov. 1863. After living for many years near Bedford, he moved about 1850 to St. John's Lodge, near Aylesbury, where he died on 9 Sept. 1865. He married at Jktessina,, in October 1815, Annarella, Smythe Smythe OB! j daughter of T. Warington of Naples, and bv her bad a large family. One of his sons, Sir "^arington Wilkinson Smyth, is separately noticed ; another, Charles Piazzi Smyth, was for many years astronomer-royal for Scotland ; a third is General Sir Henry Augustus Smyth, KC.M.G. One of his daughters, Georgiana Rosetta, is the wife of Sir William "Henry Flower, K.C.B., F.R.S., director of the British (Natural History) Museum. [Gent. Mag. 1865, ii. 784; OTByrne's Hav, Biogp. Diet. ; Annual Beport of the Royal Asfcro- namieal Society, 1866 ; Proceedings of the Eoyal Geographical Society, 1866 ; Fraser's Hag. 1866, 3. 392; United Service Mag. 1845, iii. 272; BoeMngham Archaeological Society's Records, 1867, vol. iii.] J. K. L. SMYTHE. [See also SMITH and Surra.] SMYTHE, DAVID, LOBI> METHTEH (1746-1806), Scottish judge, son of David Smythe of Methven, and Mary, daughter of James Graham of Braco ? was born on 17 Jan. 1746. Haying studied for the law, he was admitted advocate on 4 Au^. 1769. Smythe was raised to the bench, in succession to Francis Garden of Gardenstone, on 15 Nov. 1795, taking the title of Lord Methven. He was splinted a commissioner of justiciary on the death of Lord Abercromby, 11 March 1796, Imt resigned that office in 1804. He died at Edinburgh on 30 Jan. 1806. Lord Methven was credited with the highest in- tegrity as a judge and an excellent under- standing. He married, first, on 8 April 1772, Eliza- beth, only daughter of Sir Robert Murray, bart., of Hillhead ; she died on 30 June, 1785, leaving three sons and four daughters. By his second wife, Euphemia, daughter of Mungo Murray of Lintrose, who was reckoned one of the beauties of her time aad was the subject of one of Burns's songs, he had two sons and two daughters. Smythe was suc- ceeded in the estate by Robert Smythe, only fforvivmg son of his first marriage ; but as Roh^t died in 1847 without issue, the suc- cession fell to the elder son of the second marriage, William Smythe (1805-1895) of Methvea Castle. [Brunton and Haigfs Senators of the College of Justice, p, 541; Scots Mag. for 1806, p. 159.] A. H. M. SMYTHE, GEORGE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK PERCY SYDNEY, seventh YISOOTOT STBAJBTGFOBB and second BABOST POTBHTTBST (1818-1857), eldest son of Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, sixth viscount fa. v.], was torn on IS April 1818 at Stockholm, where his father then resided as minister- plenipotentiary to the court of Sweden. George's early education beganat home under the personal guidance of Ms father, by whose harsh reproofs and excessive indulgence his character was injured. At twelve he went to Eton, his name being entered in the book of Dr. John Keate, the headmaster, on 8 July 1830. Twice during his five years' stay he was threatened with expulsion. Upon quit- ting Eton in July 1885, when seventeen, he went to read for several months under the Rev. Julius Hare at Hurstmonceaux Rectory, by way of preparation for Cambridge. He was admitted on 29 Jan. 1886 to St. John's College as a fellow-commoner ; his kinsman, and godfather, the Duke of l^orthumber- land, helping to defray Ms expenses at the university. He took an effective part in the debates of the Cambridge Union, and formed many close friendships. Conspicuous among his intimate associates were Lord John Man- ners (afterwards Duke of Rutland), Beres- f ord-Hope, Baillie Cochrane (afterwards Lord Lamington), Frank Courtenay, and Lord Lyttelton. In 1840 Smythe, according to the custom then prevailing in regard to fellow-commoners, graduated M.A. jwre natalwm. Before going to the university he had written both verse and prose in the annuals and in the * New Monthly Magazine/ and his contributions to periodi- cal literature while he was at Cambridge were numerous and promising. At a by-election on 1 Feb. 1841 ha was returned in the tory interest as member for Canterbury. His ancestors, the Sidneys of Penshurst, had long exercised great influence ia that constituency. He was on 2 July 1841 returned at the geaerai election with an increased majority. Although he broke down on. pfrfrlprag Ms maiden speech, his many brilliant gifts, his handsome presence, bis gradbos manaer, soon secured him a repu- tation among all parties in the House of Coinmens. He became & finished debater, and before the end of his first session Mr. Gladstone is said to have described Mm as one of the best two young speakers in the House of Com- mons (cf. Croker Paper*, iii. 8, 9 j TBE- rmx^ t Z&eo/M&eati^ 9 n.l3&y. Smythe's readiness of retort involved him in at least three serious quatrels with fellow-members of parliament, one with Johm Arthur Roe- buck [q. v.] ua April 1844. Smythe soon associated himself with the active and ambitious section of the conser- vatives, which was known as the YowBg- England party and acknowledged Mr. Dsb- raeS's le&diecslxip. The Young Eaglaad prty Smythe 194 Smythe _soughtto extinguish the predominance of the middle-class bourgeoisie, and to re-create the political prestige of the aristocracy by reso- lutely proving its capacity to ameliorate the social, intellectual, and material condition of the peasantry and the labouring classes. Outside as well as inside parliament Smythe energetically advocated such principles. He and Lord John Manners expounded them with a brilliance -which extorted a compli- ment from Cobden. At a soir&e held at the Manchester Athenaeum on 3 Oct. 1844, under Disraeli's presidency, Smythe, in an address on 'The Importance of Literature/ asserted that c his political watch was always fire minutes too fast.' A few days later he and his friends attended a festival at Bingley, Yorkshire, to celebrate the allotment of land for gardens to working men. On 11 July 1843 Smythe had denounced in parliament * the perpetual toryness ' of England's treat- ment of Ireland, and on 16 April 1845 he strongly advocated the grant to Maynooth College (Hansard, 3rd ser. I*TJT T 833-40). Disraeli paid Smythe the compliment of drawing from "him his portrait of the hero of'Coningsby'(1844). In January 1845 Smythe was appointed tinder-secretary of state for foreign affairs in Sir Robert Peel's second government. His friends spoke of him regretfully as ' Pegasus in harness/ and he described himself as * fet- tered by party and muzzled by office/ In 1842 Smythe had spoken against free trade ; but when Peel in 1846 accepted that prin- ciple, Smythe, who was by nature readily open to conviction, followed his chief. Dis- raeli and others of Smvthe's former allies adhered to their original position, and Smythe's severance from them was complete. During the great debate on the corn laws in June 1846 Smythe advocated their abolition. The premier highly praised Smythe's effort, but after the discussion was over, and when. Sir William Gregory remarked to Smythe, 'Peel gave you plenty of butter/ Smythe characteristically replied * Yes, rancid as usual' (GKBGOBY, Autobiography, p. 89). On the same night Disraeli delivered his scathing denunciation of Peel's administration as an organised hypocrisy/ and before the close of the month (29 June) Sir Robert resigned. At the general election in the folio wing year Smythe was again returned, on 3 Aug. 1847, for Canterbury. During that parliament, which lasted until July 1852, Smythe, ac- cording to Disraeli, committed a sort of political suicide by abstaining from all part tn the debates. In May 1852 he fought at Weybridge wiiih Colonel Frederick Romilly (1810-1887^ youngest son of Sir Samuel Romilly [q. v.J the last duel in England, RomOly was his colleague in the representa- tion of Canterbury, and Smythe accused him of unfairly influencing the electors against him. At the subsequent general election in July Smythe received only seven votes, and he did not sit in the house again. The elec- tion was afterwards declared void through bribery and the writ suspended until August 1854. From 1847 to 1852 Smythe devoted himself to journalism, and wrote industriously and with brilliant effect in the leading columns of the 'Morning Chronicle.' An attack on Richard Monckton Milnes (afterwards Lord Houghton) led to a challenge, but the affair was compromised (REID, Life of Lord Houffhton, i. 416 sq.) ' He would rather be' (he had said in 1844) ' one of the journa- lists who led than of the statesmen who fol- lowed hi the path of reforms.' He had already made a literary reputation by his ' Historic Fancies/ which was published in 1844. It is a miscellaneous collection of poems and essays, the titles of which indicate the range of its author's studies : ' The Mer- chants of Old England/ ' The Aristocracy of France/ ' The Jacobin of Paris/ 'The Loyalist of La Vendee/ an elegy on ' Armand Carrel/ and a Napoleonic dialogue between ' Fifteen and Twenty-five.' In the following year (1845) two remarkable monographs from his hand, on 'George Canning' and 'Earl Grey' respectively, appeared in the * Oxford and Cambridge Review.' On his father's death, on 29 May 1855, Smythe succeeded to the title as seventh Vis- count Strangford, but took no part in the debates of the House of Lords. Consump- tion had manifested itself and proved incu- rable. Early in 1857 he went to Egypt in a vain search of health, and returned to Lon- don in the autumn. On 9 Nov. he was married by special license, at Bradgate Park, near Leicester, the seat of the Earl of Stam- ford and Warrington, to Margaret, eldest daughter of John Lennox Xincaid Lennox, esq., of Lennox Castle, N.B. But he was then dying, and the end came a fortnight later at Bradgate Park (23 Nov. ^1857) (MALMESBTTBT, Memoirs of an ex-Minister, 2nd edit. ii. 88). He was succeeded by his brother,PercyEllenFrederickWiUiam[q.v.], as eighth Viscount Strangford. Among his papers was found the manu- script of a novel entitled 'Angela Pisani/ which he had begun writing at Venice in 1846. This was eventually published under the editorship of his brother's widow in 1875. The Earl of Beaconsfield described Strang- ford as ' a man of brilliant gifts, of dazzling Smythe 195 Smythe wit, of infinite culture, and of fascinating manners 7 (Lotkair, pref. 1870; but cf. GBE- GGKi,Autobiogr. pp. ,87-90, 94-5, 123). Lord L jttelton said of him with much truth * he was a splendid failure.' [Lady Strangford's Brief Memoir prefixed to Angela Pisani, 1875 ; Disraeli's Coningsby, 1844, and Life of Lord George Bentinck, 1851, both passim; Ann. Beg. for 1857, p. 347 j Times, 26 Nov. 1857 ; Monody on George, LordStrang- ford, in the present writer's Dreamland, 1862, pp. 238-41 ; A Young England Hovel by T. H. Escott; Eraser's Mag. 1847 ; Edward de Fon- blanqne's lives of the Yisconnta Strangford through Ten Generations, 1877.] C. K. SMYTHE, JAMES MOOEE (1702- 1734), author of the * Rival Modes,* third son of Arthur Moore [a. T.], tlie politician, by his wife Theophila (daughter of William Smythe of the Inner Temple, l>y Elizabeth, -daughter of George Berkeley, first earl of Berkeley), was born at his other's seat of ffetcham in, Surrey in 1702. He matricu- lated from Worcester College, Oxford, on 10 Oct. 1717, graduating B.A. from AH Souls' in 1722. * Jemmy t as he was called, Alienated hv* father by his foppishness and extravagance, but he was a favourite with his grandfather, William Smythe, who in 1718 obtained for him the reversion of his post of receiver and paymaster to the band of gentlemen-pensioners (Weekly Journal, 14 June 1718), and left him the bulk of his property on his death in 1720, on condition that he assumed the additional surname of Smythe. It was not, however, until 1728 that the legatee succeeded in getting the act of parliament which was then necessary to authorise the change of style. Mean- while, amid the dissipations of the fashion- able society in which he had become im- mersed, ne ran through his money, and it was in the hope of satisfying his more pressing creditors that he announced his comedy of the * Rival Modes,' concerning which his reputation as a wit raised hign expectations. It was produced at Drury Lane on 27 Jan. 1726-7, with Wilks, Gibber, and Mrs, Oldfield in the leading rdles. Young wrote to Tiekell that it met with a worse reception than it deserved. It was, however, played six times, and the author received 300/. by the benefit, as well as 100& from Lintot for the right of publication (it passed through three editions during 1727). A dull comedy, it is remarkable solely for the disproportionate amount of resentment that it excited in Pope, and the tortuous manoeuvres to which it provoked him. The best thing in the * Rival Modes * (which is in parose) was eight lines of verse introduced, in italics in the printed copies, into the second act. Moore Smythe had seen them in manu- script, and asked permission of their author, Pope, to use them for his comedy. Pope consented, but retracted permission at the last moment. Smythe, disgusted and reck- less, neither suppressed the lines nor dis- 1 claimed them, lite lines were subsequently 1 introduced by Pope into his ' Second Moral I Essay/ while in his ( Bathos y some wither- i ing remarks are made upon * J. M. 1 As, i however, Smythe did not rise to the bait, I Pope had himself to procure an anonymous ! indignant defence of Smythe in the ' Daily i Journal * in order to provide a text for an | elaborate note to the *Dunciad;* the note ; explaining the genuine authorship of the lines was appended to a ludicrous descrip- tion of Smythe as a nameless phantom. In his * Epistle to JDr. Arbuthnot,' among other insults, Pope subsequently accused Smythe's mother of unchastity (ef. Memoirs of Grub Street, L 93, 107). These insults met with no response until 1730, when, as a sort of parody on Young's *Two Epistles to Mr. Pope/ Smythe, as he was now called, issued, in anonymous conjunction with Welsted, a satirical * One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope,' Lon- don, 8vo. Smythe died unmarried, and in re- duced circumstances, at Whitton, near Isle- worth, Middlesex, on 18 Oct. 1734 Shortly before Ms death Pope caused to be inserted in the ' Grub Street Journal ' an advertise- ment respectinghis supposed disappearance, commencing 'Whereas J. M. ., a tall, modest young man, with yellowish teeth, a sallow complexion, and a ffattish. eye, shaped somewhat like an Italian. * . .' poster's Alnmni Oxoa. 1715-1886, s. v. *Mbore;* Gent, Mag. 17S4,p.572; Manning and Bza/s Surrey, L 483; OnrlTsKey of theBcreciad, 1728; Pope's Works, ed. Swin and Ccmrthope, passim ; Geoesfs Hist, of Stage, iii. 186 ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. x. 102, 238, ad. 98, 2nd sear. viii. 195, 23 ; thd Brobdignagian, 1726, p. 19 ; Brit Mns. Cat.] T. S. SMYTHE, PERCY CLINTON SYD- NEY, sixth VISCOUNT SmureFosp and first BABOH PEHBHITBST (1780-1855), diplomatist, born in London cm SI Ang. 178}, was eldest son of Lionel, fif&i viscount (1753-1801), who entered the army and served in Ame- rica, but in 1785 took holy orders, and in co. Heath. His mother, Maria Eliza, was eldest daughter of Frederick Philips of Philipseburg, New York. The family descended from Sir John Smith or Smyihe of Ostenhanger (now Westen- hanger), Kent, the elder brother of Sir Tho- mas Smith or Smythe (d. 16&5) [q.T,] Sir Smythe 196 Smythe Thomas Smythe, son of Sir John, was made to Sweden. Before ^ leaving Stockholm, a kniffht of the Bath in 1616, < being a two years later, he induced the Swedish person of distinguished merit and opulent government to agree to the English pro- fortune- 7 and on 17 July 1628 was created posals for an arrangement with Denmark, an Irish peer hy the title of Yiscount Strang- and discussed with them a new tariff highly ford of Stanford, co. Down, He died on advantageous to England. On 7 Aug. 1820 30 June 1635, having married Lady Barbara, Strangford was appointed ambassador at seventh daughter of Robert Sidney, first earl Constantinople. Here he joined the Austrian of Leicester TQ v 1 minister in urging on the Porte the necessity Percv the sixth viscount, graduated in of pursuing more conciliatory conduct to- 1800 at' Trinity College, Dublin, where he wards Eussia, and of making- concessions won the sold medal. In 1802 he entered the to its Christian subjects, then in open revolt diplomatic service as secretary of the lega- both in Greece and the Danubian provmces, tion at Lisbon. In the following year he In the autumn of 1822 he went to Verona, published < Poems from the Portuguese of and laid before the European congress the K - -..'* assurances he had obtained from the sultan. translator of teaching 'the Lusian bard to copy Moore/ and described him as Hibernian StrangfordjWith thine eyes of blue, And boasted locks of red or auburn hue. sole care of Russian affairs in Turkey. He obtained from the Porte the evacuation of the Danubian principalities, the conclusion of a treaty allowing Sardinian ships to enter the Bosphorus, and the removal of the re- cently made restrictions on Eussian trade in the Black Sea. In return the tsar promised the resumption of diplomatic relations with Turkey. On IS Sept. 1824 Wellington wrote to Strangford congratulating him 1 upon a result obtained by your rare abili- ties, firmness, and perseverance ' ( Wellington Corresp. ii. 308, 309). Greville charged him with having exceeded his instructions while at Constantinople ; but these, Strang- ford complained afterwards, were scanty (Journal of Meign of George IV, p. 140 ; cf. Wellington Corresp. iv. 167). In October he The * Poems' were frequently reissued, the last edition in 1828, in which year a French version also appeared (MooEE, Life of Byron, p, 39). Strangford soon became a persona grata at the Portuguese court. In 1806 he was named minister-plenipotentiary ad interim. He persuaded the prince regent of Portugal, on the advance of the French in November 1807, to leave Portugal for Brazil. Strang- ford arrived in England on 19 Dec., and drew up, by Canninr s desire, a connected ac- count of the proceeding drawn from his own . . . . despatches. It was published in the ' London left Turkey. A year later Strangford went Gazette ' of 22 Dec. In 1828 Napier, in the as ambassador to St. Petersburg at the spe- first volume of his Peninsular War/ main- cial request of the tsar. He had been found tained that the credit of the diplomatic rather too watchful an observer of Eussian negotiations really belonged to Sir Wil- designs at Constantinople, and was trans- Ham Sidney Smith [q. v.], and made various ferred to St. Petersburg. , He remained at charges against Strangford. The latter issued St. Petersburg only a few months, during ( Observations ' in reply, which Sir Walter which he pressed the tsar to ^fulfil his pro- Scott and even the whig circles at Holland raise of resuming relations with the Porte, House thought satisfactory (Scorr, Journal, After his return from Eussia, in 1825, Strang- 31 May 1828; MOOEE, Diary, 21 May), f ord was created^ peer of the United Kmg- &pier rejoined, and Strangford issued 'Fur- dom with the title of Baron Penshurst of ther Observations.' Strangford failed to ob- Penshurst in Kent. In a speech in the House tain legal redress for some strong reflections of Lords on 7 June 1827 he stated that maele oa T^m in, the same connection by the he had served under nine foreign secretaries 'Sum* newspaper. Brougham appeared for (Parl. Debates, new ser. xvii. 1139). His the defendants at the trial (^APIEE, Penw- diplomatic career closed with a special mis- mlar War, 18&1, yL 222-3). sion to Brazil in August 1828. For the re- Strangfordreeeivecl the order of the Bath, mainder of his life he was an active tory aaid was sworn, of the privy council in peer, often taking part in debates on ques- March 1808. On 16 April he was appointed tions of foreign policy. On 29 Jan. 1828 he mvoy-extaordraary;bo the Portuguese court seconded the address (tf>. xviii. 8-11). On . in BraziL He was made G.O.B, on 2 Jan. 11 Aug. 1831 he complained that the arrange- 5, oai liis return from the mission. ments for the coronation of William IV had IS July 1817 1)0 became ambassador not been submitted to the privy council, but S my the 197 Smythe >nly to a selection from it, 'similar to ;hat which our transatlantic "brethren call a caucus * (&. 3rd ser. v. 1170). He signed, as Penshurst, Lord Mansfield's protest against the Beform Bill (ib. xiii. 376), and corre- sponded with Wellington on that bill and on foreign affairs. On 28 Feb. 1828 he sent Wellington a memorial recommending an English guarantee of the Asiatic dominions of Turkey as the most likely measure to bring her to an accommodation ( Wellington Corresp. iv. 286-7). Straiigford's taste for literature remained with him to the end. His intimate friends included Croker and Moore, and he was a frequent guest at Rogers's table. In his later years he was a constant visitor to the British Museum and state paper office, and frequently contributed to the * Gentleman's Magazine * and to * Notes and Queries.' He was elected F.S.A. in February 1825, and was a director of the society and one of its dee-presidents from 1852 to 1854. In 1834 he published in Portuguese, French, and Eng^isH the * Letter of a Portuguese Noble- man on the Execution of Anne Boleyn,* and in 1847 edited for the Camden Society (Cam- den Miscellany, vol. ii.) * Household Expenses of the Princess Elizabeth during her Kesi- dence at Hatfield, October 1551-September 1552.* He also collected materials for a life of Endymion Porter. He was created D.CX. at Oxford on 10 June 1834, at the installation of Wellington as chancellor. He was also a grandee of Portugal and a knight of the Hanoverian order (u.GJL) Strangford died at his house in Harley Street, London, on 29 May 1855. He was buried at Ashford. An anonymous portrait belonged in 1867 to his second son (Cat Third Loan JM&. No. 214). He married, on 17 June 1817, Ellen, youngest daughter of Sir Thomas Burke, bart., of Marble Hill, Galway, and widow of Nicholas Browne, esq. She died on 26 May 1826. Two of his sons, George and Percy, succeeded in turn to his tides, and both are separately noticed. [Burke's Extiod; Peerage, 1883; Foster's Peerage and Alumni Chcon. ; Lodge's Genea- logy of the Peerage ; Lodge's Peerage of Ire- land, IT. 274-80, contains serious genealogical errors. Also Pearman's Hist, of Ashford, pp* 45-7, 79-82; Gent. Mag. 1855, ii. 90, 114; Ann. Beg. (App. to Chroru) pp. 277-8 ; Moore's Memoirs, i 125, iii. 1 38, 356, iv. 313, v. 188, 279, viii. 225; Stapbton's Political Life of Canning, chapters iv. and xii, ; GastXereagn Gorres|>. 3oi. 127, 144, 153 ; Wellington Corresp. vols. ii. iii iv. passim ; Parl. Debates, 2nd and 3rd sec, passim; Brit. Hns. Cat. ; QTbnoghne's Poets o Ireland ; Croker Papers, iii. 128, 296- 297, 343-4,361, 399-400; S. Walpole's Hist, of England from 1815, iii. 89-92, iv. 40-1.] Or. LE a. N. SMYTHE, PERCY ELLEN FKEBE* RICK WILLIAM, eighthViscotnrr STEIKG- FOKD of Ireland, and third B^EGtf PESreKTrasr of the United Kingdom (1826-1869), philo- | legist and ethnologist, born at St. Peters- i burg on 26 \ov. 1826, was third and youngest son of Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, sixth Viscount [q. v.], and younger brother of | George Augustus Frederick Percy Sydney 1 Smythe, sevesth Viscount [q.v.] Duringpart j of his youth h& was almost blind. Srom i the first he devoted himself to the study of | languages. At Harrow he taught himself Persian, and at Oxford he learnt Arabia He matriculated from Mertom College on 17 June 1S4S ? and held a postmastership for two years. In May 1845 he was nomi- nated by the vice-chancellor one of the two student-attaches at Constantinople. He be- came paid attach^ there in 1849, and was ! oriental secretary from July 1857 to October 1858. He gave assiduous attention to his official duties, and Ms health suffered severely from the strain of work entailed by the Crimean war. Meanwhile he acquired a complete knowledge of Turkish and modem Greek, made a thorough study of Sanskrit, and mastered every branch of oriental philo- logy. He spoke Persian and Greek with facility, and was versed in their dialects. To all this he added a considerable acquaint- ance with Celtic, competent classical scholar- ship, and a strong taste for geography and ethnology. On hiB accession to the peerage on his brother's death ia 1857 Strangford took a house in London, but mainly continued for four years in Constantinople, where he lived the hie of a dervish. In 186$ he travelled in Austria and Albania, widening Ms know- ledge and strengthening his interest in the eastern question. He described his OWB position with regard to it as amti-^cXcXXjp, but pro-dfXo^j&tatat, and thought that the ratare of south-eastern Europe belonged to the Bulgarians rather than to the Greeks. He pacoclahiied hiTaiself & liberal, but took no interest in general polities. He considered Lord Stjadord de KedclrSe * al^urdly over- rated.' His letters showed the liveliest sense of humour, as well as exact and varied scho- larship. He was a frequent contributor to the i Pall Mall Gazette^ and the 'S&today Review/ htit published no book during his lifetime. He wrote, however, the last three chapters of Ms wife T s 'Eastern ^topea of the Adriatic. 1 In 1869 two volumes of his * Selected Writings' were edited by Lady Smythe 198 Smythe Strangford. They contain, besides the three chapters above mentioned, many contribu- tions to the < Pall Mall Gazette 7 dealing with the eastern question, and a review, published in the ' Quarterly ' of April 1865, of Arminius VambSry's * Travels in Central Asia/ Among < Some Short Notes on People and Topics of the Day' is an interesting study of Walt Whitman, whose writings Strangford main- tained were l imbued with not only the spirit, but with the veriest mannerism 7 of Persian poetry. In 1878 Viscountess Strangford also published his ' Original Letters and Papers upon Philological and kindred Subjects.' Prefixed to them are letters from VambSry and Prince Lucien Bonaparte. The former testifies that Strangford read, spoke, and wrote Afghan and Hindustani, as well as Arabic, TurkisTi, and Persian. Prince Lucien credited him with an acquaintance with Slav tongues. At the time ofnis death Strangford was president of the Royal Asiatic Society. 'In his own line/ says his friend Sir M. Grant Duff, * the last Lord Strangford was unique/ and left a vacancy in European jour- nalism which was never filled. He died suddenly at 58 Great Cumberland Street, London, on 9 Jan. 1869, and was buried, "beside his elder brother, at Kensal Green. An elegy on him by F. T. PTalgrave] appeared in ' Macmillan's Magazine*" in the following month. He left no issue, and the peerages became extinct. His wife, EMILY Airare, VISCOUNTESS STBAfffcFORD (.1887), was youngest daugh- ter of Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort [q. v.] He married her on 6 Feb. 1862. She was a woman of great physical energy and intel- lectual refinement. Before her marriage she had travelled with her sister in Egypt, Asia Minor, and Syria, and as a descendant of the Beauforts of the crusades, she was given by the patriarch of Jerusalem the order of the Holy Sepulchre (ReiD, Life of Lord Houghton, iL 151). In 1861 she published 'Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, including some, stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Western Turkey, with Illustrations in doomo-Lifchography/ 2 vols. (new edit. 1874). A review by Lord Strangford led to tlieir acquaintance and subsequent marriage iAtfsenamfy 2 April 1887). After her mar- riage Lady Strangford wrote *The Eastern &*ores of the Adriatic in 1863, with a Visit to J^cmtmegro/ 1864, 8vo. On her husband's death in I8(& she went through four years' training in a hospital in England, and de- ,YOted herself largely to nursing, ohe origi- nated the National Societjrfor Providing "framed Nurses dp the Poor, and in 1874 * Hospital Tracing for Ladies.' She took the leading part in organising a fund for the relief of the Bulgarian peasants in 1876 (see Report, 1877), and educated several at her own expense in England. In the fol- lowing year she went to the seat of war hi Turkey, in order to superintend a hospital she had established for Turkish soldiers. On the occupation of Strigil by the Russians,, though troubled by the violent demeanour of some Cossacks, she was treated with great consideration by General Gourko (A. FORBES, War Correspondence, 1877-8, pp. 320-1). In 1882 Lady Strangford established and opened at Cairo for the t. John's Ambulance Association the Victoria Hospital for the sick and wounded in the war with Arabi Pasha. On her return to England the red cross was conferred on her by Queen Victoria. She afterwards co-operated with Mrs. E. L. Blanchard in the establishment of the "Wo- men's Emigration Society in London; founded a medical school at Beyrout, and endowed at Harrow a geographical prize in memory of her husband. She prepared for publication not only her husband's papers, but also a novel, 'Angela Pisani,' left in manuscript by her brother-in-law, the seventh lord Strangford, to which she prefixed a short memoir. In 1878 she wrote a preface for J. Finn's l Records from Jerusalem Consular Churches/ 1878. Lady Strangford was on her way to Port Said, where she was to open. a hospital for British seamen, when she died of cerebral apoplexy on board the Lusitania, on 24 March 1887. [For Viscount Strangford, see Burke's Extinct Peerage; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886; Pall Mall Gazette, 12 Jan. 1869 ; Saturday Ee- view, 16 Jan. 1869 ; Journ. Eoyal Geographical Soc. 1869 (Sir B. Murchlson's address); Sir 1\L Grant Duff's Notes from a Diary, 1897, i. 134, ii. 125-6; Works, edited by his wife. For Lady Strangford: Times, 28 March 1887; Victoria Mag. February 1879 (with photograph); Brit Mus. Cat. ; Allibone's Diet. Engl. Lit. (vol. ii. Suppl.)] G. LE G. K SMYTHE, SIB SIDNEY STAFFORD- (1705-1778), judge ; born in London in 1705, was descended from Sir Thomas Smith or Smythe (1558 P-1625) [q. v.] . Waller's *Sacharissa* was his great-grandmother [see* SPENOBB, DOKOTHEAJ. His father, Henry Smythe of Old Bounds in the parish of Bidborough, Kent, died in 1706, aged 29. His mother, Elizabeth, the daughter of Dr.. John Lloyd, canon of Windsor, subsequently became the wife of William Hunt, and died on 6 Oct. 1754. He was admitted to St. John's College, Cambridge, as a fel- low-commoner on 1 July 1721,, and gra- duated B.A. in 1724. Having entered the* Smythe 199 Smythe iner Temple on 5 June 1724, he was lied to the bar in February 1728, and ined the home circuit. In 1740 he was ap- >inted steward of the court of the Mug s dace at "Westminster, in the place of Sir homas Abney, and in Trinity term 1747 e was made a king's counsel, and was ailed to the bench of the Inner Temple. At he general election in the summer of 1747 te was returned to the House of Commons or the borough of East Grinstead. He sat in iie house for only three sessions, and there LS no record of any speech which he made there. In January 1749 he took part in the prosecution of the smugglers who were tried for murder before a special commission at Chichester (HowELL, State Trials, xviii. 1069-1116). He was appointed a baron of the exchequer in the room of Charles Clarke (d. 1750) [q. v.J, and, having received the order of the coif on 23 June 1750, took his seat on the bench accordingly. On 7 $ov. following be received the honour of knight- hood. With Heneage Legge Fq.v.] he tried Mary Blandy [a. v .1 at the Oxford assizes in March 1752 ($>. xviii. 1117-94). While a poisne baron he was twice appointed a com- missioiier of the great seal. On the first occasion, from 19 Nov. 1756 to 20 June 1757, he was joined in the commission with Sir John W tiles and Sir John Eardley-Wilmot. On the second occasion, from 21 Jan. 1770 to 23 Jan. 1771, he was chief commissioner, Ms colleagues being the Hon. Henry Bathurst (1714-1794) [q. v. j and Sir Richard Aston [q. v.] He succeeded Sir Thomas Parker as lord chief baron on 28 Oct. 1772. As Parker continued to enjoy vigorous health after his resignation, while Smythe was often pre- vented by illness from attending tJie court, Mansfield is said to have cruelly observed, * The new chief baron should resign in favour of his predecessor/ After presiding in the exchequer for five years, Smythe was com- pelled in November 1777 to resign, 'owing to his infirmities, He was granted a pension of 2,4QO, and on 3 Dec. was sworn a member of the privy council. He died at Old Bounds on 2 Nov. 1778, and was buried at Sutton- at-Hone, Kent. Sinythe is said to have refused the post of lord chancellor, and to